class Twitter::Client
# Why developers can't correctly document their API, I do not know!
:add => '/favourings/create',
:remove => '/favourings/destroy',
# Provides access to the Twitter list favorites API.
# You can access the authenticated [Twitter] user's favorites list using this method.
# By default you will receive the last twenty statuses added to your favorites list.
# To get a previous page you can provide options to this method. For example,
# statuses = client.favorites(:page => 2)
# The above one-liner will get the second page of favorites for the authenticated user.
def favorites(options = nil)
def uri_suffix(opts); opts && opts[:page] ? "?page=#{opts[:page]}" : ""; end
uri = '/favorites.json' + uri_suffix(options)
response = http_connect {|conn| create_http_get_request(uri) }
# Provides access to the Twitter add/remove favorite API.
# You can add and remove favorite status using this method.
# action can be any of the following values:
# * :add - to add a status to your favorites, you would use this action value
# * :remove - to remove an status from your existing favorites list use this.
# The value must be either the status object to add or remove or
# the integer unique status ID.
# Examples:
# id = 126006103423
# client.favorite(:add, id)
# client.favorite(:remove, id)
# status = Twitter::Status.find(id, client)
# client.favorite(:add, status)
# client.favorite(:remove, status)
def favorite(action, value)
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid favorite action provided: #{action}" unless @@FAVORITES_URIS.keys.member?(action)
value = value.to_i.to_s unless value.is_a?(String)
uri = "#{@@FAVORITES_URIS[action]}/#{value}.json"
case action
when :add
response = http_connect {|conn| create_http_post_request(uri) }
when :remove
response = http_connect {|conn| create_http_delete_request(uri) }