class Client < ActiveRecord::Base include IsActiveModelHelper has_and_belongs_to_many :client_representatives, :join_table => 'client_representatives_clients', :uniq => true has_many :client_eventlogs has_many :activities has_many :invoices has_many :payments has_many :employee_client_labor_rates, :class_name => 'EmployeeClientLaborRate', :dependent => :destroy has_many :client_financial_transactions before_destroy :ensure_not_referenced_on_destroy validates_presence_of :company_name def name self.company_name end def uninvoiced_activities_balance( force_reload = false ) (attribute_present? :uninvoiced_activities_balance_in_cents and !force_reload) ? : (Activity.sum( Invoice::ACTIVITY_TOTAL_SQL, :conditions => ['client_id = ? AND is_published = ? AND invoice_id IS NULL',id, true] ) or 0) end # THis is the client's outstanding balance. This value is calculated based off the total invoices amount - total payments amount. And is # Not determined based on invoice/payment assignments def balance( force_reload = false ) (attribute_present? :balance_in_cents and !force_reload) ? read_attribute(:balance_in_cents).to_i : Client.find( :first, :select => [ 'id', 'company_name', '( IF(charges.charges_sum_in_cents IS NULL, 0,charges.charges_sum_in_cents) - IF(deposits.payment_sum_in_cents IS NULL, 0, deposits.payment_sum_in_cents) ) AS sum_difference_in_cents' ].join(', '), :joins => [ "LEFT JOIN( SELECT invoices.client_id, SUM(#{Invoice::ACTIVITY_TOTAL_SQL}) AS charges_sum_in_cents FROM invoices LEFT JOIN activities ON activities.invoice_id = GROUP BY invoices.client_id ) AS charges ON charges.client_id =", 'LEFT JOIN ( SELECT payments.client_id, SUM(payments.amount_in_cents) AS payment_sum_in_cents FROM payments GROUP BY payments.client_id ) AS deposits ON deposits.client_id = ' ].join(' '), :conditions => [ ' = ?', id] ).sum_difference_in_cents.to_i ) unless id.nil? end def ensure_not_referenced_on_destroy errors.add_to_base "Can't destroy a referenced employee" and return false unless authorized_for? {:destroy} end def authorized_for?(options) case options[:action] when :destroy [Invoice, Payment, Activity].each{ |k| return false if k.count(:all, :conditions => ['client_id = ?', id] ) > 0 } true else true end end def mailing_address ret = [] %w( name address1 address2 ).each do |f| val = send(f.to_sym) and ( ret << val if val.length ) end ret << '%s%s %s' % [ (city.nil? or city.length == 0) ? '' : "#{city}, ", state, zip ] ret end # Returns an array of unsaved InvoicePayment objects, with unset payment_ids, and 'recommended' amounts. # If the provided amount exactly equals an outstanding invoice's amount, we return a InvoicePayment for the oldest such matching invoice. # Otherwise, we start applying the amount to invoices in ascending order by issued_date. def recommend_invoice_assignments_for(amount) amount = amount.to_money invs = unpaid_invoices( :all, # Using this order forces the closest-amount match to be above anything else, followed by date sorting :order => '(amount_outstanding_in_cents = %d) DESC, issued_on ASC, created_at ASC' % amount.cents ) unassigned_outstanding = invs.inject({|total, inv| total + inv.amount_outstanding} invs.collect{ |inv| if amount > 0 and unassigned_outstanding > 0 assignment = (amount >= inv.amount_outstanding) ? inv.amount_outstanding : amount unassigned_outstanding -= assignment amount -= assignment :invoice => inv, :amount => assignment if assignment > 0 end }.compact end # Returns an array of unsaved InvoicePayment objects, with unset invoice_ids, and 'recommended' amounts. # If the provided amount exactly equals an payment's unalloated amount, we return a InvoicePayment for the oldest such matching payment. # Otherwise, we start applying the amount to payments in ascending order by issued_date. def recommend_payment_assignments_for(amount, verbose_inclusion = false) amount = amount.to_money pymnts = unassigned_payments( :all, # Using this order forces the closest-amount match to be above anything else, followed by date sorting :order => '(amount_unallocated_in_cents = %d) DESC, paid_on ASC, created_at ASC' % amount.cents ) current_client_balance = pymnts.inject({|total, pmnt| total - pmnt.amount_unallocated} pymnts.collect{ |unallocated_pmnt| if amount > 0 or current_client_balance < 0 assignment = (unallocated_pmnt.amount_unallocated > amount) ? amount : unallocated_pmnt.amount_unallocated current_client_balance += assignment amount -= assignment :payment => unallocated_pmnt, :amount => assignment if assignment > 0 end }.compact end # Returns all the client's invoices for which the allocated payments is less than the invoice amount. Perhaps this should be a has_many, # But since we're using the find_with_totals that would get complicated... def unpaid_invoices( how_many = :all, options = {} ) Invoice.find_with_totals( how_many, {:conditions => [ [ 'client_id = ?', 'is_published = ?', 'IF(activities_total.total_in_cents IS NULL, 0,activities_total.total_in_cents) - '+ 'IF(invoices_total.total_in_cents IS NULL, 0,invoices_total.total_in_cents) > ?' ].join(' AND '), id, true, 0 ]}.merge(options.reject{|k,v| k == :conditions}) ) end # Returns all the client's payments for which the invoice allocation is less than the payment amount. Perhaps this should be a has_many, # But since we're using the find_with_totals that would get complicated... def unassigned_payments( how_many = :all, options = {} ) Payment.find_with_totals( how_many, {:conditions => [ [ 'client_id = ?', '(payments.amount_in_cents - IF(payments_total.amount_allocated_in_cents IS NULL, 0, payments_total.amount_allocated_in_cents) ) > ?' ].join(' AND '), id, 0 ]}.merge(options.reject{|k,v| k == :conditions}) ) end end