#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require 'json' require 'set' require 'digest/md5' require 'csv' module Ebooks class Model # @return [Array<String>] # An array of unique tokens. This is the main source of actual strings # in the model. Manipulation of a token is done using its index # in this array, which we call a "tiki" attr_accessor :tokens # @return [Array<Array<Integer>>] # Sentences represented by arrays of tikis attr_accessor :sentences # @return [Array<Array<Integer>>] # Sentences derived from Twitter mentions attr_accessor :mentions # @return [Array<String>] # The top 200 most important keywords, in descending order attr_accessor :keywords # Generate a new model from a corpus file # @param path [String] # @return [Ebooks::Model] def self.consume(path) Model.new.consume(path) end # Generate a new model from multiple corpus files # @param paths [Array<String>] # @return [Ebooks::Model] def self.consume_all(paths) Model.new.consume_all(paths) end # Load a saved model # @param path [String] # @return [Ebooks::Model] def self.load(path) model = Model.new model.instance_eval do props = Marshal.load(File.open(path, 'rb') { |f| f.read }) @tokens = props[:tokens] @sentences = props[:sentences] @mentions = props[:mentions] @keywords = props[:keywords] end model end # Save model to a file # @param path [String] def save(path) File.open(path, 'wb') do |f| f.write(Marshal.dump({ tokens: @tokens, sentences: @sentences, mentions: @mentions, keywords: @keywords })) end self end # Append a generated model to existing model file instead of overwriting it # @param path [String] def append(path) existing = File.file?(path) if !existing log "No existing model found at #{path}" return else #read-in and deserialize existing model props = Marshal.load(File.open(path,'rb') { |old| old.read }) old_tokens = props[:tokens] old_sentences = props[:sentences] old_mentions = props[:mentions] old_keywords = props[:keywords] #append existing properties to new ones and overwrite with new model File.open(path, 'wb') do |f| f.write(Marshal.dump({ tokens: @tokens.concat(old_tokens), sentences: @sentences.concat(old_sentences), mentions: @mentions.concat(old_mentions), keywords: @keywords.concat(old_keywords) })) end end self end def initialize @tokens = [] # Reverse lookup tiki by token, for faster generation @tikis = {} end # Reverse lookup a token index from a token # @param token [String] # @return [Integer] def tikify(token) if @tikis.has_key?(token) then return @tikis[token] else (@tokens.length+1)%1000 == 0 and puts "#{@tokens.length+1} tokens" @tokens << token return @tikis[token] = @tokens.length-1 end end # Convert a body of text into arrays of tikis # @param text [String] # @return [Array<Array<Integer>>] def mass_tikify(text) sentences = NLP.sentences(text) sentences.map do |s| tokens = NLP.tokenize(s).reject do |t| # Don't include usernames/urls as tokens t.include?('@') || t.include?('http') end tokens.map { |t| tikify(t) } end end # Consume a corpus into this model # @param path [String] def consume(path) content = File.read(path, :encoding => 'utf-8') if path.split('.')[-1] == "json" log "Reading json corpus from #{path}" lines = JSON.parse(content).map do |tweet| tweet['text'] end elsif path.split('.')[-1] == "csv" log "Reading CSV corpus from #{path}" content = CSV.parse(content) header = content.shift text_col = header.index('text') lines = content.map do |tweet| tweet[text_col] end else log "Reading plaintext corpus from #{path} (if this is a json or csv file, please rename the file with an extension and reconsume)" lines = content.split("\n") end consume_lines(lines) end # Consume a sequence of lines # @param lines [Array<String>] def consume_lines(lines) log "Removing commented lines and sorting mentions" statements = [] mentions = [] lines.each do |l| next if l.start_with?('#') # Remove commented lines next if l.include?('RT') || l.include?('MT') # Remove soft retweets if l.include?('@') mentions << NLP.normalize(l) else statements << NLP.normalize(l) end end text = statements.join("\n").encode('UTF-8', :invalid => :replace) mention_text = mentions.join("\n").encode('UTF-8', :invalid => :replace) lines = nil; statements = nil; mentions = nil # Allow garbage collection log "Tokenizing #{text.count('\n')} statements and #{mention_text.count('\n')} mentions" @sentences = mass_tikify(text) @mentions = mass_tikify(mention_text) log "Ranking keywords" @keywords = NLP.keywords(text).top(200).map(&:to_s) log "Top keywords: #{@keywords[0]} #{@keywords[1]} #{@keywords[2]}" self end # Consume multiple corpuses into this model # @param paths [Array<String>] def consume_all(paths) lines = [] paths.each do |path| content = File.read(path, :encoding => 'utf-8') if path.split('.')[-1] == "json" log "Reading json corpus from #{path}" l = JSON.parse(content).map do |tweet| tweet['text'] end lines.concat(l) elsif path.split('.')[-1] == "csv" log "Reading CSV corpus from #{path}" content = CSV.parse(content) header = content.shift text_col = header.index('text') l = content.map do |tweet| tweet[text_col] end lines.concat(l) else log "Reading plaintext corpus from #{path}" l = content.split("\n") lines.concat(l) end end consume_lines(lines) end # Correct encoding issues in generated text # @param text [String] # @return [String] def fix(text) NLP.htmlentities.decode text end # Check if an array of tikis comprises a valid tweet # @param tikis [Array<Integer>] # @param limit Integer how many chars we have left def valid_tweet?(tikis, limit) tweet = NLP.reconstruct(tikis, @tokens) tweet.length <= limit && !NLP.unmatched_enclosers?(tweet) end # Generate some text # @param limit [Integer] available characters # @param generator [SuffixGenerator, nil] # @param retry_limit [Integer] how many times to retry on invalid tweet # @return [String] def make_statement(limit=140, generator=nil, retry_limit=10) responding = !generator.nil? generator ||= SuffixGenerator.build(@sentences) retries = 0 tweet = "" while (tikis = generator.generate(3, :bigrams)) do log "Attempting to produce tweet try #{retries+1}/#{retry_limit}" next if tikis.length <= 3 && !responding break if valid_tweet?(tikis, limit) retries += 1 break if retries >= retry_limit end if verbatim?(tikis) && tikis.length > 3 # We made a verbatim tweet by accident log "Attempting to produce unigram tweet try #{retries+1}/#{retry_limit}" while (tikis = generator.generate(3, :unigrams)) do break if valid_tweet?(tikis, limit) && !verbatim?(tikis) retries += 1 break if retries >= retry_limit end end tweet = NLP.reconstruct(tikis, @tokens) if retries >= retry_limit log "Unable to produce valid non-verbatim tweet; using \"#{tweet}\"" end fix tweet end # Test if a sentence has been copied verbatim from original # @param tikis [Array<Integer>] # @return [Boolean] def verbatim?(tikis) @sentences.include?(tikis) || @mentions.include?(tikis) end # Finds relevant and slightly relevant tokenized sentences to input # comparing non-stopword token overlaps # @param sentences [Array<Array<Integer>>] # @param input [String] # @return [Array<Array<Array<Integer>>, Array<Array<Integer>>>] def find_relevant(sentences, input) relevant = [] slightly_relevant = [] tokenized = NLP.tokenize(input).map(&:downcase) sentences.each do |sent| tokenized.each do |token| if sent.map { |tiki| @tokens[tiki].downcase }.include?(token) relevant << sent unless NLP.stopword?(token) slightly_relevant << sent end end end [relevant, slightly_relevant] end # Generates a response by looking for related sentences # in the corpus and building a smaller generator from these # @param input [String] # @param limit [Integer] characters available for response # @param sentences [Array<Array<Integer>>] # @return [String] def make_response(input, limit=140, sentences=@mentions) # Prefer mentions relevant, slightly_relevant = find_relevant(sentences, input) if relevant.length >= 3 generator = SuffixGenerator.build(relevant) make_statement(limit, generator) elsif slightly_relevant.length >= 5 generator = SuffixGenerator.build(slightly_relevant) make_statement(limit, generator) elsif sentences.equal?(@mentions) make_response(input, limit, @sentences) else make_statement(limit) end end end end