require 'active_record' require 'after_commit' require 'yaml' require 'cgi' require 'riddle' require 'thinking_sphinx/auto_version' require 'thinking_sphinx/core/array' require 'thinking_sphinx/core/string' require 'thinking_sphinx/property' require 'thinking_sphinx/active_record' require 'thinking_sphinx/association' require 'thinking_sphinx/attribute' require 'thinking_sphinx/configuration' require 'thinking_sphinx/context' require 'thinking_sphinx/excerpter' require 'thinking_sphinx/facet' require 'thinking_sphinx/class_facet' require 'thinking_sphinx/facet_search' require 'thinking_sphinx/field' require 'thinking_sphinx/index' require 'thinking_sphinx/source' require 'thinking_sphinx/rails_additions' require 'thinking_sphinx/search' require 'thinking_sphinx/search_methods' require 'thinking_sphinx/deltas' require 'thinking_sphinx/adapters/abstract_adapter' require 'thinking_sphinx/adapters/mysql_adapter' require 'thinking_sphinx/adapters/postgresql_adapter' ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord) Merb::Plugins.add_rakefiles( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "thinking_sphinx", "tasks") ) if defined?(Merb) module ThinkingSphinx # A ConnectionError will get thrown when a connection to Sphinx can't be # made. class ConnectionError < StandardError end # A StaleIdsException is thrown by Collection.instances_from_matches if there # are records in Sphinx but not in the database, so the search can be retried. class StaleIdsException < StandardError attr_accessor :ids def initialize(ids) self.ids = ids end end # The current version of Thinking Sphinx. # # @return [String] The version number as a string # def self.version open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../VERSION')) { |f| } end # The collection of indexed models. Keep in mind that Rails lazily loads # its classes, so this may not actually be populated with _all_ the models # that have Sphinx indexes. def self.context if Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_context].nil? Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_context] = Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_context].prepare end Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_context] end def self.reset_context! Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_context] = nil end def self.unique_id_expression(offset = nil) "* #{context.indexed_models.size} + #{offset || 0}" end # Check if index definition is disabled. # def self.define_indexes? if Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_define_indexes].nil? Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_define_indexes] = true end Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_define_indexes] end # Enable/disable indexes - you may want to do this while migrating data. # # ThinkingSphinx.define_indexes = false # def self.define_indexes=(value) Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_define_indexes] = value end # Check if delta indexing is enabled. # def self.deltas_enabled? if Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_deltas_enabled].nil? Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_deltas_enabled] = ( ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.environment != "test" ) end Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_deltas_enabled] end # Enable/disable all delta indexing. # # ThinkingSphinx.deltas_enabled = false # def self.deltas_enabled=(value) Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_deltas_enabled] = value end # Check if updates are enabled. True by default, unless within the test # environment. # def self.updates_enabled? if Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_updates_enabled].nil? Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_updates_enabled] = ( ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.environment != "test" ) end Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_updates_enabled] end # Enable/disable updates to Sphinx # # ThinkingSphinx.updates_enabled = false # def self.updates_enabled=(value) Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_updates_enabled] = value end def self.suppress_delta_output? Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_suppress_delta_output] ||= false end def self.suppress_delta_output=(value) Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_suppress_delta_output] = value end # Checks to see if MySQL will allow simplistic GROUP BY statements. If not, # or if not using MySQL, this will return false. # def self.use_group_by_shortcut? if Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_use_group_by_shortcut].nil? Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_use_group_by_shortcut] = !!( mysql? && ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all( "SELECT @@global.sql_mode, @@session.sql_mode;" ).all? { |key,value| value.nil? || value[/ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY/].nil? } ) end Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_use_group_by_shortcut] end # An indication of whether Sphinx is running on a remote machine instead of # the same machine. # def self.remote_sphinx? Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_remote_sphinx] ||= false end # Tells Thinking Sphinx that Sphinx is running on a different machine, and # thus it can't reliably guess whether it is running or not (ie: the # #sphinx_running? method), and so just assumes it is. # # Useful for multi-machine deployments. Set it in your production.rb file. # # ThinkingSphinx.remote_sphinx = true # def self.remote_sphinx=(value) Thread.current[:thinking_sphinx_remote_sphinx] = value end # Check if Sphinx is running. If remote_sphinx is set to true (indicating # Sphinx is on a different machine), this will always return true, and you # will have to handle any connection errors yourself. # def self.sphinx_running? remote_sphinx? || sphinx_running_by_pid? end # Check if Sphinx is actually running, provided the pid is on the same # machine as this code. # def self.sphinx_running_by_pid? !!sphinx_pid && pid_active?(sphinx_pid) end def self.sphinx_pid if File.exists?(ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.pid_file)[/\d+/] else nil end end def self.pid_active?(pid) !!Process.kill(0, pid.to_i) rescue Exception => e false end def RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ end def self.jruby? defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) end def self.mysql? == "MysqlAdapter" || == "MysqlplusAdapter" || ( jruby? && ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.config[:adapter] == "jdbcmysql" ) end extend ThinkingSphinx::SearchMethods::ClassMethods end ThinkingSphinx::AutoVersion.detect