require "bridge/bid" require "bridge/card" require "bridge/deal" require "bridge/score" require "bridge/trick" require "bridge/version" module Bridge # Number of possible deals in bridge DEALS = 53_644_737_765_488_792_839_237_440_000 # Card values - from A to 2 CARD_VALUES = %w(A K Q J T 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2) MAJORS = %w(S H) MINORS = %w(D C) # Trumps TRUMPS = MAJORS + MINORS # No trump string NO_TRUMP = "NT" # Array with card strings in the bridge deck (AKQJT98765432, four # suits). Contains "SA", "HT", etc. DECK = TRUMPS.inject([]) do |d, s| d += { |c| s + c } end # Direction strings "N", "E", "S" and "W" DIRECTIONS = %w(N E S W) # Possible contracts in ascending order. Contains "1C", "6NT", etc. CONTRACTS = %w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7).inject([]) do |b, l| b += (TRUMPS.reverse + [NO_TRUMP]).map { |s| l + s } end # Pass string PASS = "PASS" # Double string DOUBLE = "X" # Redouble string REDOUBLE = "XX" # Modifier bids (double and redouble) MODIFIERS = [DOUBLE, REDOUBLE] # All possible bids (including contracts, modifiers and pass) BIDS = CONTRACTS + MODIFIERS + [PASS] # 2 sides SIDES = %w{NS EW} # All possible vullnerabilites VULNERABILITIES = ["NONE", SIDES, "BOTH"].flatten def self.direction?(string) DIRECTIONS.include?(string) end def self.deal_id?(integer) (0..DEALS - 1).include?(integer) end def self.card?(string) DECK.include?(string) end def self.compare_cards(first, second) # DECK has reversed order DECK.index(second) <=> DECK.index(first) end def self.compare_contracts(first, second) CONTRACTS.index(first) <=> CONTRACTS.index(second) end def self.pass?(string) PASS == string end def self.double?(string) DOUBLE == string end def self.redouble?(string) REDOUBLE == string end def self.modifier?(string) MODIFIERS.include?(string) end def self.contract?(string) CONTRACTS.include?(string) end def BIDS.include?(string) end def self.trump?(string) TRUMPS.include?(string) end def self.minor?(string) MINORS.include?(string) end def self.major?(string) MAJORS.include?(string) end def self.no_trump?(string) NO_TRUMP == string end def self.partner_of(direction) return unless direction?(direction) i = (DIRECTIONS.index(direction) + 2) % 4 DIRECTIONS[i] end def self.side_of(direction) return unless direction?(direction) [direction, partner_of(direction)].sort.join end def self.next_direction(direction = nil) return DIRECTIONS.first if direction.nil? return unless direction?(direction) next_in_collection(DIRECTIONS, direction) end def self.vulnerable_in_deal(deal = nil) return VULNERABILITIES.first if deal.nil? round = (deal - 1).div(4) % 4 index = (deal - 1) % 4 vulnerabilities = VULNERABILITIES.dup shift = vulnerabilities.shift(round) vulnerabilities.push(shift).flatten[index] end def self.next_in_collection(collection, current) i = (collection.index(current) + 1) % collection.size collection[i] end end