module Padrino class ApplicationSetupError < RuntimeError #:nodoc: end ## # Subclasses of this become independent Padrino applications (stemming from Sinatra::Application) # These subclassed applications can be easily mounted into other Padrino applications as well. # class Application < Sinatra::Application class << self def inherited(subclass) CALLERS_TO_IGNORE.concat(PADRINO_IGNORE_CALLERS) subclass.default_configuration! Padrino.set_load_paths File.join(subclass.root, "/models") Padrino.require_dependencies File.join(subclass.root, "/models.rb") Padrino.require_dependencies File.join(subclass.root, "/models/**/*.rb") super # Loading the subclass subclass.default_filters! subclass.default_routes! subclass.default_errors! end ## # Hooks into when a new instance of the application is created # This is used because putting the configuration into inherited doesn't # take into account overwritten app settings inside subclassed definitions # Only performs the setup first time application is initialized. # def new(*args, &bk) setup_application! super end ## # Method for organize in a better way our routes like: # # controller :admin do # get :index do; ...; end # get :show, :with => :id do; ...; end # end # # Now you can call your actions with: # # url(:admin_index) # => "/admin" # url(:admin_show, :id => 1) # "/admin/show/1" # # You can instead using named routes follow the sinatra way like: # # controller "/admin" do # get "/index" do; ...; end # get "/show/:id" do; ...; end # end # # And you can call directly these urls: # # # => "/admin" # # => "/admin/show/1" # def controller(*extensions, &block) if block_given? @_controller, original = extensions, @_controller instance_eval(&block) @_controller = original else include(*extensions) if extensions.any? end end alias :controllers :controller ## # Usher router, for fatures and configurations see: # # Examples: # # router.add_route('/greedy/{!:greed,.*}') # router.recognize_path('/simple') # def router @router ||= => [:request_method, :host, :port, :scheme], :ignore_trailing_delimiters => true, :generator => block_given? ? yield(@router) : @router end alias :urls :router ## # Instance method for url generation like: # # url(:show, :id => 1) # url(:show, :name => :test) # url("/show/:id/:name", :id => 1, :name => foo) # def url(name, *params)! do |param| if param.is_a?(Hash) param[:format] = param[:format].to_s if param.has_key?(:format) param.each { |k,v| param[k] = v.to_param if v.respond_to?(:to_param) } end end url = router.generator.generate(name, *params) uri_root != "/" ? uri_root + url : url end alias :url_for :url ## # With this method we can use layout like rails do or if a block given like sinatra # By default we look in your/app/views/layouts/application.(haml|erb|etc) # # If you define: # # layout :custom # # Padrino look for your/app/views/layouts/custom.(haml|erb|etc) # def layout(name=:layout, &block) return super if block_given? @_layout = name end ## # Reloads the application files from all defined load paths # def reload! reset_routes! # remove all existing user-defined application routes Padrino.load_dependency(self.app_file) # reload the app file load_paths.each { |path| Padrino.load_dependencies(File.join(self.root, path)) } # reload dependencies end ## # Resets application routes to only routes not defined by the user # def reset_routes! router.reset! default_routes! end ## # Setup the application by registering initializers, load paths and logger # Invoked automatically when an application is first instantiated # def setup_application! return if @_configured self.register_framework_extensions self.calculate_paths self.register_initializers self.require_load_paths self.disable :logging # We need do that as default because Sinatra use commonlogger. I18n.locale = self.locale I18n.load_path += self.translations @_configured = true end protected ## # Defines default settings for Padrino application # def default_configuration! # Overwriting Sinatra defaults set :app_file, caller_files.first || $0 # Assume app file is first caller set :environment, PADRINO_ENV.to_sym set :raise_errors, true if development? set :logging, false # !test? set :sessions, true set :public, { Padrino.root('public', self.uri_root) } # Padrino specific set :uri_root, "/" set :reload, development? set :app_name, self.to_s.underscore.to_sym set :default_builder, 'StandardFormBuilder' set :flash, defined?(Rack::Flash) set :authentication, false # Padrino locale set :locale, :en set :translations, { Dir[File.join(self.root, "/locale/**/*.{rb,yml}")] } set :auto_locale, false # Plugin specific set :padrino_mailer, defined?(Padrino::Mailer) set :padrino_helpers, defined?(Padrino::Helpers) end ## # We need to add almost __sinatra__ images. # def default_routes! # images resources get "/__sinatra__/:image.png" do filename = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/images/#{params[:image]}.png" send_file filename end end ## # This filter it's used for know the format of the request, and automatically set the content type. # def default_filters! before do request.path_info =~ /\.([^\.\/]+)$/ @_content_type = ($1 || :html).to_sym content_type(@_content_type, :charset => 'utf-8') rescue content_type('application/octet-stream') end end ## # This log errors for production environments # def default_errors! configure :production do error ::Exception do boom = env['sinatra.error'] logger.error ["#{boom.class} - #{boom.message}:", *boom.backtrace].join("\n ") response.status = 500 content_type 'text/html' '

Internal Server Error

' end end end ## # Calculates any required paths after app_file and root have been properly configured # Executes as part of the setup_application! method # def calculate_paths raise"Please define 'app_file' option for #{} app!") unless self.app_file set :views, find_view_path if find_view_path set :images_path, File.join(self.public, "/images") unless self.respond_to?(:images_path) end ## # Requires the middleware and initializer modules to configure components # def register_initializers use Padrino::RackLogger use Padrino::Reloader if reload? use Rack::Flash if flash? @initializer_path ||= Padrino.root + '/config/initializers/*.rb' Dir[@initializer_path].each { |file| register_initializer(file) } end ## # Registers all desired padrino extension helpers # def register_framework_extensions register Padrino::Mailer if padrino_mailer? register Padrino::Helpers if padrino_helpers? register Padrino::AccessControl if authentication? end ## # Returns the load_paths for the application (relative to the application root) # def load_paths @load_paths ||= ["urls.rb", "config/urls.rb", "mailers/*.rb", "controllers/**/*.rb", "controllers.rb", "helpers/*.rb"] end ## # Requires all files within the application load paths # def require_load_paths load_paths.each { |path| Padrino.require_dependencies(File.join(self.root, path)) } end ## # Returns the path to the views directory from root by returning the first that is found # def find_view_path @view_paths = ["views"].collect { |path| File.join(self.root, path) } @view_paths.find { |path| Dir[File.join(path, '/**/*')].any? } end ## # Registers an initializer with the application # register_initializer('/path/to/initializer') # def register_initializer(file_path) Padrino.require_dependencies(file_path) file_class = File.basename(file_path, '.rb').camelize register "#{file_class}Initializer".constantize rescue NameError => e logger.error "The module '#{file_class}Initializer' (#{file_path}) didn't loaded properly!" logger.error " Initializer error was '#{e.message}'" end private ## # Rewrite default because now routes can be: # # get :index # => "/" # get :index, :map => "/" # => "/" # get :show, :map => "/show-me" # => "/show-me" # get "/foo/bar" # => "/show" # get :show, :with => :id # => "/show/:id" # get :show, :with => [:id, :name] # => "/show/:id/:name" # get :list, :respond_to => :js # => "/list.{:format,js)" # get :list, :respond_to => :any # => "/list(.:format)" # get :list, :respond_to => [:js, :json] # => "/list.{!format,js|json}" # gen :list, :respond_to => [:html, :js, :json] # => "/list(.{!format,js|json})" # def route(verb, path, options={}, &block) # We dup options so we can build HEAD request correctly options = options.dup # We need check if path is a symbol, if that it's a named route map = options.delete(:map) if path.kind_of?(Symbol) name = path # The route name path = map || "/#{path}" # The route path end if path.kind_of?(String) # Little reformats path.sub!(/\/index$/, "") # If the route end with /index we remove them path = (uri_root == "/" ? "/" : "(/)") if path.blank? # Add a trailing delimiter if empty # Now we need to parse our with params if params = options.delete(:with) path += "/" unless path =~ /\/$/ path += Array(params).collect(&:inspect).join("/") end # Now we need to parse our respond_to if format = options.delete(:respond_to) path += case format when :any then "(.:format)" when Array then formats = format.dup # Prevent changes to HEAD verb container = formats.delete(:html) ? "(%s)" : "%s" match = ".{:format," + formats.collect { |f| "#{f}$" }.join("|") + "}" container % match else ".{:format,#{format}}" end end # Build our controller controller = Array(@_controller).collect(&:to_s) unless controller.empty? # Now we need to add our controller path only if not mapped directly if map.blank? controller_path = controller.join("/") path = controller_path + path end # Here we build the correct name route if name controller_name = controller.join("_") name = "#{controller_name}_#{name}".to_sym unless controller_name.blank? end end # We need to have a path that start with / in some circumstances and that don't end with / if path != "(/)" && path != "/" path = "/" + path if path !~ /^\// path.sub!(/\/$/, '') end end # Standard Sinatra requirements options[:conditions] ||= {} options[:conditions][:request_method] = verb options[:conditions][:host] = options.delete(:host) if options.key?(:host) # Because of host_name(options.delete(:host)) if options.key?(:host) # Sinatra defaults define_method "#{verb} #{path}", &block unbound_method = instance_method("#{verb} #{path}") block = if block.arity != 0 lambda { unbound_method.bind(self).call(*@block_params) } else lambda { unbound_method.bind(self).call } end invoke_hook(:route_added, verb, path, block) route = router.add_route(path, options).to(block) if name route end end # self ## # Return the request format, this is useful when we need to respond to a given content_type like: # # get :index, :respond_to => :any do # case content_type # when :js then ... # when :json then ... # when :html then ... # end # end # def content_type(type=nil, params={}) type.nil? ? @_content_type : super(type, params) end ## # Instance method for url generation like: # # url(:show, :id => 1) # url(:show, :name => :test) # url("/show/:id/:name", :id => 1, :name => foo) # def url(name, *params) self.class.url(name, *params) end alias :url_for :url ## # This is mostly just a helper so request.path_info isn't changed when # serving files from the public directory # def static_file?(path_info) return if (public_dir = options.public).nil? public_dir = File.expand_path(public_dir) path = File.expand_path(public_dir + unescape(path_info)) return if path[0, public_dir.length] != public_dir return unless File.file?(path) return path end private ## # Method for deliver static files, Sinatra 0.10.x or 1.0.x have this method # but for now we use this (because we need a compatibility with 0.9.x) and also # because we just have +static_file?+ method. # def static! if path = static_file?(request.path_info) send_file(path, :disposition => nil) end end ## # Compatibility with usher # def route!(base=self.class, pass_block=nil) # TODO: remove this when sinatra 1.0 will be released if Sinatra::VERSION =~ /^0\.9/ # enable nested params in Rack < 1.0; allow indifferent access @params = if Rack::Utils.respond_to?(:parse_nested_query) indifferent_params(@request.params) else nested_params(@request.params) end # deliver static files static! if options.static? && (request.get? || request.head?) # perform before filters self.class.filters.each { |block| instance_eval(&block) } end # Usher if self.class.router and match = self.class.router.recognize(@request, @request.path_info) @block_params ={|p| p.last} @params = @params ? @params.merge(match.params_as_hash) : match.params_as_hash pass_block = catch(:pass) do route_eval(&match.destination) end elsif base.superclass.respond_to?(:routes) route! base.superclass else route_missing end end ## # When we set :auto_locale, true then if we use param locale like: # # get "/:locale/some/foo" do; ...; end # # we automatically set the I18n locale to params[:locale] # def route_eval(&block) if options.auto_locale if params[:locale] I18n.locale = params[:locale].to_sym rescue options.locale end end super end ## # Hijacking the sinatra render for do three thing: # # * Use layout like rails do # * Use render 'path/to/my/template' (without symbols) # * Use render 'path/to/my/template' (with auto enegine lookup) # def render(engine, data=nil, options={}, locals={}, &block) # TODO: remove these @template_cache.respond_to?(:clear) when sinatra 1.0 will be released @template_cache.clear if Padrino.env != :production && @template_cache && @template_cache.respond_to?(:clear) # If engine is an hash we convert to json return engine.to_json if engine.is_a?(Hash) # If an engine is a string probably is a path so we try to resolve them if data.nil? data = engine.to_sym engine = resolve_template_engine(engine) end # Use layout as rails do if (options[:layout].nil? || options[:layout] == true) && !self.class.templates.has_key?(:layout) layout = self.class.instance_variable_defined?(:@_layout) ? self.class.instance_variable_get(:@_layout) : :application if layout # We look first for views/layout_name.ext then then for views/layouts/layout_name.ext options[:layout] = Dir["#{self.options.views}/#{layout}.*"].present? ? layout.to_sym : File.join('layouts', layout.to_s).to_sym logger.debug "Rendering layout #{options[:layout]}" end end super end ## # Returns the template engine (i.e haml) to use for a given template_path # resolve_template_engine('users/new') => :haml # def resolve_template_engine(template_path) resolved_template_path = File.join(self.options.views, template_path.to_s + ".*") template_file = Dir[resolved_template_path].first raise "Template path '#{template_path}' could not be located in views!" unless template_file template_engine = File.extname(template_file)[1..-1].to_sym end end # Application end # Padrino