require 'active_merchant/billing/gateways/viaklix' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # = Elavon Virtual Merchant Gateway # # == Example use: # # gateway = # :login => "my_virtual_merchant_id", # :password => "my_virtual_merchant_pin", # :user => "my_virtual_merchant_user_id" # optional # ) # # # set up credit card obj as in main ActiveMerchant example # creditcard = # :type => 'visa', # :number => '41111111111111111', # :month => 10, # :year => 2011, # :first_name => 'Bob', # :last_name => 'Bobsen' # ) # # # run request # response = gateway.purchase(1000, creditcard) # authorize and capture 10 USD # # puts response.success? # Check whether the transaction was successful # puts response.message # Retrieve the message returned by Elavon # puts response.authorization # Retrieve the unique transaction ID returned by Elavon # class ElavonGateway < Gateway class_attribute :test_url, :live_url, :delimiter, :actions self.test_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.display_name = 'Elavon MyVirtualMerchant' self.supported_countries = %w(US CA PR DE IE NO PL LU BE NL) self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover] self.homepage_url = '' self.delimiter = "\n" self.actions = { :purchase => 'CCSALE', :credit => 'CCCREDIT', :refund => 'CCRETURN', :authorize => 'CCAUTHONLY', :capture => 'CCFORCE', :capture_complete => 'CCCOMPLETE', :void => 'CCDELETE', :store => 'CCGETTOKEN', :update => 'CCUPDATETOKEN', } # Initialize the Gateway # # The gateway requires that a valid login and password be passed # in the +options+ hash. # # ==== Options # # * :login -- Merchant ID # * :password -- PIN # * :user -- Specify a subuser of the account (optional) # * :test => +true+ or +false+ -- Force test transactions def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) super end # Make a purchase def purchase(money, payment_method, options = {}) form = {} add_salestax(form, options) add_invoice(form, options) if payment_method.is_a?(String) add_token(form, payment_method) else add_creditcard(form, payment_method) end add_address(form, options) add_customer_data(form, options) add_test_mode(form, options) add_ip(form, options) commit(:purchase, money, form) end # Authorize a credit card for a given amount. # # ==== Parameters # * money - The amount to be authorized as an Integer value in cents. # * credit_card - The CreditCard details for the transaction. # * options # * :billing_address - The billing address for the cardholder. def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) form = {} add_salestax(form, options) add_invoice(form, options) add_creditcard(form, creditcard) add_address(form, options) add_customer_data(form, options) add_test_mode(form, options) add_ip(form, options) commit(:authorize, money, form) end # Capture authorized funds from a credit card. # # ==== Parameters # * money - The amount to be captured as an Integer value in cents. # * authorization - The approval code returned from the initial authorization. # * options # * :credit_card - The CreditCard details from the initial transaction (required). def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) form = {} if options[:credit_card] action = :capture add_salestax(form, options) add_approval_code(form, authorization) add_invoice(form, options) add_creditcard(form, options[:credit_card]) add_customer_data(form, options) add_test_mode(form, options) else action = :capture_complete add_txn_id(form, authorization) add_partial_shipment_flag(form, options) add_test_mode(form, options) end commit(action, money, form) end # Refund a transaction. # # This transaction indicates to the gateway that # money should flow from the merchant to the customer. # # ==== Parameters # # * money -- The amount to be credited to the customer as an Integer value in cents. # * identification -- The ID of the original transaction against which the refund is being issued. # * options -- A hash of parameters. def refund(money, identification, options = {}) form = {} add_txn_id(form, identification) add_test_mode(form, options) commit(:refund, money, form) end # Void a previous transaction # # ==== Parameters # # * authorization - The authorization returned from the previous request. def void(identification, options = {}) form = {} add_txn_id(form, identification) add_test_mode(form, options) commit(:void, nil, form) end # Make a credit to a card. Use the refund method if you'd like to credit using # previous transaction # # ==== Parameters # * money - The amount to be credited as an Integer value in cents. # * creditcard - The credit card to be credited. # * options def credit(money, creditcard, options = {}) if creditcard.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError, "Reference credits are not supported. Please supply the original credit card or use the #refund method." end form = {} add_invoice(form, options) add_creditcard(form, creditcard) add_address(form, options) add_customer_data(form, options) add_test_mode(form, options) commit(:credit, money, form) end def verify(credit_card, options = {}) do |r| r.process { authorize(100, credit_card, options) } r.process(:ignore_result) { void(r.authorization, options) } end end def store(creditcard, options = {}) form = {} add_creditcard(form, creditcard) add_address(form, options) add_customer_data(form, options) add_test_mode(form, options) add_verification(form, options) form[:add_token] = 'Y' commit(:store, nil, form) end def update(token, creditcard, options = {}) form = {} add_token(form, token) add_creditcard(form, creditcard) add_address(form, options) add_customer_data(form, options) add_test_mode(form, options) commit(:update, nil, form) end private def add_invoice(form,options) form[:invoice_number] = (options[:order_id] || options[:invoice]).to_s.slice(0, 10) form[:description] = options[:description].to_s.slice(0, 255) end def add_approval_code(form, authorization) form[:approval_code] = authorization.split(';').first end def add_txn_id(form, authorization) form[:txn_id] = authorization.split(';').last end def authorization_from(response) [response['approval_code'], response['txn_id']].join(';') end def add_creditcard(form, creditcard) form[:card_number] = creditcard.number form[:exp_date] = expdate(creditcard) if creditcard.verification_value? add_verification_value(form, creditcard) end form[:first_name] = creditcard.first_name.to_s.slice(0, 20) form[:last_name] = creditcard.last_name.to_s.slice(0, 30) end def add_token(form, token) form[:token] = token end def add_verification_value(form, creditcard) form[:cvv2cvc2] = creditcard.verification_value form[:cvv2cvc2_indicator] = '1' end def add_customer_data(form, options) form[:email] = options[:email].to_s.slice(0, 100) unless options[:email].blank? form[:customer_code] = options[:customer].to_s.slice(0, 10) unless options[:customer].blank? end def add_salestax(form, options) form[:salestax] = options[:tax] if options[:tax].present? end def add_address(form, options) billing_address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] if billing_address form[:avs_address] = billing_address[:address1].to_s.slice(0, 30) form[:address2] = billing_address[:address2].to_s.slice(0, 30) form[:avs_zip] = billing_address[:zip].to_s.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/, '').slice(0, 9) form[:city] = billing_address[:city].to_s.slice(0, 30) form[:state] = billing_address[:state].to_s.slice(0, 10) form[:company] = billing_address[:company].to_s.slice(0, 50) form[:phone] = billing_address[:phone].to_s.slice(0, 20) form[:country] = billing_address[:country].to_s.slice(0, 50) end if shipping_address = options[:shipping_address] first_name, last_name = split_names(shipping_address[:name]) form[:ship_to_first_name] = first_name.to_s.slice(0, 20) form[:ship_to_last_name] = last_name.to_s.slice(0, 30) form[:ship_to_address1] = shipping_address[:address1].to_s.slice(0, 30) form[:ship_to_address2] = shipping_address[:address2].to_s.slice(0, 30) form[:ship_to_city] = shipping_address[:city].to_s.slice(0, 30) form[:ship_to_state] = shipping_address[:state].to_s.slice(0, 10) form[:ship_to_company] = shipping_address[:company].to_s.slice(0, 50) form[:ship_to_country] = shipping_address[:country].to_s.slice(0, 50) form[:ship_to_zip] = shipping_address[:zip].to_s.slice(0, 10) end end def add_verification(form, options) form[:verify] = 'Y' if options[:verify] end def add_test_mode(form, options) form[:test_mode] = 'TRUE' if options[:test_mode] end def add_partial_shipment_flag(form, options) form[:partial_shipment_flag] = 'Y' if options[:partial_shipment_flag] end def add_ip(form, options) form[:cardholder_ip] = options[:ip] if options.has_key?(:ip) end def message_from(response) success?(response) ? response['result_message'] : response['errorMessage'] end def success?(response) !response.has_key?('errorMessage') end def commit(action, money, parameters) parameters[:amount] = amount(money) parameters[:transaction_type] = self.actions[action] response = parse( ssl_post(test? ? self.test_url : self.live_url, post_data(parameters)) )['result'] == '0', message_from(response), response, :test => @options[:test] || test?, :authorization => authorization_from(response), :avs_result => { :code => response['avs_response'] }, :cvv_result => response['cvv2_response'] ) end def post_data(parameters) result = preamble result.merge!(parameters) result.collect { |key, value| "ssl_#{key}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" }.join("&") end def preamble result = { 'merchant_id' => @options[:login], 'pin' => @options[:password], 'show_form' => 'false', 'result_format' => 'ASCII' } result['user_id'] = @options[:user] unless @options[:user].blank? result end def parse(msg) resp = {} msg.split(self.delimiter).collect{|li| key, value = li.split("=") resp[key.to_s.strip.gsub(/^ssl_/, '')] = value.to_s.strip } resp end end end end