## Changelog ### 0.5.1 (2012-05-07) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.5.0...v.0.5.1) * Fixes the `ImportProcessor` so it doesn't evaluates the stylesheets. ### 0.5.0 (2012-03-26) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.4.2...v.0.5.0) * Rewrite of the Railtie initializers to match 3.2 loading order; * Only folders ending with `stylesheets` will be copied over to `Stylus.paths`. ### 0.4.2 (2012-03-24) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.4.1...v.0.4.2) * Tells Rails to always run the Railtie initializer. ### 0.4.1 (2012-01-06) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.4.0...v.0.4.1) * Skips Sprockets configuration if `config.assets.enabled` isn't true. ### 0.4.0 (2011-11-23) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.3.0...v.0.4.0) * `@import` directives will be added as dependencies to Sprockets (based on the work by @metaskills on the less-rails). ### 0.3.0 (2011-10-17) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.2.2...v.0.3.0) * This gem now uses the [stylus-source](https://github.com/railsjedi/ruby-stylus-source) gem to bundle the latest [NPM](http://search.npmjs.org/#/stylus) package of Stylus, so there's no setup required to install stylus via `npm install` or cloning it into the `node_modules` folder - Thanks @railsjedi. * Added a `debug` configuration option, that enables the `linenos` and `firebug` flags on Stylus. Inside Rails, this configuration option will be copied from the `config.assets.debug`; * Added a global array `import` that handles other stylesheets to include on every compilation process; * Added a shorthand `Stylus.nib = true` to use the plugin and import it on every processed stylesheet. ### 0.2.2 (2011-09-14) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.2.1...v0.2.2) * ExecJS 1.2.5+ compatibility: Using a custom `ExternalRuntime`. ### 0.2.1 (2011-08-30) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1) * Removed a hack for a Sprockets loading order issue; * Testing on 1.9.2, REE and Rubinius thanks to [Travis CI](travis-ci.org/#!/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus); * Enables compression if `Sprockets` is configured to do so; * Added Rails and Sprockets tests. ### 0.2.0 (2011-07-14) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.1.2...v0.2.0) * Replaced `stylus:install` with proper generators for Rails 3.1 - now all hooks for the `stylesheet_engine` will generate `.styl` files. ### 0.1.2 (2011-07-08) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.1.1...v0.1.2) * Fixes missing `require` for Rails apps. ### 0.1.1 (2011-07-07) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1) * Requiring `stylus/tilt` outside the `Railtie`, by [DAddYE](https://github.com/DAddYE). ### 0.1.0 (2011-06-21) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.0.3...v0.1.0) * Support for Stylus plugins via `Stylus.use`. * Docco documentation live at [http://lucasmazza.github.com/ruby-stylus](http://lucasmazza.github.com/ruby-stylus). ### 0.0.3 (2011-06-06) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.0.2...v0.0.3) * Bugfix: stylus now works in production environment. ### 0.0.2 (2011-06-02) [Compare view](https://github.com/lucasmazza/ruby-stylus/compare/v0.0.1...v0.0.2) * Added a Rails Generator called `stylus:install` to copy sample files on your `lib/` folder. * Added `Stylus.convert` to parse CSS back to Stylus syntax. ### 0.0.1 (2011-05-18) * Initial Release.