#-- # Wmap # # A pure Ruby library for Internet web application discovery and tracking. # # Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Yang Li #++ require "watir" require "selenium-webdriver" module Wmap module Utils module UrlMagic extend self # set hard stop limit of http time-out to 8 seconds, in order to avoid severe performance penalty for certain 'weird' site(s) Max_http_timeout=8000 # Simple sanity check on a 'claimed' URL string. def is_url?(url) puts "Validate the URL format is valid: #{url}" if @verbose begin if url =~ /(http|https)\:\/\/((.)+)/i host=$2.split('/')[0] host=host.split(':')[0] if is_ip?(host) or is_fqdn?(host) return true else return false end else puts "Unknown URL format: #{url}" if @verbose return false end rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return false end end # Simple sanity check on a 'claimed' SSL enabled URL string def is_ssl?(url) puts "Validate if SSL is enabled on: #{url}" if @verbose begin url=url.strip if is_url?(url) && url =~ /https/i return true else return false end rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return false end end alias_method :is_https?, :is_ssl? # Simple sanity check on a 'claimed' web site base string. def is_site?(url) puts "Validate the website string format for: #{url}" if @verbose begin url=url.strip.downcase if is_url?(url) if url == url_2_site(url) return true else return false end else puts "Unknown site format: #{url}" if @verbose return false end rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Extract the web server host's Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) from the url. For example: "https://login.yahoo.com/email/help" -> "login.yahoo.com" def url_2_host (url) begin url = url.strip.downcase.gsub(/(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)/, "") record1 = url.split('/') if record1[0].nil? puts "Error process url: #{url}" return nil else record2 = record1[0].split(':') return record2[0] end rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Extract web service port from the url. For example: "https://login.yahoo.com/email/help" -> 443 def url_2_port (url) puts "Retrieve service port on URL: #{url}" if @verbose begin ssl = (url =~ /https/i) url = url.downcase.gsub(/(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)/, "") record1 = url.split('/') record2 = record1[0].split(':') if (record2.length == 2) puts "The service port: #{record2[1]}" if @verbose return record2[1].to_i elsif ssl puts "The service port: 443" if @verbose return 443 else puts "The service port: 80" if @verbose return 80 end rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Extract site in (host:port) format from a url: "https://login.yahoo.com:8443/email/help" -> "http://login.yahoo.com:8443/" def url_2_site (url) puts "Retrieve the web site base for url: #{url}" if @verbose begin url = url.downcase url = url.sub(/^(.*?)http/i,'http') entry = url.split(%r{\/\/}) prot=entry[0] # step 1, extract the host:port pair from the url host_port=entry[1].split(%r{\/})[0] if host_port =~ /\:/ host=host_port.split(%r{\:})[0] port=host_port.split(%r{\:})[1].to_i elsif prot =~ /https/i host=host_port port=443 elsif prot =~ /http/i host=host_port port=80 else host=host_port #raise "Unknown url format: #{url}" end # additional logic to handle uncommon url base structures unless is_fqdn?(host) case host # "https://letmechoose.barclays.co.uk?source=btorganic/" => "https://letmechoose.barclays.co.uk" when /\?|\#/ host=host.split(%r{\?|\#})[0] else #do nothing end end # step 2, put the host:port pair back to the normal site format prot="https:" if port==443 if port==80 || port==443 site=prot+"//"+host+"/" else site=prot+"//"+host+":"+port.to_s+"/" end if site=~ /http/i #puts "Base found: #{site}" if @verbose return site else raise "Problem encountered on method url_2_site: Unable to convert #{url}" return nil end rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Wrapper to return relative path component of the URL. i.e. http://www.yahoo.com/login.html => /login.html def url_2_path(url) #puts "Retrieve the relative path component of the url: #{url}" if @verbose begin url.strip! base = url_2_site(url).chop path=url.sub(base,'') #puts "Path component found: #{path}" if @verbose return path rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__} for #{url}: #{ee}" if @verbose end end # Test if the two URLs are both under the same domain: http://login.yahoo.com, http://mail.yahoo.com => true def urls_on_same_domain?(url1, url2) puts "Determine if two URLs under the same domain: #{url1}, #{url2}" if @verbose host1=url_2_host(url1) host2=url_2_host(url2) return get_domain_root(host1) == get_domain_root(host2) rescue => ee puts "Error searching the object content: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end # Input is host and open port, output is a URL for valid http response code or nil def host_2_url (host,port=80) puts "Perform simple http(s) service detection on host #{host}, port #{port}" if @verbose begin host=host.strip if port.to_i == 80 url_1 = "http://" + host + "/" elsif port.to_i ==443 url_1 = "https://" + host + "/" else url_1 = "http://" + host + ":" + port.to_s + "/" url_2 = "https://" + host + ":" + port.to_s + "/" end puts "Please ensure your internet connection is active before running this method: #{__method__}" if @verbose checker=Wmap::UrlChecker.new if checker.response_code(url_1) != 10000 puts "Found URL: #{url_1}" if @verbose return url_1 elsif checker.response_code(url_2) != 10000 puts "Found URL: #{url_2}" if @verbose return url_2 else puts "No http(s) service found on: #{host}:#{port}" if @verbose return nil end rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Convert a relative URL to an absolute one. For example, from URL base 'http://games.yahoo.com/' and file path '/game/the-magic-snowman-flash.html' => 'http://games.yahoo.com/game/the-magic-snowman-flash.html' def make_absolute(base, relative_url) puts "Determine and return the absolute URL:\n Base: #{base}, Relative: #{relative_url} " if @verbose begin absolute_url = nil; if relative_url =~ /^\// absolute_url = create_absolute_url_from_base(base, relative_url) else absolute_url = create_absolute_url_from_context(base, relative_url) end puts "Found absolute URL: #{absolute_url}" if @verbose return absolute_url rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Create / construct the absolute URL from a known URL and relative file path. For example, 'http://images.search.yahoo.com/images' + '/search/images?p=raiders' => 'http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=raiders' def create_absolute_url_from_base(potential_base, relative_url) begin #puts "Determine the absolute URL from potential base #{potential_base} and relative URL #{relative_url}" if @verbose naked_base = url_2_site(potential_base).strip.chop puts "Found absolute URL: #{naked_base+relative_url}" if @verbose return naked_base + relative_url rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Construct the absolute URL by comparing a known URL and the relative file path def create_absolute_url_from_context(potential_base, relative_url) puts "Determine the absolute URL from context:\n Known base: #{potential_base}, Relative path: #{relative_url}" if @verbose begin absolute_url = nil # make relative URL naked by removing the beginning '/' relative_url.sub!(/^\//,'') if potential_base =~ /\/$/ absolute_url = potential_base+relative_url.strip else last_index_of_slash = potential_base.rindex('/') if potential_base[last_index_of_slash-2, 2] == ':/' absolute_url = potential_base+relative_url else last_index_of_dot = potential_base.rindex('.') if last_index_of_dot < last_index_of_slash absolute_url = potential_base.strip.chop+relative_url else absolute_url = potential_base[0, last_index_of_slash+1] + relative_url end end end puts "Found absolute URL: #{absolute_url}" if @verbose return absolute_url rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Normalize the URL to a consistent manner in order to determine if a link has been visited or cached before # See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_normalization for more explanation def normalize_url(url) begin url.strip! # Converting the scheme and host to lower case in the process, i.e. 'HTTP://www.Example.com/' => 'http://www.example.com/' # Normalize the base base=url_2_site(url) # Case#1, remove the trailing dot after the hostname, i.e, 'http://www.yahoo.com./' => 'http://www.yahoo.com/' base=base.sub(/\.\/$/,'/') # Normalize the relative path, case#1 # retrieve the file path and remove the first '/' or '.', # i.e. 'http://www.example.com/mypath' or 'http://www.example.com/./mypath' => 'mypath' path=url_2_path(url).sub(/^(\/|\.)*/,'') # Normalize the relative path, case#2 # Replace dot-segments. "/../" and "/./" with "/", i.e. 'http://www.example.com/../a/b/../c/./d.html" => 'http://www.example.com/a/c/d.html' path=path.gsub(/\/\.{1,2}\//,'/') if path.nil? return base else return base+path end rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__} for #{url}: #{ee}" if @verbose return url end end # Test the URL and return the response code def response_code (url) puts "Check the http response code on the url: #{url}" if @verbose code = 10000 # All unknown url connection exceptions go here raise "Invalid url: #{url}" unless is_url?(url) url=url.strip.downcase timeo = Max_http_timeout/1000.0 uri = URI.parse(url) http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) http.open_timeout = timeo http.read_timeout = timeo if (url =~ /https\:/i) http.use_ssl = true #http.ssl_version = :SSLv3 # Bypass the remote web server cert validation test http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri) response = http.request(request) puts "Server response the following: #{response}" if @verbose code = response.code.to_i #response.finish if response.started?() @url_code=Hash.new unless @url_code @url_code[url]=code puts "Response code on #{url}: #{code}" if @verbose return code rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__} for #{url}: #{ee}" if @verbose case ee # rescue "Connection reset by peer" error type when Errno::ECONNRESET code=104 when Errno::ECONNABORTED,Errno::ETIMEDOUT #code=10000 when Timeout::Error # Quick fix if (url =~ /https\:/i) # try again for ssl timeout session, in case of default :TLSv1 failure http.ssl_version = :SSLv3 response = http.request(request) code = response.code.to_i unless code.nil? @ssl_version = http.ssl_version end end else #code=10000 end @url_code=Hash.new unless @url_code @url_code[url]=code return code end # Given an URL, open the page, then return the DOM text from a normal user perspective def open_page(url) args = {ssl_verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE, allow_redirections: :safe, read_timeout: Max_http_timeout/1000} doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url, args)) if doc.text.include?("Please enable JavaScript to view the page content") puts "Invoke headless chrome through webdriver ..." if @verbose #Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome.path = "/usr/local/bin/chromedriver" #driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome # http://watir.com/guides/chrome/ args = ['--ignore-certificate-errors', '--disable-popup-blocking', '--disable-translate'] browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome, headless: true, options: {args: args} browser.goto(url) sleep(2) # wait for the loading doc = Nokogiri::HTML(browser.html) browser.close end puts doc.text if @verbose return doc rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__} for #{url}: #{ee}" browser.close unless browser.nil? return doc.text end # Test the URL / site and return the redirection location (3xx response code only) def redirect_location (url) puts "Test the redirection location for the url: #{url}" if @verbose location="" raise "Invalid url: #{url}" unless is_url?(url) url=url.strip.downcase timeo = Max_http_timeout/1000.0 uri = URI.parse(url) code = response_code (url) if code >= 300 && code < 400 http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) http.open_timeout = timeo http.read_timeout = timeo if (url =~ /https\:/i) http.use_ssl = true # Bypass the remote web server cert validation test http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE http.ssl_version = @ssl_version end request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri) response = http.request(request) puts "Response: #{response}" if @verbose case response when Net::HTTPRedirection then location = response['location'] end end return location rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method redirect_location for URL #{url}: #{ee}" if @verbose return "" end alias_method :location, :redirect_location # Test the URL / Site and return the landing url location (recursive with the depth = 4 ) def landing_location (depth=5, url) depth -= 1 return url if depth < 1 timeo = Max_http_timeout/1000.0 uri = URI.parse(url) code = response_code (url) if code >= 300 && code < 400 url = redirect_location (url) url = landing_location(depth,url) else return url end return url rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__} on URL #{url}: #{ee}" if @verbose end end end end