class ActiveRecord::Base # Provides ability to add the translations for the model using delegate pattern. # Uses has_many association to the ModelNameTranslation. # # For example you have model Article with attributes title and text. # You want that attributes title and text to be translated. # For this reason you need to generate new model ArticleTranslation. # In migration you need to add: # # create_table :article_translations do |t| # t.references :article, :null => false # t.string :locale, :length => 2, :null => false # t.string :name, :null => false # end # # add_index :articles, [:article_id, :locale], :unique => true, :name => 'unique_locale_for_article_id' # # And in the Article model: # # translations :title, :text # # This will adds: # # * named_scope (translated) and has_many association to the Article model # * locale presence validation to the ArticleTranslation model. # # Notice: if you want to have validates_presence_of :article, you should use :inverse_of. # Support this by yourself. Better is always to use method. # # For more information please read API. Feel free to write me an email to: # # # === # # You also can pass attributes and options to the translations class method: # # translations :title, :text, :fallback => true, :writer => true, :nil => nil # # === # # Configuration options: # # * <tt>:fallback</tt> - if translation for the current locale not found. # By default false. Set to true if you want to use reader fallback. # Uses algorithm of fallback: # 0) current translation (using I18n.locale); # 1) default locale (using I18n.default_locale); # 2) first from translations association; # 3) :nil value (see <tt>:nil</tt> configuration option) # * <tt>:reader</tt> - add reader attributes to the model and delegate them # to the translation model columns. Add's fallback if it is set to true. # * <tt>:writer</tt> - add writer attributes to the model and assign them # to the translation model attributes. # * <tt>:nil</tt> - when reader cant find string, it returns by default an # empty string. If you want to change this setting for example to nil, # add :nil => nil # # === # # When you are using <tt>:writer</tt> option, you can create translations using # update_attributes method. For example: # # Article.create! # Article.update_attributes(:title => 'title', :text => 'text') # # === # # <tt>translated</tt> named_scope is useful when you want to find only those # records that are translated to a specific locale. # For example if you want to find all Articles that is translated to an english # language, you can write: Article.translated(:en) # # <tt>has_translation?(locale)</tt> method, that returns true if object's model # have a translation for a specified locale # # <tt>translation(locale)</tt> method finds translation with specified locale. # # <tt>all_translations</tt> method that returns all possible translations in # ordered hash (useful when creating forms with nested attributes). def self.translations(*attrs) new_options = attrs.extract_options! options = { :fallback => false, :reader => true, :writer => false, :nil => '', :autosave => new_options[:writer] }.merge(new_options) options.assert_valid_keys([:fallback, :reader, :writer, :nil, :autosave]) translation_class_name = "#{self.model_name}Translation" translation_class = translation_class_name.constantize belongs_to = self.model_name.demodulize.underscore.to_sym if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 write_inheritable_attribute :has_translations_options, options class_inheritable_reader :has_translations_options scope_method = :named_scope else class_attribute :has_translations_options self.has_translations_options = options scope_method = :scope end # associations, validations and scope definitions has_many :translations, :class_name => translation_class_name, :dependent => :destroy, :autosave => options[:autosave] translation_class.belongs_to belongs_to translation_class.validates_presence_of :locale translation_class.validates_uniqueness_of :locale, :scope => :"#{belongs_to}_id" send scope_method, :translated, lambda { |locale| {:conditions => ["#{translation_class.table_name}.locale = ?", locale.to_s], :joins => :translations} } public def find_or_create_translation(locale) locale = locale.to_s (find_translation(locale) || do |t| t.locale = locale end end def find_or_build_translation(locale) locale = locale.to_s (find_translation(locale) || do |t| t.locale = locale end end def translation(locale, fallback=has_translations_options[:fallback]) locale = locale.to_s find_translation(locale) || (fallback && !translations.blank? ? translations.detect { |t| t.locale == I18n.default_locale.to_s } || translations.first : nil) end def all_translations t = do |locale| [locale, find_or_create_translation(locale)] end ActiveSupport::OrderedHash[t] end def has_translation?(locale) find_translation(locale).present? end if options[:reader] attrs.each do |name| send :define_method, name do translation = self.translation(I18n.locale) translation.try(name) || has_translations_options[:nil] end end end if options[:writer] attrs.each do |name| send :define_method, "#{name}_before_type_cast" do translation = self.translation(I18n.locale, false) translation.try(name) end send :define_method, "#{name}=" do |value| translation = find_or_build_translation(I18n.locale) translation.send(:"#{name}=", value) end end end private def find_translation(locale) locale = locale.to_s translations.detect { |t| t.locale == locale } end end end