module ActiveScaffold module Finder def self.like_operator @@like_operator ||=[PostgreSQL PostGIS]) ? 'ILIKE' : 'LIKE' end module ClassMethods def self.extended(klass) return unless klass.active_scaffold_config if klass.active_scaffold_config.active_record? klass.extend ActiveRecord elsif klass.active_scaffold_config.mongoid? klass.extend Mongoid end end # Takes a collection of search terms (the tokens) and creates SQL that # searches all specified ActiveScaffold columns. A row will match if each # token is found in at least one of the columns. def conditions_for_columns(tokens, columns, text_search = :full) # if there aren't any columns, then just return a nil condition return unless columns.any? tokens = [tokens] if tokens.is_a? String tokens = type_casted_tokens(tokens, columns, like_pattern(text_search)) create_conditions_for_columns(tokens, columns) end def type_casted_tokens(tokens, columns, like_pattern) do |value| columns.each_with_object({}) do |column, column_tokens| column_tokens[] = if column.text? like_pattern.sub('?', column.active_record? ? column.active_record_class.sanitize_sql_like(value) : value) else ActiveScaffold::Core.column_type_cast(value, column.column) end end end end module ActiveRecord def create_conditions_for_columns(tokens, columns) where_clauses = [] columns.each do |column| column.search_sql.each do |search_sql| where_clauses << "#{search_sql} #{column.text? ? ActiveScaffold::Finder.like_operator : '='} ?" end end phrase = where_clauses.join(' OR ') do |columns_token| columns.each_with_object([phrase]) do |column, condition| condition.concat([columns_token[]] * column.search_sql.size) end end end def like_pattern(text_search) case text_search when :full then '%?%' when :start then '?%' when :end then '%?' else '?' end end end module Mongoid def create_conditions_for_columns(tokens, columns) conditions = do |columns_token| token_conditions = do |column| value = columns_token[] value = /#{value}/ if column.text? do |search_sql| # call .to_s so String is returned from CowProxy::String in threadsafe mode # in other case, or method from Mongoid would fail {search_sql.to_s => value} end end.flatten active_scaffold_config.model.or(token_conditions).selector end [active_scaffold_config.model.and(conditions).selector] end def like_pattern(text_search) case text_search when :full then '?' when :start then '^?' when :end then '?$' else '^?$' end end end # Generates an SQL condition for the given ActiveScaffold column based on # that column's database type (or form_ui ... for virtual columns?). # TODO: this should reside on the column, not the controller def condition_for_column(column, value, text_search, session) like_pattern = like_pattern(text_search) value = value.with_indifferent_access if value.is_a? Hash column_method = "condition_for_#{}_column" if respond_to?(column_method) args = [column, value, like_pattern] args << session if method(column_method).arity == 4 return send(:"condition_for_#{}_column", *args) end return unless column.search_sql && value.present? search_ui = column.search_ui || column.column_type begin sql, *values = if search_ui && respond_to?(:"condition_for_#{search_ui}_type") send(:"condition_for_#{search_ui}_type", column, value, like_pattern) elsif column.search_sql.instance_of? Proc else condition_for_search_ui(column, value, like_pattern, search_ui) end return nil unless sql where_values = [] sql_conditions = [] column.search_sql.each do |search_sql| if search_sql.is_a?(Hash) subquery_sql, *subquery_values = subquery_condition(column, sql, search_sql, values) sql_conditions << subquery_sql where_values.concat subquery_values else sql_conditions << (sql % {search_sql: search_sql}) where_values.concat values end end [sql_conditions.join(' OR '), *where_values] rescue StandardError => e Rails.logger.error "#{}: #{e.message} -- on the ActiveScaffold column :#{}, search_ui = #{search_ui} in #{name}" raise e end end def subquery_condition(column, sql, options, values) relation, *columns = options[:subquery] conditions = [ { |search_sql| sql % {search_sql: search_sql} }.join(' OR ')] conditions += values * columns.size if values.present? subquery = relation.where(conditions) subquery = if subquery.select_values.blank? conditions = [["#{options[:field] || column.field} IN (?)", options[:conditions]&.first].compact.join(' AND ')] conditions << subquery conditions.concat options[:conditions][1..] if options[:conditions] if column.association&.polymorphic? conditions[0] << " AND #{column.quoted_foreign_type} = ?" conditions << relation.base_class.sti_name end conditions end def condition_for_search_ui(column, value, like_pattern, search_ui) case search_ui when :boolean, :checkbox if value == 'null' condition_for_null_type(column, value) else ['%s = ?', column.column ? ActiveScaffold::Core.column_type_cast(value, column.column) : value] end when :integer, :decimal, :float condition_for_numeric(column, value) when :string, :range if value.is_a?(Hash) condition_for_range(column, value, like_pattern) else condition_for_single_value(column, value, like_pattern) end when :date, :time, :datetime, :timestamp condition_for_datetime(column, value) when :select, :select_multiple, :draggable, :multi_select, :country, :usa_state, :chosen, :multi_chosen if value.is_a?(Hash) condition_for_range(column, value, like_pattern) else values = Array(value).compact_blank ['%s in (?)', values] if values.present? end else condition_for_single_value(column, value, like_pattern) end end def condition_for_numeric(column, value) if !value.is_a?(Hash) ['%s = ?', condition_value_for_numeric(column, value)] elsif ActiveScaffold::Finder::NULL_COMPARATORS.include?(value[:opt]) condition_for_null_type(column, value[:opt]) elsif value[:from].blank? || ActiveScaffold::Finder::NUMERIC_COMPARATORS.exclude?(value[:opt]) nil elsif value[:opt] == 'BETWEEN' ['(%s BETWEEN ? AND ?)', condition_value_for_numeric(column, value[:from]), condition_value_for_numeric(column, value[:to])] else ["%s #{value[:opt]} ?", condition_value_for_numeric(column, value[:from])] end end def condition_for_single_value(column, value, like_pattern = nil) if column.text? value = column.active_record_class.sanitize_sql_like(value) if column.active_record? ["%s #{ActiveScaffold::Finder.like_operator} ?", like_pattern.sub('?', value)] else ['%s = ?', ActiveScaffold::Core.column_type_cast(value, column.column)] end end def condition_for_range(column, value, like_pattern = nil) if ActiveScaffold::Finder::NULL_COMPARATORS.include?(value[:opt]) condition_for_null_type(column, value[:opt], like_pattern) elsif value[:from].is_a?(Array) # opt can be only = from = Array(value[:from]).compact_blank ['%s in (?)', from] if from.present? elsif value[:from].blank? nil elsif ActiveScaffold::Finder::STRING_COMPARATORS.value?(value[:opt]) text = column.active_record? ? column.active_record_class.sanitize_sql_like(value[:from]) : value[:from] [ "%s #{'NOT ' if value[:opt].start_with?('not_')}#{ActiveScaffold::Finder.like_operator} ?", value[:opt].sub('not_', '').sub('?', text) ] elsif value[:opt] == 'BETWEEN' ['(%s BETWEEN ? AND ?)', value[:from], value[:to]] elsif ActiveScaffold::Finder::NUMERIC_COMPARATORS.include?(value[:opt]) ["%s #{value[:opt]} ?", value[:from]] end end def tables_for_translating_days_and_months(format) keys = { '%A' => 'date.day_names', '%a' => 'date.abbr_day_names', '%B' => 'date.month_names', '%b' => 'date.abbr_month_names' } key_index = keys.keys.index_with { |key| format.index(key) }! { |k, _| key_index[k] } keys.sort_by { |k, _| key_index[k] }.map do |_, k| I18n.t(k), locale: :en).compact).to_h end end def translate_days_and_months(value, format) translated = '' tables_for_translating_days_and_months(format).each do |table| regexp = Regexp.union(table.keys) index = value.index(regexp) next unless index translated << value.slice!(0...index) value.sub!(regexp) do |str| translated << table[str] '' end end translated << value end def format_for_datetime(column, value, ui_name, ui_options) parts = Date._parse(value) time_parts = [[:hour, '%H'], [:min, '%M'], [:sec, '%S']].filter_map do |part, format_part| format_part if parts[part].present? end format = "%Y-%m-%d #{time_parts.join(':')} #{'%z' if parts[:offset].present?}" format.gsub!(/.*(?=%H)/, '') if !parts[:year] && !parts[:month] && !parts[:mday] [format, parts[:offset]] end def local_time_from_hash(value, conversion = :to_time) time =*%i[year month day hour minute second].collect { |part| value[part].to_i }) time.send(conversion) rescue StandardError => e message = "Error creating time from #{value.inspect}:" Rails.logger.warn "#{message}\n#{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" nil end def format_for_date(column, value, ui_name, ui_options) if ui_options[:format] format = I18n.t("date.formats.#{ui_options[:format]}") format.gsub!(/%-d|%-m|%_m/) { |s| s.gsub(/[-_]/, '') } # strptime fails with %-d, %-m, %_m en_value = I18n.locale == :en ? value : translate_days_and_months(value, format) end [en_value || value, format] end def parse_date_with_format(value, format) Date.strptime(value, *format) rescue StandardError => e message = "Error parsing date from #{value}" message << ", with format #{format}" if format Rails.logger.warn "#{message}:\n#{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" nil end def parse_time_with_format(value, format, offset) format.gsub!(/%-d|%-m|%_m/) { |s| s.gsub(/[-_]/, '') } # strptime fails with %-d, %-m, %_m en_value = I18n.locale == :en ? value : translate_days_and_months(value, format) time = Time.strptime(en_value, format) offset ? time : rescue StandardError => e message = "Error parsing time from #{en_value}" message << " (#{value})" if en_value != value message << ", with format #{format}" if format Rails.logger.warn "#{message}:\n#{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" nil end def condition_value_for_datetime(column, value, conversion = :to_time, ui_method: :search_ui, ui_options: nil) return if value.nil? || value.blank? ui_options ||= column.send(:"#{ui_method}_options") || column.options if value.is_a? Hash local_time_from_hash(value, conversion) elsif value.respond_to?(:strftime) if conversion == :to_time # Explicitly get the current zone, because TimeWithZone#to_time in rails 3.2.3 returns UTC. # value.to_time.in_time_zone else value.send(conversion) end elsif conversion == :to_date parse_date_with_format(*format_for_date(column, value, column.send(ui_method), ui_options)) elsif value.include?('T') else # datetime time = parse_time_with_format(value, *format_for_datetime(column, value, column.send(ui_method), ui_options)) conversion == :to_time ? time : time.send(conversion) end end def condition_value_for_numeric(column, value) return value if value.nil? value = column.number_to_native(value) if column.options[:format] && column.search_ui != :number case column.search_ui || column.column_type when :integer if value.is_a?(TrueClass) || value.is_a?(FalseClass) value ? 1 : 0 else value.to_i end when :float then value.to_f when :decimal then else value end end def datetime_conversion_for_condition(column) if column.column column.column_type == :date ? :to_date : :to_time else :to_time end end def condition_for_datetime(column, value, like_pattern = nil) operator = ActiveScaffold::Finder::NUMERIC_COMPARATORS.include?(value['opt']) && value['opt'] != 'BETWEEN' ? value['opt'] : nil from_value, to_value = datetime_from_to(column, value) if column.search_sql.is_a? Proc, to_value, operator) elsif ActiveScaffold::Finder::NULL_COMPARATORS.include?(value['opt']) condition_for_null_type(column, value['opt'], like_pattern) elsif operator.nil? ['%s BETWEEN ? AND ?', from_value, to_value] unless from_value.nil? || to_value.nil? else ["%s #{value['opt']} ?", from_value] unless from_value.nil? end end def datetime_from_to(column, value) conversion = datetime_conversion_for_condition(column) case value['opt'] when 'RANGE' values = datetime_from_to_for_range(column, value) # Avoid calling to_time, not needed and broken on rails >= 4, because return local time instead of UTC values.collect!(&conversion) if conversion != :to_time values when 'PAST', 'FUTURE' values = datetime_from_to_for_trend(column, value) # Avoid calling to_time, not needed and broken on rails >= 4, because return local time instead of UTC values.collect!(&conversion) if conversion != :to_time values else %w[from to].collect { |field| condition_value_for_datetime(column, value[field], conversion) } end end def datetime_now end def datetime_from_to_for_trend(column, value) case value['opt'] when 'PAST' trend_number = [value['number'].to_i, 1].max now = datetime_now if datetime_column_date?(column) from = now.beginning_of_day.ago(trend_number.send(value['unit'].downcase.singularize.to_sym)) to = now.end_of_day else from = now.ago(trend_number.send(value['unit'].downcase.singularize.to_sym)) to = now end [from, to] when 'FUTURE' trend_number = [value['number'].to_i, 1].max now = datetime_now if datetime_column_date?(column) from = now.beginning_of_day to =['unit'].downcase.singularize.to_sym)) else from = now to =['unit'].downcase.singularize.to_sym)) end [from, to] end end def datetime_from_to_for_range(column, value) case value['range'] when 'TODAY' [datetime_now.beginning_of_day, datetime_now.end_of_day] when 'YESTERDAY' [datetime_now.ago(, datetime_now.ago(] when 'TOMORROW' [,] else range_type, range = value['range'].downcase.split('_') raise ArgumentError unless %w[week month year].include?(range) case range_type when 'this' [datetime_now.send(:"beginning_of_#{range}"), datetime_now.send(:"end_of_#{range}")] when 'prev' [datetime_now.ago(1.send(range.to_sym)).send(:"beginning_of_#{range}"), datetime_now.ago(1.send(range.to_sym)).send(:"end_of_#{range}")] when 'next' ["beginning_of_#{range}"),"end_of_#{range}")] else [nil, nil] end end end def datetime_column_date?(column) column.column&.type == :date end def condition_for_record_select_type(column, value, like_pattern = nil) if value.is_a?(Array) value = value.compact_blank ['%s IN (?)', value] if value.present? else ['%s = ?', value] end end def condition_for_null_type(column, value, like_pattern = nil) case value.to_s when 'null' ['%s is null', []] when 'not_null' ['%s is not null', []] end end end NUMERIC_COMPARATORS = [ '=', '>=', '<=', '>', '<', '!=', 'BETWEEN' ].freeze STRING_COMPARATORS = { contains: '%?%', begins_with: '?%', ends_with: '%?', doesnt_contain: 'not_%?%', doesnt_begin_with: 'not_?%', doesnt_end_with: 'not_%?' }.freeze NULL_COMPARATORS = %w[null not_null].freeze DATE_COMPARATORS = %w[PAST FUTURE RANGE].freeze DATE_UNITS = %w[DAYS WEEKS MONTHS YEARS].freeze TIME_UNITS = %w[SECONDS MINUTES HOURS].freeze DATE_RANGES = %w[TODAY YESTERDAY TOMORROW THIS_WEEK PREV_WEEK NEXT_WEEK THIS_MONTH PREV_MONTH NEXT_MONTH THIS_YEAR PREV_YEAR NEXT_YEAR].freeze def self.included(klass) klass.extend ClassMethods end protected attr_writer :active_scaffold_conditions, :active_scaffold_preload, :active_scaffold_habtm_joins, :active_scaffold_outer_joins, :active_scaffold_references def active_scaffold_conditions @active_scaffold_conditions ||= [] end def active_scaffold_preload @active_scaffold_preload ||= [] end def active_scaffold_habtm_joins @active_scaffold_habtm_joins ||= [] end def active_scaffold_outer_joins @active_scaffold_outer_joins ||= [] end def active_scaffold_references @active_scaffold_references ||= [] end # Override this method on your controller to define conditions to be used when querying a recordset (e.g. for List). # The return of this method should be any format compatible with the :conditions clause of ActiveRecord::Base's find. def conditions_for_collection; end # Override this method on your controller to define joins to be used when querying a recordset (e.g. for List). # The return of this method should be any format compatible with the :joins clause of ActiveRecord::Base's find. def joins_for_collection; end # Override this method on your controller to provide custom finder options to the find() call. The return of this method should be a hash. def custom_finder_options {} end def active_scaffold_embedded_conditions params_hash active_scaffold_embedded_params[:conditions] end def all_conditions(id_condition: true) [ (self.id_condition if id_condition), # for list with id (e.g. /users/:id/index) active_scaffold_conditions, # from the search modules conditions_for_collection, # from the dev conditions_from_params, # from the parameters (e.g. /users/list?first_name=Fred) conditions_from_constraints, # from any constraints (embedded scaffolds) active_scaffold_embedded_conditions # embedding conditions (weaker constraints) ].compact_blank end def id_condition {active_scaffold_config.primary_key => params[:id]} if params[:id] end # returns a single record (the given id) but only if it's allowed for the specified security options. # security options can be a hash for authorized_for? method or a value to check as a :crud_type # accomplishes this by checking model.#{action}_authorized? def find_if_allowed(id, security_options, klass = beginning_of_chain) record = klass.find(id) security_options = {crud_type: security_options.to_sym} unless security_options.is_a? Hash raise ActiveScaffold::RecordNotAllowed, "#{klass} with id = #{id}" unless record.authorized_for? security_options record end # valid options may include: # * :sorting - a Sorting DataStructure (basically an array of hashes of field => direction, # e.g. [{field1: 'asc'}, {field2: 'desc'}]). # please note that multi-column sorting has some limitations: if any column in a multi-field # sort uses method-based sorting, it will be ignored. method sorting only works for single-column sorting. # * :per_page # * :page def finder_options(options = {}) search_conditions = all_conditions sorting = options[:sorting]&.clause sorting = { |part| Arel.sql(part) } if sorting && active_scaffold_config.active_record? # create a general-use options array that's compatible with Rails finders finder_options = { reorder: sorting, conditions: search_conditions } if active_scaffold_config.mongoid? finder_options[:includes] = [active_scaffold_references, active_scaffold_preload].compact.flatten.uniq.presence else finder_options.merge!( joins: joins_for_finder, left_joins: active_scaffold_outer_joins, preload: active_scaffold_preload, includes: active_scaffold_references.presence, references: active_scaffold_references.presence, select: options[:select] ) end finder_options.merge! custom_finder_options finder_options end def count_items(query, find_options = {}, count_includes = nil) count_includes ||= find_options[:includes] if find_options[:conditions].present? options = find_options.except(:select, :reorder, :order) # NOTE: we must use includes in the count query, because some conditions may reference other tables options[:includes] = count_includes count = append_to_query(query, options).count # Converts count to an integer if ActiveRecord returned an OrderedHash # that happens when find_options contains a :group key count = count.length if count.is_a?(Hash) count end # returns a Paginator::Page (not from ActiveRecord::Paginator) for the given parameters # See finder_options for valid options def find_page(options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys :sorting, :per_page, :page, :count_includes, :pagination, :select options[:per_page] ||= 999_999_999 options[:page] ||= 1 find_options = finder_options(options) query = beginning_of_chain query = query.where(nil) if active_scaffold_config.active_record? # where(nil) is needed because we need a relation # NOTE: we must use :include in the count query, because some conditions may reference other tables if options[:pagination] && options[:pagination] != :infinite count = count_items(query, find_options, options[:count_includes]) end query = append_to_query(query, find_options) # we build the paginator differently for method- and sql-based sorting pager = if options[:sorting]&.sorts_by_method?, options[:per_page]) do |offset, per_page| calculate_last_modified(query) sorted_collection = sort_collection_by_column(query.to_a, *options[:sorting].first) sorted_collection = sorted_collection.slice(offset, per_page) if options[:pagination] sorted_collection end else, options[:per_page]) do |offset, per_page| query = append_to_query(query, offset: offset, limit: per_page) if options[:pagination] calculate_last_modified(query) query end end[:page]) end def calculate_last_modified(query) return unless conditional_get_support? && ActiveScaffold::OrmChecks.columns_hash(query.klass)['updated_at'] @last_modified = query.maximum(:updated_at) end def calculate_subquery(id_condition: true) conditions = all_conditions(id_condition: id_condition) includes = active_scaffold_config.list.count_includes includes ||= active_scaffold_references if conditions.present? left_joins = active_scaffold_outer_joins left_joins += includes if includes primary_key = active_scaffold_config.primary_key subquery = append_to_query(beginning_of_chain, conditions: conditions, joins: joins_for_finder, left_joins: left_joins, select: active_scaffold_config.columns[primary_key].field) subquery.unscope(:order) end def calculate_query(id_condition: true) active_scaffold_config.model.where(active_scaffold_config.primary_key => calculate_subquery(id_condition: id_condition)) end def append_to_query(relation, options) options.assert_valid_keys :where, :select, :having, :group, :reorder, :order, :limit, :offset, :joins, :left_joins, :left_outer_joins, :includes, :lock, :readonly, :from, :conditions, :preload, :references relation = options.compact_blank.inject(relation) do |rel, (k, v)| k == :conditions ? apply_conditions(rel, *v) : rel.send(k, v) end relation.distinct_value = true if options[:left_outer_joins].present? || options[:left_joins].present? relation end def joins_for_finder case joins_for_collection when String [joins_for_collection] when Array joins_for_collection else [] end + active_scaffold_habtm_joins end def apply_conditions(relation, *conditions) conditions.compact_blank.inject(relation) do |rel, condition| if condition.is_a?(Array) && !condition.first.is_a?(String) # multiple conditions apply_conditions(rel, *condition) else rel.where(condition) end end end # TODO: this should reside on the column, not the controller def sort_collection_by_column(collection, column, order) sorter = column.sort[:method] collection = collection.sort_by do |record| value = sorter.is_a?(Proc) ? record.instance_eval(&sorter) : record.instance_eval(sorter.to_s) value = '' if value.nil? value end collection.reverse! if order.casecmp('DESC').zero? collection end end end