require 'fileutils' require 'singleton' require 'open3' require 'bundler' require 'exogenesis/support/output' require 'exogenesis/support/task_skipped' # Executor is a Singleton. Get the instance # via `Executor.instance` # If you add a public method here, please also # add it to the `executor_double`. Same goes for # removing public methods ;) class Executor include Singleton def initialize @output = Output.instance end # Start a new output section with a given # text def start_section(text, emoji_name) @output.decorated_header(text, emoji_name) end # Notify the user that you started with a # task like 'Configure Homebrew' def start_task(text) @output.left(text) end # Notify the user that the started task # was successful. def task_succeeded(further_information = '') @output.success(further_information) end # Notify the user that the started task # failed. def task_failed(further_information, exit_status = 1) @output.failure(further_information) exit(exit_status) end # Notify the user that you have skipped a task def skip_task(description, further_information = '') @output.left(description) @output.skipped(further_information) end # Notify the user about something # TODO: It has to be possible to give an info for a started task def info(description, information) @output.left(description) end # Create a path # Expects a PathName def mkpath(path) FileUtils.mkpath(path) end # Get a path starting from the home dir def get_path_in_home(*path), *path)) end # Get a path starting from the current working directory def get_path_in_working_directory(*path) Pathname.pwd.join(*path) end # Get an expanded PathName for a String def get_path_for(path_as_string) end # Execute a shell script. The description will # be printed before the execution. This method # will handle failures of the executed script. # If you provide a block, execute will pass the output # of the execution to it. If you raise a TaskSkipped # Exception, it will skip the task instead of marking # it as done (and give the text you provided to the # exception as additional information if verbose is # active) def execute(description, script) start_task description output, error_output, exit_status = nil Bundler.with_clean_env do Open3.popen3(script) do |_stdin, stdout, stderr, process| output = error_output = exit_status = process.value.exitstatus end end yield(output, error_output) if block_given? if exit_status > 0 task_failed("An Error occured while executing `#{script}`: \n#{output} #{error_output}", exit_status) else task_succeeded(output) end rescue TaskSkipped => e @output.skipped(e) end # Executes the script via system, so the user # can interact with the output. Instead of # the usual output of the other commands, it # will draw a border around the interactive section def execute_interactive(description, script) @output.start_border description system script @output.end_border end # Execute without printing anything, return the result # (Use instead of `command` to mock it) def silent_execute(command) Bundler.with_clean_env do `#{command}` end end # Wrapper around FileUtils' `rm_rf` # First check if the path exists, info if it doesn't exist # If it exists, ask if the user really wants to delete it # path: Needs to be a PathName def rm_rf(path) if path.exist? FileUtils.rm_rf(path) if ask?("Do you really want to `rm -rf #{path}?`") else info("Delete `#{path}`", 'Already deleted') end end # Wrapper around FileUtils' `ln_s` def ln_s(src, dest) if dest.symlink? && dest.readlink == src skip_task "Linking #{src}", 'Already linked' else start_task "Linking #{src}" if dest.exist? || dest.symlink? task_failed 'Target already exists' else FileUtils.ln_s(src, dest) task_succeeded end end end # Ask the user a yes/no question def ask?(question) start_task("#{question} (y for yes, everything else aborts)") STDIN.gets == "y\n" end # Clone a git repository # TODO: Currently only supports Github Repos, but should work in hub-style in the future # git_repo: A Github repo name # target: A path object where you want to clone to def clone_repo(git_repo, target) execute "Cloning #{git_repo}", "git clone{git_repo}.git #{target}" end # Pull a git repository # git_repo: Is just used for the description # git_repo: A Github repo name (only used for task description) # target: A path object where you want to pull def pull_repo(git_repo, target) check_if_git_repo! target execute "Pulling #{git_repo}", "cd #{target} && git pull" end # Check if a command exists def command_exists?(command) system("which #{command} &>/dev/null;") end private # Path: A pathname object where you want to pull def check_if_git_repo!(path) start_task "Checking #{path.basename}" if { |child| child.basename.to_s == '.git' } task_succeeded else task_failed 'Not a git repository' end end end