@import "./jquery/*" @import "./sass/mixins" @import "./sass/event_list" @import "./sass/tags" @import "./sass/box-office" @import "./font-awesome" #preload_assets display: none .left float: left .clear clear: both ul list-style: none margin-left: 0px h1 font-size: 2.5em h2 margin-bottom: 10px font-size: 2.0em h3 margin-bottom: 10px font-size: 1.6em h4.event-link margin: 0px 0px 2px 0px a font-weight: bold a.weak font-weight: normal #organization-details margin-top: 50px #kit-table td.status width: 60px text-align: center padding-bottom: 1.4em p line-height: 4em td.type vertical-align: top .kit-type font-weight: bold ul#memberships li margin: 0 10px 10px 0px .email font-weight: bold .bordered border: 3px solid #ccc text-align: center border-radius: 5px moz-border-radius: 5px .nav-grav padding-top: 3px border-radius: 5px moz-border-radius: 5px height: 32px .medium-grav padding-top: 3px border-radius: 5px moz-border-radius: 5px height: 64px .user-grav height: 48px width: 48px padding: 2px .large-grav height: 130px width: 130px padding: 2px .no-image border-radius: 10px moz-border-radius: 10px border: 2px dashed #999 background-color: #ddd height: 75px width: 75px text-align: center a, #text padding-top: 27px font-weight: bold color: #666 a cursor: pointer p color: #999 .full width: 100% #add-a-description width: 100% height: 150px margin-bottom: 9px #text padding-top: 50px #add-a-venue width: 100% height: 150px #text padding-top: 50px #day-date width: 95% height: 120px border: 2px solid #999 background-color: #eee #month border-bottom: 2px solid #999 text-align: center color: #eee font-weight: bold border-radius: 0px moz-border-radius: 0px font-size: 18px padding: 5px 0px #day text-align: center font-size: 84px padding: 14px 0px color: #175C71 ul#event-list li.event-list-item margin-bottom: 20px ul.mini-stats li line-height: 20px ul.kv li margin-bottom: 10px ul#recent-list li margin-bottom: 10px .recent-activity-text font-size: 14px line-height: 18px .quiz-form label.control-label font-size: 1.8em width: 240px .controls margin-left: 250px .form-actions padding-left: 250px .modal display: none .modal-header h3 margin: 0 .modal-footer form display: inline-block margin: 0 #event-header-logo-container text-align: right #event-header-logo border-radius: 5px moz-border-radius: 5px #storefront-link font-size: 1.5em #storefront-text margin-top: 40px font-size: 1.3em .section-fields margin-bottom: 40px &.discount-tickets margin-bottom: 50px #show-headline background-color: #eee padding: 15px margin-bottom: 15px .merge-confirm-block background-color: #eee padding: 15px margin-bottom: 15px #merge-arrow text-align: center margin-bottom: 15px #admin #heading h1 margin-bottom: 25px form.sprited, li.sprited display: none tr.published form.published, tr.unpublished form.unpublished, tr.built form.built, tr.pending form.pending, tr.destroyable form.destroyable, ul.published li.published, ul.unpublished li.unpublished, ul.built li.built, ul.pending li.pending, ul.destroyable li.destroyable display: inline .dialog display: none .hidden display: none !important #contact-information #image margin-right: 10px ul.report li clear: both span.stat display: inline-block font-weight: bold width: 100px text-align: left margin: 0px span.current display: inline-block width: 75px text-align: right margin: 0px tr.returned, tr.refunded, tr.exchanged td.item-description, td.price text-decoration: line-through .in-table margin-bottom: 0px table.example-contact .field font-weight: bold tr.no-border td border-top: 0px .label.hidden display: none .invisible visibility: hidden #offers-by-me padding-top: 25px .admin-message font-weight: bold font-size: 1.5em #reseller-profile-datatable margin-top: 25px .with-gap-above margin-top: 50px span.help background-color: #666 color: white font-weight: bold margin-left: 20px font-size: 14px padding: 4px @include rounded-corners(6px, 6px, 6px, 6px) .tight margin-left: 0px !important input.datepicker, input.datetimepicker cursor: pointer .form-vertical > input, .form-vertical > select, .form-vertical > .control, .form-vertical > .input-prepend margin-bottom: 1.5em .form-vertical > .control > input margin-bottom: 0 .advanced-search input[type="date"] width: 125px .advanced-search .range-separator width: 20px display: inline-block text-align: center input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button -webkit-appearance: none margin: 0 .details-long margin-bottom: 1em .details-long ul list-style: disc margin-left: 17px margin-bottom: 1em a.red color: red a.red:hover color: red text-decoration: underline .event-icon-container height: 80px .bottom-room margin-bottom: 15px .btn3 width: 150px table.docs td.field width: 200px font-weight: bold td.field-slim width: 150px font-weight: bold .bottom-room margin-bottom: 15px //Bootstrap 2.3 broke .right in table cells, hance the !important .center text-align: center !important .right text-align: right !important .headline-caption font-size: 12px color: #999 text-transform: uppercase .headline-stat font-size: 2em font-weight: bold // Datepicker Icons .ui-datepicker z-index: 1050 !important .ui-datepicker .ui-icon, .ui-datepicker .ui-icon background: none !important text-indent: 0 !important padding: 0 0 0 0.2em !important .ui-datepicker span.ui-icon:before, .ui-datepicker span.ui-icon:before font-family: FontAwesome font-weight: normal font-style: normal display: inline-block text-decoration: inherit font-size: 1.1em line-height: 1 .ui-datepicker .ui-icon-circle-triangle-w:before content: "\f053" .ui-datepicker .ui-icon-circle-triangle-e:before content: "\f054" table.docs td.field width: 200px font-weight: bold #footnotes_holder position: absolute top: 0 left: 0 background-color: black z-index: 2000 a color: white font-size: 14pt span background-color: black !important #queries_debug_info background-color: white color: black p color: black a color: black .popover.right .popover-content, .popover.right .popover-title text-align: left .badge-big font-size: 30px a.artfully-tooltip, a.artfully-tooltip:hover text-decoration: none // People Records body[data-controller=people][data-action=show], body[data-controller=memberships][data-action=index] padding-top: 10px .person-header overflow: hidden background: #eee border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc padding: 20px border-bottom-left-radius: 8px border-bottom-right-radius: 8px margin-bottom: 20px .person-avatar float: left margin-right: 20px img border-radius: 4px width: 150px height: 150px .person-values-and-tags float: right .company-and-title margin-bottom: 20px .person-values margin-bottom: 20px border: 1px solid #ccc border-radius: 4px float: right text-align: center padding: 5px li min-width: 75px border-right: 1px solid #cecece float: left padding: 0 10px &:last-child border: none h3, h6 margin: 0 .person-tags width: 300px clear: right .person-links float: left a display: block padding-bottom: 10px padding-left: 32px &.email background: image-url('glyphish/people/email.png') no-repeat &.twitter background: image-url('glyphish/people/210-twitterbird.png') no-repeat &.facebook background: image-url('glyphish/people/208-facebook.png') no-repeat &.linked-in background: image-url('glyphish/people/linkedin.png') no-repeat &.website background: image-url('glyphish/people/website.png') no-repeat &.member-number background: image-url('glyphish/people/291-idcard.png') no-repeat .person-inline-form, td.person-inline-form border-top: 1px solid #ccc padding: 20px padding-bottom: 1px background: #eee clear: left a.delete-with-trash margin-right: 40px a.delete-with-trash font-size: 13px float: right padding-left: 18px color: #666 font-weight: normal display: block background: image-url('glyphish/people/218-trash2-small.png') no-repeat .action-form .action-type, .action-subtype, .dollar-inputs, .datetimepicker float: left margin-right: 18px .dollar-inputs span.add-on margin-bottom: 9px tr.action td padding-top: 9px &.icon padding: 5px &.starable padding: 7px .btn.action-icon background-position: 0 5px padding-left: 20px font-weight: normal text-indent: -5000px background: #eee background-repeat: no-repeat background-position: center center cursor: default // temp until the filter button works &.hear-icon background-image: image_url('actions/hear.png') &.say-icon background-image: image_url('actions/say.png') &.go-icon background-image: image_url('actions/go.png') &.do-icon background-image: image_url('actions/do.png') &.get-icon background-image: image_url('actions/get.png') &.give-icon background-image: image_url('actions/give.png') &.join-icon background-image: image_url('actions/join.png') .edit-action-link font-weight: normal text-shadow: none letter-spacing: 0.5px .toggle-truncated cursor: pointer #edit-person width: 740px margin-left: -360px form margin-bottom: 0 .form-horizontal .controls margin-left: 0 .control-label padding-right: 18px .modal-footer margin-bottom: 0 table#action-list td, table#notes-list td line-height: 20px border-top: 0px #endless-scroll-pagination &.loading background: image_url('loading.gif') no-repeat color: #ccc ul display: none .starable width: 10px font-size: 17px font-weight: bold &:hover cursor: pointer &.active color: #f8930a &.not-active color: #ccc form > fieldset:last-of-type > *:last-child margin-bottom: 45px #exchange-details display: block margin-top: 1em .lead margin-bottom: 4px ol li margin-bottom: 1.5em .well.negative background-color: #ffe0e0 .lead color: #d00 h6 color: #d55 #exchange-arrow text-align: center i height: 50px margin: 30px 0 display: block .recent-actions .recent-action-time font-size: 0.9em p.alternate_form_link text-align: right .big-money font-size: 30px #show-calendar .fc-event cursor: pointer #new-show-calendar .past-date background-color: #efefef [ng\:cloak], [ng-cloak], .ng-cloak display: none !important