# frozen_string_literal: true module Primer module Beta # Use `AutoComplete` to provide a user with a list of selectable suggestions that appear when they type into the # input field. This list is populated by server search results. # @accessibility # Always set an accessible label to help the user interact with the component. # # * `label_text` is required and visible by default. # * If you must hide the label, set `visually_hide_label` to `true`. # However, please note that a visible label should almost always # be used unless there is compelling reason not to. A placeholder is not a label. class AutoComplete < Primer::Component status :beta DEFAULT_SIZE = :medium SIZE_MAPPINGS = { :small => "FormControl-small", DEFAULT_SIZE => "FormControl-medium", :large => "FormControl-large" }.freeze SIZE_OPTIONS = SIZE_MAPPINGS.keys DEFAULT_WIDTH = :auto WIDTH_MAPPINGS = { DEFAULT_WIDTH => "Overlay--width-auto", :small => "Overlay--width-small", :medium => "Overlay--width-medium", :large => "Overlay--width-large", :xlarge => "Overlay--width-xlarge", :xxlarge => "Overlay--width-xxlarge" }.freeze WIDTH_OPTIONS = WIDTH_MAPPINGS.keys # Customizable results list. # # @param system_arguments [Hash] <%= link_to_system_arguments_docs %> renders_one :results, lambda { |**system_arguments| deny_tag_argument(**system_arguments) system_arguments[:tag] = :"anchored-position" system_arguments[:anchor] = @input_id system_arguments[:side] = "outside-bottom" system_arguments[:"allow-out-of-bounds"] = "" system_arguments[:id] = @list_id system_arguments[:popover] = "" system_arguments[:overflow_y] = :auto system_arguments[:classes] = class_names( "ActionListWrap ActionListWrap--inset", @overlay_classes, system_arguments[:classes] ) Primer::BaseComponent.new(**system_arguments) } # Leading visual. # # - `leading_visual_icon` for a <%= link_to_component(Primer::Beta::Octicon) %>. # # @param system_arguments [Hash] Same arguments as <%= link_to_component(Primer::Beta::Octicon) %>. renders_one :leading_visual, types: { icon: lambda { |**system_arguments| system_arguments[:classes] = class_names("FormControl-input-leadingVisual") Primer::Beta::Octicon.new(**system_arguments) } } # Customizable input used to search for results. # It is preferred to use this slot sparingly - it will be created by default if not explicity added. # # @param system_arguments [Hash] <%= link_to_system_arguments_docs %> renders_one :input, lambda { |**system_arguments| sanitized_args = deny_tag_argument(**system_arguments) sanitized_args = deny_single_argument(:autofocus, "autofocus is not allowed for accessibility reasons. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/autofocus#accessibility_considerations for more information.", **sanitized_args) deny_aria_key( :label, "instead of `aria-label`, include `label_text` and set `visually_hide_label` to `true` on the component initializer.", **sanitized_args ) deny_single_argument( :id, "`id` will always be set to @input_id.", **sanitized_args ) deny_single_argument( :name, "Set @input_name on the component initializer instead with `input_name`.", **sanitized_args ) sanitized_args[:id] = @input_id sanitized_args[:name] = @input_name sanitized_args[:tag] = :input sanitized_args[:autocomplete] = "off" sanitized_args[:disabled] = true if @disabled sanitized_args[:invalid] = true if @invalid sanitized_args[:type] = :text sanitized_args[:classes] = class_names( "FormControl-input", SIZE_MAPPINGS[fetch_or_fallback(SIZE_OPTIONS, @size, DEFAULT_SIZE)], sanitized_args[:classes], "FormControl-inset": @inset, "FormControl-monospace": @monospace ) sanitized_args[:placeholder] = @placeholder Primer::BaseComponent.new(**sanitized_args) } # @param label_text [String] The label of the input. # @param src [String] The route to query. # @param input_id [String] Id of the input element. # @param input_name [String] Optional name of the input element, defaults to `input_id` when not set. # @param list_id [String] Id of the list element. # @param visually_hide_label [Boolean] Controls if the label is visible. If `true`, screen reader only text will be added. # @param show_clear_button [Boolean] Adds optional clear button. # @param system_arguments [Hash] <%= link_to_system_arguments_docs %> # @param size [Hash] Input size can be small, medium (default), or large # @param full_width [Boolean] Input can be full-width or fit to content # @param width [String] Optional parameter to set max width of results list. <%= one_of(Primer::Beta::AutoComplete::WIDTH_OPTIONS) %> # @param disabled [Boolean] Disabled input # @param invalid [Boolean] Invalid input # @param placeholder [String] The placeholder text displayed within the input # @param inset [Boolean] subtle input background color # @param monospace [Boolean] monospace input font family def initialize(label_text:, src:, list_id:, input_id:, input_name: nil, placeholder: nil, show_clear_button: false, visually_hide_label: false, size: DEFAULT_SIZE, full_width: false, width: DEFAULT_WIDTH, disabled: false, invalid: false, inset: false, monospace: false, **system_arguments) @label_text = label_text @list_id = list_id @input_id = input_id @input_name = input_name || input_id @placeholder = placeholder @visually_hide_label = visually_hide_label @show_clear_button = show_clear_button @system_arguments = deny_tag_argument(**system_arguments) @system_arguments[:tag] = "auto-complete" @system_arguments[:src] = src @system_arguments[:for] = list_id @disabled = disabled @invalid = invalid @size = size @inset = inset @monospace = monospace @full_width = full_width @width = width @field_wrap_classes = class_names( "FormControl-input-wrap", SIZE_MAPPINGS[fetch_or_fallback(SIZE_OPTIONS, @size, DEFAULT_SIZE)], "FormControl-input-wrap--trailingAction": show_clear_button ) @form_group_classes = class_names( "FormControl", "FormControl--fullWidth": full_width ) @overlay_classes = class_names( "Overlay", "Overlay--height-auto", WIDTH_MAPPINGS[fetch_or_fallback(WIDTH_OPTIONS, @width, DEFAULT_WIDTH)] ) end # add `input` and `results` without needing to explicitly call them in the view def before_render with_results(classes: "") unless results? with_input(classes: "") unless input? end end end end