# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'file' require_relative 'builder' require_relative 'version' require 'optparse' module Wordlist # # Represents the `wordlist` command's logic. # # @api private # # @since 1.0.0 # class CLI # The program name. PROGRAM_NAME = "wordlist" # The URL to report bugs to. BUG_REPORT_URL = "https://github.com/postmodern/wordlist.rb/issues/new" # Mapping of `--format` option values and `format:` Symbols. FORMATS = { 'txt' => :txt, 'gzip' => :gzip, 'bzip2'=> :bzip2, 'xz' => :xz, 'zip' => :zip, '7zip' => :"7zip" } # The command's option parser. # # @return [OptionParser] attr_reader :option_parser # Command mode (building or reading). # # @return [:build, :read] attr_reader :mode # The explicit wordlist format to use. # # @return [:txt, :gzip, :bzip2, :xz, nil] attr_reader :format # The path to the output wordlist file. # # @return [String, nil] attr_reader :output # The command to run with each word from the wordlist. # # @return [String, nil] attr_reader :command # Wordlist operators to apply. # # @return [Array<(Symbol, ...)>] attr_reader :operators # Wordlist modifiers to apply. # # @return [Array<(Symbol, ...)>] attr_reader :modifiers # Additional options for {Builder#initialize}. # # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] attr_reader :builder_options # # Initializes the command. # # @param [:read, :build] mode # # @param [:txt, :gzip, :bzip2, :xz, :zip, :7zip, nil] format # # @param [String, nil] command # def initialize(mode: :read, format: nil, command: nil) @option_parser = option_parser @mode = mode @format = format @command = command @output = nil @operators = [] @modifiers = [] @builder_options = {} end # # Adds an operator to be applied to the wordlist(s) later. # # @param [Symbol] name # The operator method name. # # @param [Array<Object>] args # Additional arguments for the operator. # def add_operator(name,*args) @operators << [name, args] end # # Adds a modifier to be applied to the wordlist(s) later. # # @param [Symbol] name # The modifier method name. # # @param [Array<Object>] args # Additional arguments for the modifier. # def add_modifier(name,*args) @modifiers << [name, args] end # # Opens a wordlist file. # # @param [String] path # The path to the wordlist file. # # @return [Wordlist::File] # The opened wordlist. # def open_wordlist(path) if @format Wordlist::File.open(path, format: @format) else Wordlist::File.open(path) end rescue WordlistNotFound, UnknownFormat => error print_error(error.message) exit -1 end # # Initializes and runs the command. # # @param [Array<String>] argv # Command-line arguments. # # @return [Integer] # The exit status of the command. # def self.run(argv=ARGV) new().run(argv) rescue Interrupt # https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html return 130 rescue Errno::EPIPE # STDOUT pipe broken return 0 end # # Runs the command. # # @param [Array<String>] argv # Command-line arguments. # # @return [Integer] # The return status code. # def run(argv=ARGV) argv = begin @option_parser.parse(argv) rescue OptionParser::ParseError => error print_error(error.message) return -1 end case @mode when :build then build_mode(argv) else read_mode(argv) end rescue => error print_backtrace(error) return -1 end # # Wordlist building mode. # # @param [Array<String>] argv # Additional command-line arguments. # def build_mode(argv) builder = begin if @format Builder.open(@output, format: @format, **@builder_options) else Builder.open(@output, **@builder_options) end rescue UnknownFormat, CommandNotFound => error print_error(error.message) return -1 end begin if argv.empty? $stdin.each_line do |line| builder.parse(line) end else argv.each do |file| builder.parse_file(file) end end ensure builder.close end return 0 end # # Wordlist reading mode. # # @param [Array<String>] argv # Additional command-line arguments. # def read_mode(argv) unless argv.length >= 1 print_error "too few arguments given, requires at least one WORDLIST argument" print_error "usage: #{PROGRAM_NAME} [options] WORDLIST ..." return -1 end # open the first wodlist wordlist = open_wordlist(argv.first) # append the additional wordlists argv[1..].each { |arg| wordlist += (open_wordlist(arg)) } # apply operators first @operators.each do |(operator,args)| wordlist = wordlist.send(operator,*args) end # then apply modifiers @modifiers.each do |(method,args)| wordlist = wordlist.send(method,*args) end begin if @command wordlist.each do |word| system(@command.gsub('{}',word)) end else wordlist.each do |word| puts word end end rescue CommandNotFound => error print_error(error.message) return -1 end return 0 end # # The option parser. # # @return [OptionParser] # def option_parser OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: #{PROGRAM_NAME} { [options] WORDLIST ... | --build WORDLIST [FILE ...] }" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Wordlist Reading Options:" opts.on('-f','--format {txt|gzip|bz2|xz|zip|7zip}', FORMATS, 'Saves the output to FILE') do |format| @format = format end opts.on('--exec COMMAND','Runs the command with each word from the wordlist.', 'The string "{}" will be replaced with each word.') do |command| @command = command end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Wordlist Operations:" opts.on('-U','--union WORDLIST','Unions the wordlist with the other WORDLIST') do |wordlist| add_operator(:|, open_wordlist(wordlist)) end opts.on('-I','--intersect WORDLIST','Intersects the wordlist with the other WORDLIST') do |wordlist| add_operator(:&, open_wordlist(wordlist)) end opts.on('-S','--subtract WORDLIST','Subtracts the words from the WORDLIST') do |wordlist| add_operator(:-, open_wordlist(wordlist)) end opts.on('-p','--product WORDLIST', 'Combines every word with the other words from WORDLIST') do |wordlist| add_operator(:*, open_wordlist(wordlist)) end opts.on('-P','--power NUM', Integer, 'Combines every word with the other words from WORDLIST') do |power| add_operator(:**, power) end opts.on('-u','--unique','Filters out duplicate words') do add_operator(:uniq) end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Wordlist Modifiers:" opts.on('-C','--capitalize','Capitalize each word') do add_modifier(:capitalize) end opts.on('--uppercase', '--upcase','Converts each word to UPPERCASE') do add_modifier(:upcase) end opts.on('--lowercase', '--downcase','Converts each word to lowercase') do add_modifier(:downcase) end opts.on('-t','--tr CHARS:REPLACE','Translates the characters of each word') do |string| chars, replace = string.split(':',2) add_modifier(:tr, chars, replace) end opts.on('-s','--sub PATTERN:SUB','Replaces PATTERN with SUB in each word') do |string| pattern, replace = string.split(':',2) add_modifier(:sub, pattern, replace) end opts.on('-g','--gsub PATTERN:SUB','Replaces all PATTERNs with SUB in each word') do |string| pattern, replace = string.split(':',2) add_modifier(:gsub, pattern, replace) end opts.on('-m','--mutate PATTERN:SUB','Performs every possible substitution on each word') do |string| pattern, replace = string.split(':',2) add_modifier(:mutate, pattern, replace) end opts.on('-M','--mutate-case','Switches the case of each letter in each word') do add_modifier(:mutate_case) end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Wordlist Building Options:" opts.on('-b','--build WORDLIST','Builds a wordlist') do |wordlist| @mode = :build @output = wordlist end opts.on('-a', '--[no-]append', TrueClass, 'Appends to the new wordlist instead of overwriting it') do |bool| @builder_options[:append] = bool end opts.on('-L','--lang LANG','The language to expect') do |lang| @builder_options[:lang] = lang end opts.on('--stop-words WORDS...','Ignores the stop words') do |words| @builder_options[:stop_words] = words.split end opts.on('--ignore-words WORDS...','Ignore the words') do |words| @builder_options[:ignore_words] = words.split end opts.on('--[no-]digits', TrueClass, 'Allow digits in the middle of words') do |bool| @builder_options[:digits] = bool end opts.on('--special-chars CHARS','Allows the given special characters inside of words') do |string| @builder_options[:special_chars] = string.chars end opts.on('--[no-]numbers', TrueClass, 'Parses whole numbers in addition to words') do |bool| @builder_options[:numbers] = bool end opts.on('--[no-]acronyms', TrueClass, 'Parses acronyms in addition to words') do |bool| @builder_options[:acronyms] = bool end opts.on('--[no-]normalize-case', TrueClass, 'Converts all words to lowercase') do |bool| @builder_options[:normalize_case] = bool end opts.on('--[no-]normalize-apostrophes', TrueClass, 'Removes "\'s" from words') do |bool| @builder_options[:normalize_apostrophes] = bool end opts.on('--[no-]normalize-acronyms', TrueClass, 'Removes the dots from acronyms') do |bool| @builder_options[:normalize_acronyms] = bool end opts.separator "" opts.separator "General Options:" opts.on('-V','--version','Print the version') do puts "#{PROGRAM_NAME} #{VERSION}" exit end opts.on('-h','--help','Print the help output') do puts opts exit end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Examples:" opts.separator " #{PROGRAM_NAME} rockyou.txt.gz" opts.separator " #{PROGRAM_NAME} passwords_short.txt passwords_long.txt" opts.separator " #{PROGRAM_NAME} sport_teams.txt -p beers.txt -p digits.txt" opts.separator " cat *.txt | #{PROGRAM_NAME} --build custom.txt" opts.separator "" end end # # Prints an error message to stderr. # # @param [String] error # The error message. # def print_error(error) $stderr.puts "#{PROGRAM_NAME}: #{error}" end # # Prints a backtrace to stderr. # # @param [Exception] exception # The exception. # def print_backtrace(exception) $stderr.puts "Oops! Looks like you've found a bug!" $stderr.puts "Please report the following text to: #{BUG_REPORT_URL}" $stderr.puts $stderr.puts "```" $stderr.puts "#{exception.full_message}" $stderr.puts "```" end end end