grammar SfpLang; options { language = Ruby; output = AST; } @headers { =begin Depends: - Sfplib.rb Features: - reference - object namespace - SET abstract data-type and membership operators (in, not in, add, remove) - numeric comparators (>, >=, <, <=) and mutation operators (+, -, *, /) - new object - procedure's cost - constraint/mutation iterator for Set of values or objects of particular class - Set of all-objects of particular class as procedure's parameter - include file - constraint namespace - total-constraint - ARRAY abstract data-type, index operator TODO: - ARRAY enumerator operator - provenance - state-dependency (supports multiple conditions using 'or' keyword) =end } @members { include Sfp::SfpLangHelper } sfp : { self.init } NL* ( (object_def | abstract_object | state | constraint_def | class_def | procedure) NL* | include )* { self.finalize } ; constraint_def : goal_constraint | global_constraint | sometime_constraint ; include : 'include' include_file NL+ ; include_file : STRING { self.process_file($STRING.text[1,$STRING.text.length-2]) } ; state : ID 'state' NL* { @now[$ID.text] = { '_self' => $ID.text, '_context' => 'state', '_parent' => @now } @now = @now[$ID.text] } '{' NL* attribute* '}' { self.goto_parent(true) } ; class_def : ('class'|'schema') ID { @now[$ID.text] = { '_self' => $ID.text, '_context' => 'class', '_parent' => @now, } @now = @now[$ID.text] } (extends_class { @now['_extends'] = $extends_class.val } )? ('{' NL* ( attribute | procedure NL* )* '}')? { if not @now.has_key?('_extends') @now['_extends'] = '$.Object' @now['_super'] = ['$.Object'] end expand_class(@now) self.goto_parent() } ; extends_class returns [val] : 'extends' path { $val = self.to_ref($path.text) @unexpanded_classes.push(@now) } ; attribute : { @is_final = false @now['_finals'] = [] if !@now.has_key? '_finals' } ('final' { @is_final = true })? attribute_stmt { @now['_finals'] << $ if @is_final and !$ } | { @is_final = false @now['_finals'] = [] if !@now.has_key? '_finals' } ('final' { @is_final = true })? object_def NL+ ; attribute_stmt returns [id] : ID equals_op value NL+ { if @now.has_key?($ID.text) and @now[$ID.text].is_a?(Hash) and @now[$ID.text].isset and $value.type == 'Set' $value.val.each { |v| @now[$ID.text]['_values'].push(v) } else @now[$ID.text] = $value.val end $id = $ID.text } | ID reference_type NL+ { @now[$ID.text] = $reference_type.val $id = $ID.text } | ID set_type NL+ { @now[$ID.text] = $set_type.val $id = $ID.text } | ID probability_op set_value NL+ { @conformant = true @now[$ID.text] = { '_self' => $ID.text, '_context' => 'either', '_parent' => @now, '_values' => $set_value.val } $id = $ID.text } | ID ':' path NL+ { case $path.text when 'String' @now[$ID.text] = { '_context' => 'any_value', '_isa' => '$.String' } when 'Bool' @now[$ID.text] = { '_context' => 'any_value', '_isa' => '$.Boolean' } when 'Int' @now[$ID.text] = { '_context' => 'any_value', '_isa' => '$.Number' } else raise Exception, "Use isa/isref for any non-primitive type (#{$path.text})." end $id = $ID.text } ; object_schema : path('[' NUMBER { @now['_is_array'] = true } ']')? { @now['_isa'] = self.to_ref($path.text) self.expand_object(@now) } ; object_schemata : ',' object_schema ; abstract_object : { @is_final = false @now['_finals'] = [] if !@now.has_key? '_finals' } 'abstract' object_def { @root[$]['_context'] = 'abstract' } ; object_def returns [id] : ID { $id = $ID.text } { @use_template = false @now['_finals'] = [] if !@now.has_key? '_finals' @now['_finals'] << $ID.text if @is_final } ('extends' path { template =$path.text) if template.is_a?(Sfp::Unknown) or template.is_a?(Sfp::Undefined) raise Exception, "Object template #{$path.text} is not found!" end if !template.is_a?(Hash) or (template['_context'] != 'object' and template['_context'] != 'abstract') puts template['_context'] raise Exception, "#{$path.text}:[#{template['_context']}] is not an object or an abstract object!" end object = @now[$ID.text] = Sfp::Helper.deep_clone(template) object.accept( object['_parent'] = @now object['_self'] = $ID.text object['_context'] = 'object' object.accept( @use_template = true } )? { @now[$ID.text] = { '_self' => $ID.text, '_context' => 'object', '_parent' => @now, '_isa' => '$.Object' } if not @use_template @now = @now[$ID.text] @now['_is_array'] = false } ('isa' object_schema (object_schemata)* )? object_body? { if @now['_is_array'] @now.delete('_is_array') obj = self.goto_parent() total = $NUMBER.to_s.to_i @arrays[obj.ref] = total for i in 0..(total-1) id = obj['_self'] + '[' + i.to_s + ']' @now[id] = deep_clone(obj) @now[id]['_self'] = id @now[id]['_classes'] = obj['_classes'] end @now.delete(obj['_self']) else self.goto_parent() end } ; object_body : '{' NL* ( object_attribute | procedure NL* )* '}' ; object_attribute : attribute | ID equals_op NULL NL+ { @now[$ID.text] = self.null_value } ; state_dependency : 'if' dep_effect NL* 'then' NL* '{' NL* constraint_body '}' ( NL* 'or' NL* '{' NL* constraint_body '}')* NL+ ; dep_effect : reference equals_op ( value | NULL ) ; op_param : ID equals_op reference NL+ { @now[$ID.text] = $reference.val } ; op_conditions : ('conditions' | 'condition') '{' NL* { @now['_condition']['_parent'] = @now @now = @now['_condition'] } op_statement* '}' NL+ { self.goto_parent() } ; op_effects : 'effects' '{' NL* { @now['_effect']['_parent'] = @now @now = @now['_effect'] } op_statement* '}' NL+ { self.goto_parent() } ; op_statement : reference equals_op value NL+ { @now[$reference.val] = $value.val } ; procedure : { @synchronized = false } ('synchronized' { @synchronized = true })? ('procedure'|'sub') ID { @now[$ID.text] = { '_self' => $ID.text, '_context' => 'procedure', '_parent' => @now, '_cost' => 1, '_condition' => { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'and' }, '_effect' => { '_context' => 'effect', '_type' => 'and' }, '_synchronized' => @synchronized, } @now = @now[$ID.text] } parameters? '{' NL* ( 'cost' equals_op NUMBER { @now['_cost'] = $NUMBER.text.to_i } NL+ )? conditions? effects '}' { self.goto_parent() } ; parameters : '(' parameter (',' NL* parameter)* ')' ; parameter : ID ':' path { @now[$ID.text] = { '_context' => 'any_value', '_isa' => self.to_ref($path.text) } } | ID reference_type { @now[$ID.text] = $reference_type.val } | ID 'areall' path { @now[$ID.text] = { '_context' => 'all', '_isa' => self.to_ref($path.text), '_value' => nil } } | ID 'isset' path { @now[$ID.text] = { '_context' => 'set', '_isa' => self.to_ref($path.text), '_values' => [] } } ; conditions : ('conditions' | 'condition') { @now['_condition']['_parent'] = @now @now = @now['_condition'] } '{' NL* constraint_body '}' NL+ { self.goto_parent() } ; effects : ('effects' | 'effect') { @now['_effect']['_parent'] = @now @now = @now['_effect'] @in_effects = true } '{' NL* effect_body '}' NL+ { self.goto_parent() @in_effects = false } ; goal_constraint : 'goal' 'constraint'? NL* { @now['goal'] = { '_self' => 'goal', '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'and', '_parent' => @now } @now = @now['goal'] } '{' NL* goal_body* '}' { self.goto_parent() } ; global_constraint : ('global'|'always') 'constraint'? NL* { @now['global'] = self.create_constraint('global', 'and') if !@now.has_key?('global') @now = @now['global'] } '{' NL* constraint_body '}' { self.goto_parent() } ; sometime_constraint : 'sometime' 'constraint'? NL* { @now['sometime'] = self.create_constraint('sometime', 'or') if !@now.has_key?('sometime') @now = @now['sometime'] } '{' NL* constraint_body '}' { self.goto_parent() } ; goal_body : ( ( constraint_statement { @now[$constraint_statement.key] = $constraint_statement.val } | constraint_namespace | constraint_iterator | constraint_class_quantification ) NL+) | ('always'|'global') NL* { @now['global'] = self.create_constraint('global', 'and') if not @now.has_key?('global') @now = @now['global'] } '{' NL* constraint_body '}' NL+ { self.goto_parent() } | 'sometime' NL* { @now['sometime'] = self.create_constraint('sometime', 'or') if not @now.has_key?('sometime') @now = @now['sometime'] id = self.next_id.to_s @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'and') @now = @now[id] } '{' NL* constraint_body '}' NL+ { self.goto_parent() } { self.goto_parent() } | 'within' NUMBER NL* { id = self.next_id.to_s @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'within') @now = @now[id] @now['deadline'] = $NUMBER.text.to_s.to_i } '{' NL* constraint_body '}' NL+ { self.goto_parent() } | 'after' NL* { @now['sometime-after'] = self.create_constraint('sometime-after', 'or') if not @now.has_key?('sometime-after') @now = @now['sometime-after'] id = self.next_id.to_s @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'sometime-after') @now = @now[id] @now['after'] = self.create_constraint('after') @now['deadline'] = -1 @now = @now['after'] } '{' NL* constraint_body '}' NL* { self.goto_parent() } ( 'then' | 'within' NUMBER { @now['deadline'] = $NUMBER.text.to_s.to_i } ) NL* { @now['then'] = self.create_constraint('then') @now = @now['then'] } '{' NL* constraint_body '}' NL+ { self.goto_parent() } { self.goto_parent() } { self.goto_parent() } | 'before' NL* { id = self.next_id.to_s @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'sometime-before') @now = @now[id] @now['before'] = self.create_constraint('before') @now = @now['before'] } '{' NL* constraint_body '}' NL* { self.goto_parent() } 'then' NL* { @now['then'] = self.create_constraint('then') @now = @now['then'] } '{' NL* constraint_body '}' NL+ { self.goto_parent() } { self.goto_parent() } ; nested_constraint : '{' NL* constraint_body '}' ; constraint : 'constraint' ID { @now[$ID.text] = self.create_constraint($ID.text, 'and') @now = @now[$ID.text] } '{' NL* constraint_body '}' { self.goto_parent() } ; constraint_body : ( ( constraint_statement { @now[$constraint_statement.key] = $constraint_statement.val } | constraint_namespace | constraint_iterator | constraint_class_quantification ) NL+)* ; constraint_namespace : path NL* '{' NL* (constraint_statement { key = self.to_ref($path.text + '.' + $constraint_statement.key[2,$constraint_statement.key.length]) @now[key] = $constraint_statement.val } NL+)* '}' ; constraint_iterator : 'foreach' '(' path 'as' ID ')' NL* '{' NL+ { id = self.next_id.to_s @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'iterator') @now[id]['_value'] = '$.' + $path.text @now[id]['_variable'] = $ID.text @now = @now[id] id = '_template' @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'and') @now = @now[id] } (constraint_statement { @now[$constraint_statement.key] = $constraint_statement.val } NL+)* '}' { self.goto_parent() self.goto_parent() } ; quantification_keyword : 'forall' | 'exist' | 'forsome' ; constraint_class_quantification : quantification_keyword '(' path 'as' ID ')' { id = self.next_id.to_s @now[id] = { '_parent' => @now, '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => $quantification_keyword.text, '_self' => id, '_class' => $path.text, '_variable' => $ID.text } @now = @now[id] id = '_template' @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'and') @now = @now[id] } ( ( binary_comp { @now['_count_operator'] = $binary_comp.text } | '=' { @now['_count_operator'] = '=' } ) NUMBER { @now['_count_value'] = $NUMBER.text.to_i } )? NL* '{' NL+ ( constraint_statement { @now[$constraint_statement.key] = $constraint_statement.val } NL+ | constraint_different NL+ | constraint_iterator NL+ )* '}' { self.goto_parent() } { self.goto_parent() } ; constraint_different : ':different' '(' path ')' { id = self.next_id.to_s @now[id] = { '_parent' => @now, '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'different', '_self' => id, '_path' => $path.text } } ; constraint_statement returns [key, val] : reference { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'equals', '_value' => true } } | 'not' reference { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'equals', '_value' => false } } | reference equals_op value { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'equals', '_value' => $value.val } } | reference equals_op NULL { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'equals', '_value' => self.null_value } } | reference not_equals_op value { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'not-equals', '_value' => $value.val } } | reference not_equals_op NULL { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'not-equals', '_value' => self.null_value } } | conditional_constraint { $key = $conditional_constraint.key $val = $conditional_constraint.val } | reference 'is'? 'in' set_value { c_or = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'or', '_parent' => @now } $set_value.val.each { |v| id = self.next_id.to_s item = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'and', '_parent' => c_or } item[$reference.val] = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'equals', '_value' => v } c_or[id] = item } $key = self.next_id.to_s $val = c_or } | reference ('isnot'|'isnt'|'not') 'in' set_value { c_and = { '_context'=>'constraint', '_type'=>'and', '_parent'=>@now } $set_value.val.each { |v| id = self.next_id.to_s item = { '_context'=>'constraint', '_type'=>'and'} item[$reference.val] = { '_context'=>'constraint', '_type'=>'not-equals', '_value'=>v } c_and[id] = item } $key = self.next_id.to_s $val = c_and #$key = $reference.val #$val = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'not-in', '_value' => $set_value.val } } | reference 'has' value { c_has = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => 'has', '_parent' => @now, '_owner' => $reference.val, '_value' => $value.val } } | reference binary_comp comp_value { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'constraint', '_type' => $binary_comp.text, '_value' => $comp_value.val } } | total_constraint ; total_constraint : 'total(' total_statement ')' binary_comp NUMBER ; total_statement : reference equals_op value ; comp_value returns [val] : NUMBER { $val = $NUMBER.text.to_i } | reference { $val = $reference.val } ; conditional_constraint returns [key, val] : 'if' { $key = id = self.next_id.to_s @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'imply') @now = @now[id] } conditional_constraint_if_part conditional_constraint_then_part { $val = self.goto_parent() } ; conditional_constraint_if_part : constraint_statement NL* { id = self.next_id @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'and') @now[id]['_subtype'] = 'premise' @now[id][$constraint_statement.key] = $constraint_statement.val } | '{' { id = self.next_id @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'and') @now[id]['_subtype'] = 'premise' @now = @now[id] } NL+ constraint_body '}' NL* { self.goto_parent() } ; conditional_constraint_then_part : 'then' constraint_statement { id = self.next_id @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'and') @now[id]['_subtype'] = 'conclusion' @now[id][$constraint_statement.key] = $constraint_statement.val } | 'then' { id = self.next_id @now[id] = self.create_constraint(id, 'and') @now[id]['_subtype'] = 'conclusion' @now = @now[id] } '{' NL+ constraint_body '}' { self.goto_parent() } ; effect_body : ( ( mutation { @now[$mutation.key] = $mutation.val } | mutation_iterator ) NL+)* ; mutation_iterator : 'foreach' path 'as' ID NL* '{' NL+ { id = self.to_ref($path.text) @now[id] = { '_parent' => @now, '_context' => 'iterator', '_self' => id, '_variable' => $ID.text } @now = @now[id] } (mutation { @now[$mutation.key] = $mutation.val } NL+)* '}' { self.goto_parent() } ; mutation returns [key, val] : reference equals_op value { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'mutation', '_type' => 'equals', '_value' => $value.val } } | reference equals_op NULL { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'mutation', '_type' => 'equals', '_value' => self.null_value } } | reference binary_op NUMBER { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'mutation', '_type' => $binary_op.text, '_value' => $NUMBER.text.to_i } } | reference 'is' 'new' path { id = '_' + self.next_id @now[id] = { '_self' => id, '_context' => 'object', '_isa' => self.to_ref($path.text), '_parent' => @now } @now = @now[id] } object_body? { n = self.goto_parent() @now.delete(n['_self']) $key = $reference.val $val = n } | 'delete' path { id = '_' + self.next_id @now[id] = { '_self' => id, '_context' => 'mutation', '_type' => 'delete', '_value' => self.to_ref($path.text) } } | reference 'add(' value ')' { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'mutation', '_type' => 'add', '_value' => $value.val } } | reference 'remove(' value ')' { $key = $reference.val $val = { '_context' => 'mutation', '_type' => 'remove', '_value' => $value.val } } ; set_value returns [val] : '(' { @set = } (set_item (',' NL* set_item)*)? { $val = @set } ')' ; set_item : value { @set.push($value.val) } ; value returns [val, type] : primitive_value { $val = $primitive_value.val $type = $primitive_value.type } | reference { $val = $reference.val $type = 'Reference' } | set_value { $val = $set_value.val $type = 'Set' } | 'any' { $val = $type = 'Any' } ; primitive_value returns [val, type] : BOOLEAN { if $BOOLEAN.text == 'true' or $BOOLEAN.text == 'on' or $BOOLEAN.text == 'yes' $val = true else # 'false', 'no', 'off' $val = false end $type = 'Boolean' } | NUMBER { $val = $NUMBER.text.to_i $type = 'Number' } | STRING { $val = $STRING.text[1,$STRING.text.length-2] $type = 'String' } | MULTILINE_STRING { $val = $MULTILINE_STRING.text[2, $MULTILINE_STRING.text.length-2] $type = 'String' } ; path : ID('.'ID)* ; path_with_index : id_ref('.'id_ref)* ; id_ref : ID('[' NUMBER ']')? ; reference returns [val] : path_with_index { $val = self.to_ref($path_with_index.text) } ; reference_type returns [val] : 'isref' path { $val = { '_context' => 'null', '_isa' => self.to_ref($path.text) } } ; set_type returns [val] : 'isset' path { $val = { '_context' => 'set', '_isa' => self.to_ref($path.text), '_values' => [] } } ; probability_op : 'either' ; equals_op : '=' | 'is' ; not_equals_op : '!=' | 'isnt' | 'isnot' ; binary_op : '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' ; binary_comp : '>' | '>=' | '<' | '<=' ; NULL : 'null' | 'nil' ; BOOLEAN : 'true' | 'false' | 'off' | 'on' | 'yes' | 'no' ; ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_')* ; NUMBER : '-'?('0'..'9')+ ; /*NUMBER : '-'?('0'..'9')+ | '-'?('0'..'9')+'.'('0'..'9')* EXPONENT? | '-'?'.'('0'..'9')+ EXPONENT? | '-'?('0'..'9')+ EXPONENT ;*/ COMMENT : '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* {$channel=HIDDEN;} | '#' ~('\n'|'\r')* {$channel=HIDDEN;} | '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' {$channel=HIDDEN;} ; MULTILINE_STRING : 'r"' ( options {greedy=false;} : .)* '"' ; NL : ('\r'? '\n'|';') ; WS : ( ' ' | '\t' ) {$channel=HIDDEN;} ; STRING : '"' ( ESC_SEQ | ~('\\'|'"') )* '"' ; fragment EXPONENT : ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+ ; fragment HEX_DIGIT : ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ; fragment ESC_SEQ : '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'\"'|'\''|'\\') | UNICODE_ESC | OCTAL_ESC ; fragment OCTAL_ESC : '\\' ('0'..'3') ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7') | '\\' ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7') | '\\' ('0'..'7') ; fragment UNICODE_ESC : '\\' 'u' HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT ;