(function() { /* TODO(sissel): This could use some serious refactoring. */ $(document).ready(function() { var status = $("#status"); var config = function (key, value, default_value) { if (value) { status.html("config[" + key + "] = " + value); //alert(key + " => " + value); window.localStorage[key] = value return value } else { return window.localStorage[key] || default_value } }; var state = { x: -1, y: -1, moving: false, dragging: false, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, key: undefined, mouse: { }, scroll: { y: 0, } }; state.message_callback = function(request) { action = request["action"]; switch (action) { case "status": /* Use eval to do unicode escaping */ var status = eval("\"" + request["status"] + "\""); var el = $("

" + status + "

"); $("#area").empty().append(el); el.delay(500).fadeOut(500, function() { $(this).remove() }); break; } }; /* Sync configuration elements */ /* Mouse movement */ console.log(config("fingerpoken/mouse/movement")); $("input[name = \"mouse-config\"]") .bind("change", function(event) { config("fingerpoken/mouse/movement", event.target.value); }).filter("[value = \"" + config("fingerpoken/mouse/movement") + "\"]") .attr("checked", "checked").click() $("input[name = \"mouse-acceleration\"]") .bind("change", function(event) { config("fingerpoken/mouse/acceleration", parseInt(event.target.value)); //status.html(event.target.value); }).val(config("fingerpoken/mouse/acceleration")).change(); /* Changing orientation sometimes leaves the viewport * not starting at 0,0. Fix it with this hack. * Also, we want to make the content size full height. */ $(window).bind("orientationchange resize pageshow", function(event) { scroll(0, 0); console.log(window.orientation); var header = $(".header:visible"); var footer = $(".footer:visible"); var content = $(".content:visible"); var viewport_height = $(window).height(); var content_height = viewport_height - header.outerHeight() - footer.outerHeight(); /* Trim margin/border/padding height */ content_height -= (content.outerHeight() - content.height()); content.height(content_height); }); var connect = function(state) { status.html("connecting..."); var websocket = new WebSocket("ws://" + document.location.hostname + ":5001"); websocket.onopen = function(event) { status.html("websocket ready"); } websocket.onclose = function(event) { status.html("Closed, trying to reopen."); setTimeout(function() { connect(state); }, 1000); } websocket.onmessage = function(event) { var request = JSON.parse(event.data); state.message_callback(request) } state.websocket = websocket; } connect(state); /* This will track orientation/motion changes with the accelerometer and * gyroscope. Not sure how useful this would be... */ //$(window).bind("devicemotion", function(event) { //var e = event.originalEvent; //state.accel = e.accelerationIncludingGravity; /* Trim shakes */ //if (Math.abs(state.accel.x) < 0.22 && Math.abs(state.accel.y) < 0.22) { //return; //} //status.html("Motion: \nx: " + state.accel.x + "\ny: " + state.accel.y + "\nz: " + state.accel.z); //state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ //action: "move", //rel_x: Math.ceil(state.accel.x) * -1, //rel_y: Math.ceil(state.accel.y) * -1, //})); //}); /* TODO(sissel): add mousedown/mousemove/mouseup support */ console.log($("#touchpad-surface")); $("#area").bind("touchstart", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var e = event.originalEvent; var touches = e.touches; var output = "Start: " + touches[0].clientX + "," + touches[0].clientY + "\n"; output += "Fingers: " + touches.length + "\n"; status.html(output); /* number of fingers == mouse button */ state.fingers = touches.length; switch (state.fingers) { case 1: state.button = 1; break; case 2: state.button = 3; break; case 3: state.button = 2; break; } var now = (new Date()).getTime(); if ((now - state.last_click) < 170) { /* Start dragging */ state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "mousedown", button: state.button, })) state.dragging = true; } }).bind("touchend", function(event) { /* $("#touchpadsurface").bind("touchend" ... */ var e = event.originalEvent; var touches = e.touches; if (state.mouse.vectorTimer) { clearInterval(state.mouse.vectorTimer); state.mouse.vectorTimer = null; } if (state.dragging) { state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "mouseup", button: state.button, })); state.dragging = false; } else { if (state.moving && !state.scrolling) { var e = state.last_move; var r = e.rotation; if (r < 0) { r += 360; } status.html(r); if (r > 75 && r < 105) { /* Activate the keyboard when there's a ~90-degree rotation*/ var keyboard = $(""); keyboard.css("width", "100%"); keyboard.css("height", "100%"); status.html(""); keyboard.appendTo(status).focus(); keyboard.bind("keypress", function(event) { var e = event.originalEvent; var key = e.charCode; console.log(key); if (!key) { key = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); } state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "log", shift: e.shiftKey, char: e.charCode, ctrl: e.ctrlKey, meta: e.ctrlKey, })); state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "keypress", key: key, shift: e.shiftKey, })); e.preventDefault(); }).bind("change", function(event) { /* Skip empty changes */ if (keyboard.val() == "") { return; } state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "type", string: keyboard.val(), })); /* Clear the field */ keyboard.val(""); }); keyboard.bind("keyup", function(event) { var e = event.originalEvent; state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "log", shift: e.shiftKey, char: e.charCode, key: e.which, ctrl: e.ctrlKey, meta: e.ctrlKey, })); console.log(key); var key = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if (key >= 32 && key <= 127) { /* skip printable keys (a-z, etc) */ return; } state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "keypress", key: key, shift: e.shiftKey, })); e.preventDefault(); }); //status.html(""); //$("#keyboard").focus(); } else { /* Otherwise, we didn't rotate */ state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "move_end", now: (new Date()), })); } } else if (state.scrolling) { /* nothing for now */ } else { /* No movement, click! */ status.html("Click!"); state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "click", button: state.button, })); state.last_click = (new Date()).getTime(); } } if (touches.length == 0) { state.moving = false; state.scrolling = false; } event.preventDefault(); }).bind("touchmove", function(event) { /* $("#touchpadsurface").bind("touchmove" ... */ var e = event.originalEvent; var touches = e.touches; event.preventDefault(); if (!state.moving) { /* Start calculating delta offsets now */ state.moving = true; state.start_x = state.x = touches[0].clientX; state.start_y = state.y = touches[0].clientY; /* Skip this event */ return; } state.last_move = e; var output = ""; for (var i in touches) { output += i + ": " + touches[i].clientX + "," + touches[i].clientY + "\n"; } var r = e.rotation; if (r < 0) { r += 360; } output += "rotation: " + r + "\n"; output += "scale: " + e.scale + "\n"; var x = touches[0].clientX; var y = touches[0].clientY; var delta_x = (x - state.x); var delta_y = (y - state.y); /* Apply acceleration */ var sign_x = (delta_x < 0 ? -1 : 1); var sign_y = (delta_y < 0 ? -1 : 1); /* jQuery Mobile or HTML 'range' inputs don't support floating point. * Hack around it by using larger numbers and compensating. */ var accel = config("fingerpoken/mouse/acceleration", null, 150) / 100.0; output += "Accel: " + accel + "\n"; var delta_x = Math.ceil(Math.pow(Math.abs(delta_x), accel) * sign_x); var delta_y = Math.ceil(Math.pow(Math.abs(delta_y), accel) * sign_y); output += "Delta: " + delta_x + ", " + delta_y + "\n"; state.x = x; state.y = y; /* TODO(sissel): Make this a config option */ if (e.rotation < -10 || e.rotation > 10) { /* Skip rotations that are probably not mouse-cursor-wanting movements */ return; } /* TODO(sissel): Make this a config option */ if (e.scale < 0.9 || e.scale > 1.1) { /* Skip scales that are probably not mouse-cursor-wanting movements */ return; } if (touches.length > 1 && !state.dragging) { /* Multifinger movement, probably should scroll? */ if (Math.abs(delta_y) > 0) { /* Scroll */ state.scroll.y += delta_y; /* Don't scroll every time we move, wait until we move enough * that it is more than 10 pixels. */ /* TODO(sissel): Make this a config option */ if (Math.abs(state.scroll.y) > 10) { state.scrolling = true; state.moving = false; state.scroll.y = 0; state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "click", button: (delta_y < 0) ? 4 : 5, })) } } /* if (Math.abs(delta_y) > 0) */ } else { /* Only 1 finger, and we aren't dragging. So let's move! */ /* TODO(sissel): Refactor these in to fumctions */ var movement = config("fingerpoken/mouse/movement"); if (movement == "relative") { status.html(output); state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "mousemove_relative", rel_x: delta_x, rel_y: delta_y })); } else if (movement == "vector") { if (!state.mouse.vectorTimer) { state.mouse.vectorTimer = setInterval(function() { var rx = state.x - state.start_x; var ry = state.y - state.start_y; if (rx == 0 || ry == 0) { return; } var sign_rx = (rx < 0 ? -1 : 1); var sign_ry = (ry < 0 ? -1 : 1); var vector_accel = accel / 1.7 /* feels like the right ratio */ output = "rx,ry = " + rx + ", " + ry + "\n"; rx = Math.ceil(Math.pow(Math.abs(rx), vector_accel) * sign_rx); ry = Math.ceil(Math.pow(Math.abs(ry), vector_accel) * sign_ry); output += "rx2,ry2 = " + rx + ", " + ry + "\n"; status.html(output) state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "mousemove_relative", rel_x: rx, rel_y: ry })); }, 15); } /* if (!state.mouse.vectorTimer) */ } /* mouse vector movement */ } /* finger movement */ }); /* $("#touchpadsurface").bind( ... )*/ /* Take commands like this: * * Key press: * * * Mouse click * */ $("a.command").bind("touchstart", function(event) { state.touchelement = this; }).bind("mousedown", function(event) { state.touchelement = this; event.preventDefault(); }).bind("touchmove mousemove", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); }).bind("touchend mouseup", function(event) { if (state.touchelement == this) { state.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: $(this).attr("data-action"), key: $(this).attr("data-key"), button: parseInt($(this).attr("data-button")), })); } }); }); /* $(document).ready */ })();