require "utils" require 'capistrano/recipes/deploy/scm/git' class DeploySCMGitTest < Test::Unit::TestCase class TestSCM < Capistrano::Deploy::SCM::Git default_command "git" end def setup @config = { :repository => "." } def @config.exists?(name); key?(name); end @source = end def test_head assert_equal "HEAD", @source.head # With :branch @config[:branch] = "master" assert_equal "master", @source.head end def test_origin assert_equal "origin", @source.origin @config[:remote] = "username" assert_equal "username", @source.origin end def test_checkout @config[:repository] = "" dest = "/var/www" rev = 'c2d9e79' assert_equal "git clone -q /var/www && cd /var/www && git checkout -q -b deploy #{rev}", @source.checkout(rev, dest) # With :scm_command git = "/opt/local/bin/git" @config[:scm_command] = git assert_equal "#{git} clone -q /var/www && cd /var/www && #{git} checkout -q -b deploy #{rev}", @source.checkout(rev, dest).gsub(/\s+/, ' ') # with submodules @config[:git_enable_submodules] = true assert_equal "#{git} clone -q /var/www && cd /var/www && #{git} checkout -q -b deploy #{rev} && #{git} submodule -q init && #{git} submodule -q sync && #{git} submodule -q update --recursive", @source.checkout(rev, dest).gsub(/\s+/, ' ') end def test_checkout_with_verbose_should_not_use_q_switch @config[:repository] = "" @config[:scm_verbose] = true dest = "/var/www" rev = 'c2d9e79' assert_equal "git clone /var/www && cd /var/www && git checkout -b deploy #{rev}", @source.checkout(rev, dest) end def test_diff assert_equal "git diff master", @source.diff('master') assert_equal "git diff master..branch", @source.diff('master', 'branch') end def test_log assert_equal "git log master..", @source.log('master') assert_equal "git log master..branch", @source.log('master', 'branch') end def test_query_revision revision = @source.query_revision('HEAD') do |o| assert_equal "git ls-remote . HEAD", o "d11006102c07c94e5d54dd0ee63dca825c93ed61\tHEAD" end assert_equal "d11006102c07c94e5d54dd0ee63dca825c93ed61", revision end def test_query_revision_has_whitespace revision = @source.query_revision('HEAD') do |o| assert_equal "git ls-remote . HEAD", o "d11006102c07c94e5d54dd0ee63dca825c93ed61\tHEAD\r" end assert_equal "d11006102c07c94e5d54dd0ee63dca825c93ed61", revision end def test_query_revision_deprecation_error assert_raise(ArgumentError) do revision = @source.query_revision('origin/release') {} end end def test_command_should_be_backwards_compatible # 1.x version of this module used ":git", not ":scm_command" @config[:git] = "/srv/bin/git" assert_equal "/srv/bin/git", @source.command end def test_sync dest = "/var/www" rev = 'c2d9e79' assert_equal "cd #{dest} && git fetch -q origin && git reset -q --hard #{rev} && git clean -q -d -x -f", @source.sync(rev, dest) # With :scm_command git = "/opt/local/bin/git" @config[:scm_command] = git assert_equal "cd #{dest} && #{git} fetch -q origin && #{git} reset -q --hard #{rev} && #{git} clean -q -d -x -f", @source.sync(rev, dest) # with submodules @config[:git_enable_submodules] = true assert_equal "cd #{dest} && #{git} fetch -q origin && #{git} reset -q --hard #{rev} && #{git} submodule -q init && for mod in `#{git} submodule status | awk '{ print $2 }'`; do #{git} config -f .git/config submodule.${mod}.url `#{git} config -f .gitmodules --get submodule.${mod}.url` && echo Synced $mod; done && #{git} submodule -q sync && #{git} submodule -q update && #{git} clean -q -d -x -f", @source.sync(rev, dest) end def test_sync_with_remote dest = "/var/www" rev = 'c2d9e79' remote = "username" repository = "" @config[:repository] = repository @config[:remote] = remote assert_equal "cd #{dest} && git config remote.#{remote}.url #{repository} && git config remote.#{remote}.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/#{remote}/* && git fetch -q #{remote} && git reset -q --hard #{rev} && git clean -q -d -x -f", @source.sync(rev, dest) end def test_shallow_clone @config[:repository] = "" @config[:git_shallow_clone] = 1 dest = "/var/www" rev = 'c2d9e79' assert_equal "git clone -q --depth 1 /var/www && cd /var/www && git checkout -q -b deploy #{rev}", @source.checkout(rev, dest) end def test_remote_clone @config[:repository] = "" @config[:remote] = "username" dest = "/var/www" rev = 'c2d9e79' assert_equal "git clone -q -o username /var/www && cd /var/www && git checkout -q -b deploy #{rev}", @source.checkout(rev, dest) end def test_remote_clone_with_submodules @config[:repository] = "" @config[:remote] = "username" @config[:git_enable_submodules] = true dest = "/var/www" rev = 'c2d9e79' assert_equal "git clone -q -o username /var/www && cd /var/www && git checkout -q -b deploy #{rev} && git submodule -q init && git submodule -q sync && git submodule -q update --recursive", @source.checkout(rev, dest) end # Tests from base_test.rb, makin' sure we didn't break anything up there! def test_command_should_default_to_default_command assert_equal "git", @source.command @source.local { assert_equal "git", @source.command } end def test_command_should_use_scm_command_if_available @config[:scm_command] = "/opt/local/bin/git" assert_equal "/opt/local/bin/git", @source.command end def test_command_should_use_scm_command_in_local_mode_if_local_scm_command_not_set @config[:scm_command] = "/opt/local/bin/git" @source.local { assert_equal "/opt/local/bin/git", @source.command } end def test_command_should_use_local_scm_command_in_local_mode_if_local_scm_command_is_set @config[:scm_command] = "/opt/local/bin/git" @config[:local_scm_command] = "/usr/local/bin/git" assert_equal "/opt/local/bin/git", @source.command @source.local { assert_equal "/usr/local/bin/git", @source.command } end def test_command_should_use_default_if_scm_command_is_default @config[:scm_command] = :default assert_equal "git", @source.command end def test_command_should_use_default_in_local_mode_if_local_scm_command_is_default @config[:scm_command] = "/foo/bar/git" @config[:local_scm_command] = :default @source.local { assert_equal "git", @source.command } end def test_local_mode_proxy_should_treat_messages_as_being_in_local_mode @config[:scm_command] = "/foo/bar/git" @config[:local_scm_command] = :default assert_equal "git", @source.local.command assert_equal "/foo/bar/git", @source.command end end