require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) module Stripe class ChargeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase should "charges should be listable" do @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge_array)) c = Stripe::Charge.list assert Array c.each do |charge| assert charge.kind_of?(Stripe::Charge) end end should "charges should be refundable" do c = Stripe::Charge.construct_from(make_charge) @mock.expects(:get).never @mock.expects(:post).once.returns(make_response(make_refund(:charge => c))) r = c.refunds.create assert r.is_a?(Stripe::Refund) end should "charges should not be deletable" do assert_raises NoMethodError do @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) c = Stripe::Charge.retrieve("test_charge") c.delete end end should "charges should be updateable" do @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) @mock.expects(:post).once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) c ="test_charge") c.refresh c.mnemonic = "New charge description" end should "charges should be able to be marked as fraudulent" do @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) @mock.expects(:post).once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) c ="test_charge") c.refresh c.mark_as_fraudulent end should "charges should be able to be marked as safe" do @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) @mock.expects(:post).once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) c ="test_charge") c.refresh c.mark_as_safe end should "charges should have Card objects associated with their Card property" do @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) c = Stripe::Charge.retrieve("test_charge") assert c.card.kind_of?(Stripe::StripeObject) && c.card.object == 'card' end should "execute should return a new, fully executed charge when passed correct `card` parameters" do @mock.expects(:post).with do |url, api_key, params| url == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges" && api_key.nil? && CGI.parse(params) == { 'currency' => ['usd'], 'amount' => ['100'], 'card[exp_year]' => ['2012'], 'card[number]' => ['4242424242424242'], 'card[exp_month]' => ['11'] } end.once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) c = Stripe::Charge.create({ :amount => 100, :card => { :number => "4242424242424242", :exp_month => 11, :exp_year => 2012, }, :currency => "usd" }) assert c.paid end should "execute should return a new, fully executed charge when passed correct `source` parameters" do @mock.expects(:post).with do |url, api_key, params| url == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges" && api_key.nil? && CGI.parse(params) == { 'currency' => ['usd'], 'amount' => ['100'], 'source' => ['btcrcv_test_receiver'] } end.once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) c = Stripe::Charge.create({ :amount => 100, :source => 'btcrcv_test_receiver', :currency => "usd" }) assert c.paid end should "properly handle an array or dictionaries" do @mock.expects(:post).with do |url, api_key, params| url == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges" && api_key.nil? && CGI.parse(params) == { 'currency' => ['usd'], 'amount' => ['100'], 'source' => ['btcrcv_test_receiver'], 'level3[][red]' => ['firstred', 'another'], 'level3[][one]' => ['fish'], } end.once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) c = Stripe::Charge.create({ :amount => 100, :source => 'btcrcv_test_receiver', :currency => "usd", :level3 => [{:red => 'firstred'}, {:one => 'fish', :red => 'another'}] }) assert c.paid end end end