# encoding: utf-8 # this is used for common translations plugin # note: doesn't support multi level en: common: read_more: "Read More" submit: "Submit" send: "Send" login: "Login" logout: "Logout" confirm: "Are you confirm?" register: "Register" comment_msg: "You must be logged in to post a comment" comment: "Comment" comments: "Comments" message: "Message" leave_comment: "Leave a comment" comment_new: "New Comment" comment_saved: "Your comment was saved" comment_error: "An error was occurred on save comment" comment_reply: "Reply" edit: "Edit" recent_posts: "Recent Posts" search_msg: "Search Results for:" search_not_found: "Search items were not found to list" category_list: "Category List" post_tag_list: "Tag List" sub_category_list: "Sub Category List" content_list: "Content list: %s" visit: "Visit" no_contents_found: "No contents found" no_results_found: "No results found" author: "Author" site: "Site" categories: "Categories" next: "Next" prev: "Prev" current: "Current" search: "Search" file_format_error: "File format not allowed" file_size_exceeded: "File size exceeded" notice: "News " share: "Share on" share_facebook: "Share Facebook" share_twitter: "Share Twitter" share_google_plus: "Share Google Plus" back_top: "Back to Top" total_followers_social: "Total of followers on social networks" latest_articles: "Latest Articles" photo_gallery: "Photo gallery" home_galleries: "Go to the home of galleries" addition: "Addition" view_all_news: "View all news" extra_attributes: "Extra Attributes" will_paginate: previous_label: 'Previous' next_label: 'Next' es: common: read_more: "Leer Más" submit: "Ingresar" send: "Enviar" login: "Ingresar" logout: "Salir" confirm: "Estas seguro?" register: "Registrarse" comment_msg: "Tu debes estar logeado para comentar" comment: "Comentario" leave_comment: "Dejar un comentario" comments: "Comentarios" message: "Mensaje" comment_new: "Nuevo Comentario" comment_saved: "Su comentario se a guardado" comment_error: "Ocurrió un error al enviar su comentario" comment_reply: "Respuesta" edit: "Editar" recent_posts: "Artículos Recientes" search_msg: "Resultados de búsqueda para: " search_not_found: "Elementos de busqueda no se encontraron para listar" category_list: "Lista de Categorías" post_tag_list: "Lista de Etiquetas" sub_category_list: "Lista de Sub Categorías" content_list: "Lista de contenidos: %s" visit: "Visitar" no_contents_found: "No se encontraron contenidos" no_results_found: "No se encontraron resultados" author: "Autor" site: "Sitio" categories: "Categorías" next: "Siguiente" prev: "Anterior" current: "Actual" search: "Búsqueda" file_format_error: "Formato de archivo no permitido" file_size_exceeded: "Tamaño excedido" notice: "Noticias de " share: "Comparte en" share_facebook: "Compartir en Facebook" share_twitter: "Compartir en Twitter" share_google_plus: "Compartir en Google Plus" back_top: "Volver arriba" total_followers_social: "Total de seguidores en redes sociales" latest_articles: "Ultimos Articulos" photo_gallery: "Galerías de fotos" home_galleries: "Ir a la portada de galerias" addition: "Ademas" view_all_news: "Ver todas las noticias" extra_attributes: "Otros Atributos" will_paginate: previous_label: 'Anterior' next_label: 'Siguiente' it: common: read_more: "Leggi tutto" submit: "Conferma" send: "Invia" login: "Login" logout: "Logout" confirm: "Confermi?" register: "Registrazione" comment_msg: "Devi essere loggato per poter commentare" comment: "Commento" comments: "Commenti" message: "Messaggio" leave_comment: "Lascia un commento" comment_new: "Nuovo Commento" comment_saved: "Il tuo commento è stato salvato" comment_error: "C'è stato un errore durante il salvataggio del commento" comment_reply: "Rispondi" edit: "Modifica" recent_posts: "Articoli recenti" search_msg: "Risultati della ricerca per:" search_not_found: "Nessun risultato trovato" category_list: "Lista categorie" post_tag_list: "Lista tag" sub_category_list: "Lista sottocategorie" content_list: "Lista Contenuti: %s" visit: "Visita" no_contents_found: "Nessun contenuto trovato" no_results_found: "Nessun risultato trovato" author: "Autore" site: "Sito" categories: "Categorie" next: "Successivo" prev: "Precedente" current: "Corrente" search: "Cerca" file_format_error: "Formato file non accettato" file_size_exceeded: "File troppo grande" notice: "News" share: "Condividi su" share_facebook: "Condividi su Facebook" share_twitter: "Condividi su Twitter" share_google_plus: "Condividi su Google Plus" back_top: "Torna su" total_followers_social: "Follower totali sui social network" latest_articles: "Ultimi articoli" photo_gallery: "Galleria foto" home_galleries: "Vai alla home delle gallerie" addition: "Aggiungi" view_all_news: "Vedi tutte le news" extra_attributes: "Attributi extra" will_paginate: previous_label: 'Precedente' next_label: 'Successivo'