# encoding: UTF-8 #require 'timezone' #require 'rmagick' # The methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the application. module SMKLib module HtmlUtils # Return valid google analytics Javascript code def google_analytics(code) # code should look like this UA-97533-1 if RAILS_ENV == "production" and not(code.to_s.empty?) return < EOT else "" end end def get_file_value(parent, opclass, spname, ref_id=nil) case opclass.to_s when 'CompanyLogo' parent.company_logo when 'RealtorPhoto' parent.realtor_photo when 'ProductPhoto' parent.product_photo when 'Photo' parent.photo when 'Floorplan' nil else raise "fuck you #{opclass.inspect}" ref_id = (opclass.is_a?(RealtorAttachment) ? -1 : nil) if ref_id.nil? opclass.find(:first, :conditions => ["properties_id = ? and htmlname = ?", ref_id, spname]) end end def fileinput_field(parent, opclass, options={}) raise "'wrong options #{options.inspect}'" unless options.is_a?(Hash) options = {:no_div => false, :value => nil, :lang => 'en'}.merge(options) controller = parent.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize spname = "#{controller.singularize}_#{opclass.to_s.downcase}" options[:value] = get_file_value(parent, opclass, spname) if options[:value].nil? id_name = "fileinput_field_#{spname}" if options[:value].kind_of?(opclass) and options[:value][:id].to_i > 0 url_hash = {:controller => controller, :action => 'kill_picture', :id => parent, :pic_class => Inflector.underscore(opclass)} if options[:lang]=='en' link_text = 'Delete picture' confirm_text = 'Are you sure?' msg_text = 'To replace the picture, you need to delete this one first.' else link_text = '変更' confirm_text = '本当ですか?' msg_text = '' end link = link_to_remote(link_text, :update => id_name, :url => url_hash, :confirm => confirm_text) h = "
#{msg_text}" else t = "
(jpeg, jpg, gif files of up to 3MB in size can be uploaded.)" if options[:lang]=='en' h = "#{t}" end if options[:no_div] h else "
" end end def form_filter(content, action = '') "
" + content + '
' end begin do_nothing = true if Locale.is_a?(Class) rescue def _(str) str end end def datetime_select(object, method, start_date=Time.now.strftime("%Y, %m, %d, %H, %M"), options = {}) raise "dont use me you bastard." # datetime_select_popup(object, method, start_date, options) end def datetime_select_popup(object, method, start_date=Time.now.strftime("%Y, %m, %d, %H, %M"), options = {}) id = "#{object}_#{method}" #
# #
code = <Click to open date & time selector EOC #js = 'return showCalendar("#{id}", "%Y-%m-%d [%W] %H:%M", "24", true);' #"#{text_field(object, method, :size => 30)}" hidden_field(object, method) + code.html_safe end def datetime_select_flat(object, method, options = {}) id = "#{object}_#{method}" code = < EOC hidden_field(object, method) + code.html_safe end def get_img_size(filename) #im = Magick::Image.read(real_filename(filename)).first #return [im.columns, im.rows] [22,22] [64,64] end def img_tag(options = {}) if false and ENV['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /MSIE.*Windows/ if options["src"] =~ /\.png/ options["style"] = "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='#{options["src"]}');" # , enabled='enabled', sizingMethod='scale');" options["width"], options["height"] = get_img_size(options["src"]) unless options["width"] && options["height"] options["src"] = "/images/spacer.gif" end end #if block_given? # method_missing(:img, options, yield) #else # method_missing(:img, options) #end o = options.collect {|f,v| "#{f}='#{v}'" }.join(' ') "" end #
Advertising / Publicité
# help keep www.justbudget.com alive, click a link!
# aider moi a garder www.justbudget.com en vie, cliquer sur un liens sponsoriser!
def google_ads(orientation, channel="") if channel == "public" channel = "0967175666" elsif channel == "private" channel = "2002318862" end # justbudget.com if orientation == "horizontal" '
' elsif orientation == "vertical" '
' elsif orientation == "justbudget" return < EOC elsif orientation == "srosa" return < EOC else '

' end end def google_conversion_tracker_english if session['signup'] session['signup'] = false '
' end end def display_errors return '' if flash.class == String # flash got broken by render_component. s = "" css = " " f_n = [flash[:notice], flash[:message]].compact.sort.uniq.join(' ') unless f_n.empty? s += '
' s += img_tag(:src => image_path("button_ok.png")) s += '' s += f_n s += '' s += '
' s += '
' # unless s.empty? end f_a = [flash[:warning], flash[:alert]].compact.sort.uniq.join(' ') unless f_a.empty? s += '
' s += img_tag(:src => image_path("button_cancel.png")) s += '' s += f_a s += '' s += '
' s += '
' # unless s.empty? end s = css + s unless s.empty? return s end def mailto(text, email) "#{text}" end def display_footer "any questions ? suggestions ? comments ? please email #{mailto('me', 'somekool@somekool.net')}" if (@session['user']).is_a?(User) end def separator '

' end def select_timezone(object, method) select object, method, Timezone.find_all.collect {|p| [ p.first, p.last ] }, { :include_blank => true } end # File actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/date_helper.rb, line 238 def select_html(type, options, prefix = nil, include_blank = false, discard_type = false, disabled = false) select_html = %(\n" select_html.html_safe end def my_select_day(date, select_name, options = {}) day_options = [] 1.upto(31) do |day| #raise "he #{date.kind_of?(Fixnum)} ... #{date.class} -- #{date}" day_options << ((date.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? date : date.day) == day ? "\n" : "\n" ) end select_html(select_name, day_options, options[:prefix], options[:include_blank], options[:discard_type]) end def text_and_select_field(label, object, method, select_data, current_value, options = {}) text_id = "#{object}_#{method}" select_id = "select_#{object}_#{method}_box" options = { :select_extra_js => '', :img_extra_js => '', :select_js => "AddToCategoryClick('#{text_id}', this);", :img_js => "showOrHide('#{select_id}');showOrHide('#{text_id}');", :field_only => false, :text_field_type => 'magic', # can be 'tag' :text_field_value => '', # used if text_field_type == 'tag' :button_value => '...', :default_img_alt => '', # obsolete, button was and image :extra => nil, # some custom stuff I will add at the end. }.merge(options) widget_width = "width: 190px;" if select_data.empty? show_textfield = true text_field_html_options = {'style' => widget_width} select_css_style = "display:none;margin:0px;padding:0px;#{widget_width}" else show_textfield = false text_field_html_options = {'style' => "display:none;#{widget_width}"} select_css_style = "display:inline;margin:0px;padding:0px;#{widget_width}" end def field_only_or_not(label_for, label_text, field_only) # , &block) xml = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:indent=>2) if field_only yield(xml) else xml.p do xml.label(:for => label_for) { xml << label_text } xml.br yield(xml) end end end #raise options[:field_only].inspect field_only_or_not(text_id, label.to_s.capitalize, options[:field_only]) do |xml| if options[:text_field_type] == "tag" xml << text_field_tag(text_id, options[:text_field_value], text_field_html_options) else xml << text_field(object, method, text_field_html_options) end xml.span(:id => select_id + '_div') do xml.select(:id => select_id, :name => select_id, :style => select_css_style, :onchange => "#{options[:select_js]}#{options[:select_extra_js]}") do xml.option(:value => '') { xml << _("Choose one") } # a #{label}" } xml << options_for_select(select_data, current_value) end end xml.input(:type => 'button', :value => options[:button_value], :alt => options[:default_img_alt], :border => 0, :align => "absmiddle", :onclick => "#{options[:img_js]}#{options[:img_extra_js]}") xml.span do xml << options[:extra] end unless options[:extra].to_s.empty? xml.target! end.html_safe end def normal_field(xml, object, method, label, type='text_field') xml.p do xml.label(:for => "#{object}_#{method}") do xml << label end xml.br case type when 'text_field' xml << text_field(object, method) when 'text_area' xml << text_area(object, method) when 'in_place_field' xml << in_place_editor_field(object, method) when 'in_place_editor' xml << in_place_editor(object, method) when 'in_place_select_field' xml << in_place_select_field(object, method) when 'other' yield(xml) end end end def many_to_many_field(xml, object, method, parent_method, label, all_values, options={}) xml ||= Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:indent=>2) #@controller = (@controller or options[:controller]) options = {:item_name => 'name', :m2m_selected => 'm2m_selected'}.merge(options) @object = instance_variable_get("@#{object}") @values = @object.send(method) parent_id = "#{object}_id".to_sym child_id = "#{method.to_s.singularize}_id".to_sym raise @values.inspect unless @values.is_a?(Array) normal_field(xml, object, method, label, 'other') do |xml| xml.div(:class => options[:m2m_selected]) do @values.each do |item| xml.div do xml << item.send(options[:item_name]) xml << ' ' xml << link_to(_('Remove'), url_for(:controller => 'businesses', :action => "remove_#{method.to_s.singularize}_from_#{object}", parent_id => @object[:id], child_id => item[:id])) end end end s = "select_#{object}_#{method}_box" #url = url_for({ :action => "add_#{method.to_s.singularize}_to_#{object}" }) #url += "/'+$('#{s}').options[$('#{s}').selectedIndex].value+'/to_#{object}/#{@object[:id]}" #url = url_for({ :action => "add_#{method.singularize}_to_#{object}", parent_id => @object[:id].to_i, child_id => "'+$('#{s}').options[$('#{s}').selectedIndex].value+'", :escape => false }) url = url_for({ :action => "add_#{method.singularize}_to_#{object}", parent_id => @object[:id].to_i, child_id => "__js__", parent_method => "__js2__" }) if all_values.empty? xml << "" xml << text_field(object, method) url.gsub!("__js__", "'+$('#{object}_#{method}').value+'") url.gsub!("__js2__", "'+$('#{object}_#{parent_method}').value+'") xml << "" else url.gsub!("__js__", "'+$('#{s}').options[$('#{s}').selectedIndex].value+'") xml << text_and_select_field(nil, object, method, all_values, nil, :button_value => _('Add'), :field_only => true, :text_field_type => 'tag', :img_js => "window.location='#{url}';return false;") end end end =begin @columns = [ {:label => 'Status', :field => 'status', :format => nil}, {:label => 'Entered', :field => 'created_time', :format => Proc.new{|d| d.strftime("%Y.%d.%m") } }, {:label => 'Modified', :field => 'modified_time', :format => Proc.new{|d| d.strftime("%Y.%d.%m") } }, {:label => 'Name', :field => 'fullname', :format => nil}, {:label => 'House', :field => 'house', :format => nil}, {:label => 'Category', :field => 'category', :format => nil}, ] =end def sortable_list(xml, table_id, columns, data) xml = Builder::XmlMarkupr.new(:indent=>2, :margin=>4) if xml.nil? xml.table(:id => table_id, :cellpadding => 0, :cellspacing => 0) do xml.tr(:class => 'header') do columns.each { |c| xml.th do xml.a(:href => url_for(:action => 'list', :sort => c[:field], :order => ((@params[:sort] == c[:field] and @params[:order] == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc'))) do xml << c[:label] end end } xml.th(:colspan => 3) { xml << "" } end for inquiry in data xml.tr do # xml.tr(:class => "row #{inquiry['status']}") do columns.each { |c| f = c[:field] if c[:format].nil? xml.td inquiry[f] else xml.td c[:format].call(inquiry[f]) end } xml.td { xml << link_to(img_tag('src' => '/images/viewmag.png'), :action => 'show', :id => inquiry) } if false xml.td { xml << link_to(img_tag('src' => '/images/edit.png'), :action => 'edit', :id => inquiry) } xml.td { xml << link_to(img_tag('src' => '/images/trashcan_empty.png'), {:action => 'destroy', :id => inquiry}, :post => true, :confirm => "Are you sure?") } end # xml.tr(:class => "row #{inquiry['status']} desc") do # xml.td(:colspan => columns.size + 3) do # xml.p do # unless inquiry['phone'].empty? # xml << 'Phone: ' + inquiry['phone'] # xml.br # end # unless inquiry['email'].empty? # xml << 'Email: ' + inquiry['email'] # xml.br # end # xml << 'Description: ' + inquiry['description'] unless inquiry['description'].empty? # end # end # end end end end end end module ActionController module Macros module ManyToMany #:nodoc: def self.append_features(base) #:nodoc: super base.extend(ClassMethods) end # Example: # # # Controller # class BusinessesController < ApplicationController # many_to_many_for :business, :subcategories, :label => _('Subcategory'), :m2m_field_options => {:item_name => 'name_with_category'} # end # # # View # xml.div(:id => 'm2m_business_subcategories') do # many_to_many_field(xml, 'business', 'subcategories', _('Subcategory'), @subcategories, :item_name => 'name_with_category') # end # module ClassMethods def many_to_many_for(object, attribute, options = {}) #include SMKLib::HtmlUtils options = {:max_size => 10, :label => attribute.to_s.capitalize}.merge(options) parent_model, child_model = object.to_s.camelize.constantize, attribute.to_s.singularize.camelize.constantize @controller = self define_method("add_#{attribute.to_s.singularize}_to_#{object}") do instance_variable_set("@#{object}", parent_model.find(params[:business_id])) collection = instance_variable_get("@#{object}").send(attribute.to_s) if collection.size >= options[:max_size] flash[:alert] = _("Can't add. This %s already has %d %s.") % [object, options[:max_size], attribute] else if params[:subcategory_id].to_i > 0 collection << child_model.find(params[:subcategory_id]) rescue flash[:alert] = _('%s already linked to this %s.') % [attribute.to_s.capitalize.singularize, object] else c = Category.find_or_create_by_name(params[:categories]) collection << child_model.find_or_create_by_name_and_category_id(params[:subcategory_id], c[:id]) end end redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => instance_variable_get("@#{object}")[:id] # many_to_many_field(nil, object, attribute, options[:label], child_model.find_all, options[:m2m_field_options].merge(:controller => self)) end define_method("remove_#{attribute.to_s.singularize}_from_#{object}") do instance_variable_set("@#{object}", parent_model.find(params[:business_id])) instance_variable_get("@#{object}").send(attribute).delete(child_model.find(params[:subcategory_id])) redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => instance_variable_get("@#{object}")[:id] #raise many_to_many_field(nil, object, attribute, options[:label], child_model.find_all, options[:m2m_field_options].merge(:controller => self)) end end end end end end ActionController::Base.class_eval do include ActionController::Macros::ManyToMany end