class Scamp module Rooms # TextMessage (regular chat message), # PasteMessage (pre-formatted message, rendered in a fixed-width font), # SoundMessage (plays a sound as determined by the message, which can be either “rimshot”, “crickets”, or “trombone”), # TweetMessage (a Twitter status URL to be fetched and inserted into the chat) def upload end def join(room_id) "Joining room #{room_id}" url = "https://#{subdomain}{room_id}/join.json" http = :head => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'authorization' => [api_key, 'X']} http.errback { logger.error "Error joining room: #{room_id}" } http.callback { yield if block_given? } end def room_id(room_id_or_name) if room_id_or_name.is_a? Integer return room_id_or_name else return room_id_from_room_name(room_id_or_name) end end def room_name_for(room_id) data = room_cache_data(room_id) return data["name"] if data room_id.to_s end private def room_cache_data(room_id) return room_cache[room_id] if room_cache.has_key? room_id fetch_room_data(room_id) return false end def populate_room_list url = "https://#{subdomain}" http = :head => {'authorization' => [api_key, 'X']} http.errback { logger.error "Couldn't connect to url #{url} to fetch room list" } http.callback { if http.response_header.status == 200 logger.debug "Fetched room list" new_rooms = {} Yajl::Parser.parse(http.response)['rooms'].each do |c| new_rooms[c["name"]] = c end # No idea why using the "rooms" accessor here doesn't # work but accessing the ivar directly does. There's # Probably a bug. @rooms = new_rooms # replace existing room list yield if block_given? else logger.error "Couldn't fetch room list with url #{url}, http response from API was #{http.response_header.status}" end } end def fetch_room_data(room_id) url = "https://#{subdomain}{room_id}.json" http = :head => {'authorization' => [api_key, 'X']} http.errback { logger.error "Couldn't connect to #{url} to fetch room data for room #{room_id}" } http.callback { if http.response_header.status == 200 logger.debug "Fetched room data for #{room_id}" room = Yajl::Parser.parse(http.response)['room'] room_cache[room["id"]] = room room['users'].each do |u| update_user_cache_with(u["id"], u) end else logger.error "Couldn't fetch room data for room #{room_id} with url #{url}, http response from API was #{http.response_header.status}" end } end def join_and_stream(id) join(id) do "Joined room #{id} successfully" fetch_room_data(id) stream(id) end end def stream(room_id) json_parser = :symbolize_keys => true json_parser.on_parse_complete = method(:process_message) url = "{room_id}/live.json" # Timeout per http =, :connect_timeout => 20, :inactivity_timeout => 0).get :head => {'authorization' => [api_key, 'X']} http.errback { logger.error "Couldn't stream room #{room_id} at url #{url}" } http.callback { "Disconnected from #{url}"; rooms_to_join << room_id} {|chunk| json_parser << chunk } end def room_id_from_room_name(room_name) logger.debug "Looking for room id for #{room_name}" rooms[room_name]["id"] end end end