module S3Deploy VERSION = '1.0.0' require "scms/scms-utils.rb" def S3Deploy.sync(pub, config, mimetypefile) #yamlpath=File.join(config, "_config.yml") #scmsSettings = ScmsUtils.readyaml(yamlpath) ENV["S3CONF"] = config ENV["AWS_CALLING_FORMAT"] = "SUBDOMAIN" ENV["S3SYNC_MIME_TYPES_FILE"] = mimetypefile #puts "S3SYNC_MIME_TYPES_FILE: #{ENV["S3SYNC_MIME_TYPES_FILE"] }" s3yamlpath=File.join(config, "_s3config.yml") settings = YAML.load_file(s3yamlpath) throw "No bucket defined in _s3config.yml settings file" if settings['bucket'] == nil ScmsUtils.boldlog( "Syncing with Amazon S3: #{settings['bucket']}" ) exclude = "(\\.svn$)|(\\.git$)|(^_)|(^\\.)" if settings['ignore'] != nil exclude = "#{exclude}|(#{settings["ignore"]})" end cmd = "s3sync" params = "--exclude=\"#{exclude}\" --progress --make-dirs --recursive" #First deploy private directories Dir.glob("#{pub}/_*/").each do |f| privatedir = File.basename(f) ScmsUtils.log( "Backing up: #{privatedir} (private)" ) privateparams = "#{params} \"#{pub}/#{privatedir}/\" #{settings['bucket']}:#{privatedir}/", privateparams) end #Them deploy publid dir with caching if settings['cache'] != nil settings['cache'].each do |folder| ScmsUtils.log("Publishing: #{folder}(public: caching: 1 year)") cacheparams = "#{params} --public-read --cache-control='public, max-age=31449600' \"#{pub}/#{folder}/\" #{settings['bucket']}:#{folder}/", cacheparams) end end ScmsUtils.log("Publishing root (public)") removeold = "" removeold = "--delete" if settings['clean'].to_s == "true" roorparams = "#{removeold} #{params} --public-read \"#{pub}/\" #{settings['bucket']}:/" #Finnaly deploy all remaining files (except excludes), roorparams) ScmsUtils.successLog("Deployed :)") if settings['uri'] != nil ScmsUtils.log(settings['uri']) end end end