# This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-ruby-agent/blob/main/LICENSE for complete details. # frozen_string_literal: true module NewRelic module Agent # This class implements a min Heap. The first element is always the one with the # lowest priority. It is a tree structure that is represented as an array. The # relationship between nodes in the tree and indices in the array are as # follows: # # parent_index = (child_index - 1) / 2 # left_child_index = parent_index * 2 + 1 # right_child_index = parent_index * 2 + 2 # # the root node is at index 0 # a node is a leaf node when its index >= length / 2 # class Heap # @param [Array] items an optional array of items to initialize the heap # # @param [Callable] priority_fn an optional priority function used to # to compute the priority for an item. If it's not supplied priority # will be computed using Comparable. def initialize(items = nil, &priority_fn) @items = [] @priority_fn = priority_fn || ->(x) { x } # the following line needs else branch coverage items.each { |item| push(item) } if items # rubocop:disable Style/SafeNavigation end def [](index) @items[index] end def []=(index, value) @items[index] = value end def fix(index) parent_index = parent_index_for(index) if in_range?(parent_index) && priority(parent_index) > priority(index) heapify_up(index) else child_index = left_child_index_for(index) return unless in_range?(child_index) if right_sibling_smaller?(child_index) child_index += 1 end if priority(child_index) < priority(index) heapify_down(index) end end end def push(item) @items << item heapify_up(size - 1) end alias_method :<<, :push def pop swap(0, size - 1) item = @items.pop heapify_down(0) item end def size @items.size end def empty? @items.empty? end def to_a @items end private def priority(index) @priority_fn.call(@items[index]) end def parent_index_for(child_index) (child_index - 1) / 2 end def left_child_index_for(parent_index) parent_index * 2 + 1 end def right_sibling_smaller?(lchild_index) in_range?(lchild_index + 1) && priority(lchild_index) > priority(lchild_index + 1) end def in_range?(index) index >= 0 && index < size end def heapify_up(child_index) return if child_index == 0 parent_index = parent_index_for(child_index) if priority(child_index) < priority(parent_index) swap(child_index, parent_index) heapify_up(parent_index) end end def heapify_down(parent_index) child_index = left_child_index_for(parent_index) return unless in_range?(child_index) if right_sibling_smaller?(child_index) child_index += 1 end if priority(child_index) < priority(parent_index) swap(parent_index, child_index) heapify_down(child_index) end end def swap(i, j) @items[i], @items[j] = @items[j], @items[i] end end end end