name: build on: [push] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: elasticsearch: - 7.5.0 - 7.4.2 - 7.3.2 - 7.2.1 - 7.1.1 - 7.0.1 - 6.8.5 - 6.7.2 - 6.6.2 - 6.5.4 - 6.4.3 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Set up Ruby 2.6 uses: actions/setup-ruby@v1 with: ruby-version: 2.6.x - name: Start Elasticsearch run: | docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" \${{matrix.elasticsearch}} docker ps - name: Build and test with Rake run: | gem install bundler bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3 # wait for elasticsearch curl -q --retry 10 --retry-delay 5 --retry-connrefused http://localhost:9200 bundle exec rspec