=begin Streets Example We load german cities from wikipedia and parse the document for cities and countries(states). Further we load a collection of popular streetnames from a web-side called »strassen-in-deutschland« We define three vertices, State, City and Street. These are filled with the data from the web-sides Then we connect the cities through streets just by creating edges. At last we print the connected cities. =end module DataImport def read_german_street_names doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('http://www.strassen-in-deutschland.de/die-haeufigsten-strassennamen-in-deutschland.html')) strassen = doc.css('#strassen-in-deutschland_main a' ) # identified via css-inspector in browser # search for the css and include only links, then display the text-part strassen.children.map( &:to_s )[3..-1] # omit the first three (strassen in deutschland, straßenverzeichnis, straßen) end def read_german_cities_from_wikipedia # we extract
  • -elements and use the text until "(" #doc.xpath("//li").at(80) # => #, #] children=[#]>, #]> doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_and_towns_in_Germany')) doc.xpath("//li").map{|x| x.text[0 .. x.text.index('(')-2] if x.text.index('(').present? }.compact end def read_german_cities_and_states_fom_wikipedia doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_and_towns_in_Germany')) doc.xpath("//li").map do |x| if x.text.index('(').present? [ x.text[0 .. x.text.index('(')-2] , x.text[ x.text.index('(')+1 .. x.text.index(')')-1] ] end end.compact end end # module class StreetExample include DataImport def initialize db, rebuild: true if rebuild ActiveOrient::OrientDB.logger.progname = "StreetsExample#Initialize" db.delete_class :state db.delete_class :city db.delete_class :street db.delete_class :connects db.create_vertex_class :state db.create_vertex_class :city db.create_vertex_class :street db.create_edge_class :connects ActiveOrient::Model::State.create_property( :name, type: :string, index: :unique ) ActiveOrient::Model::City.create_properties( { name: { type: :string }, state: { type: :link, :linked_class => 'State' } } ) do { citi_idx: :unique } end ActiveOrient::Model::Street.create_property :name , type: :string, index: :notunique ActiveOrient::Model::Connects.create_property :distance, type: :integer, index: :notunique ActiveOrient::OrientDB.logger.info { "Vertex- and Edge-Classes rebuilded" } end end def read_from_web ActiveOrient::OrientDB.logger.progname = "StreetsExample#ReadFromWeb" read_german_cities_and_states_fom_wikipedia.each do |city,state| state = State.update_or_create( where: { name: state }).first City.create name: city, state: state.link end ActiveOrient::OrientDB.logger.info { "#{City.count} Cities imported from Wikipedia " } cities_rids = City.all.map &:link read_german_street_names.each_with_index do |street, i| street_record = Street.create name: street count = i cities = Array.new while count < cities_rids.size && cities.size < 5 do cities << cities_rids[count] count = count + i end C.create_edge :from => street_record, :to => cities end ActiveOrient::OrientDB.logger.info { "#{C.count} Edges between Streets and Cities created " } end def display_streets_per_state State.all.each do |state| streets= Street.all.map do |street | if street.connects.in.detect{|x| x.state == state } street.name + " verbindet " + street.connects.in.map( &:name ).join('; ') end end.compact unless streets.empty? puts "..................................." puts state.name puts "..................................." puts streets.join("\n") end end end end if $0 == __FILE__ require '../config/boot' require 'open-uri' require 'nokogiri' ActiveOrient::OrientDB.default_server= { user: 'hctw', password: 'hc' } r = ActiveOrient::OrientDB.new database: 'StreetTest' ActiveOrient::OrientDB.logger.level = Logger::INFO s= StreetExample.new r, rebuild: true City = r.open_class :city State = r.open_class :state Street = r.open_class :street C = r.open_class :connects s.read_from_web if City.count.zero? s.display_streets_per_state end