.row .span3 %p="#{pluralize(@import.import_rows.length, 'donation')} in this import file." %p This import was created at:
#{l import.created_at} %p To discard this import and start over, click "Delete" %p To pause this import and come back later, click "Back" .btn-group = icon_link_to "Back", new_import_path(:type => import.kind), 'fa-share', 'btn', '' = link_to "Delete", import_path(import), :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete this import?"}, :method => :delete, :class => "btn btn-danger" .span9 .well .row-fluid .span9 %h3 This import is pending your approval Click "Approve" to import this data into Artful.ly .span3 = link_to "Approve", approve_import_path(import), :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure you want to approve this import?"}, :class => "btn btn-success btn-large" - existing_campaigns = {} - new_campaigns = {} - no_campaigns = [] - @imported_rows.each_with_index do |imported_row, index| - row = ParsedRow.new(@import.headers, imported_row.content) - if row.campaign.present? - if existing_campaigns.has_key?(row.campaign) - existing_campaigns[row.campaign] << row - elsif new_campaigns.has_key?(row.campaign) - new_campaigns[row.campaign] << row - elsif Campaign.exists?(:name => row.campaign, :organization_id => current_user.current_organization.id ) - existing_campaigns[row.campaign] = [row] - else - new_campaigns[row.campaign] = [row] - else - no_campaigns << row - if new_campaigns.any? %h2 New Campaigns %legend These campaigns will be added to your account along with their donations %table.table.table-bordered.table-striped %tr %th Name %th # of Donations %th - new_campaigns.each_with_index do |(campaign, rows), index| %tr %td=campaign %td %span.round_tag{:style => 'background-color: #357EC7'} #{rows.length} %td =link_to "Preview", "#new_campaign_#{index}", 'data-toggle' => 'modal', :class => "btn btn-small" .modal{:id => "new_campaign_#{index}"} .modal-header .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x   .modal-body =render :partial => "imports/donations/preview", :locals => {:rows => rows } %br - if existing_campaigns.any? %h2 Existing Campaigns %legend These campaigns already exist and new donations will be added %table.table.table-bordered.table-striped %tr %th Name %th # of Donations %th - existing_campaigns.each_with_index do |(campaign, rows), index| %tr %td=campaign %td %span.round_tag{:style => 'background-color: #357EC7'} #{rows.length} %td =link_to "Preview", "#existing_campaign_#{index}", 'data-toggle' => 'modal', :class => "btn btn-small" .modal{:id => "existing_campaign_#{index}"} .modal-header .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x   .modal-body =render :partial => "imports/donations/preview", :locals => {:rows => rows} %br - if no_campaigns.any? %h2 Unclassified Donations - no_campaigns = no_campaigns.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 50) =render :partial => "imports/donations/preview", :locals => {:rows => no_campaigns} =will_paginate no_campaigns