module Fastlane module Actions class SwiftlintAction < Action def if `which swiftlint`.to_s.length == 0 && params[:executable].nil? && !Helper.test? UI.user_error!("You have to install swiftlint using `brew install swiftlint` or specify the executable path with the `:executable` option.") end version = swiftlint_version(executable: params[:executable]) if params[:mode] == :autocorrect && version <'0.5.0') && !Helper.test? UI.user_error!("Your version of swiftlint (#{version}) does not support autocorrect mode.\nUpdate swiftlint using `brew update && brew upgrade swiftlint`") end command = (params[:executable] || "swiftlint").dup command << " #{params[:mode]}" command << " --path #{params[:path].shellescape}" if params[:path] command << supported_option_switch(params, :strict, "0.9.2", true) command << " --config #{params[:config_file].shellescape}" if params[:config_file] command << " --reporter #{params[:reporter]}" if params[:reporter] command << supported_option_switch(params, :quiet, "0.9.0", true) command << supported_option_switch(params, :format, "0.11.0", true) if params[:mode] == :autocorrect if params[:files] if version <'0.5.1') UI.user_error!("Your version of swiftlint (#{version}) does not support list of files as input.\nUpdate swiftlint using `brew update && brew upgrade swiftlint`") end files = params[:files].map.with_index(0) { |f, i| "SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_#{i}=#{f.shellescape}" }.join(" ") command = command.prepend("SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT=#{params[:files].count} #{files} ") command << " --use-script-input-files" end command << " > #{params[:output_file].shellescape}" if params[:output_file] begin rescue handle_swiftlint_error(params[:ignore_exit_status], $?.exitstatus) end end # Get current SwiftLint version def self.swiftlint_version(executable: nil) binary = executable || 'swiftlint'`#{binary} version`.chomp) end # Return "--option" switch if option is on and current SwiftLint version is greater or equal than min version. # Return "" otherwise. def self.supported_option_switch(params, option, min_version, can_ignore = false) return "" unless params[option] version = swiftlint_version(executable: params[:executable]) if version < message = "Your version of swiftlint (#{version}) does not support '--#{option}' option.\nUpdate swiftlint to #{min_version} or above using `brew update && brew upgrade swiftlint`" message += "\nThe option will be ignored." if can_ignore can_ignore ? UI.important(message) : UI.user_error!(message) "" else " --#{option}" end end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Run swift code validation using SwiftLint" end def self.available_options [ :mode, description: "SwiftLint mode: :lint or :autocorrect", is_string: false, default_value: :lint, optional: true), :path, description: "Specify path to lint", is_string: true, optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Couldn't find path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") unless File.exist?(value) end), :output_file, description: 'Path to output SwiftLint result', optional: true), :config_file, description: 'Custom configuration file of SwiftLint', optional: true), :strict, description: 'Fail on warnings? (true/false)', default_value: false, is_string: false, type: Boolean, optional: true), :files, description: 'List of files to process', is_string: false, optional: true), :ignore_exit_status, description: "Ignore the exit status of the SwiftLint command, so that serious violations \ don't fail the build (true/false)", default_value: false, is_string: false, type: Boolean, optional: true), :reporter, description: 'Choose output reporter', is_string: true, optional: true), :quiet, description: "Don't print status logs like 'Linting ' & 'Done linting'", default_value: false, is_string: false, type: Boolean, optional: true), :executable, description: "Path to the `swiftlint` executable on your machine", is_string: true, optional: true), :format, description: "Format code when mode is :autocorrect", default_value: false, is_string: false, type: Boolean, optional: true) ] end def self.output end def self.return_value end def self.authors ["KrauseFx"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include?(platform) end def self.example_code [ 'swiftlint( mode: :lint, # SwiftLint mode: :lint (default) or :autocorrect path: "/path/to/lint", # Specify path to lint (optional) output_file: "swiftlint.result.json", # The path of the output file (optional) config_file: ".swiftlint-ci.yml", # The path of the configuration file (optional) files: [ # List of files to process (optional) "AppDelegate.swift", "path/to/project/Model.swift" ], ignore_exit_status: true # Allow fastlane to continue even if SwiftLint returns a non-zero exit status )' ] end def self.category :testing end def self.handle_swiftlint_error(ignore_exit_status, exit_status) if ignore_exit_status failure_suffix = 'which would normally fail the build.' secondary_message = 'fastlane will continue because the `ignore_exit_status` option was used! 🙈' else failure_suffix = 'which represents a failure.' secondary_message = 'If you want fastlane to continue anyway, use the `ignore_exit_status` option. 🙈' end UI.important("") UI.important("SwiftLint finished with exit code #{exit_status}, #{failure_suffix}") UI.important(secondary_message) UI.important("") UI.user_error!("SwiftLint finished with errors (exit code: #{exit_status})") unless ignore_exit_status end end end end