module CukeCataloger class UniqueTestCaseTagger SUB_ID_PATTERN = /^\d+\-\d+$/ SUB_ID_MATCH_PATTERN = /^\d+\-(\d+)$/ attr_accessor :tag_location def initialize @file_line_increases = @tag_location = :adjacent end def tag_tests(feature_directory, tag_prefix, explicit_indexes = {}) warn("This script will potentially rewrite all of your feature files. Please be patient and remember to tip your source control system.") @known_id_tags = {} set_id_tag(tag_prefix) set_test_suite_model(feature_directory) @start_indexes = merge_indexes(default_start_indexes(determine_known_ids(feature_directory, tag_prefix)), explicit_indexes) @next_index = @start_indexes[:primary] # Analysis and output @tests.each do |test| case when test.is_a?(CukeModeler::Scenario) process_scenario(test) when test.is_a?(CukeModeler::Outline) process_outline(test) else raise("Unknown test type: #{test.class.to_s}") end end end def scan_for_tagged_tests(feature_directory, tag_prefix) @results = [] @known_id_tags = {} set_id_tag(tag_prefix) set_test_suite_model(feature_directory) @tests.each do |test| add_to_results(test) if has_id_tag?(test) if test.is_a?(CukeModeler::Outline) test.examples.each do |example| if has_id_parameter?(example) example_rows_for(example).each do |row| add_to_results(row) if has_row_id?(row) end end end end end @results end def validate_test_ids(feature_directory, tag_prefix) @results = [] @known_id_tags = {} set_id_tag(tag_prefix) set_test_suite_model(feature_directory) @features.each { |feature| validate_feature(feature) } @tests.each { |test| validate_test(test) } @results end def determine_known_ids(feature_directory, tag_prefix) known_ids = [] found_tagged_objects = scan_for_tagged_tests(feature_directory, tag_prefix).collect { |result| result[:object] } found_tagged_objects.each do |element| if element.is_a?(CukeModeler::Row) row_id = row_id_for(element) known_ids << row_id if well_formed_sub_id?(row_id) else known_ids << test_id_for(element) end end known_ids end private def set_id_tag(tag_prefix) # todo - should include the '@' in this or anchor the pattern to the beginning of the tag @tag_prefix = tag_prefix #todo -should probably escape these characters @tag_pattern ="#{@tag_prefix}\\d+") end def set_test_suite_model(feature_directory) @directory = @model_repo = @tests = @model_repo.query do select :self from scenarios, outlines end.collect { |result| result[:self] } @features = @model_repo.query do select :self from features end.collect { |result| result[:self] } end def validate_feature(feature) check_for_feature_level_test_tag(feature) end def validate_test(test) check_for_missing_test_tag(test) check_for_multiple_test_id_tags(test) check_for_duplicated_test_id_tags(test) if test.is_a?(CukeModeler::Outline) check_for_missing_id_columns(test) check_for_missing_row_tags(test) check_for_duplicated_row_tags(test) check_for_mismatched_row_tags(test) check_for_malformed_row_tags(test) end end def check_for_feature_level_test_tag(feature) add_to_results(feature, :feature_test_tag) if has_id_tag?(feature) end def check_for_duplicated_test_id_tags(test) unless @existing_tags @existing_tags = @model_repo.query do select tags from features, scenarios, outlines, examples end.collect { |result| result['tags'] }.flatten @existing_tags.collect! { |tag| } if Gem.loaded_specs['cuke_modeler'].version.version[/^1/] end test_id_tag = static_id_tag_for(test) matching_tags = { |tag| tag == test_id_tag } add_to_results(test, :duplicate_id_tag) if matching_tags.count > 1 end def check_for_multiple_test_id_tags(test) tags = test.tags tags = tags.collect { |tag| } if Gem.loaded_specs['cuke_modeler'].version.version[/^1/] id_tags_found = { |tag| tag =~ @tag_pattern } add_to_results(test, :multiple_tags) if id_tags_found.count > 1 end def check_for_missing_test_tag(test) add_to_results(test, :missing_tag) unless has_id_tag?(test) end def check_for_missing_id_columns(test) test.examples.each do |example| add_to_results(example, :missing_id_column) unless has_id_column?(example) end end def check_for_duplicated_row_tags(test) validate_rows(test, :duplicate_row_id, false, :has_duplicate_row_id?) end def check_for_missing_row_tags(test) validate_rows(test, :missing_row_id, true, :has_row_id?) end def check_for_mismatched_row_tags(test) validate_rows(test, :mismatched_row_id, true, :has_matching_id?) end def check_for_malformed_row_tags(test) test.examples.each do |example| if has_id_column?(example) example_rows_for(example).each do |row| add_to_results(row, :malformed_sub_id) if (has_row_id?(row) && !well_formed_sub_id?(row_id_for(row))) end end end end def validate_rows(test, rule, desired, row_check) test.examples.each do |example| if has_id_column?(example) example_rows_for(example).each do |row| if desired add_to_results(row, rule) unless self.send(row_check, row) else add_to_results(row, rule) if self.send(row_check, row) end end end end end def process_scenario(test) apply_tag_if_needed(test) end def process_outline(test) apply_tag_if_needed(test) update_parameters_if_needed(test) update_rows_if_needed(test, determine_next_sub_id(test)) end def apply_tag_if_needed(test) unless has_id_tag?(test) tag = "#{@tag_prefix}#{@next_index}" @next_index += 1 tag_test(test, tag, (' ' * determine_test_indentation(test))) end end def has_id_tag?(test) !!fast_id_tag_for(test) end def has_id_column?(example) example.parameters.any? { |param| param =~ /test_case_id/ } end def row_id_for(row) id_index = determine_row_id_cell_index(row) if id_index cell_value = row.cells[id_index] cell_value = cell_value.value if Gem.loaded_specs['cuke_modeler'].version.version[/^1/] cell_value != '' ? cell_value : nil end end def has_row_id?(row) !!row_id_for(row) end def well_formed_sub_id?(id) !!(id =~ SUB_ID_PATTERN) end def has_matching_id?(row) row_id = row_id_for(row) # A lack of id counts as 'matching' return true if row_id.nil? parent_tag = static_id_tag_for(row.get_ancestor(:test)) if parent_tag parent_id = parent_tag.sub(@tag_prefix, '') row_id =~ /#{parent_id}-/ else row_id.nil? end end def has_duplicate_row_id?(row) row_id = row_id_for(row) return false unless row_id && well_formed_sub_id?(row_id) existing_ids = determine_used_sub_ids(row.get_ancestor(:test)) matching_ids = { |id| id == row_id[/\d+$/] } matching_ids.count > 1 end def determine_next_sub_id(test) parent = test_id_for(test) explicit_index = @start_indexes[:sub][parent] explicit_index ? explicit_index : 1 end def determine_used_sub_ids(test) ids = test.examples.collect do |example| if has_id_parameter?(example) example_rows_for(example).collect do |row| row_id_for(row) end else [] end end ids.flatten! ids.delete_if { |id| !id.to_s.match(SUB_ID_PATTERN) } ids.collect! { |id| id.match(SUB_ID_MATCH_PATTERN)[1] } ids end def determine_row_id_cell_index(row) row.get_ancestor(:example).parameters.index { |param| param =~ /test_case_id/ } end def tag_test(test, tag, padding_string = ' ') feature_file = test.get_ancestor(:feature_file) file_path = feature_file.path index_adjustment = @file_line_increases[file_path] tag_index = source_line_to_use(test) + index_adjustment file_lines = File.readlines(file_path) file_lines.insert(tag_index, "#{padding_string}#{tag}\n"), 'w') { |file| file.print file_lines.join } @file_line_increases[file_path] += 1 if Gem.loaded_specs['cuke_modeler'].version.version[/^0/] test.tags << tag else new_tag = = tag test.tags << new_tag end end def update_parameters_if_needed(test) feature_file = test.get_ancestor(:feature_file) file_path = feature_file.path index_adjustment = @file_line_increases[file_path] method_for_rows = Gem.loaded_specs['cuke_modeler'].version.version[/^0/] ? :row_elements : :rows test.examples.each do |example| unless has_id_parameter?(example) parameter_line_index = (example.send(method_for_rows).first.source_line - 1) + index_adjustment file_lines = File.readlines(file_path) new_parameter = 'test_case_id'.ljust(parameter_spacing(example)) update_parameter_row(file_lines, parameter_line_index, new_parameter), 'w') { |file| file.print file_lines.join } end end end def update_rows_if_needed(test, sub_id) feature_file = test.get_ancestor(:feature_file) file_path = feature_file.path index_adjustment = @file_line_increases[file_path] method_for_rows = Gem.loaded_specs['cuke_modeler'].version.version[/^0/] ? :row_elements : :rows tag_index = fast_id_tag_for(test)[/\d+/] file_lines = File.readlines(file_path) test.examples.each do |example| example.send(method_for_rows)[1..(example.send(method_for_rows).count - 1)].each do |row| unless has_row_id?(row) row_id = "#{tag_index}-#{sub_id}".ljust(parameter_spacing(example)) row_line_index = (row.source_line - 1) + index_adjustment update_value_row(file_lines, row_line_index, row, row_id) sub_id += 1 end end, 'w') { |file| file.print file_lines.join } end end # Slowest way to get the id tag. Will check the object every time. def current_id_tag_for(thing) id_tag_for(thing) end # Faster way to get the id tag. Will skip checking the object if an id for it is already known. def fast_id_tag_for(thing) @known_id_tags ||= {} id = @known_id_tags[thing.object_id] unless id id = current_id_tag_for(thing) @known_id_tags[thing.object_id] = id end id end # Fastest way to get the id tag. Will skip checking the object if it has been checked before, even if no id was found. def static_id_tag_for(thing) @known_id_tags ||= {} id_key = thing.object_id return @known_id_tags[id_key] if @known_id_tags.has_key?(id_key) id = current_id_tag_for(thing) @known_id_tags[id_key] = id id end def id_tag_for(thing) tags = thing.tags tags = tags.collect { |tag| } unless Gem.loaded_specs['cuke_modeler'].version.version[/^0/] { |tag| tag =~ @tag_pattern }.first end def test_id_for(test) #todo - should probably be escaping these in case regex characters used in prefix... fast_id_tag_for(test).match(/#{@tag_prefix}(.*)/)[1] end def has_id_parameter?(example) #todo - make the id column name configurable example.parameters.any? { |parameter| parameter == 'test_case_id' } end def update_parameter_row(file_lines, line_index, parameter) append_row!(file_lines, line_index, " #{parameter} |") end def update_value_row(file_lines, line_index, row, row_id) case when needs_adding?(row) append_row!(file_lines, line_index, " #{row_id} |") when needs_filled_in?(row) fill_in_row(file_lines, line_index, row, row_id) else raise("Don't know how to update row") end end def needs_adding?(row) !has_id_parameter?(row.get_ancestor(:example)) end def needs_filled_in?(row) has_id_parameter?(row.get_ancestor(:example)) end def replace_row!(file_lines, line_index, new_line) file_lines[line_index] = new_line end def prepend_row!(file_lines, line_index, string) old_row = file_lines[line_index] new_row = string + old_row.lstrip file_lines[line_index] = new_row end def append_row!(file_lines, line_index, string) old_row = file_lines[line_index] trailing_bits = old_row[/\s*$/] new_row = old_row.rstrip + string + trailing_bits file_lines[line_index] = new_row end def example_rows_for(example) method_for_rows = Gem.loaded_specs['cuke_modeler'].version.version[/^0/] ? :row_elements : :rows rows = example.send(method_for_rows).dup rows.shift rows end def add_to_results(item, issue = nil) result = {:test => "#{item.get_ancestor(:feature_file).path}:#{item.source_line}", :object => item} result.merge!({:problem => issue}) if issue @results << result end def default_start_indexes(known_ids) primary_ids = { |id| id =~ /^\d+$/ } sub_ids = { |id| id =~ /^\d+-\d+$/ } max_primary_id = primary_ids.collect { |id| id.to_i }.max || 0 default_indexes = {:primary => max_primary_id + 1, :sub => {}} sub_primaries = sub_ids.collect { |sub_id| sub_id[/^\d+/] } sub_primaries.each do |primary| default_indexes[:sub][primary] = { |sub_id| sub_id[/^\d+/] == primary }.collect { |sub_id| sub_id[/\d+$/].to_i }.max + 1 end default_indexes end def merge_indexes(set1, set2) set1.merge(set2) { |key, set1_value, set2_value| key == :sub ? set1_value.merge(set2_value) : set2_value } end def parameter_spacing(example) test = example.get_ancestor(:test) test_id = fast_id_tag_for(test)[/\d+$/] row_count = test.examples.reduce(0) { |sum, example| sum += example.rows.count } max_id_length = test_id.length + 1 + row_count.to_s.length param_length = 'test_case_id'.length [param_length, max_id_length].max end def determine_test_indentation(test) #todo - replace with 'get_most_recent_file_text' feature_file = test.get_ancestor(:feature_file) file_path = feature_file.path index_adjustment = @file_line_increases[file_path] test_index = (test.source_line - 1) + index_adjustment file_lines = File.readlines(file_path) indentation = file_lines[test_index][/^\s*/].length indentation end def fill_in_row(file_lines, line_index, row, row_id) old_row = file_lines[line_index] sections = file_lines[line_index].split('|', -1) replacement_index = determine_row_id_cell_index(row) sections[replacement_index + 1] = " #{row_id} " new_row = sections.join('|') replace_row!(file_lines, line_index, new_row) end def source_line_to_use(test) case @tag_location when :above determine_highest_tag_line(test) when :below determine_lowest_tag_line(test) when :adjacent adjacent_tag_line(test) else raise(ArgumentError, "Don't know where #{@tag_location} is.") end end def determine_highest_tag_line(test) return adjacent_tag_line(test) if test.tags.empty? method_for_tag_models = Gem.loaded_specs['cuke_modeler'].version.version[/^0/] ? :tag_elements : :tags test.send(method_for_tag_models).collect { |tag_element| tag_element.source_line }.min - 1 end def determine_lowest_tag_line(test) return adjacent_tag_line(test) if test.tags.empty? method_for_tag_models = Gem.loaded_specs['cuke_modeler'].version.version[/^0/] ? :tag_elements : :tags test.send(method_for_tag_models).collect { |tag_element| tag_element.source_line }.max end def adjacent_tag_line(test) (test.source_line - 1) end end end