module Upholsterer class Base # Define how many subjects this presenter will receive. # Each subject will create a private method with the same name. # # The first subject name will be used as default, thus isn't required as :with # option on the Upholsterer::Base.expose method. # # class CommentPresenter < Presenter # subjects :comment, :post # expose :body # will expose comment.body through CommentPresenter#body # expose :title, :with => :post # will expose post.title through CommentPresenter#post_title # end # # class CommentPresenter < Presenter # expose_all # end # # Subjects can be accessed by a private name with the same name. # So the above subjects can be accessed internally by the methods +comment+ and +post+. # # If you're not setting any special name, then you can access it using the +subject+ method. # attr_reader :subject def self.subjects(*names) @subjects ||= [:subject] unless names.empty? @subjects = names attr_reader *names private *names public :subject end @subjects end class << self alias_method :subject, :subjects end # Propagate inherited subjects and attributes. # def self.inherited(child) child.subjects(*subjects) attributes.each_value do |attr_name, options| child.expose(attr_name, options) end end # Store all attributes and options that have been exposed. # # class UserPresenter < Presenter # expose :name # expose :street, with: "address" # end # # UserPresenter.attributes # #=> { # #=> name: [:name, {}], # #=> address_street: [:street, {with: "address"}] # #=> } # def self.attributes @attributes ||= {} end # This method will return a presenter for each item of collection. # # users = # # If your presenter accepts more than one subject, you can provided # them as array of parameters. # # comments =[[comment, post]]) # def {|items| new(*items) } end # The list of attributes that will be exposed. # # class UserPresenter < Presenter # expose :name, :email # end # # You can also expose an attribute from a composition. # # class CommentPresenter < Presenter # expose :body, :created_at # expose :name, :with => :user # expose :name, :as => :author # end # # The presenter above will expose the methods +body+, +created_at+, and +user_name+. # Additionaly, it will create an alias called +author+ to the +name+ attribute. # def self.expose(*attrs, &block) options = attrs.pop if attrs.last.kind_of?(Hash) options ||= {} container = options.fetch(:with, nil) method_prefix = container if options.fetch(:prefix, true) if block_given? and container.present? wrapper_method = "#{ attrs.join('_') }_wrapper" wrapper_instance_variable = "@#{ wrapper_method }" define_method wrapper_method do unless instance_variable_defined?(wrapper_instance_variable) if respond_to?(container) object_container = public_send(container) else object_container = subject.public_send(container) end wrapper = instance_eval(&block).new(object_container) instance_variable_set(wrapper_instance_variable, wrapper) end instance_variable_get(wrapper_instance_variable) end private wrapper_method end attrs.each do |attr_name| if options.fetch(:serializable, false) attributes[attr_name] = [attr_name, options] else method_name = [ method_prefix, options.fetch(:as, attr_name) ].compact.join('_') attributes[method_name.to_sym] = [attr_name, options] if block_given? and container.present? delegate attr_name, to: wrapper_method, prefix: !!method_prefix else class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method_name}(&block) # def user_name(&block) proxy_message(#{container.inspect}, "#{attr_name}", &block) # proxy_message("user", "name") end # end RUBY end end end end def self.expose_all class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def method_missing(name, *params) @subject.send(name, *params) end def respond_to?(name) super || @subject.respond_to?(name) end RUBY end # It assigns the subjects. # # user = # # You can assign several subjects if you want. # # class CommentPresenter < Presenter # subject :comment, :post # expose :body # expose :title, :with => :post # end # # comment =, Post.first) # # If the :with option specified to one of the subjects, then the default subject is bypassed. # Otherwise, it will be proxied to the default subject. # def initialize(*subjects) self.class.subjects.each_with_index do |name, index| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", subjects[index]) end end def to_param(*params) @subject.to_param(*params) end private def proxy_message(subject_name, method, &block) subject_name ||= self.class.subjects.first subject = instance_variable_get("@#{subject_name}") subject = instance_variable_get("@#{self.class.subjects.first}").__send__(subject_name) unless subject || self.class.subjects.include?(subject_name) subject.respond_to?(method) ? subject.__send__(method, &block) : nil end end end