/* -*- c-file-style: "ruby"; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* error.c - part of ruby-oci8 Copyright (C) 2002-2015 Kubo Takehiro */ #include "oci8.h" #ifndef DLEXT #define DLEXT ".so" #endif /* Exception */ VALUE eOCIException; VALUE eOCIBreak; static VALUE eOCINoData; static VALUE eOCIError; static VALUE eOCIInvalidHandle; static VALUE eOCINeedData; static VALUE eOCIStillExecuting; static VALUE eOCIContinue; static VALUE eOCISuccessWithInfo; static ID oci8_id_at_code; static ID oci8_id_at_sql; static ID oci8_id_at_parse_error_offset; static ID oci8_id_caller; static ID oci8_id_set_backtrace; #define ERRBUF_EXPAND_LEN 256 static char *errbuf; static ub4 errbufsiz; static OCIMsg *msghp; static VALUE set_backtrace(VALUE exc, const char *file, int line); static VALUE get_error_msg(dvoid *errhp, ub4 type, const char *default_msg, sb4 *errcode_p) { sword rv; size_t len; retry: errbuf[0] = '\0'; rv = OCIErrorGet(errhp, 1, NULL, errcode_p, TO_ORATEXT(errbuf), errbufsiz, type); /* OCI manual says: * If type is set to OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, then the return * code during truncation for OCIErrorGet() is * OCI_ERROR. The client can then specify a bigger * buffer and call OCIErrorGet() again. * * But as far as I tested on Oracle XE, the return * code is OCI_SUCCESS when the message is truncated. */ len = strlen(errbuf); if (errbufsiz - len <= 7) { /* The error message may be truncated. * The magic number 7 means the maximum length of one utf-8 * character plus the length of a nul terminator. */ errbufsiz += ERRBUF_EXPAND_LEN; errbuf = xrealloc(errbuf, errbufsiz); goto retry; } if (rv != OCI_SUCCESS) { /* No message is found. Use the default message. */ return rb_usascii_str_new_cstr(default_msg); } /* truncate trailing CR and LF */ while (len > 0 && (errbuf[len - 1] == '\n' || errbuf[len - 1] == '\r')) { len--; } return rb_external_str_new_with_enc(errbuf, len, oci8_encoding); } /* * Don't call rb_class_new_instance() with more than one argument in this function. * This may be called before OCIError#initialize is defined in lib/oci8/oci8.rb. */ static VALUE oci_exception_new(VALUE klass, VALUE msg, VALUE code, VALUE sql, VALUE parse_error_offset) { VALUE obj = rb_class_new_instance(NIL_P(msg) ? 0 : 1, &msg, klass); if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, eOCIError)) { rb_ivar_set(obj, oci8_id_at_code, code); rb_ivar_set(obj, oci8_id_at_sql, sql); rb_ivar_set(obj, oci8_id_at_parse_error_offset, parse_error_offset); } return obj; } static VALUE oci8_make_exc(dvoid *errhp, sword status, ub4 type, OCIStmt *stmthp, const char *file, int line) { VALUE exc; char errmsg[128]; sb4 errcode = -1; VALUE msg; VALUE parse_error_offset = Qnil; VALUE sql = Qnil; int rv; switch (status) { case OCI_ERROR: exc = eOCIError; msg = get_error_msg(errhp, type, "Error", &errcode); break; case OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: exc = eOCISuccessWithInfo; msg = get_error_msg(errhp, type, "Error", &errcode); break; case OCI_NO_DATA: exc = eOCINoData; msg = get_error_msg(errhp, type, "No Data", &errcode); break; case OCI_INVALID_HANDLE: exc = eOCIInvalidHandle; msg = rb_usascii_str_new_cstr("Invalid Handle"); break; case OCI_NEED_DATA: exc = eOCINeedData; msg = rb_usascii_str_new_cstr("Need Data"); break; case OCI_STILL_EXECUTING: exc = eOCIStillExecuting; msg = rb_usascii_str_new_cstr("Still Executing"); break; case OCI_CONTINUE: exc = eOCIContinue; msg = rb_usascii_str_new_cstr("Continue"); break; default: sprintf(errmsg, "Unknown error (%d)", status); exc = eOCIException; msg = rb_usascii_str_new_cstr(errmsg); } if (stmthp != NULL) { ub2 offset; text *text; ub4 size; rv = OCIAttrGet(stmthp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, &offset, 0, OCI_ATTR_PARSE_ERROR_OFFSET, errhp); if (rv == OCI_SUCCESS) { parse_error_offset = INT2FIX(offset); } rv = OCIAttrGet(stmthp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, &text, &size, OCI_ATTR_STATEMENT, errhp); if (rv == OCI_SUCCESS) { sql = rb_external_str_new_with_enc(TO_CHARPTR(text), size, oci8_encoding); } } exc = oci_exception_new(exc, msg, INT2FIX(errcode), sql, parse_error_offset); return set_backtrace(exc, file, line); } static VALUE set_backtrace(VALUE exc, const char *file, int line) { char errmsg[64]; VALUE backtrace; #ifdef _WIN32 char *p = strrchr(file, '\\'); if (p != NULL) file = p + 1; #endif backtrace = rb_funcall(rb_cObject, oci8_id_caller, 0); if (TYPE(backtrace) == T_ARRAY) { snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "%s:%d:in " STRINGIZE(oci8lib) DLEXT, file, line); errmsg[sizeof(errmsg) - 1] = '\0'; rb_ary_unshift(backtrace, rb_usascii_str_new_cstr(errmsg)); rb_funcall(exc, oci8_id_set_backtrace, 1, backtrace); } return exc; } sb4 oci8_get_error_code(OCIError *errhp) { sb4 errcode = -1; OCIErrorGet(oci8_errhp, 1, NULL, &errcode, NULL, 0, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR); return errcode; } void Init_oci8_error(void) { errbufsiz = ERRBUF_EXPAND_LEN; errbuf = xmalloc(errbufsiz); oci8_id_at_code = rb_intern("@code"); oci8_id_at_sql = rb_intern("@sql"); oci8_id_at_parse_error_offset = rb_intern("@parse_error_offset"); oci8_id_caller = rb_intern("caller"); oci8_id_set_backtrace = rb_intern("set_backtrace"); eOCIException = rb_define_class("OCIException", rb_eStandardError); eOCIBreak = rb_define_class("OCIBreak", eOCIException); eOCIError = rb_define_class("OCIError", eOCIException); eOCINoData = rb_define_class("OCINoData", eOCIError); eOCIInvalidHandle = rb_define_class("OCIInvalidHandle", eOCIException); eOCINeedData = rb_define_class("OCINeedData", eOCIException); eOCIStillExecuting = rb_define_class("OCIStillExecuting", eOCIException); eOCIContinue = rb_define_class("OCIContinue", eOCIException); eOCISuccessWithInfo = rb_define_class("OCISuccessWithInfo", eOCIError); /* * @attr_reader [Integer] code error code */ rb_define_attr(eOCIError, "code", 1, 0); rb_define_attr(eOCIError, "sql", 1, 0); rb_define_attr(eOCIError, "parse_error_offset", 1, 0); rb_define_alias(eOCIError, "parseErrorOffset", "parse_error_offset"); } void oci8_do_raise(OCIError *errhp, sword status, OCIStmt *stmthp, const char *file, int line) { rb_exc_raise(oci8_make_exc(errhp, status, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, stmthp, file, line)); } void oci8_do_env_raise(OCIEnv *envhp, sword status, int free_envhp, const char *file, int line) { VALUE exc = oci8_make_exc(envhp, status, OCI_HTYPE_ENV, NULL, file, line); if (free_envhp) { OCIHandleFree(envhp, OCI_HTYPE_ENV); } rb_exc_raise(exc); } void oci8_do_raise_init_error(const char *file, int line) { VALUE msg = rb_usascii_str_new_cstr("OCI Library Initialization Error"); VALUE exc; const char *dll_path = oci8_dll_path(); if (dll_path != NULL) { msg = rb_str_buf_cat_ascii(msg, " - "); msg = rb_enc_str_buf_cat(msg, dll_path, strlen(dll_path), rb_filesystem_encoding()); } exc = rb_class_new_instance(1, &msg, eOCIError); rb_exc_raise(set_backtrace(exc, file, line)); } VALUE oci8_get_error_message(ub4 msgno, const char *default_msg) { char head[32]; size_t headsz; const char *errmsg = NULL; char msgbuf[64]; if (msghp == NULL) { chkerr(OCIMessageOpen(oci8_envhp, oci8_errhp, &msghp, TO_CONST_ORATEXT("rdbms"), TO_CONST_ORATEXT("ora"), OCI_DURATION_PROCESS)); } errmsg = TO_CHARPTR(OCIMessageGet(msghp, msgno, NULL, 0)); if (errmsg == NULL) { if (default_msg != NULL) { errmsg = default_msg; } else { /* last resort */ snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), "Message %u not found; product=rdbms; facility=ora", msgno); errmsg = msgbuf; } } headsz = snprintf(head, sizeof(head), "ORA-%05u: ", msgno); return rb_str_append(rb_usascii_str_new(head, headsz), rb_external_str_new_with_enc(errmsg, strlen(errmsg), oci8_encoding)); } void oci8_do_raise_by_msgno(ub4 msgno, const char *default_msg, const char *file, int line) { VALUE msg = oci8_get_error_message(msgno, default_msg); VALUE exc = oci_exception_new(eOCIError, msg, INT2FIX(-1), Qnil, Qnil); rb_exc_raise(set_backtrace(exc, file, line)); } void oci8_check_error_(sword status, oci8_base_t *base, OCIStmt *stmthp, const char *file, int line) { if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) { VALUE exc = oci8_make_exc(oci8_errhp, status, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, stmthp, file, line); while (base != NULL) { if (base->type == OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX) { rb_ivar_set(base->self, oci8_id_at_last_error, exc); break; } base = base->parent; } if (status != OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { rb_exc_raise(exc); } } } /* * Document-class: OCIException * * The superclass for all exceptions raised by ruby-oci8. * * The following exceptions are defined as subclasses of OCIException * These exceptions are raised when Oracle Call Interface functions * return with an error status. * * - {OCIBreak} * - {OCIError} * - {OCISuccessWithInfo} * - {OCINoData} (It had been a subclass of OCIException, not OCIError, until ruby-oci8 2.0) * - {OCIInvalidHandle} */ /* * Document-class: OCIBreak * * Subclass of OCIException * * Raised when a SQL execution is cancelled by {OCI8#break}. */ /* * Document-class: OCINoData * * Subclass of OCIError from ruby-oci8 2.1. * It had been a subclass of OCIException until ruby-oci8 2.0. * * Raised when PL/SQL NO_DATA_FOUND exception is got. */ /* * Document-class: OCIError * * Subclass of OCIException * * The following exceptions are defined as subclasses of OCIError. * * - OCISuccessWithInfo * - OCINoData (It had been a subclass of OCIException, not OCIError, until ruby-oci8 2.0) * * Raised when underlying Oracle Call Interface failed with an Oracle error code * such as ORA-00001. * * @attr_reader [Integer] code error code * @attr_reader [String] sql SQL statement * @attr_reader [Integer] parse_error_offset position */ /* * Document-class: OCIInvalidHandle * * Subclass of OCIException * * Raised when an invalid handle is passed to underlying Oracle Call Interface. * Report to the ruby-oci8 author if it is raised. */ /* * Document-class: OCINeedData * * Subclass of OCIException * * Report to the ruby-oci8 author if it is raised. * * @private */ /* * Document-class: OCIStillExecuting * * Subclass of OCIError * * Report to the ruby-oci8 author if it is raised. * * @private */ /* * Document-class: OCIContinue * * Subclass of OCIException * * Report to the ruby-oci8 author if it is raised. * * @private */ /* * Document-class: OCISuccessWithInfo * * Subclass of OCIError * */