require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../test_helper") class AdminInstallControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase tests Admin::InstallController test "#normalize_params params[:site][:host] to the current request.host_with_port" do @controller.send(:normalize_install_params) @controller.params[:site][:host].should == @request.host_with_port end describe "routing" do with_options :controller => 'admin/install', :action => 'index' do |r| r.it_maps :get, '/' r.it_maps :post, '/' r.it_maps :get, '/admin/install' r.it_maps :post, '/admin/install' r.it_generates '/admin/install' end end describe "GET to :index" do action { get :index } with :no_site, :no_user do it_assigns :site, :section, :user it_renders :template, :install do has_form_posting_to install_path do has_tag 'input[name=?]', 'site[name]' has_tag 'input[name=?]', 'section[title]' has_tag 'select[name=?]', 'section[type]' end end it "assigns the root section to the site" do assigns(:site).sections.first.should_not be_nil end end # with :a_site do # # FIXME it_redirects_to :where? # end end describe "POST to :index" do action { post :index, @params } with :no_site, :no_user do with :valid_install_params do it_saves :site, :section, :user it_changes 'Site.count' => 1, 'Section.count' => 1, 'User.count' => 1 it "assigns the new Section to the new Site" do assigns(:section) be_nil end it "authenticates the current user as the new User" do @controller.current_user.should_not be_nil end it_renders :template, :confirmation do has_tag 'a[href=?]', admin_site_path(assigns(:site)) # FIXME link to admin profile end end with :invalid_install_params do it_renders :template, 'admin/install' it_assigns_flash_cookie :error => :not_nil it_does_not_save :site end end end # # FIXME make this true. currently user validation in admin/install doesn't work # # test "POST :index with invalid user params" do # post :index, :site => {:name => 'Site name'}, # :section => {:type => 'Page', :title => 'page title'} # # it_renders :template 'admin/install' # # it_assigns_flash_cookie :error => :not_nil # it_does_not_save :user # end end