/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released * March 31, 1998. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * John Bandhauer (original author) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* Class used to manage the wrapped native objects within a JS scope. */ #include "xpcprivate.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include "XPCNativeWrapper.h" #endif /***************************************************************************/ #ifdef XPC_TRACK_SCOPE_STATS static int DEBUG_TotalScopeCount; static int DEBUG_TotalLiveScopeCount; static int DEBUG_TotalMaxScopeCount; static int DEBUG_TotalScopeTraversalCount; static PRBool DEBUG_DumpedStats; #endif #ifdef DEBUG static void DEBUG_TrackNewScope(XPCWrappedNativeScope* scope) { #ifdef XPC_TRACK_SCOPE_STATS DEBUG_TotalScopeCount++; DEBUG_TotalLiveScopeCount++; if(DEBUG_TotalMaxScopeCount < DEBUG_TotalLiveScopeCount) DEBUG_TotalMaxScopeCount = DEBUG_TotalLiveScopeCount; #endif } static void DEBUG_TrackDeleteScope(XPCWrappedNativeScope* scope) { #ifdef XPC_TRACK_SCOPE_STATS DEBUG_TotalLiveScopeCount--; #endif } static void DEBUG_TrackScopeTraversal() { #ifdef XPC_TRACK_SCOPE_STATS DEBUG_TotalScopeTraversalCount++; #endif } static void DEBUG_TrackScopeShutdown() { #ifdef XPC_TRACK_SCOPE_STATS if(!DEBUG_DumpedStats) { DEBUG_DumpedStats = PR_TRUE; printf("%d XPCWrappedNativeScope(s) were constructed.\n", DEBUG_TotalScopeCount); printf("%d XPCWrappedNativeScopes(s) max alive at one time.\n", DEBUG_TotalMaxScopeCount); printf("%d XPCWrappedNativeScope(s) alive now.\n" , DEBUG_TotalLiveScopeCount); printf("%d traversals of Scope list.\n", DEBUG_TotalScopeTraversalCount); } #endif } #else #define DEBUG_TrackNewScope(scope) ((void)0) #define DEBUG_TrackDeleteScope(scope) ((void)0) #define DEBUG_TrackScopeTraversal() ((void)0) #define DEBUG_TrackScopeShutdown() ((void)0) #endif /***************************************************************************/ XPCWrappedNativeScope* XPCWrappedNativeScope::gScopes = nsnull; XPCWrappedNativeScope* XPCWrappedNativeScope::gDyingScopes = nsnull; // static XPCWrappedNativeScope* XPCWrappedNativeScope::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext& ccx, JSObject* aGlobal) { XPCWrappedNativeScope* scope = FindInJSObjectScope(ccx, aGlobal, JS_TRUE); if(!scope) scope = new XPCWrappedNativeScope(ccx, aGlobal); else { // We need to call SetGlobal in order to refresh our cached // mPrototypeJSObject and mPrototypeJSFunction and to clear // mPrototypeNoHelper (so we get a new one if requested in the // new scope) in the case where the global object is being // reused (JS_ClearScope has been called). NOTE: We are only // called by nsXPConnect::InitClasses. scope->SetGlobal(ccx, aGlobal); } return scope; } XPCWrappedNativeScope::XPCWrappedNativeScope(XPCCallContext& ccx, JSObject* aGlobal) : mRuntime(ccx.GetRuntime()), mWrappedNativeMap(Native2WrappedNativeMap::newMap(XPC_NATIVE_MAP_SIZE)), mWrappedNativeProtoMap(ClassInfo2WrappedNativeProtoMap::newMap(XPC_NATIVE_PROTO_MAP_SIZE)), mWrapperMap(WrappedNative2WrapperMap::newMap(XPC_WRAPPER_MAP_SIZE)), mComponents(nsnull), mNext(nsnull), mGlobalJSObject(nsnull), mPrototypeJSObject(nsnull), mPrototypeJSFunction(nsnull), mPrototypeNoHelper(nsnull) { // add ourselves to the scopes list { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(mRuntime->GetMapLock()); #ifdef DEBUG for(XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur = gScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) NS_ASSERTION(aGlobal != cur->GetGlobalJSObject(), "dup object"); #endif mNext = gScopes; gScopes = this; // Grab the XPCContext associated with our context. mContext = XPCContext::GetXPCContext(ccx.GetJSContext()); mContext->AddScope(this); } if(aGlobal) SetGlobal(ccx, aGlobal); DEBUG_TrackNewScope(this); MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(XPCWrappedNativeScope); } // static JSBool XPCWrappedNativeScope::IsDyingScope(XPCWrappedNativeScope *scope) { for(XPCWrappedNativeScope *cur = gDyingScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) { if(scope == cur) return JS_TRUE; } return JS_FALSE; } void XPCWrappedNativeScope::SetComponents(nsXPCComponents* aComponents) { NS_IF_ADDREF(aComponents); NS_IF_RELEASE(mComponents); mComponents = aComponents; } // Dummy JS class to let wrappers w/o an xpc prototype share // scopes. By doing this we avoid allocating a new scope for every // wrapper on creation of the wrapper, and most wrappers won't need // their own scope at all for the lifetime of the wrapper. // JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE is key here (even though there's never anything // in the private data slot in these prototypes), as the number of // reserved slots in this class needs to match that of the wrappers // for the JS engine to share scopes. JSClass XPC_WN_NoHelper_Proto_JSClass = { "XPC_WN_NoHelper_Proto_JSClass",// name; JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE, // flags; /* Mandatory non-null function pointer members. */ JS_PropertyStub, // addProperty; JS_PropertyStub, // delProperty; JS_PropertyStub, // getProperty; JS_PropertyStub, // setProperty; JS_EnumerateStub, // enumerate; JS_ResolveStub, // resolve; JS_ConvertStub, // convert; JS_FinalizeStub, // finalize; /* Optionally non-null members start here. */ XPC_WN_Proto_GetObjectOps, // getObjectOps; nsnull, // checkAccess; nsnull, // call; nsnull, // construct; nsnull, // xdrObject; nsnull, // hasInstance; nsnull, // mark/trace; nsnull // spare; }; void XPCWrappedNativeScope::SetGlobal(XPCCallContext& ccx, JSObject* aGlobal) { // We allow for calling this more than once. This feature is used by // nsXPConnect::InitClassesWithNewWrappedGlobal. mGlobalJSObject = aGlobal; #ifndef XPCONNECT_STANDALONE mScriptObjectPrincipal = nsnull; // Now init our script object principal, if the new global has one const JSClass* jsClass = STOBJ_GET_CLASS(aGlobal); if(!(~jsClass->flags & (JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE | JSCLASS_PRIVATE_IS_NSISUPPORTS))) { // Our global has an nsISupports native pointer. Let's // see whether it's what we want. nsISupports* priv = (nsISupports*)xpc_GetJSPrivate(aGlobal); nsCOMPtr native = do_QueryInterface(priv); if(native) { mScriptObjectPrincipal = do_QueryWrappedNative(native); } if(!mScriptObjectPrincipal) { mScriptObjectPrincipal = do_QueryInterface(priv); } } #endif // Lookup 'globalObject.Object.prototype' for our wrapper's proto { AutoJSErrorAndExceptionEater eater(ccx); // scoped error eater jsval val; jsid idObj = mRuntime->GetStringID(XPCJSRuntime::IDX_OBJECT); jsid idFun = mRuntime->GetStringID(XPCJSRuntime::IDX_FUNCTION); jsid idProto = mRuntime->GetStringID(XPCJSRuntime::IDX_PROTOTYPE); if(JS_GetPropertyById(ccx, aGlobal, idObj, &val) && !JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(val) && JS_GetPropertyById(ccx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val), idProto, &val) && !JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(val)) { mPrototypeJSObject = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val); } else { NS_ERROR("Can't get globalObject.Object.prototype"); } if(JS_GetPropertyById(ccx, aGlobal, idFun, &val) && !JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(val) && JS_GetPropertyById(ccx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val), idProto, &val) && !JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(val)) { mPrototypeJSFunction = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val); } else { NS_ERROR("Can't get globalObject.Function.prototype"); } } // Clear the no helper wrapper prototype object so that a new one // gets created if needed. mPrototypeNoHelper = nsnull; } XPCWrappedNativeScope::~XPCWrappedNativeScope() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(XPCWrappedNativeScope); DEBUG_TrackDeleteScope(this); // We can do additional cleanup assertions here... if(mWrappedNativeMap) { NS_ASSERTION(0 == mWrappedNativeMap->Count(), "scope has non-empty map"); delete mWrappedNativeMap; } if(mWrappedNativeProtoMap) { NS_ASSERTION(0 == mWrappedNativeProtoMap->Count(), "scope has non-empty map"); delete mWrappedNativeProtoMap; } if(mWrapperMap) { NS_ASSERTION(0 == mWrapperMap->Count(), "scope has non-empty map"); delete mWrapperMap; } if(mContext) mContext->RemoveScope(this); // XXX we should assert that we are dead or that xpconnect has shutdown // XXX might not want to do this at xpconnect shutdown time??? NS_IF_RELEASE(mComponents); } JSObject * XPCWrappedNativeScope::GetPrototypeNoHelper(XPCCallContext& ccx) { // We could create this prototype in SetGlobal(), but all scopes // don't need one, so we save ourselves a bit of space if we // create these when they're needed. if(!mPrototypeNoHelper) { mPrototypeNoHelper = xpc_NewSystemInheritingJSObject(ccx, &XPC_WN_NoHelper_Proto_JSClass, mPrototypeJSObject, mGlobalJSObject); NS_ASSERTION(mPrototypeNoHelper, "Failed to create prototype for wrappers w/o a helper"); } return mPrototypeNoHelper; } static JSDHashOperator WrappedNativeJSGCThingTracer(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { XPCWrappedNative* wrapper = ((Native2WrappedNativeMap::Entry*)hdr)->value; if(wrapper->HasExternalReference() && !wrapper->IsWrapperExpired()) { JSTracer* trc = (JSTracer *)arg; JS_CALL_OBJECT_TRACER(trc, wrapper->GetFlatJSObject(), "XPCWrappedNative::mFlatJSObject"); } return JS_DHASH_NEXT; } // static void XPCWrappedNativeScope::TraceJS(JSTracer* trc, XPCJSRuntime* rt) { // FIXME The lock may not be necessary during tracing as that serializes // access to JS runtime. See bug 380139. XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); // Do JS_CallTracer for all wrapped natives with external references. for(XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur = gScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) { cur->mWrappedNativeMap->Enumerate(WrappedNativeJSGCThingTracer, trc); } } struct SuspectClosure { SuspectClosure(JSContext *aCx, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCb) : cx(aCx), cb(aCb) { } JSContext* cx; nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& cb; }; static JSDHashOperator WrappedNativeSuspecter(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { SuspectClosure* closure = static_cast(arg); XPCWrappedNative* wrapper = ((Native2WrappedNativeMap::Entry*)hdr)->value; if(wrapper->IsValid()) { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Suspecting wrapped natives from non-main thread"); #ifndef DEBUG_CC // Only record objects that might be part of a cycle as roots. if(!JS_IsAboutToBeFinalized(closure->cx, wrapper->GetFlatJSObject())) return JS_DHASH_NEXT; #endif closure->cb.NoteRoot(nsIProgrammingLanguage::JAVASCRIPT, wrapper->GetFlatJSObject(), nsXPConnect::GetXPConnect()); } return JS_DHASH_NEXT; } // static void XPCWrappedNativeScope::SuspectAllWrappers(XPCJSRuntime* rt, JSContext* cx, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& cb) { XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); SuspectClosure closure(cx, cb); for(XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur = gScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) { cur->mWrappedNativeMap->Enumerate(WrappedNativeSuspecter, &closure); } } // static void XPCWrappedNativeScope::FinishedMarkPhaseOfGC(JSContext* cx, XPCJSRuntime* rt) { // FIXME The lock may not be necessary since we are inside JSGC_MARK_END // callback and GX serializes access to JS runtime. See bug 380139. XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); // We are in JSGC_MARK_END and JSGC_FINALIZE_END must always follow it // calling FinishedFinalizationPhaseOfGC and clearing gDyingScopes in // KillDyingScopes. NS_ASSERTION(gDyingScopes == nsnull, "JSGC_MARK_END without JSGC_FINALIZE_END"); XPCWrappedNativeScope* prev = nsnull; XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur = gScopes; while(cur) { XPCWrappedNativeScope* next = cur->mNext; if(cur->mGlobalJSObject && JS_IsAboutToBeFinalized(cx, cur->mGlobalJSObject)) { cur->mGlobalJSObject = nsnull; // Move this scope from the live list to the dying list. if(prev) prev->mNext = next; else gScopes = next; cur->mNext = gDyingScopes; gDyingScopes = cur; cur = nsnull; } else { if(cur->mPrototypeJSObject && JS_IsAboutToBeFinalized(cx, cur->mPrototypeJSObject)) { cur->mPrototypeJSObject = nsnull; } if(cur->mPrototypeJSFunction && JS_IsAboutToBeFinalized(cx, cur->mPrototypeJSFunction)) { cur->mPrototypeJSFunction = nsnull; } if(cur->mPrototypeNoHelper && JS_IsAboutToBeFinalized(cx, cur->mPrototypeNoHelper)) { cur->mPrototypeNoHelper = nsnull; } } if(cur) prev = cur; cur = next; } } // static void XPCWrappedNativeScope::FinishedFinalizationPhaseOfGC(JSContext* cx) { XPCJSRuntime* rt = nsXPConnect::GetRuntimeInstance(); // FIXME The lock may not be necessary since we are inside // JSGC_FINALIZE_END callback and at this point GC still serializes access // to JS runtime. See bug 380139. XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); KillDyingScopes(); } static JSDHashOperator WrappedNativeMarker(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { ((Native2WrappedNativeMap::Entry*)hdr)->value->Mark(); return JS_DHASH_NEXT; } // We need to explicitly mark all the protos too because some protos may be // alive in the hashtable but not currently in use by any wrapper static JSDHashOperator WrappedNativeProtoMarker(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { ((ClassInfo2WrappedNativeProtoMap::Entry*)hdr)->value->Mark(); return JS_DHASH_NEXT; } // static void XPCWrappedNativeScope::MarkAllWrappedNativesAndProtos() { for(XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur = gScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) { cur->mWrappedNativeMap->Enumerate(WrappedNativeMarker, nsnull); cur->mWrappedNativeProtoMap->Enumerate(WrappedNativeProtoMarker, nsnull); } DEBUG_TrackScopeTraversal(); } #ifdef DEBUG static JSDHashOperator ASSERT_WrappedNativeSetNotMarked(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { ((Native2WrappedNativeMap::Entry*)hdr)->value->ASSERT_SetsNotMarked(); return JS_DHASH_NEXT; } static JSDHashOperator ASSERT_WrappedNativeProtoSetNotMarked(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { ((ClassInfo2WrappedNativeProtoMap::Entry*)hdr)->value->ASSERT_SetNotMarked(); return JS_DHASH_NEXT; } // static void XPCWrappedNativeScope::ASSERT_NoInterfaceSetsAreMarked() { for(XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur = gScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) { cur->mWrappedNativeMap->Enumerate( ASSERT_WrappedNativeSetNotMarked, nsnull); cur->mWrappedNativeProtoMap->Enumerate( ASSERT_WrappedNativeProtoSetNotMarked, nsnull); } } #endif static JSDHashOperator WrappedNativeTearoffSweeper(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { ((Native2WrappedNativeMap::Entry*)hdr)->value->SweepTearOffs(); return JS_DHASH_NEXT; } // static void XPCWrappedNativeScope::SweepAllWrappedNativeTearOffs() { for(XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur = gScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) cur->mWrappedNativeMap->Enumerate(WrappedNativeTearoffSweeper, nsnull); DEBUG_TrackScopeTraversal(); } // static void XPCWrappedNativeScope::KillDyingScopes() { // always called inside the lock! XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur = gDyingScopes; while(cur) { XPCWrappedNativeScope* next = cur->mNext; delete cur; cur = next; } gDyingScopes = nsnull; } struct ShutdownData { ShutdownData(JSContext* acx) : cx(acx), wrapperCount(0), sharedProtoCount(0), nonSharedProtoCount(0) {} JSContext* cx; int wrapperCount; int sharedProtoCount; int nonSharedProtoCount; }; static JSDHashOperator WrappedNativeShutdownEnumerator(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { ShutdownData* data = (ShutdownData*) arg; XPCWrappedNative* wrapper = ((Native2WrappedNativeMap::Entry*)hdr)->value; if(wrapper->IsValid()) { if(wrapper->HasProto() && !wrapper->HasSharedProto()) data->nonSharedProtoCount++; wrapper->SystemIsBeingShutDown(data->cx); data->wrapperCount++; } return JS_DHASH_REMOVE; } static JSDHashOperator WrappedNativeProtoShutdownEnumerator(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { ShutdownData* data = (ShutdownData*) arg; ((ClassInfo2WrappedNativeProtoMap::Entry*)hdr)->value-> SystemIsBeingShutDown(data->cx); data->sharedProtoCount++; return JS_DHASH_REMOVE; } //static void XPCWrappedNativeScope::SystemIsBeingShutDown(JSContext* cx) { DEBUG_TrackScopeTraversal(); DEBUG_TrackScopeShutdown(); int liveScopeCount = 0; ShutdownData data(cx); XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur; // First move all the scopes to the dying list. cur = gScopes; while(cur) { XPCWrappedNativeScope* next = cur->mNext; cur->mNext = gDyingScopes; gDyingScopes = cur; cur = next; liveScopeCount++; } gScopes = nsnull; // Walk the unified dying list and call shutdown on all wrappers and protos for(cur = gDyingScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) { // Give the Components object a chance to try to clean up. if(cur->mComponents) cur->mComponents->SystemIsBeingShutDown(); // Walk the protos first. Wrapper shutdown can leave dangling // proto pointers in the proto map. cur->mWrappedNativeProtoMap-> Enumerate(WrappedNativeProtoShutdownEnumerator, &data); cur->mWrappedNativeMap-> Enumerate(WrappedNativeShutdownEnumerator, &data); } // Now it is safe to kill all the scopes. KillDyingScopes(); #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN if(data.wrapperCount) printf("deleting nsXPConnect with %d live XPCWrappedNatives\n", data.wrapperCount); if(data.sharedProtoCount + data.nonSharedProtoCount) printf("deleting nsXPConnect with %d live XPCWrappedNativeProtos (%d shared)\n", data.sharedProtoCount + data.nonSharedProtoCount, data.sharedProtoCount); if(liveScopeCount) printf("deleting nsXPConnect with %d live XPCWrappedNativeScopes\n", liveScopeCount); #endif } /***************************************************************************/ static XPCWrappedNativeScope* GetScopeOfObject(JSObject* obj) { nsISupports* supports; JSClass* clazz = STOBJ_GET_CLASS(obj); if(!IS_WRAPPER_CLASS(clazz) || !(supports = (nsISupports*) xpc_GetJSPrivate(obj))) { #ifdef DEBUG { if(!(~clazz->flags & (JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE | JSCLASS_PRIVATE_IS_NSISUPPORTS)) && (supports = (nsISupports*) xpc_GetJSPrivate(obj)) && !XPCNativeWrapper::IsNativeWrapperClass(clazz)) { nsCOMPtr iface = do_QueryInterface(supports); NS_ASSERTION(!iface, "Uh, how'd this happen?"); } } #endif return nsnull; } #ifdef DEBUG { nsCOMPtr iface = do_QueryInterface(supports); NS_ASSERTION(iface, "Uh, how'd this happen?"); } #endif // obj is one of our nsXPConnectWrappedNative objects. return ((XPCWrappedNative*)supports)->GetScope(); } #ifdef DEBUG void DEBUG_CheckForComponentsInScope(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, JSBool OKIfNotInitialized, XPCJSRuntime* runtime) { if(OKIfNotInitialized) return; if(!(JS_GetOptions(cx) & JSOPTION_PRIVATE_IS_NSISUPPORTS)) return; const char* name = runtime->GetStringName(XPCJSRuntime::IDX_COMPONENTS); jsval prop; if(JS_LookupProperty(cx, obj, name, &prop) && !JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(prop)) return; // This is pretty much always bad. It usually means that native code is // making a callback to an interface implemented in JavaScript, but the // document where the JS object was created has already been cleared and the // global properties of that document's window are *gone*. Generally this // indicates a problem that should be addressed in the design and use of the // callback code. #ifdef I_FOOLISHLY_WANT_TO_IGNORE_THIS_LIKE_THE_OTHER_CRAP_WE_PRINTF NS_WARNING("XPConnect is being called on a scope without a 'Components' property!"); #else NS_ERROR("XPConnect is being called on a scope without a 'Components' property!"); #endif } #else #define DEBUG_CheckForComponentsInScope(ccx, obj, OKIfNotInitialized, runtime) \ ((void)0) #endif // static XPCWrappedNativeScope* XPCWrappedNativeScope::FindInJSObjectScope(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, JSBool OKIfNotInitialized, XPCJSRuntime* runtime) { XPCWrappedNativeScope* scope; if(!obj) return nsnull; // If this object is itself a wrapped native then we can get the // scope directly. scope = GetScopeOfObject(obj); if(scope) return scope; // Else we'll have to look up the parent chain to get the scope obj = JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, obj); if(!runtime) { runtime = nsXPConnect::GetRuntimeInstance(); NS_ASSERTION(runtime, "This should never be null!"); } // XXX We are assuming that the scope count is low enough that traversing // the linked list is more reasonable then doing a hashtable lookup. XPCWrappedNativeScope* found = nsnull; { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(runtime->GetMapLock()); DEBUG_TrackScopeTraversal(); for(XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur = gScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) { if(obj == cur->GetGlobalJSObject()) { found = cur; break; } } } if(found) { // This cannot be called within the map lock! DEBUG_CheckForComponentsInScope(cx, obj, OKIfNotInitialized, runtime); return found; } // Failure to find the scope is only OK if the caller told us it might fail. // This flag would only be set in the call from // XPCWrappedNativeScope::GetNewOrUsed NS_ASSERTION(OKIfNotInitialized, "No scope has this global object!"); return nsnull; } /***************************************************************************/ static JSDHashOperator WNProtoSecPolicyClearer(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { XPCWrappedNativeProto* proto = ((ClassInfo2WrappedNativeProtoMap::Entry*)hdr)->value; *(proto->GetSecurityInfoAddr()) = nsnull; return JS_DHASH_NEXT; } static JSDHashOperator WNSecPolicyClearer(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { XPCWrappedNative* wrapper = ((Native2WrappedNativeMap::Entry*)hdr)->value; if(wrapper->HasProto() && !wrapper->HasSharedProto()) *(wrapper->GetProto()->GetSecurityInfoAddr()) = nsnull; return JS_DHASH_NEXT; } // static nsresult XPCWrappedNativeScope::ClearAllWrappedNativeSecurityPolicies(XPCCallContext& ccx) { // Hold the lock throughout. XPCAutoLock lock(ccx.GetRuntime()->GetMapLock()); for(XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur = gScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) { cur->mWrappedNativeProtoMap->Enumerate(WNProtoSecPolicyClearer, nsnull); cur->mWrappedNativeMap->Enumerate(WNSecPolicyClearer, nsnull); } DEBUG_TrackScopeTraversal(); return NS_OK; } static JSDHashOperator WNProtoRemover(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { XPCWrappedNativeProtoMap* detachedMap = (XPCWrappedNativeProtoMap*)arg; XPCWrappedNativeProto* proto = (XPCWrappedNativeProto*) ((ClassInfo2WrappedNativeProtoMap::Entry*)hdr)->value; detachedMap->Add(proto); return JS_DHASH_REMOVE; } void XPCWrappedNativeScope::RemoveWrappedNativeProtos() { XPCAutoLock al(mRuntime->GetMapLock()); mWrappedNativeProtoMap->Enumerate(WNProtoRemover, GetRuntime()->GetDetachedWrappedNativeProtoMap()); } /***************************************************************************/ // static void XPCWrappedNativeScope::DebugDumpAllScopes(PRInt16 depth) { #ifdef DEBUG depth-- ; // get scope count. int count = 0; XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur; for(cur = gScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) count++ ; XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("chain of %d XPCWrappedNativeScope(s)", count)); XPC_LOG_INDENT(); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("gDyingScopes @ %x", gDyingScopes)); if(depth) for(cur = gScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) cur->DebugDump(depth); XPC_LOG_OUTDENT(); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG static JSDHashOperator WrappedNativeMapDumpEnumerator(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { ((Native2WrappedNativeMap::Entry*)hdr)->value->DebugDump(*(PRInt16*)arg); return JS_DHASH_NEXT; } static JSDHashOperator WrappedNativeProtoMapDumpEnumerator(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number, void *arg) { ((ClassInfo2WrappedNativeProtoMap::Entry*)hdr)->value->DebugDump(*(PRInt16*)arg); return JS_DHASH_NEXT; } #endif void XPCWrappedNativeScope::DebugDump(PRInt16 depth) { #ifdef DEBUG depth-- ; XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("XPCWrappedNativeScope @ %x", this)); XPC_LOG_INDENT(); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mRuntime @ %x", mRuntime)); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mNext @ %x", mNext)); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mComponents @ %x", mComponents)); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mGlobalJSObject @ %x", mGlobalJSObject)); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mPrototypeJSObject @ %x", mPrototypeJSObject)); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mPrototypeJSFunction @ %x", mPrototypeJSFunction)); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mPrototypeNoHelper @ %x", mPrototypeNoHelper)); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mWrappedNativeMap @ %x with %d wrappers(s)", \ mWrappedNativeMap, \ mWrappedNativeMap ? mWrappedNativeMap->Count() : 0)); // iterate contexts... if(depth && mWrappedNativeMap && mWrappedNativeMap->Count()) { XPC_LOG_INDENT(); mWrappedNativeMap->Enumerate(WrappedNativeMapDumpEnumerator, &depth); XPC_LOG_OUTDENT(); } XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mWrappedNativeProtoMap @ %x with %d protos(s)", \ mWrappedNativeProtoMap, \ mWrappedNativeProtoMap ? mWrappedNativeProtoMap->Count() : 0)); // iterate contexts... if(depth && mWrappedNativeProtoMap && mWrappedNativeProtoMap->Count()) { XPC_LOG_INDENT(); mWrappedNativeProtoMap->Enumerate(WrappedNativeProtoMapDumpEnumerator, &depth); XPC_LOG_OUTDENT(); } XPC_LOG_OUTDENT(); #endif } #ifndef XPCONNECT_STANDALONE // static void XPCWrappedNativeScope::TraverseScopes(XPCCallContext& ccx) { // Hold the lock throughout. XPCAutoLock lock(ccx.GetRuntime()->GetMapLock()); for(XPCWrappedNativeScope* cur = gScopes; cur; cur = cur->mNext) if(cur->mGlobalJSObject && cur->mScriptObjectPrincipal) { ccx.GetXPConnect()->RecordTraversal(cur->mGlobalJSObject, cur->mScriptObjectPrincipal); } } #endif