// SCSS variables
// ---------------------------------------

// Note: For the following Sass maps enter values as if they would be px units.

// Breakpoint sizes from px to ems. Add more values here to add more breakpoints.
// Change names if you prefer, it wont break the mixin as long as they are strings not just numbers.
$breakpoints: (
  break-0: 0,     // 0px       Mobile first
  break-1: 640,   // 640px   ~ Small tablet up
  break-2: 800,   // 800px   ~ Large tablet up
  break-3: 1024,  // 1024px  ~ Desktop up
  break-4: 1600   // 1600px  ~ Large desktop up
) !default;

// Root font-sizes for each breakpoint. Set to half desired line-height of body text.
// ! Make sure to have as many sizes as breakpoints above.
$rootsizes: (
  rootsize-0: 12,   // 24px line-height body text
  rootsize-1: 14,   // 28px line-height body text
  rootsize-2: 15,   // 30px line-height body text
  rootsize-3: 17,   // 34px line-height body text
  rootsize-4: 19    // 38px line-height body text
) !default;

// Set the optimum line-length for your text (based on typeface).
// Aim for 75–100 characters a line when possible, at smaller sizes type size is more important.
// ! Make sure to have as many widths as breakpoints above.
// Note: this was 'maxwidths' in previous versions.
$measures: (
  measure-0: 500,  // 500px wide
  measure-1: 550,  // 550px wide
  measure-2: 600,  // 600px wide
  measure-3: 680,  // 680px wide
  measure-4: 750   // 750px wide
) !default;

// Set the max-widths for containers (based on design).
// ! Make sure to have as many widths as breakpoints above.
$maxwidths: (
  width-0: 500,  // 500px wide
  width-1: 600,  // 600px wide
  width-2: 800,  // 800px wide
  width-3: 1100, // 110px wide
  width-4: 1300  // 1300px wide
) !default;

// Gutter widths
$gutterwidths: (
  small: 1rem,
  medium: 2rem,
  large: 4rem
) !default;

// Add typefaces here.
// Add weight and style details too.
// ! Set cap height to set to the baseline.
$bodytype: (
  font-family: '"Alegreya Sans", sans-serif',
  regular: 400,
  bold: 700,
  italic: italic,
  cap-height: 0.66
) !default;

$headingtype: (
  font-family: '"Neuton", serif',
  regular: 400,
  bold: 700,
  cap-height: 0.66
) !default;

$monospacetype: (
  font-family: 'Menlo, monospace',
  regular: 400,
  cap-height: 0.68
) !default;

// Here are some local fonts cap-height sizes to get you started:
// Georgia: 0.66, Times / Times New Roman: 0.65, Palatino: 0.52
// Lucida Grande: 0.72, Helvetica: 0.66, Verdana: 0.76, Tahoma: 0.76

// Selection of Typekit fonts cap-height sizes:
// Proxima Nova: 0.57, Museo Slab: 0.66, JAF Facit: 0.7, Brandon Grotesque: 0.65, Clavo: 0.7, Adelle: 0.66, FF Tisa Pro: 0.82, Jubilat: 0.66, Futura PT: 0.66, Chaparral Pro: 0.5, Minion Pro: 0.66, Myriad Pro: 0.66, Adobe Caslon Pro: 0.36

// Text colours. British English.
$headingColour: darken(#46412A, 5%) !default;
$bodyColour: #46412A !default;
$linkColour: #5B5BFF !default;
$hoverColour: darken(#5B5BFF, 10%) !default;
$captionColour: #46412A !default;
$white: #FFFFFF !default;

// Background colours.
$backgroundColour: #ffefc8 !default;
$codeBackgroundColour: darken(#ffefc8, 5%) !default;