require 'rubygems' require 'nokogiri' require 'zip/zip' #rubyzip require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'Hash')) module RubyXL class Parser attr_reader :data_only, :num_sheets # converts cell string (such as "AA1") to matrix indices def Parser.convert_to_index(cell_string) index = index[0]=-1 index[1]=-1 if(cell_string =~ /^([A-Z]+)(\d+)$/) one = $1.to_s row = Integer($2) - 1 #-1 for 0 indexing col = 0 i = 0 one = one.reverse #because of 26^i calculation one.each_byte do |c| int_val = c - 64 #converts A to 1 col += int_val * 26**(i) i=i+1 end col -= 1 #zer0 index index[0] = row index[1] = col end return index end # data_only allows only the sheet data to be parsed, so as to speed up parsing # However, using this option will result in date-formatted cells being interpreted as numbers def Parser.parse(file_path, data_only=false) @data_only = data_only files = Parser.decompress(file_path) wb = Parser.fill_workbook(file_path, files) if(files['sharedString'] != nil) wb.num_strings = Integer(files['sharedString'].css('sst').attribute('count').value()) wb.size = Integer(files['sharedString'].css('sst').attribute('uniqueCount').value()) files['sharedString'].css('si').each do |node| unless node.css('r').empty? text = node.css('r t').children.to_a.join node.children.remove node << "#{text}" end end string_nodes = files['sharedString'].css('si t') wb.shared_strings = {} string_nodes.each_with_index do |node,i| string = node.children.to_s wb.shared_strings[i] = string wb.shared_strings[string] = i end end unless @data_only styles = files['styles'].css('cellXfs xf') style_hash = Hash.xml_node_to_hash(files['styles'].root) fill_styles(wb,style_hash) #will be nil if these files do not exist wb.external_links = files['externalLinks'] wb.drawings = files['drawings'] wb.printer_settings = files['printerSettings'] wb.worksheet_rels = files['worksheetRels'] wb.macros = files['vbaProject'] end #for each worksheet: #1. find the dimensions of the data matrix #2. Fill in the matrix with data from worksheet/shared_string files #3. Apply styles wb.worksheets.each_index do |i| Parser.fill_worksheet(wb,i,files,wb.shared_strings) end return wb end private #fills hashes for various styles def Parser.fill_styles(wb,style_hash) wb.num_fmts = style_hash[:numFmts] ###FONTS### wb.fonts = {} if style_hash[:fonts][:attributes][:count]==1 style_hash[:fonts][:font] = [style_hash[:fonts][:font]] end style_hash[:fonts][:font].each_with_index do |f,i| wb.fonts[i.to_s] = {:font=>f,:count=>0} end ###FILLS### wb.fills = {} if style_hash[:fills][:attributes][:count]==1 style_hash[:fills][:fill] = [style_hash[:fills][:fill]] end style_hash[:fills][:fill].each_with_index do |f,i| wb.fills[i.to_s] = {:fill=>f,:count=>0} end ###BORDERS### wb.borders = {} if style_hash[:borders][:attributes][:count] == 1 style_hash[:borders][:border] = [style_hash[:borders][:border]] end style_hash[:borders][:border].each_with_index do |b,i| wb.borders[i.to_s] = {:border=>b, :count=>0} end wb.cell_style_xfs = style_hash[:cellStyleXfs] wb.cell_xfs = style_hash[:cellXfs] wb.cell_styles = style_hash[:cellStyles] wb.colors = style_hash[:colors] #fills out count information for each font, fill, and border if wb.cell_xfs[:xf].is_a?(::Hash) wb.cell_xfs[:xf] = [wb.cell_xfs[:xf]] end wb.cell_xfs[:xf].each do |style| id = style[:attributes][:fontId].to_s unless id.nil? wb.fonts[id][:count] += 1 end id = style[:attributes][:fillId].to_s unless id.nil? wb.fills[id][:count] += 1 end id = style[:attributes][:borderId].to_s unless id.nil? wb.borders[id][:count] += 1 end end end # i is the sheet number # files is the hash which includes information for each worksheet # shared_strings has group of indexed strings which the cells reference def Parser.fill_worksheet(wb,i,files,shared_strings) wb.worksheets[i] = Parser.create_matrix(wb, i, files) j = i+1 unless @data_only hash = Hash.xml_node_to_hash(files[j].root) wb.worksheets[i].sheet_view = hash[:sheetViews][:sheetView] ##col styles## col_data = hash[:cols] unless col_data.nil? wb.worksheets[i].cols=col_data[:col] end ##end col styles## ##merge_cells## merge_data = hash[:mergeCells] unless merge_data.nil? wb.worksheets[i].merged_cells = merge_data[:mergeCell] end ##end merge_cells## ##sheet_view pane## pane_data = hash[:sheetViews][:sheetView][:pane] wb.worksheets[i].pane = pane_data ##end sheet_view pane## ##data_validation## data_validation = hash[:dataValidations] unless data_validation.nil? data_validation = data_validation[:dataValidation] end wb.worksheets[i].validations = data_validation ##end data_validation## #extLst wb.worksheets[i].extLst = hash[:extLst] #extLst ##legacy drawing## drawing = hash[:legacyDrawing] wb.worksheets[i].legacy_drawing = drawing ##end legacy drawing end row_data = files[j].css('sheetData row') if(row_data.to_s != "") row_data.each do |row| unless @data_only ##row styles## unless row.css('c').nil? row_style = '0' unless row.attribute('s').nil? row_style = row.attribute('s').value.to_s end wb.worksheets[i].row_styles[row.attribute('r').to_s] = { :style => row_style.to_s } unless row.attribute('ht').to_s == "" wb.worksheets[i].change_row_height(Integer(row.attribute('r').to_s)-1, Float(row.attribute('ht').to_s)) end end ##end row styles## end row = row.css('c') row.each do |value| cell_index = Parser.convert_to_index(value.attribute('r').to_s) style_index = nil data_type = value.attribute('t').to_s if (value.css('v').to_s == "") || (value.css('v').children.to_s == "") #no data cell_data = nil elsif data_type == 's' #shared string str_index = Integer(value.css('v').children.to_s) cell_data = shared_strings[str_index].to_s elsif data_type=='str' #raw string cell_data = value.css('v').children.to_s elsif data_type=='e' #error cell_data = value.css('v').children.to_s else# (value.css('v').to_s != "") && (value.css('v').children.to_s != "") #is number data_type = '' if(value.css('v').children.to_s =~ /\./) #is float cell_data = Float(value.css('v').children.to_s) else cell_data = Integer(value.css('v').children.to_s) end end cell_formula = nil fmla_css = value.css('f') if(fmla_css.to_s != "") cell_formula = fmla_css.children.to_s cell_formula_attr = {} cell_formula_attr['t'] = fmla_css.attribute('t').to_s if fmla_css.attribute('t') cell_formula_attr['ref'] = fmla_css.attribute('ref').to_s if fmla_css.attribute('ref') cell_formula_attr['si'] = fmla_css.attribute('si').to_s if fmla_css.attribute('si') end unless @data_only style_index = value['s'].to_i #nil goes to 0 (default) else style_index = 0 end wb.worksheets[i].sheet_data[cell_index[0]][cell_index[1]] =[i],cell_index[0],cell_index[1],cell_data,cell_formula, data_type,style_index,cell_formula_attr) cell = wb.worksheets[i].sheet_data[cell_index[0]][cell_index[1]] end end end end def Parser.decompress(file_path) #ensures it is an xlsx/xlsm file if(file_path =~ /(.+)\.xls(x|m)/) dir_path = $1.to_s else raise 'Not .xlsx or .xlsm excel file' end dir_path = File.join(File.dirname(dir_path), make_safe_name( #copies excel file to zip file in same directory zip_path = dir_path + '.zip' FileUtils.cp(file_path,zip_path),dir_path) File.delete(zip_path) files = files['app'] = Nokogiri::XML.parse(,'docProps','app.xml'))) files['core'] = Nokogiri::XML.parse(,'docProps','core.xml'))) files['workbook'] = Nokogiri::XML.parse(,'xl','workbook.xml'))) if(File.exist?(File.join(dir_path,'xl','sharedStrings.xml'))) files['sharedString'] = Nokogiri::XML.parse(,'xl','sharedStrings.xml'))) end unless @data_only #preserves external links if,'xl','externalLinks')) files['externalLinks'] = {} ext_links_path = File.join(dir_path,'xl','externalLinks') files['externalLinks']['rels'] = [] dir = {|f| [".", "..", ".DS_Store", "_rels"].include? f} dir.each_with_index do |link,i| files['externalLinks'][i+1] =,link)) end if,'_rels')) dir =,'_rels')).entries.reject{|f| [".","..",".DS_Store"].include? f} dir.each_with_index do |rel,i| files['externalLinks']['rels'][i+1] =,'_rels',rel)) end end end if,'xl','drawings')) files['drawings'] = {} drawings_path = File.join(dir_path,'xl','drawings') dir = {|f| [".", "..", ".DS_Store"].include? f} dir.each_with_index do |draw,i| files['drawings'][i+1] =,draw)) end end if,'xl','printerSettings')) files['printerSettings'] = {} printer_path = File.join(dir_path,'xl','printerSettings') dir = {|f| [".","..",".DS_Store"].include? f} dir.each_with_index do |print, i| files['printerSettings'][i+1] =,print), 'rb').read end end if,"xl",'worksheets','_rels')) files['worksheetRels'] = {} worksheet_rels_path = File.join(dir_path,'xl','worksheets','_rels') dir = {|f| [".","..",".DS_Store"].include? f} dir.each_with_index do |rel, i| files['worksheetRels'][i+1] =,rel)) end end if File.exist?(File.join(dir_path,'xl','vbaProject.bin')) files['vbaProject'] =,"xl","vbaProject.bin"),'rb').read end files['styles'] = Nokogiri::XML.parse(,'xl','styles.xml'))) end @num_sheets = files['workbook'].css('sheets').children.size @num_sheets = Integer(@num_sheets) #adds all worksheet xml files to files hash i=1 1.upto(@num_sheets) do filename = 'sheet'+i.to_s files[i] = Nokogiri::XML.parse(,'xl','worksheets',filename+'.xml'))) i=i+1 end FileUtils.rm_rf(dir_path) return files end def Parser.fill_workbook(file_path, files) wb =[nil],file_path) unless @data_only wb.creator = files['core'].css('dc|creator').children.to_s wb.modifier = files['core'].css('cp|last_modified_by').children.to_s wb.created_at = files['core'].css('dcterms|created').children.to_s wb.modified_at = files['core'].css('dcterms|modified').children.to_s = files['app'].css('Company').children.to_s wb.application = files['app'].css('Application').children.to_s wb.appversion = files['app'].css('AppVersion').children.to_s end wb.shared_strings_XML = files['sharedString'].to_s wb.defined_names = files['workbook'].css('definedNames').to_s wb.date1904 = files['workbook'].css('workbookPr').attribute('date1904').to_s == '1' wb.worksheets = #array of Worksheet objs wb end #sheet_names, dimensions def Parser.create_matrix(wb,i, files) sheet_names = files['app'].css('TitlesOfParts vt|vector vt|lpstr').children sheet =,sheet_names[i].to_s,[]) dimensions = files[i+1].css('dimension').attribute('ref').to_s if(dimensions =~ /^([A-Z]+\d+:)?([A-Z]+\d+)$/) index = convert_to_index($2) rows = index[0]+1 cols = index[1]+1 #creates matrix filled with nils rows.times {sheet.sheet_data <<} else raise 'invalid file' end sheet end def Parser.safe_filename(name, allow_mb_chars=false) # "\w" represents [0-9A-Za-z_] plus any multi-byte char regexp = allow_mb_chars ? /[^\w]/ : /[^0-9a-zA-Z\_]/ name.gsub(regexp, "_") end # Turns the passed in string into something safe for a filename def Parser.make_safe_name(name, allow_mb_chars=false) ext = safe_filename(File.extname(name), allow_mb_chars).gsub(/^_/, '.') "#{safe_filename(name.gsub(ext, ""), allow_mb_chars)}#{ext}".gsub(/\(/, '_').gsub(/\)/, '_').gsub(/__+/, '_').gsub(/^_/, '').gsub(/_$/, '') end end end