# Pageflow Panorama [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/pageflow-panorama.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/pageflow-panorama) Page type showing 360° panoramas in embedded iframes. Currently supported are panoramas by palmsfilm.com, panogate.com and KRPano via upload in the editor. ## Installation Add pageflow-panorama to your application's Gemfile: # Gemfile gem 'pageflow-panorama' and run `bundle install`. Register the page type: # config/initializers/pageflow.rb Pageflow.configure do |config| config.register_page_type(Pageflow::Panorama.page_type) end Include javascripts and stylesheets: # app/assets/javascripts/pageflow/application.js //= require pageflow/panorama # app/assets/javascripts/pageflow/editor.js //= require pageflow/panorama/editor # app/assets/stylesheets/pageflow/application.css.scss @import "pageflow/panorama"; Install and run migrations: $ rake pageflow_panorama:install:migrations $ rake db:migrate ### Create Proxies for the Panorama Providers: To circumvent the same-origin policy, a proxy from the domain that serves pageflow to the domain of the panorma-providers has to be configured. Example for Nginx: Copy `config/pageflow-panorama-proxies.conf.example` to your Nginx config directory, for example `/etc/nginx/pageflow-panorama-proxies.conf` and include it in you pageflow config file: include /etc/nginx/pageflow-panorama-proxies.conf ### Configure the Supported Panorama Providers If you support both palmfilms and panogate just copy `config/pageflow_panorama.rb.example` to `config/initializers/pageflow_panorama.rb` in your app. This sets the `base_path` to correspond with the proxy configuration above. Restart the application server. ## Troubleshooting If you run into problems while installing the page type, please also refer to the [Troubleshooting](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/wiki/Troubleshooting) wiki page in the [Pageflow repository](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow). If that doesn't help, consider [filing an issue](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow-panorama/issues). ## Contributing Locales Edit the translations directly on the [pageflow-panorama](http://www.localeapp.com/projects/public?search=tf/pageflow-panorama) locale project.