// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2010 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals module test ok equals same */ var Mail; module("Sample Model from a webmail app", { setup: function() { // namespace Mail = SC.Object.create({ store: SC.Store.create() }); // Messages are stored in mailboxes. Mail.Mailbox = SC.Record.extend({ name: SC.Record.attr(String, { isRequired: YES }), // here is the mailbox type. must be one of INBOX, TRASH, OTHER mailbox: SC.Record.attr(String, { isRequired: YES, only: 'INBOX TRASH OTHER'.w() }), // this is the sortKey that should be used to order the mailbox. sortKey: SC.Record.attr(String, { isRequired: YES, only: 'subject date from to'.w() }), // load the list of messages. We use the mailbox guid to load the // messages. Messages use a foreign key to move the message around. // an edit should cause this fetched property to reload. // // when you get messages, it will fetch "mailboxMessages" from the // owner store, passing the receiver as the param unless you implement // the mailboxMessageParams property. messages: SC.Record.fetch('Mail.Message') }); // A message has a subject, date, sender, mailboxes, and messageDetail // which is a to-one relationship. mailboxes is kept as an array of // guids. Mail.Message = SC.Record.extend({ date: SC.Record.attr(Date, { isRequired: YES }), mailboxes: SC.Record.toMany('Mail.Mailbox', { inverse: 'messages', isMaster: YES, minimum: 1 // you cannot have less than one mailbox. }), // describe the message detail. messageDetail: SC.Record.toOne('Mail.MessageDetail', { inverse: "message", // MessageDetail.message should == this.primaryKey isDependent: YES }), // access the named property through another property. body: SC.Record.through('messageDetail'), cc: SC.Record.through('messageDetail'), bcc: SC.Record.through('messageDetail'), subject: SC.Record.through('messageDetail') }); Mail.Contact = SC.Record.extend({ firstName: SC.Record.attr(String), lastName: SC.Record.attr(String), email: SC.Record.attr(String) }); // define server. RestServer knows how to automatically save records to // the server. You need to define your fetch requests here though. Mail.server = SC.RestServer.create({ // fetch request for mailboxes. fetchMailboxes: function(params) { return this.fetchRequest('/ma/mailboxes?alt=json') ; } }); } });