module BBLib::Attr private def attr_type method, opts, &block define_method("#{method}=", &block) define_method(method){ instance_variable_get("@#{method}")} if defined?(:before) && opts.include?(:default) define_method("__reset_#{method}".to_sym){ send("#{method}=", opts[:default]) } end end def attr_sender call, *methods, **opts methods.each do |m| attr_type( m, opts, &attr_set( m, opts.merge(sender: true) ){ |x| x.nil? && opts[:allow_nil] ? nil : x.send(call) } ) end end def attr_of klass, *methods, **opts methods.each{ |m| attr_type(m, opts, &attr_set(m, opts){ |x| if x.is_a?(klass) instance_variable_set("@#{m}", x) else raise ArgumentError, "#{method} must be set to a #{klass}!" end } ) } end def attr_boolean *methods, **opts methods.each{ |m| attr_type(m, opts) { |x| instance_variable_set("@#{m}", !!x && x.to_s != 'false') } alias_method "#{m}?", m unless opts[:no_q] } end alias_method :attr_bool, :attr_boolean def attr_string *methods, **opts attr_sender :to_s, *methods, opts end alias_method :attr_str, :attr_string alias_method :attr_s, :attr_string def attr_integer *methods, **opts attr_sender :to_i, *methods, opts end alias_method :attr_int, :attr_integer alias_method :attr_i, :attr_integer def attr_float *methods, **opts attr_sender :to_f, *methods, opts end alias_method :attr_f, :attr_float def attr_integer_between min, max, *methods, **opts methods.each{ |m| attr_type(m, opts, &attr_set(m, opts){ |x| BBLib::keep_between(x, min, max) })} end alias_method :attr_int_between, :attr_integer_between alias_method :attr_i_between, :attr_integer_between alias_method :attr_float_between, :attr_integer_between alias_method :attr_f_between, :attr_float_between def attr_symbol *methods, **opts methods.each{ |m| attr_type(m, opts, &attr_set(m, opts){ |x| x.to_s.to_sym } )} end alias_method :attr_sym, :attr_symbol def attr_clean_symbol *methods, **opts methods.each{ |m| attr_type(m, opts, &attr_set(m, opts){ |x| x.to_s.to_clean_sym } )} end alias_method :attr_clean_sym, :attr_clean_symbol def attr_array *methods, **opts methods.each{ |m| attr_type(m, opts, &attr_set(m, opts){ |*x| instance_variable_set("@#{m}", x) } )} end alias_method :attr_ary, :attr_array def attr_element_of list, *methods, **opts methods.each do |m| attr_type(m, opts, &attr_set(m, opts) do |x| if !list.include?(x) raise ArgumentError, "#{m} only accepts the following (first 10 shown) #{list[0...10]}" else instance_variable_set("@#{m}", x) end end ) end end def attr_array_of klass, *methods, raise: false, **opts methods.each do |m| attr_type(m, opts, &attr_set(m, opts) do |*x| if raise && x.any?{ |i| klass.is_a?(Array) ? !klass.any?{ |k| i.is_a?(k) } : !i.is_a?(klass) } raise ArgumentError, "#{m} only accepts items of class #{klass}." end instance_variable_set("@#{m}", x.reject{|i| klass.is_a?(Array) ? !klass.any?{ |k| i.is_a?(k) } : !i.is_a?(klass) }) end ) end end alias_method :attr_ary_of, :attr_array_of def attr_hash *methods, **opts methods.each{ |m| attr_type(m, opts, &attr_set(m, opts) do |*a| begin hash = a.find_all{ |i| i.is_a?(Hash) }.inject({}){ |m, h| m.merge(h) } || instance_variable_set("@#{m}", hash) rescue ArgumentError => e raise ArgumentError, "#{m} only accepts a hash for its parameters" end end ) } end def attr_valid_file *methods, raise: true, **opts methods.each{ |m| attr_type(m, opts, &attr_set(m, opts){ |x| File.exists?(x.to_s) ? x.to_s : (raise ? raise(ArgumentError, "File '#{x}' does not exist. @#{m} must be set to a valid file location!") : nil)} )} end def attr_valid_dir *methods, raise: true, **opts methods.each{ |m| attr_type(m, opts, &attr_set(m, opts){ |x| Dir.exists?(x.to_s) ? x.to_s : (raise ? raise(ArgumentError, "Dir '#{x}' does not exist. @#{m} must be set to a valid directory location!") : nil)} )} end def attr_time *methods, **opts methods.each do |m| attr_type( m, opts, &attr_set(m, opts){ |x| if x.is_a?(Time) || x.nil? && opt[:allow_nil] x elsif x.is_a?(Numeric) elsif x.is_a?(String) Time.parse(x) else raise "#{x} is an invalid Time object and could not be converted into a Time object." end } ) end end def attr_set method, allow_nil: false, fallback: :_nil, sender: false, default: nil, &block proc{ |x| if x.nil? && !allow_nil && fallback == :_nil && !sender raise ArgumentError, "#{method} cannot be set to nil!" elsif x.nil? && !allow_nil && fallback != :_nil && !sender instance_variable_set("@#{method}", fallback) else begin instance_variable_set("@#{method}", x.nil? && !sender ? x : yield(x) ) rescue Exception => e if fallback != :_nil instance_variable_set("@#{method}", fallback) else raise e end end end } end end