require 'yaml' require 'net/http' require 'digest/md5' require 'logger' # compatiblity with < Rails 3.0.0 require 'xml' unless defined?(ActiveSupport::XmlMini) # if using as a plugin in /vendor/plugins begin require 'bcrypt' rescue LoadError => e puts "ActsAsTextcaptcha - please gem install bcrypt-ruby and add `gem \"bcrypt-ruby\"` to your Gemfile (or environment config)" raise e end module ActsAsTextcaptcha class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie rake_tasks do load "tasks/textcaptcha.rake" end end module Textcaptcha #:nodoc: def acts_as_textcaptcha(options = nil) cattr_accessor :textcaptcha_config attr_accessor :spam_answer, :spam_question, :possible_answers validate :validate_textcaptcha if options.is_a?(Hash) self.textcaptcha_config = options.symbolize_keys! else begin self.textcaptcha_config = YAML.load("#{Rails.root ? Rails.root.to_s : '.'}/config/textcaptcha.yml"))[Rails.env].symbolize_keys! rescue Errno::ENOENT raise('./config/textcaptcha.yml not found') end end include InstanceMethods end module InstanceMethods # override this method to toggle spam checking, default is on (true) def perform_spam_check?; true end # override this method to toggle allowing the model to be created, default is on (true) # if returning false model.validate will always be false with errors on base def allowed?; true end def validate_textcaptcha # if not new_record? we dont spam check on existing records (ie. no spam check on updates/edits) if !respond_to?('new_record?') || new_record? if allowed? if possible_answers && perform_spam_check? && !validate_spam_answer errors.add(:spam_answer, :incorrect_answer, :message => "is incorrect, try another question instead") return false end else errors.add(:base, :disabled, :message => "Sorry, adding a %{model} is currently disabled") return false end end true end def validate_spam_answer (spam_answer && possible_answers) ? possible_answers.include?(encrypt_answer(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(spam_answer.strip.downcase.to_s))) : false end def encrypt_answers(answers) {|answer| encrypt_answer(answer) } end def encrypt_answer(answer) return answer unless(textcaptcha_config[:bcrypt_salt]) BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(answer, textcaptcha_config[:bcrypt_salt], (textcaptcha_config[:bcrypt_cost].to_i || 10)) end def generate_spam_question(use_textcaptcha = true) if use_textcaptcha && textcaptcha_config && textcaptcha_config[:api_key] begin resp = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(''+textcaptcha_config[:api_key])) return [] if resp.empty? if defined?(ActiveSupport::XmlMini) parsed_xml = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(resp)['captcha'] self.spam_question = parsed_xml['question']['__content__'] if parsed_xml['answer'].is_a?(Array) self.possible_answers = encrypt_answers(parsed_xml['answer'].collect {|a| a['__content__']}) else self.possible_answers = encrypt_answers([parsed_xml['answer']['__content__']]) end else parsed_xml = XML::Parser.string(resp).parse self.spam_question = parsed_xml.find('/captcha/question')[0].inner_xml self.possible_answers = encrypt_answers(parsed_xml.find('/captcha/answer').map(&:inner_xml)) end return possible_answers if spam_question && !possible_answers.empty? rescue SocketError, Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, URI::InvalidURIError => e log_textcaptcha("failed to load or parse textcaptcha with key '#{textcaptcha_config[:api_key]}'; #{e}") end end # fall back to textcaptcha_config questions if textcaptcha_config && textcaptcha_config[:questions] log_textcaptcha('falling back to random logic question from config') if textcaptcha_config[:api_key] random_question = textcaptcha_config[:questions][rand(textcaptcha_config[:questions].size)].symbolize_keys! self.spam_question = random_question[:question] self.possible_answers = encrypt_answers(random_question[:answers].split(',').map!{|ans| Digest::MD5.hexdigest(ans)}) end possible_answers end private def log_textcaptcha(message) logger ||= "Textcaptcha >> #{message}" end end end end