# # A String object has an arbitrary sequence of bytes, typically representing # text or binary data. A String object may be created using String::new or as # literals. # # String objects differ from Symbol objects in that Symbol objects are designed # to be used as identifiers, instead of text or data. # # You can create a String object explicitly with: # # * A [string literal](rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@String+Literals). # * A [heredoc literal](rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@Here+Document+Literals). # # # You can convert certain objects to Strings with: # # * Method #String. # # # Some String methods modify `self`. Typically, a method whose name ends with # `!` modifies `self` and returns `self`; often a similarly named method # (without the `!`) returns a new string. # # In general, if there exist both bang and non-bang version of method, the bang! # mutates and the non-bang! does not. However, a method without a bang can also # mutate, such as String#replace. # # ## Substitution Methods # # These methods perform substitutions: # # * String#sub: One substitution (or none); returns a new string. # * String#sub!: One substitution (or none); returns `self`. # * String#gsub: Zero or more substitutions; returns a new string. # * String#gsub!: Zero or more substitutions; returns `self`. # # # Each of these methods takes: # # * A first argument, `pattern` (string or regexp), that specifies the # substring(s) to be replaced. # # * Either of these: # # * A second argument, `replacement` (string or hash), that determines the # replacing string. # * A block that will determine the replacing string. # # # # The examples in this section mostly use methods String#sub and String#gsub; # the principles illustrated apply to all four substitution methods. # # **Argument `pattern`** # # Argument `pattern` is commonly a regular expression: # # s = 'hello' # s.sub(/[aeiou]/, '*')# => "h*llo" # s.gsub(/[aeiou]/, '*') # => "h*ll*" # s.gsub(/[aeiou]/, '')# => "hll" # s.sub(/ell/, 'al') # => "halo" # s.gsub(/xyzzy/, '*') # => "hello" # 'THX1138'.gsub(/\d+/, '00') # => "THX00" # # When `pattern` is a string, all its characters are treated as ordinary # characters (not as regexp special characters): # # 'THX1138'.gsub('\d+', '00') # => "THX1138" # # **\String `replacement`** # # If `replacement` is a string, that string will determine the replacing string # that is to be substituted for the matched text. # # Each of the examples above uses a simple string as the replacing string. # # String `replacement` may contain back-references to the pattern's captures: # # * `\n` (*n* a non-negative integer) refers to `$n`. # * `\k` refers to the named capture `name`. # # # See Regexp for details. # # Note that within the string `replacement`, a character combination such as # `$&` is treated as ordinary text, and not as a special match variable. # However, you may refer to some special match variables using these # combinations: # # * `\&` and `\0` correspond to `$&`, which contains the complete matched # text. # * `\'` corresponds to `$'`, which contains string after match. # * `\`` corresponds to `$``, which contains string before match. # * `\+` corresponds to `$+`, which contains last capture group. # # # See Regexp for details. # # Note that `\\\` is interpreted as an escape, i.e., a single backslash. # # Note also that a string literal consumes backslashes. See [String # Literals](rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@String+Literals) for details about # string literals. # # A back-reference is typically preceded by an additional backslash. For # example, if you want to write a back-reference `\&` in `replacement` with a # double-quoted string literal, you need to write `"..\\\\&.."`. # # If you want to write a non-back-reference string `\&` in `replacement`, you # need first to escape the backslash to prevent this method from interpreting it # as a back-reference, and then you need to escape the backslashes again to # prevent a string literal from consuming them: `"..\\\\\\\\&.."`. # # You may want to use the block form to avoid a lot of backslashes. # # **\Hash `replacement`** # # If argument `replacement` is a hash, and `pattern` matches one of its keys, # the replacing string is the value for that key: # # h = {'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat'} # 'food'.sub('foo', h) # => "bard" # # Note that a symbol key does not match: # # h = {foo: 'bar', baz: 'bat'} # 'food'.sub('foo', h) # => "d" # # **Block** # # In the block form, the current match string is passed to the block; the # block's return value becomes the replacing string: # # s = '@' # '1234'.gsub(/\d/) {|match| s.succ! } # => "ABCD" # # Special match variables such as `$1`, `$2`, `$``, `$&`, and `$'` are set # appropriately. # # ## Whitespace in Strings # # In class String, *whitespace* is defined as a contiguous sequence of # characters consisting of any mixture of the following: # # * NL (null): `"\x00"`, `"\u0000"`. # * HT (horizontal tab): `"\x09"`, `"\t"`. # * LF (line feed): `"\x0a"`, `"\n"`. # * VT (vertical tab): `"\x0b"`, `"\v"`. # * FF (form feed): `"\x0c"`, `"\f"`. # * CR (carriage return): `"\x0d"`, `"\r"`. # * SP (space): `"\x20"`, `" "`. # # # Whitespace is relevant for these methods: # # * #lstrip, #lstrip!: strip leading whitespace. # * #rstrip, #rstrip!: strip trailing whitespace. # * #strip, #strip!: strip leading and trailing whitespace. # # # ## String Slices # # A *slice* of a string is a substring that is selected by certain criteria. # # These instance methods make use of slicing: # # * String#[] (also aliased as String#slice) returns a slice copied from # `self`. # * String#[]= returns a copy of `self` with a slice replaced. # * String#slice! returns `self` with a slice removed. # # # Each of the above methods takes arguments that determine the slice to be # copied or replaced. # # The arguments have several forms. For string `string`, the forms are: # # * `string[index]`. # * `string[start, length]`. # * `string[range]`. # * `string[regexp, capture = 0]`. # * `string[substring]`. # # # **`string[index]`** # # When non-negative integer argument `index` is given, the slice is the # 1-character substring found in `self` at character offset `index`: # # 'bar'[0] # => "b" # 'bar'[2] # => "r" # 'bar'[20] # => nil # 'тест'[2] # => "с" # 'こんにちは'[4] # => "は" # # When negative integer `index` is given, the slice begins at the offset given # by counting backward from the end of `self`: # # 'bar'[-3] # => "b" # 'bar'[-1] # => "r" # 'bar'[-20] # => nil # # **`string[start, length]`** # # When non-negative integer arguments `start` and `length` are given, the slice # begins at character offset `start`, if it exists, and continues for `length` # characters, if available: # # 'foo'[0, 2] # => "fo" # 'тест'[1, 2] # => "ес" # 'こんにちは'[2, 2] # => "にち" # # Zero length. # 'foo'[2, 0] # => "" # # Length not entirely available. # 'foo'[1, 200] # => "oo" # # Start out of range. # 'foo'[4, 2] # => nil # # Special case: if `start` is equal to the length of `self`, the slice is a new # empty string: # # 'foo'[3, 2] # => "" # 'foo'[3, 200] # => "" # # When negative `start` and non-negative `length` are given, the slice beginning # is determined by counting backward from the end of `self`, and the slice # continues for `length` characters, if available: # # 'foo'[-2, 2] # => "oo" # 'foo'[-2, 200] # => "oo" # # Start out of range. # 'foo'[-4, 2] # => nil # # When negative `length` is given, there is no slice: # # 'foo'[1, -1] # => nil # 'foo'[-2, -1] # => nil # # **`string[range]`** # # When Range argument `range` is given, creates a substring of `string` using # the indices in `range`. The slice is then determined as above: # # 'foo'[0..1] # => "fo" # 'foo'[0, 2] # => "fo" # # 'foo'[2...2] # => "" # 'foo'[2, 0] # => "" # # 'foo'[1..200] # => "oo" # 'foo'[1, 200] # => "oo" # # 'foo'[4..5] # => nil # 'foo'[4, 2] # => nil # # 'foo'[-4..-3] # => nil # 'foo'[-4, 2] # => nil # # 'foo'[3..4] # => "" # 'foo'[3, 2] # => "" # # 'foo'[-2..-1] # => "oo" # 'foo'[-2, 2] # => "oo" # # 'foo'[-2..197] # => "oo" # 'foo'[-2, 200] # => "oo" # # **`string[regexp, capture = 0]`** # # When the Regexp argument `regexp` is given, and the `capture` argument is `0`, # the slice is the first matching substring found in `self`: # # 'foo'[/o/] # => "o" # 'foo'[/x/] # => nil # s = 'hello there' # s[/[aeiou](.)\1/] # => "ell" # s[/[aeiou](.)\1/, 0] # => "ell" # # If argument `capture` is given and not `0`, it should be either an capture # group index (integer) or a capture group name (string or symbol); the slice is # the specified capture (see Regexp@Groups+and+Captures): # # s = 'hello there' # s[/[aeiou](.)\1/, 1] # => "l" # s[/(?[aeiou])(?[^aeiou])/, "non_vowel"] # => "l" # s[/(?[aeiou])(?[^aeiou])/, :vowel] # => "e" # # If an invalid capture group index is given, there is no slice. If an invalid # capture group name is given, `IndexError` is raised. # # **`string[substring]`** # # When the single String argument `substring` is given, returns the substring # from `self` if found, otherwise `nil`: # # 'foo'['oo'] # => "oo" # 'foo'['xx'] # => nil # # ## What's Here # # First, what's elsewhere. Class String: # # * Inherits from [class Object](rdoc-ref:Object@What-27s+Here). # * Includes [module Comparable](rdoc-ref:Comparable@What-27s+Here). # # # Here, class String provides methods that are useful for: # # * [Creating a String](rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Creating+a+String) # * [Frozen/Unfrozen # Strings](rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+a+Frozen-2FUnfrozen+String) # * [Querying](rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Querying) # * [Comparing](rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Comparing) # * [Modifying a String](rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Modifying+a+String) # * [Converting to New # String](rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Converting+to+New+String) # * [Converting to # Non-String](rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Converting+to+Non--5CString) # * [Iterating](rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Iterating) # # # ### Methods for Creating a String # # * ::new: Returns a new string. # * ::try_convert: Returns a new string created from a given object. # # # ### Methods for a Frozen/Unfrozen String # # * #+@: Returns a string that is not frozen: `self`, if not frozen; # `self.dup` otherwise. # * #-@: Returns a string that is frozen: `self`, if already frozen; # `self.freeze` otherwise. # * #freeze: Freezes `self`, if not already frozen; returns `self`. # # # ### Methods for Querying # # *Counts* # # * #length, #size: Returns the count of characters (not bytes). # * #empty?: Returns `true` if `self.length` is zero; `false` otherwise. # * #bytesize: Returns the count of bytes. # * #count: Returns the count of substrings matching given strings. # # # *Substrings* # # * #=~: Returns the index of the first substring that matches a given Regexp # or other object; returns `nil` if no match is found. # * #index: Returns the index of the *first* occurrence of a given substring; # returns `nil` if none found. # * #rindex: Returns the index of the *last* occurrence of a given substring; # returns `nil` if none found. # * #include?: Returns `true` if the string contains a given substring; # `false` otherwise. # * #match: Returns a MatchData object if the string matches a given Regexp; # `nil` otherwise. # * #match?: Returns `true` if the string matches a given Regexp; `false` # otherwise. # * #start_with?: Returns `true` if the string begins with any of the given # substrings. # * #end_with?: Returns `true` if the string ends with any of the given # substrings. # # # *Encodings* # # * #encoding: Returns the Encoding object that represents the encoding of the # string. # * #unicode_normalized?: Returns `true` if the string is in Unicode # normalized form; `false` otherwise. # * #valid_encoding?: Returns `true` if the string contains only characters # that are valid for its encoding. # * #ascii_only?: Returns `true` if the string has only ASCII characters; # `false` otherwise. # # # *Other* # # * #sum: Returns a basic checksum for the string: the sum of each byte. # * #hash: Returns the integer hash code. # # # ### Methods for Comparing # # * #==, #===: Returns `true` if a given other string has the same content as # `self`. # * #eql?: Returns `true` if the content is the same as the given other # string. # * #<=>: Returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given other string is smaller than, equal # to, or larger than `self`. # * #casecmp: Ignoring case, returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given other string is # smaller than, equal to, or larger than `self`. # * #casecmp?: Returns `true` if the string is equal to a given string after # Unicode case folding; `false` otherwise. # # # ### Methods for Modifying a String # # Each of these methods modifies `self`. # # *Insertion* # # * #insert: Returns `self` with a given string inserted at a given offset. # * #<<: Returns `self` concatenated with a given string or integer. # # # *Substitution* # # * #sub!: Replaces the first substring that matches a given pattern with a # given replacement string; returns `self` if any changes, `nil` otherwise. # * #gsub!: Replaces each substring that matches a given pattern with a given # replacement string; returns `self` if any changes, `nil` otherwise. # * #succ!, #next!: Returns `self` modified to become its own successor. # * #replace: Returns `self` with its entire content replaced by a given # string. # * #reverse!: Returns `self` with its characters in reverse order. # * #setbyte: Sets the byte at a given integer offset to a given value; # returns the argument. # * #tr!: Replaces specified characters in `self` with specified replacement # characters; returns `self` if any changes, `nil` otherwise. # * #tr_s!: Replaces specified characters in `self` with specified replacement # characters, removing duplicates from the substrings that were modified; # returns `self` if any changes, `nil` otherwise. # # # *Casing* # # * #capitalize!: Upcases the initial character and downcases all others; # returns `self` if any changes, `nil` otherwise. # * #downcase!: Downcases all characters; returns `self` if any changes, `nil` # otherwise. # * #upcase!: Upcases all characters; returns `self` if any changes, `nil` # otherwise. # * #swapcase!: Upcases each downcase character and downcases each upcase # character; returns `self` if any changes, `nil` otherwise. # # # *Encoding* # # * #encode!: Returns `self` with all characters transcoded from one given # encoding into another. # * #unicode_normalize!: Unicode-normalizes `self`; returns `self`. # * #scrub!: Replaces each invalid byte with a given character; returns # `self`. # * #force_encoding: Changes the encoding to a given encoding; returns `self`. # # # *Deletion* # # * #clear: Removes all content, so that `self` is empty; returns `self`. # * #slice!, #[]=: Removes a substring determined by a given index, # start/length, range, regexp, or substring. # * #squeeze!: Removes contiguous duplicate characters; returns `self`. # * #delete!: Removes characters as determined by the intersection of # substring arguments. # * #lstrip!: Removes leading whitespace; returns `self` if any changes, `nil` # otherwise. # * #rstrip!: Removes trailing whitespace; returns `self` if any changes, # `nil` otherwise. # * #strip!: Removes leading and trailing whitespace; returns `self` if any # changes, `nil` otherwise. # * #chomp!: Removes trailing record separator, if found; returns `self` if # any changes, `nil` otherwise. # * #chop!: Removes trailing newline characters if found; otherwise removes # the last character; returns `self` if any changes, `nil` otherwise. # # # ### Methods for Converting to New String # # Each of these methods returns a new String based on `self`, often just a # modified copy of `self`. # # *Extension* # # * #*: Returns the concatenation of multiple copies of `self`, # * #+: Returns the concatenation of `self` and a given other string. # * #center: Returns a copy of `self` centered between pad substring. # * #concat: Returns the concatenation of `self` with given other strings. # * #prepend: Returns the concatenation of a given other string with `self`. # * #ljust: Returns a copy of `self` of a given length, right-padded with a # given other string. # * #rjust: Returns a copy of `self` of a given length, left-padded with a # given other string. # # # *Encoding* # # * #b: Returns a copy of `self` with ASCII-8BIT encoding. # * #scrub: Returns a copy of `self` with each invalid byte replaced with a # given character. # * #unicode_normalize: Returns a copy of `self` with each character # Unicode-normalized. # * #encode: Returns a copy of `self` with all characters transcoded from one # given encoding into another. # # # *Substitution* # # * #dump: Returns a copy of `self` with all non-printing characters replaced # by xHH notation and all special characters escaped. # * #undump: Returns a copy of `self` with all `\xNN` notation replace by # `\uNNNN` notation and all escaped characters unescaped. # * #sub: Returns a copy of `self` with the first substring matching a given # pattern replaced with a given replacement string;. # * #gsub: Returns a copy of `self` with each substring that matches a given # pattern replaced with a given replacement string. # * #succ, #next: Returns the string that is the successor to `self`. # * #reverse: Returns a copy of `self` with its characters in reverse order. # * #tr: Returns a copy of `self` with specified characters replaced with # specified replacement characters. # * #tr_s: Returns a copy of `self` with specified characters replaced with # specified replacement characters, removing duplicates from the substrings # that were modified. # * #%: Returns the string resulting from formatting a given object into # `self` # # # *Casing* # # * #capitalize: Returns a copy of `self` with the first character upcased and # all other characters downcased. # * #downcase: Returns a copy of `self` with all characters downcased. # * #upcase: Returns a copy of `self` with all characters upcased. # * #swapcase: Returns a copy of `self` with all upcase characters downcased # and all downcase characters upcased. # # # *Deletion* # # * #delete: Returns a copy of `self` with characters removed # * #delete_prefix: Returns a copy of `self` with a given prefix removed. # * #delete_suffix: Returns a copy of `self` with a given suffix removed. # * #lstrip: Returns a copy of `self` with leading whitespace removed. # * #rstrip: Returns a copy of `self` with trailing whitespace removed. # * #strip: Returns a copy of `self` with leading and trailing whitespace # removed. # * #chomp: Returns a copy of `self` with a trailing record separator removed, # if found. # * #chop: Returns a copy of `self` with trailing newline characters or the # last character removed. # * #squeeze: Returns a copy of `self` with contiguous duplicate characters # removed. # * #[], #slice: Returns a substring determined by a given index, # start/length, or range, or string. # * #byteslice: Returns a substring determined by a given index, start/length, # or range. # * #chr: Returns the first character. # # # *Duplication* # # * #to_s, $to_str: If `self` is a subclass of String, returns `self` copied # into a String; otherwise, returns `self`. # # # ### Methods for Converting to Non-String # # Each of these methods converts the contents of `self` to a non-String. # # *Characters, Bytes, and Clusters* # # * #bytes: Returns an array of the bytes in `self`. # * #chars: Returns an array of the characters in `self`. # * #codepoints: Returns an array of the integer ordinals in `self`. # * #getbyte: Returns an integer byte as determined by a given index. # * #grapheme_clusters: Returns an array of the grapheme clusters in `self`. # # # *Splitting* # # * #lines: Returns an array of the lines in `self`, as determined by a given # record separator. # * #partition: Returns a 3-element array determined by the first substring # that matches a given substring or regexp, # * #rpartition: Returns a 3-element array determined by the last substring # that matches a given substring or regexp, # * #split: Returns an array of substrings determined by a given delimiter -- # regexp or string -- or, if a block given, passes those substrings to the # block. # # # *Matching* # # * #scan: Returns an array of substrings matching a given regexp or string, # or, if a block given, passes each matching substring to the block. # * #unpack: Returns an array of substrings extracted from `self` according to # a given format. # * #unpack1: Returns the first substring extracted from `self` according to a # given format. # # # *Numerics* # # * #hex: Returns the integer value of the leading characters, interpreted as # hexadecimal digits. # * #oct: Returns the integer value of the leading characters, interpreted as # octal digits. # * #ord: Returns the integer ordinal of the first character in `self`. # * #to_i: Returns the integer value of leading characters, interpreted as an # integer. # * #to_f: Returns the floating-point value of leading characters, interpreted # as a floating-point number. # # # *Strings and Symbols* # # * #inspect: Returns copy of `self`, enclosed in double-quotes, with special # characters escaped. # * #to_sym, #intern: Returns the symbol corresponding to `self`. # # # ### Methods for Iterating # # * #each_byte: Calls the given block with each successive byte in `self`. # * #each_char: Calls the given block with each successive character in # `self`. # * #each_codepoint: Calls the given block with each successive integer # codepoint in `self`. # * #each_grapheme_cluster: Calls the given block with each successive # grapheme cluster in `self`. # * #each_line: Calls the given block with each successive line in `self`, as # determined by a given record separator. # * #upto: Calls the given block with each string value returned by successive # calls to #succ. # class String include Comparable # A `selector` is a special type of string, used within methods like `String#tr`. type selector = string # # If `object` is a String object, returns `object`. # # Otherwise if `object` responds to `:to_str`, calls `object.to_str` and returns # the result. # # Returns `nil` if `object` does not respond to `:to_str`. # # Raises an exception unless `object.to_str` returns a String object. # def self.try_convert: (String object) -> String # technically will return `object` unchanged. | (_ToStr object) -> String | (untyped object) -> String? # # Returns a new String that is a copy of `string`. # # With no arguments, returns the empty string with the Encoding `ASCII-8BIT`: # # s = String.new # s # => "" # s.encoding # => # # # With optional argument `string` and no keyword arguments, returns a copy of # `string` with the same encoding: # # String.new('foo') # => "foo" # String.new('тест') # => "тест" # String.new('こんにちは') # => "こんにちは" # # (Unlike String.new, a [string # literal](rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@String+Literals) like `''` or a [here # document literal](rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@Here+Document+Literals) always # has [script encoding](rdoc-ref:encodings.rdoc@Script+Encoding).) # # With optional keyword argument `encoding`, returns a copy of `string` with the # specified encoding; the `encoding` may be an Encoding object, an encoding # name, or an encoding name alias: # # String.new('foo', encoding: Encoding::US_ASCII).encoding # => # # String.new('foo', encoding: 'US-ASCII').encoding # => # # String.new('foo', encoding: 'ASCII').encoding # => # # # The given encoding need not be valid for the string's content, and that # validity is not checked: # # s = String.new('こんにちは', encoding: 'ascii') # s.valid_encoding? # => false # # But the given `encoding` itself is checked: # # String.new('foo', encoding: 'bar') # Raises ArgumentError. # # With optional keyword argument `capacity`, returns a copy of `string` (or an # empty string, if `string` is not given); the given `capacity` is advisory # only, and may or may not set the size of the internal buffer, which may in # turn affect performance: # # String.new(capacity: 1) # String.new('foo', capacity: 4096) # # The `string`, `encoding`, and `capacity` arguments may all be used together: # # String.new('hello', encoding: 'UTF-8', capacity: 25) # def initialize: (?string source, ?encoding: encoding?, ?capacity: int?) -> self # # Replaces the contents of `self` with the contents of `other_string`: # # s = 'foo' # => "foo" # s.replace('bar') # => "bar" # alias initialize_copy replace # # Returns the result of formatting `object` into the format specification `self` # (see Kernel#sprintf for formatting details): # # "%05d" % 123 # => "00123" # # If `self` contains multiple substitutions, `object` must be an Array or Hash # containing the values to be substituted: # # "%-5s: %016x" % [ "ID", self.object_id ] # => "ID : 00002b054ec93168" # "foo = %{foo}" % {foo: 'bar'} # => "foo = bar" # "foo = %{foo}, baz = %{baz}" % {foo: 'bar', baz: 'bat'} # => "foo = bar, baz = bat" # def %: (array[untyped] positional_args) -> String | (hash[Symbol, untyped] named_args) -> String | (untyped arg) -> String # # Returns a new String containing `integer` copies of `self`: # # "Ho! " * 3 # => "Ho! Ho! Ho! " # "Ho! " * 0 # => "" # def *: (int amount) -> String # # Returns a new String containing `other_string` concatenated to `self`: # # "Hello from " + self.to_s # => "Hello from main" # def +: (string other_string) -> String # # Returns `self` if `self` is not frozen. # # Otherwise returns `self.dup`, which is not frozen. # def +@: () -> self # # Returns a frozen, possibly pre-existing copy of the string. # # The returned String will be deduplicated as long as it does not have any # instance variables set on it and is not a String subclass. # # Note that `-string` variant is more convenient for defining constants: # # FILENAME = -'config/database.yml' # # while `dedup` is better suitable for using the method in chains of # calculations: # # @url_list.concat(urls.map(&:dedup)) # def -@: () -> self # # Concatenates `object` to `self` and returns `self`: # # s = 'foo' # s << 'bar' # => "foobar" # s # => "foobar" # # If `object` is an Integer, the value is considered a codepoint and converted # to a character before concatenation: # # s = 'foo' # s << 33 # => "foo!" # # Related: String#concat, which takes multiple arguments. # def <<: (string | Integer str_or_codepoint) -> self # # Compares `self` and `other_string`, returning: # # * -1 if `other_string` is larger. # * 0 if the two are equal. # * 1 if `other_string` is smaller. # * `nil` if the two are incomparable. # # # Examples: # # 'foo' <=> 'foo' # => 0 # 'foo' <=> 'food' # => -1 # 'food' <=> 'foo' # => 1 # 'FOO' <=> 'foo' # => -1 # 'foo' <=> 'FOO' # => 1 # 'foo' <=> 1 # => nil # def <=>: (string) -> (-1 | 0 | 1) | (untyped) -> (-1 | 0 | 1)? # # Returns `true` if `object` has the same length and content; as `self`; `false` # otherwise: # # s = 'foo' # s == 'foo' # => true # s == 'food' # => false # s == 'FOO' # => false # # Returns `false` if the two strings' encodings are not compatible: # "\u{e4 f6 fc}".encode("ISO-8859-1") == ("\u{c4 d6 dc}") # => false # # If `object` is not an instance of String but responds to `to_str`, then the # two strings are compared using `object.==`. # def ==: (untyped other) -> bool # # Returns `true` if `object` has the same length and content; as `self`; `false` # otherwise: # # s = 'foo' # s == 'foo' # => true # s == 'food' # => false # s == 'FOO' # => false # # Returns `false` if the two strings' encodings are not compatible: # "\u{e4 f6 fc}".encode("ISO-8859-1") == ("\u{c4 d6 dc}") # => false # # If `object` is not an instance of String but responds to `to_str`, then the # two strings are compared using `object.==`. # alias === == # # Returns the Integer index of the first substring that matches the given # `regexp`, or `nil` if no match found: # # 'foo' =~ /f/ # => 0 # 'foo' =~ /o/ # => 1 # 'foo' =~ /x/ # => nil # # Note: also updates Regexp@Global+Variables. # # If the given `object` is not a Regexp, returns the value returned by `object # =~ self`. # # Note that `string =~ regexp` is different from `regexp =~ string` (see # Regexp#=~): # # number= nil # "no. 9" =~ /(?\d+)/ # number # => nil (not assigned) # /(?\d+)/ =~ "no. 9" # number #=> "9" # def =~: (Regexp regex) -> Integer? | [T] (_MatchAgainst[self, T] object) -> T interface _MatchAgainst[O, T] def =~: (O string) -> T end # # Returns the substring of `self` specified by the arguments. See examples at # [String Slices](rdoc-ref:String@String+Slices). # def []: (int start, ?int length) -> String? | (range[int?] range) -> String? | (Regexp regexp, ?MatchData::capture backref) -> String? | (String substring) -> String? # # Replaces all, some, or none of the contents of `self`; returns `new_string`. # See [String Slices](rdoc-ref:String@String+Slices). # # A few examples: # # s = 'foo' # s[2] = 'rtune' # => "rtune" # s # => "fortune" # s[1, 5] = 'init' # => "init" # s # => "finite" # s[3..4] = 'al' # => "al" # s # => "finale" # s[/e$/] = 'ly' # => "ly" # s # => "finally" # s['lly'] = 'ncial' # => "ncial" # s # => "financial" # def []=: [T < _ToStr] (int index, T replacement) -> T | [T < _ToStr] (int start, int length, T replacement) -> T | [T < _ToStr] (range[int?] range, T replacement) -> T | [T < _ToStr] (Regexp regexp, T replacement) -> T | [T < _ToStr] (Regexp regexp, MatchData::capture backref, T replacement) -> T | [T < _ToStr] (String substring, T replacement) -> T # # Returns `true` if `self` contains only ASCII characters, `false` otherwise: # # 'abc'.ascii_only? # => true # "abc\u{6666}".ascii_only? # => false # def ascii_only?: () -> bool # # Returns a copy of `self` that has ASCII-8BIT encoding; the underlying bytes # are not modified: # # s = "\x99" # s.encoding # => # # t = s.b # => "\x99" # t.encoding # => # # # s = "\u4095" # => "䂕" # s.encoding # => # # s.bytes # => [228, 130, 149] # t = s.b # => "\xE4\x82\x95" # t.encoding # => # # t.bytes # => [228, 130, 149] # def b: () -> String # # Returns the Integer byte-based index of the first occurrence of the given # `substring`, or `nil` if none found: # # 'foo'.byteindex('f') # => 0 # 'foo'.byteindex('o') # => 1 # 'foo'.byteindex('oo') # => 1 # 'foo'.byteindex('ooo') # => nil # # Returns the Integer byte-based index of the first match for the given Regexp # `regexp`, or `nil` if none found: # # 'foo'.byteindex(/f/) # => 0 # 'foo'.byteindex(/o/) # => 1 # 'foo'.byteindex(/oo/) # => 1 # 'foo'.byteindex(/ooo/) # => nil # # Integer argument `offset`, if given, specifies the byte-based position in the # string to begin the search: # # 'foo'.byteindex('o', 1) # => 1 # 'foo'.byteindex('o', 2) # => 2 # 'foo'.byteindex('o', 3) # => nil # # If `offset` is negative, counts backward from the end of `self`: # # 'foo'.byteindex('o', -1) # => 2 # 'foo'.byteindex('o', -2) # => 1 # 'foo'.byteindex('o', -3) # => 1 # 'foo'.byteindex('o', -4) # => nil # # If `offset` does not land on character (codepoint) boundary, `IndexError` is # raised. # # Related: String#index, String#byterindex. # def byteindex: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> Integer? # # Returns the Integer byte-based index of the *last* occurrence of the given # `substring`, or `nil` if none found: # # 'foo'.byterindex('f') # => 0 # 'foo'.byterindex('o') # => 2 # 'foo'.byterindex('oo') # => 1 # 'foo'.byterindex('ooo') # => nil # # Returns the Integer byte-based index of the *last* match for the given Regexp # `regexp`, or `nil` if none found: # # 'foo'.byterindex(/f/) # => 0 # 'foo'.byterindex(/o/) # => 2 # 'foo'.byterindex(/oo/) # => 1 # 'foo'.byterindex(/ooo/) # => nil # # The *last* match means starting at the possible last position, not the last of # longest matches. # # 'foo'.byterindex(/o+/) # => 2 # $~ #=> # # # To get the last longest match, needs to combine with negative lookbehind. # # 'foo'.byterindex(/(? 1 # $~ #=> # # # Or String#byteindex with negative lookforward. # # 'foo'.byteindex(/o+(?!.*o)/) # => 1 # $~ #=> # # # Integer argument `offset`, if given and non-negative, specifies the maximum # starting byte-based position in the # string to _end_ the search: # # 'foo'.byterindex('o', 0) # => nil # 'foo'.byterindex('o', 1) # => 1 # 'foo'.byterindex('o', 2) # => 2 # 'foo'.byterindex('o', 3) # => 2 # # If `offset` is a negative Integer, the maximum starting position in the string # to *end* the search is the sum of the string's length and `offset`: # # 'foo'.byterindex('o', -1) # => 2 # 'foo'.byterindex('o', -2) # => 1 # 'foo'.byterindex('o', -3) # => nil # 'foo'.byterindex('o', -4) # => nil # # If `offset` does not land on character (codepoint) boundary, `IndexError` is # raised. # # Related: String#byteindex. # def byterindex: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> Integer? # # Returns an array of the bytes in `self`: # # 'hello'.bytes # => [104, 101, 108, 108, 111] # 'тест'.bytes # => [209, 130, 208, 181, 209, 129, 209, 130] # 'こんにちは'.bytes # # => [227, 129, 147, 227, 130, 147, 227, 129, 171, 227, 129, 161, 227, 129, 175] # def bytes: () -> Array[Integer] | () { (Integer byte) -> void } -> self # # Returns the count of bytes (not characters) in `self`: # # 'foo'.bytesize # => 3 # 'тест'.bytesize # => 8 # 'こんにちは'.bytesize # => 15 # # Contrast with String#length: # # 'foo'.length # => 3 # 'тест'.length # => 4 # 'こんにちは'.length # => 5 # def bytesize: () -> Integer # # Returns a substring of `self`, or `nil` if the substring cannot be # constructed. # # With integer arguments `index` and `length` given, returns the substring # beginning at the given `index` of the given `length` (if possible), or `nil` # if `length` is negative or `index` falls outside of `self`: # # s = '0123456789' # => "0123456789" # s.byteslice(2) # => "2" # s.byteslice(200) # => nil # s.byteslice(4, 3) # => "456" # s.byteslice(4, 30) # => "456789" # s.byteslice(4, -1) # => nil # s.byteslice(40, 2) # => nil # # In either case above, counts backwards from the end of `self` if `index` is # negative: # # s = '0123456789' # => "0123456789" # s.byteslice(-4) # => "6" # s.byteslice(-4, 3) # => "678" # # With Range argument `range` given, returns `byteslice(range.begin, # range.size)`: # # s = '0123456789' # => "0123456789" # s.byteslice(4..6) # => "456" # s.byteslice(-6..-4) # => "456" # s.byteslice(5..2) # => "" # range.size is zero. # s.byteslice(40..42) # => nil # # In all cases, a returned string has the same encoding as `self`: # # s.encoding # => # # s.byteslice(4).encoding # => # # def byteslice: (int start, ?int length) -> String? | (range[int?] range) -> String? # # Replaces some or all of the content of `self` with `str`, and returns `self`. # The portion of the string affected is determined using the same criteria as # String#byteslice, except that `length` cannot be omitted. If the replacement # string is not the same length as the text it is replacing, the string will be # adjusted accordingly. # # If `str_index` and `str_length`, or `str_range` are given, the content of # `self` is replaced by str.byteslice(str_index, str_length) or # str.byteslice(str_range); however the substring of `str` is not allocated as a # new string. # # The form that take an Integer will raise an IndexError if the value is out of # range; the Range form will raise a RangeError. If the beginning or ending # offset does not land on character (codepoint) boundary, an IndexError will be # raised. # def bytesplice: (int start, int length, string str) -> String | (int start, int length, string str, int str_start, int str_length) -> String | (range[int?] range, string str, ?range[int?] str_range) -> String # # Returns a string containing the characters in `self`; the first character is # upcased; the remaining characters are downcased: # # s = 'hello World!' # => "hello World!" # s.capitalize # => "Hello world!" # # The casing may be affected by the given `options`; see [Case # Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc). # # Related: String#capitalize!. # def capitalize: () -> String | (:ascii | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> String | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> String | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> String # # Upcases the first character in `self`; downcases the remaining characters; # returns `self` if any changes were made, `nil` otherwise: # # s = 'hello World!' # => "hello World!" # s.capitalize! # => "Hello world!" # s # => "Hello world!" # s.capitalize! # => nil # # The casing may be affected by the given `options`; see [Case # Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc). # # Related: String#capitalize. # def capitalize!: () -> self? | (:ascii | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> self? | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> self? | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> self? # # Compares `self.downcase` and `other_string.downcase`; returns: # # * -1 if `other_string.downcase` is larger. # * 0 if the two are equal. # * 1 if `other_string.downcase` is smaller. # * `nil` if the two are incomparable. # # # Examples: # # 'foo'.casecmp('foo') # => 0 # 'foo'.casecmp('food') # => -1 # 'food'.casecmp('foo') # => 1 # 'FOO'.casecmp('foo') # => 0 # 'foo'.casecmp('FOO') # => 0 # 'foo'.casecmp(1) # => nil # # See [Case Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc). # # Related: String#casecmp?. # def casecmp: (string other) -> (-1 | 0 | 1) | (untyped) -> (-1 | 0 | 1)? # # Returns `true` if `self` and `other_string` are equal after Unicode case # folding, otherwise `false`: # # 'foo'.casecmp?('foo') # => true # 'foo'.casecmp?('food') # => false # 'food'.casecmp?('foo') # => false # 'FOO'.casecmp?('foo') # => true # 'foo'.casecmp?('FOO') # => true # # Returns `nil` if the two values are incomparable: # # 'foo'.casecmp?(1) # => nil # # See [Case Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc). # # Related: String#casecmp. # def casecmp?: (string other) -> bool | (untyped) -> bool? # # Returns a centered copy of `self`. # # If integer argument `size` is greater than the size (in characters) of `self`, # returns a new string of length `size` that is a copy of `self`, centered and # padded on both ends with `pad_string`: # # 'hello'.center(10) # => " hello " # ' hello'.center(10) # => " hello " # 'hello'.center(10, 'ab') # => "abhelloaba" # 'тест'.center(10) # => " тест " # 'こんにちは'.center(10) # => " こんにちは " # # If `size` is not greater than the size of `self`, returns a copy of `self`: # # 'hello'.center(5) # => "hello" # 'hello'.center(1) # => "hello" # # Related: String#ljust, String#rjust. # def center: (int width, ?string pad_string) -> String # # Returns an array of the characters in `self`: # # 'hello'.chars # => ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"] # 'тест'.chars # => ["т", "е", "с", "т"] # 'こんにちは'.chars # => ["こ", "ん", "に", "ち", "は"] # def chars: () -> Array[String] | () { (String char) -> void } -> self # # Returns a new string copied from `self`, with trailing characters possibly # removed: # # When `line_sep` is `"\n"`, removes the last one or two characters if they are # `"\r"`, `"\n"`, or `"\r\n"` (but not `"\n\r"`): # # $/ # => "\n" # "abc\r".chomp # => "abc" # "abc\n".chomp # => "abc" # "abc\r\n".chomp # => "abc" # "abc\n\r".chomp # => "abc\n" # "тест\r\n".chomp # => "тест" # "こんにちは\r\n".chomp # => "こんにちは" # # When `line_sep` is `''` (an empty string), removes multiple trailing # occurrences of `"\n"` or `"\r\n"` (but not `"\r"` or `"\n\r"`): # # "abc\n\n\n".chomp('') # => "abc" # "abc\r\n\r\n\r\n".chomp('') # => "abc" # "abc\n\n\r\n\r\n\n\n".chomp('') # => "abc" # "abc\n\r\n\r\n\r".chomp('') # => "abc\n\r\n\r\n\r" # "abc\r\r\r".chomp('') # => "abc\r\r\r" # # When `line_sep` is neither `"\n"` nor `''`, removes a single trailing line # separator if there is one: # # 'abcd'.chomp('d') # => "abc" # 'abcdd'.chomp('d') # => "abcd" # def chomp: (?string? separator) -> String # # Like String#chomp, but modifies `self` in place; returns `nil` if no # modification made, `self` otherwise. # def chomp!: (nil) -> nil # | (?string separator) -> self? # https://github.com/ruby/rbs/pull/1672#discussion_r1423324796 | (?string? separator) -> self? # # Returns a new string copied from `self`, with trailing characters possibly # removed. # # Removes `"\r\n"` if those are the last two characters. # # "abc\r\n".chop # => "abc" # "тест\r\n".chop # => "тест" # "こんにちは\r\n".chop # => "こんにちは" # # Otherwise removes the last character if it exists. # # 'abcd'.chop # => "abc" # 'тест'.chop # => "тес" # 'こんにちは'.chop # => "こんにち" # ''.chop # => "" # # If you only need to remove the newline separator at the end of the string, # String#chomp is a better alternative. # def chop: () -> String # # Like String#chop, but modifies `self` in place; returns `nil` if `self` is # empty, `self` otherwise. # # Related: String#chomp!. # def chop!: () -> self? # # Returns a string containing the first character of `self`: # # s = 'foo' # => "foo" # s.chr # => "f" # def chr: () -> String # # Removes the contents of `self`: # # s = 'foo' # => "foo" # s.clear # => "" # def clear: () -> self # # Returns an array of the codepoints in `self`; each codepoint is the integer # value for a character: # # 'hello'.codepoints # => [104, 101, 108, 108, 111] # 'тест'.codepoints # => [1090, 1077, 1089, 1090] # 'こんにちは'.codepoints # => [12371, 12435, 12395, 12385, 12399] # def codepoints: () -> Array[Integer] | () { (Integer codepoint) -> void } -> self # # Concatenates each object in `objects` to `self` and returns `self`: # # s = 'foo' # s.concat('bar', 'baz') # => "foobarbaz" # s # => "foobarbaz" # # For each given object `object` that is an Integer, the value is considered a # codepoint and converted to a character before concatenation: # # s = 'foo' # s.concat(32, 'bar', 32, 'baz') # => "foo bar baz" # # Related: String#<<, which takes a single argument. # def concat: (*string | Integer string_or_codepoints) -> self # # Returns the total number of characters in `self` that are specified by the # given `selectors` (see [Multiple Character # Selectors](rdoc-ref:character_selectors.rdoc@Multiple+Character+Selectors)): # # a = "hello world" # a.count "lo" #=> 5 # a.count "lo", "o" #=> 2 # a.count "hello", "^l" #=> 4 # a.count "ej-m" #=> 4 # # "hello^world".count "\\^aeiou" #=> 4 # "hello-world".count "a\\-eo" #=> 4 # # c = "hello world\\r\\n" # c.count "\\" #=> 2 # c.count "\\A" #=> 0 # c.count "X-\\w" #=> 3 # def count: (selector selector_0, *selector more_selectors) -> Integer # # Returns the string generated by calling `crypt(3)` standard library function # with `str` and `salt_str`, in this order, as its arguments. Please do not use # this method any longer. It is legacy; provided only for backward # compatibility with ruby scripts in earlier days. It is bad to use in # contemporary programs for several reasons: # # * Behaviour of C's `crypt(3)` depends on the OS it is run. The generated # string lacks data portability. # # * On some OSes such as Mac OS, `crypt(3)` never fails (i.e. silently ends up # in unexpected results). # # * On some OSes such as Mac OS, `crypt(3)` is not thread safe. # # * So-called "traditional" usage of `crypt(3)` is very very very weak. # According to its manpage, Linux's traditional `crypt(3)` output has only # 2**56 variations; too easy to brute force today. And this is the default # behaviour. # # * In order to make things robust some OSes implement so-called "modular" # usage. To go through, you have to do a complex build-up of the `salt_str` # parameter, by hand. Failure in generation of a proper salt string tends # not to yield any errors; typos in parameters are normally not detectable. # # * For instance, in the following example, the second invocation of # String#crypt is wrong; it has a typo in "round=" (lacks "s"). However # the call does not fail and something unexpected is generated. # # "foo".crypt("$5$rounds=1000$salt$") # OK, proper usage # "foo".crypt("$5$round=1000$salt$") # Typo not detected # # # * Even in the "modular" mode, some hash functions are considered archaic and # no longer recommended at all; for instance module `$1$` is officially # abandoned by its author: see http://phk.freebsd.dk/sagas/md5crypt_eol/ . # For another instance module `$3$` is considered completely broken: see the # manpage of FreeBSD. # # * On some OS such as Mac OS, there is no modular mode. Yet, as written # above, `crypt(3)` on Mac OS never fails. This means even if you build up a # proper salt string it generates a traditional DES hash anyways, and there # is no way for you to be aware of. # # "foo".crypt("$5$rounds=1000$salt$") # => "$5fNPQMxC5j6." # # # If for some reason you cannot migrate to other secure contemporary password # hashing algorithms, install the string-crypt gem and `require 'string/crypt'` # to continue using it. # def crypt: (string salt_str) -> String # # Returns a frozen, possibly pre-existing copy of the string. # # The returned String will be deduplicated as long as it does not have any # instance variables set on it and is not a String subclass. # # Note that `-string` variant is more convenient for defining constants: # # FILENAME = -'config/database.yml' # # while `dedup` is better suitable for using the method in chains of # calculations: # # @url_list.concat(urls.map(&:dedup)) # alias dedup -@ # # Returns a copy of `self` with characters specified by `selectors` removed (see # [Multiple Character # Selectors](rdoc-ref:character_selectors.rdoc@Multiple+Character+Selectors)): # # "hello".delete "l","lo" #=> "heo" # "hello".delete "lo" #=> "he" # "hello".delete "aeiou", "^e" #=> "hell" # "hello".delete "ej-m" #=> "ho" # def delete: (selector selector_0, *selector more_selectors) -> String # # Like String#delete, but modifies `self` in place. Returns `self` if any # changes were made, `nil` otherwise. # def delete!: (selector selector_0, *selector more_selectors) -> self? # # Returns a copy of `self` with leading substring `prefix` removed: # # 'hello'.delete_prefix('hel') # => "lo" # 'hello'.delete_prefix('llo') # => "hello" # 'тест'.delete_prefix('те') # => "ст" # 'こんにちは'.delete_prefix('こん') # => "にちは" # # Related: String#delete_prefix!, String#delete_suffix. # def delete_prefix: (string prefix) -> String # # Like String#delete_prefix, except that `self` is modified in place. Returns # `self` if the prefix is removed, `nil` otherwise. # def delete_prefix!: (string prefix) -> self? # # Returns a copy of `self` with trailing substring `suffix` removed: # # 'hello'.delete_suffix('llo') # => "he" # 'hello'.delete_suffix('hel') # => "hello" # 'тест'.delete_suffix('ст') # => "те" # 'こんにちは'.delete_suffix('ちは') # => "こんに" # # Related: String#delete_suffix!, String#delete_prefix. # def delete_suffix: (string suffix) -> String # # Like String#delete_suffix, except that `self` is modified in place. Returns # `self` if the suffix is removed, `nil` otherwise. # def delete_suffix!: (string suffix) -> self? # # Returns a string containing the downcased characters in `self`: # # s = 'Hello World!' # => "Hello World!" # s.downcase # => "hello world!" # # The casing may be affected by the given `options`; see [Case # Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc). # # Related: String#downcase!, String#upcase, String#upcase!. # def downcase: () -> String | (:ascii | :fold | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> String | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> String | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> String # # Downcases the characters in `self`; returns `self` if any changes were made, # `nil` otherwise: # # s = 'Hello World!' # => "Hello World!" # s.downcase! # => "hello world!" # s # => "hello world!" # s.downcase! # => nil # # The casing may be affected by the given `options`; see [Case # Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc). # # Related: String#downcase, String#upcase, String#upcase!. # def downcase!: () -> self? | (:ascii | :fold | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> self? | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> self? | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> self? # # Returns a printable version of `self`, enclosed in double-quotes, with special # characters escaped, and with non-printing characters replaced by hexadecimal # notation: # # "hello \n ''".dump # => "\"hello \\n ''\"" # "\f\x00\xff\\\"".dump # => "\"\\f\\x00\\xFF\\\\\\\"\"" # # Related: String#undump (inverse of String#dump). # def dump: () -> String # # Calls the given block with each successive byte from `self`; returns `self`: # # 'hello'.each_byte {|byte| print byte, ' ' } # print "\n" # 'тест'.each_byte {|byte| print byte, ' ' } # print "\n" # 'こんにちは'.each_byte {|byte| print byte, ' ' } # print "\n" # # Output: # # 104 101 108 108 111 # 209 130 208 181 209 129 209 130 # 227 129 147 227 130 147 227 129 171 227 129 161 227 129 175 # # Returns an enumerator if no block is given. # def each_byte: () -> Enumerator[Integer, self] | () { (Integer byte) -> void } -> self # # Calls the given block with each successive character from `self`; returns # `self`: # # 'hello'.each_char {|char| print char, ' ' } # print "\n" # 'тест'.each_char {|char| print char, ' ' } # print "\n" # 'こんにちは'.each_char {|char| print char, ' ' } # print "\n" # # Output: # # h e l l o # т е с т # こ ん に ち は # # Returns an enumerator if no block is given. # def each_char: () -> Enumerator[String, self] | () { (String char) -> void } -> self # # Calls the given block with each successive codepoint from `self`; each # codepoint is the integer value for a character; returns `self`: # # 'hello'.each_codepoint {|codepoint| print codepoint, ' ' } # print "\n" # 'тест'.each_codepoint {|codepoint| print codepoint, ' ' } # print "\n" # 'こんにちは'.each_codepoint {|codepoint| print codepoint, ' ' } # print "\n" # # Output: # # 104 101 108 108 111 # 1090 1077 1089 1090 # 12371 12435 12395 12385 12399 # # Returns an enumerator if no block is given. # def each_codepoint: () -> Enumerator[Integer, self] | () { (Integer codepoint) -> void } -> self # # Calls the given block with each successive grapheme cluster from `self` (see # [Unicode Grapheme Cluster # Boundaries](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Grapheme_Cluster_Boundaries) # ); returns `self`: # # s = "\u0061\u0308-pqr-\u0062\u0308-xyz-\u0063\u0308" # => "ä-pqr-b̈-xyz-c̈" # s.each_grapheme_cluster {|gc| print gc, ' ' } # # Output: # # ä - p q r - b̈ - x y z - c̈ # # Returns an enumerator if no block is given. # def each_grapheme_cluster: () -> Enumerator[String, self] | () { (String grapheme_cluter) -> void } -> self # # With a block given, forms the substrings ("lines") that are the result of # splitting `self` at each occurrence of the given line separator `line_sep`; # passes each line to the block; returns `self`: # # s = <<~EOT # This is the first line. # This is line two. # # This is line four. # This is line five. # EOT # # s.each_line {|line| p line } # # Output: # # "This is the first line.\n" # "This is line two.\n" # "\n" # "This is line four.\n" # "This is line five.\n" # # With a different `line_sep`: # # s.each_line(' is ') {|line| p line } # # Output: # # "This is " # "the first line.\nThis is " # "line two.\n\nThis is " # "line four.\nThis is " # "line five.\n" # # With `chomp` as `true`, removes the trailing `line_sep` from each line: # # s.each_line(chomp: true) {|line| p line } # # Output: # # "This is the first line." # "This is line two." # "" # "This is line four." # "This is line five." # # With an empty string as `line_sep`, forms and passes "paragraphs" by splitting # at each occurrence of two or more newlines: # # s.each_line('') {|line| p line } # # Output: # # "This is the first line.\nThis is line two.\n\n" # "This is line four.\nThis is line five.\n" # # With no block given, returns an enumerator. # def each_line: (?string? separator, ?chomp: boolish) -> Enumerator[String, self] | (?string? separator, ?chomp: boolish) { (String line) -> void } -> self # # Returns `true` if the length of `self` is zero, `false` otherwise: # # "hello".empty? # => false # " ".empty? # => false # "".empty? # => true # def empty?: () -> bool # # Returns a copy of `self` transcoded as determined by `dst_encoding`. By # default, raises an exception if `self` contains an invalid byte or a character # not defined in `dst_encoding`; that behavior may be modified by encoding # options; see below. # # With no arguments: # # * Uses the same encoding if `Encoding.default_internal` is `nil` (the # default): # # Encoding.default_internal # => nil # s = "Ruby\x99".force_encoding('Windows-1252') # s.encoding # => # # s.bytes # => [82, 117, 98, 121, 153] # t = s.encode # => "Ruby\x99" # t.encoding # => # # t.bytes # => [82, 117, 98, 121, 226, 132, 162] # # * Otherwise, uses the encoding `Encoding.default_internal`: # # Encoding.default_internal = 'UTF-8' # t = s.encode # => "Ruby™" # t.encoding # => # # # # With only argument `dst_encoding` given, uses that encoding: # # s = "Ruby\x99".force_encoding('Windows-1252') # s.encoding # => # # t = s.encode('UTF-8') # => "Ruby™" # t.encoding # => # # # With arguments `dst_encoding` and `src_encoding` given, interprets `self` # using `src_encoding`, encodes the new string using `dst_encoding`: # # s = "Ruby\x99" # t = s.encode('UTF-8', 'Windows-1252') # => "Ruby™" # t.encoding # => # # # Optional keyword arguments `enc_opts` specify encoding options; see [Encoding # Options](rdoc-ref:encodings.rdoc@Encoding+Options). # # Please note that, unless `invalid: :replace` option is given, conversion from # an encoding `enc` to the same encoding `enc` (independent of whether `enc` is # given explicitly or implicitly) is a no-op, i.e. the string is simply copied # without any changes, and no exceptions are raised, even if there are invalid # bytes. # def encode: ( ?encoding source_encoding, ?encoding? from_encoding, ?invalid: :replace ?, ?undef: :replace ?, ?replace: string?, ?xml: (:text | :attr)?, ?newline: (:universal | :crlf | :cr | :lf)?, ?universal_newline: boolish, ?cr_newline: boolish, ?crlf_newline: boolish, ?lf_newline: boolish, ?fallback: ^(String) -> string? | Method | _EncodeFallbackAref ) -> instance interface _EncodeFallbackAref def []: (String) -> string? end # # Like #encode, but applies encoding changes to `self`; returns `self`. # def encode!: ( ?encoding source_encoding, ?encoding? from_encoding, ?invalid: :replace ?, ?undef: :replace ?, ?replace: string?, ?xml: (:text | :attr)?, ?newline: (:universal | :crlf | :cr | :lf)?, ?universal_newline: boolish, ?cr_newline: boolish, ?crlf_newline: boolish, ?lf_newline: boolish, ?fallback: ^(String) -> string? | Method | _EncodeFallbackAref ) -> self # # Returns the Encoding object that represents the encoding of obj. # def encoding: () -> Encoding # # Returns whether `self` ends with any of the given `strings`. # # Returns `true` if any given string matches the end, `false` otherwise: # # 'hello'.end_with?('ello') #=> true # 'hello'.end_with?('heaven', 'ello') #=> true # 'hello'.end_with?('heaven', 'paradise') #=> false # 'тест'.end_with?('т') # => true # 'こんにちは'.end_with?('は') # => true # # Related: String#start_with?. # def end_with?: (*string suffixes) -> bool # # Returns `true` if `object` has the same length and content; as `self`; `false` # otherwise: # # s = 'foo' # s.eql?('foo') # => true # s.eql?('food') # => false # s.eql?('FOO') # => false # # Returns `false` if the two strings' encodings are not compatible: # # "\u{e4 f6 fc}".encode("ISO-8859-1").eql?("\u{c4 d6 dc}") # => false # def eql?: (untyped other) -> bool # # Changes the encoding of `self` to `encoding`, which may be a string encoding # name or an Encoding object; returns self: # # s = 'łał' # s.bytes # => [197, 130, 97, 197, 130] # s.encoding # => # # s.force_encoding('ascii') # => "\xC5\x82a\xC5\x82" # s.encoding # => # # # Does not change the underlying bytes: # # s.bytes # => [197, 130, 97, 197, 130] # # Makes the change even if the given `encoding` is invalid for `self` (as is the # change above): # # s.valid_encoding? # => false # s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) # => "łał" # s.valid_encoding? # => true # def force_encoding: (encoding enc) -> self # # def freeze: () -> self # # Returns the byte at zero-based `index` as an integer, or `nil` if `index` is # out of range: # # s = 'abcde' # => "abcde" # s.getbyte(0) # => 97 # s.getbyte(-1) # => 101 # s.getbyte(5) # => nil # # Related: String#setbyte. # def getbyte: (int index) -> Integer? # # Returns an array of the grapheme clusters in `self` (see [Unicode Grapheme # Cluster # Boundaries](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Grapheme_Cluster_Boundaries) # ): # # s = "\u0061\u0308-pqr-\u0062\u0308-xyz-\u0063\u0308" # => "ä-pqr-b̈-xyz-c̈" # s.grapheme_clusters # # => ["ä", "-", "p", "q", "r", "-", "b̈", "-", "x", "y", "z", "-", "c̈"] # def grapheme_clusters: () -> Array[String] | () { (String grapheme_cluter) -> void } -> self # # Returns a copy of `self` with all occurrences of the given `pattern` replaced. # # See [Substitution Methods](rdoc-ref:String@Substitution+Methods). # # Returns an Enumerator if no `replacement` and no block given. # # Related: String#sub, String#sub!, String#gsub!. # def gsub: (Regexp | string pattern, string | hash[String, _ToS] replacement) -> String | (Regexp | string pattern) -> Enumerator[String, String] | (Regexp | string pattern) { (String match) -> _ToS } -> String # # Performs the specified substring replacement(s) on `self`; returns `self` if # any replacement occurred, `nil` otherwise. # # See [Substitution Methods](rdoc-ref:String@Substitution+Methods). # # Returns an Enumerator if no `replacement` and no block given. # # Related: String#sub, String#gsub, String#sub!. # def gsub!: (Regexp | string pattern, string | hash[String, _ToS] replacement) -> self? | (Regexp | string pattern) -> Enumerator[String, self] | (Regexp | string pattern) { (String match) -> _ToS } -> self? # # Returns the integer hash value for `self`. The value is based on the length, # content and encoding of `self`. # # Related: Object#hash. # def hash: () -> Integer # # Interprets the leading substring of `self` as a string of hexadecimal digits # (with an optional sign and an optional `0x`) and returns the corresponding # number; returns zero if there is no such leading substring: # # '0x0a'.hex # => 10 # '-1234'.hex # => -4660 # '0'.hex # => 0 # 'non-numeric'.hex # => 0 # # Related: String#oct. # def hex: () -> Integer # # Returns `true` if `self` contains `other_string`, `false` otherwise: # # s = 'foo' # s.include?('f') # => true # s.include?('fo') # => true # s.include?('food') # => false # def include?: (string other_string) -> bool # # Returns the integer index of the first match for the given argument, or `nil` # if none found; the search of `self` is forward, and begins at position # `offset` (in characters). # # With string argument `substring`, returns the index of the first matching # substring in `self`: # # 'foo'.index('f') # => 0 # 'foo'.index('o') # => 1 # 'foo'.index('oo') # => 1 # 'foo'.index('ooo') # => nil # 'тест'.index('с') # => 2 # 'こんにちは'.index('ち') # => 3 # # With Regexp argument `regexp`, returns the index of the first match in `self`: # # 'foo'.index(/o./) # => 1 # 'foo'.index(/.o/) # => 0 # # With positive integer `offset`, begins the search at position `offset`: # # 'foo'.index('o', 1) # => 1 # 'foo'.index('o', 2) # => 2 # 'foo'.index('o', 3) # => nil # 'тест'.index('с', 1) # => 2 # 'こんにちは'.index('ち', 2) # => 3 # # With negative integer `offset`, selects the search position by counting # backward from the end of `self`: # # 'foo'.index('o', -1) # => 2 # 'foo'.index('o', -2) # => 1 # 'foo'.index('o', -3) # => 1 # 'foo'.index('o', -4) # => nil # 'foo'.index(/o./, -2) # => 1 # 'foo'.index(/.o/, -2) # => 1 # # Related: String#rindex. # def index: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> Integer? # # Inserts the given `other_string` into `self`; returns `self`. # # If the Integer `index` is positive, inserts `other_string` at offset `index`: # # 'foo'.insert(1, 'bar') # => "fbaroo" # # If the Integer `index` is negative, counts backward from the end of `self` and # inserts `other_string` at offset `index+1` (that is, *after* `self[index]`): # # 'foo'.insert(-2, 'bar') # => "fobaro" # def insert: (int index, string other_str) -> self # # Returns a printable version of `self`, enclosed in double-quotes, and with # special characters escaped: # # s = "foo\tbar\tbaz\n" # s.inspect # # => "\"foo\\tbar\\tbaz\\n\"" # def inspect: () -> String # # Returns the Symbol corresponding to *str*, creating the symbol if it did not # previously exist. See Symbol#id2name. # # "Koala".intern #=> :Koala # s = 'cat'.to_sym #=> :cat # s == :cat #=> true # s = '@cat'.to_sym #=> :@cat # s == :@cat #=> true # # This can also be used to create symbols that cannot be represented using the # `:xxx` notation. # # 'cat and dog'.to_sym #=> :"cat and dog" # def intern: () -> Symbol # # Returns the count of characters (not bytes) in `self`: # # 'foo'.length # => 3 # 'тест'.length # => 4 # 'こんにちは'.length # => 5 # # Contrast with String#bytesize: # # 'foo'.bytesize # => 3 # 'тест'.bytesize # => 8 # 'こんにちは'.bytesize # => 15 # def length: () -> Integer # # Forms substrings ("lines") of `self` according to the given arguments (see # String#each_line for details); returns the lines in an array. # def lines: (?string? separator, ?chomp: boolish) -> Array[String] | (?string? separator, ?chomp: boolish) { (String line) -> void } -> self # # Returns a left-justified copy of `self`. # # If integer argument `size` is greater than the size (in characters) of `self`, # returns a new string of length `size` that is a copy of `self`, left justified # and padded on the right with `pad_string`: # # 'hello'.ljust(10) # => "hello " # ' hello'.ljust(10) # => " hello " # 'hello'.ljust(10, 'ab') # => "helloababa" # 'тест'.ljust(10) # => "тест " # 'こんにちは'.ljust(10) # => "こんにちは " # # If `size` is not greater than the size of `self`, returns a copy of `self`: # # 'hello'.ljust(5) # => "hello" # 'hello'.ljust(1) # => "hello" # # Related: String#rjust, String#center. # def ljust: (int size, ?string pad_string) -> String # # Returns a copy of `self` with leading whitespace removed; see [Whitespace in # Strings](rdoc-ref:String@Whitespace+in+Strings): # # whitespace = "\x00\t\n\v\f\r " # s = whitespace + 'abc' + whitespace # s # => "\u0000\t\n\v\f\r abc\u0000\t\n\v\f\r " # s.lstrip # => "abc\u0000\t\n\v\f\r " # # Related: String#rstrip, String#strip. # def lstrip: () -> String # # Like String#lstrip, except that any modifications are made in `self`; returns # `self` if any modification are made, `nil` otherwise. # # Related: String#rstrip!, String#strip!. # def lstrip!: () -> self? # # Returns a MatchData object (or `nil`) based on `self` and the given `pattern`. # # Note: also updates Regexp@Global+Variables. # # * Computes `regexp` by converting `pattern` (if not already a Regexp). # regexp = Regexp.new(pattern) # # * Computes `matchdata`, which will be either a MatchData object or `nil` # (see Regexp#match): # matchdata = regexp.match(self) # # # With no block given, returns the computed `matchdata`: # # 'foo'.match('f') # => # # 'foo'.match('o') # => # # 'foo'.match('x') # => nil # # If Integer argument `offset` is given, the search begins at index `offset`: # # 'foo'.match('f', 1) # => nil # 'foo'.match('o', 1) # => # # # With a block given, calls the block with the computed `matchdata` and returns # the block's return value: # # 'foo'.match(/o/) {|matchdata| matchdata } # => # # 'foo'.match(/x/) {|matchdata| matchdata } # => nil # 'foo'.match(/f/, 1) {|matchdata| matchdata } # => nil # def match: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> MatchData? | [T] (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) { (MatchData matchdata) -> T } -> T? # # Returns `true` or `false` based on whether a match is found for `self` and # `pattern`. # # Note: does not update Regexp@Global+Variables. # # Computes `regexp` by converting `pattern` (if not already a Regexp). # regexp = Regexp.new(pattern) # # Returns `true` if `self+.match(regexp)` returns a MatchData object, `false` # otherwise: # # 'foo'.match?(/o/) # => true # 'foo'.match?('o') # => true # 'foo'.match?(/x/) # => false # # If Integer argument `offset` is given, the search begins at index `offset`: # 'foo'.match?('f', 1) # => false # 'foo'.match?('o', 1) # => true # def match?: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> bool # # Returns the successor to `self`. The successor is calculated by incrementing # characters. # # The first character to be incremented is the rightmost alphanumeric: or, if no # alphanumerics, the rightmost character: # # 'THX1138'.succ # => "THX1139" # '<>'.succ # => "<>" # '***'.succ # => '**+' # # The successor to a digit is another digit, "carrying" to the next-left # character for a "rollover" from 9 to 0, and prepending another digit if # necessary: # # '00'.succ # => "01" # '09'.succ # => "10" # '99'.succ # => "100" # # The successor to a letter is another letter of the same case, carrying to the # next-left character for a rollover, and prepending another same-case letter if # necessary: # # 'aa'.succ # => "ab" # 'az'.succ # => "ba" # 'zz'.succ # => "aaa" # 'AA'.succ # => "AB" # 'AZ'.succ # => "BA" # 'ZZ'.succ # => "AAA" # # The successor to a non-alphanumeric character is the next character in the # underlying character set's collating sequence, carrying to the next-left # character for a rollover, and prepending another character if necessary: # # s = 0.chr * 3 # s # => "\x00\x00\x00" # s.succ # => "\x00\x00\x01" # s = 255.chr * 3 # s # => "\xFF\xFF\xFF" # s.succ # => "\x01\x00\x00\x00" # # Carrying can occur between and among mixtures of alphanumeric characters: # # s = 'zz99zz99' # s.succ # => "aaa00aa00" # s = '99zz99zz' # s.succ # => "100aa00aa" # # The successor to an empty String is a new empty String: # # ''.succ # => "" # alias next succ # # Equivalent to String#succ, but modifies `self` in place; returns `self`. # alias next! succ! # # Interprets the leading substring of `self` as a string of octal digits (with # an optional sign) and returns the corresponding number; returns zero if there # is no such leading substring: # # '123'.oct # => 83 # '-377'.oct # => -255 # '0377non-numeric'.oct # => 255 # 'non-numeric'.oct # => 0 # # If `self` starts with `0`, radix indicators are honored; see Kernel#Integer. # # Related: String#hex. # def oct: () -> Integer # # Returns the integer ordinal of the first character of `self`: # # 'h'.ord # => 104 # 'hello'.ord # => 104 # 'тест'.ord # => 1090 # 'こんにちは'.ord # => 12371 # def ord: () -> Integer # # Returns a 3-element array of substrings of `self`. # # Matches a pattern against `self`, scanning from the beginning. The pattern is: # # * `string_or_regexp` itself, if it is a Regexp. # * `Regexp.quote(string_or_regexp)`, if `string_or_regexp` is a string. # # # If the pattern is matched, returns pre-match, first-match, post-match: # # 'hello'.partition('l') # => ["he", "l", "lo"] # 'hello'.partition('ll') # => ["he", "ll", "o"] # 'hello'.partition('h') # => ["", "h", "ello"] # 'hello'.partition('o') # => ["hell", "o", ""] # 'hello'.partition(/l+/) #=> ["he", "ll", "o"] # 'hello'.partition('') # => ["", "", "hello"] # 'тест'.partition('т') # => ["", "т", "ест"] # 'こんにちは'.partition('に') # => ["こん", "に", "ちは"] # # If the pattern is not matched, returns a copy of `self` and two empty strings: # # 'hello'.partition('x') # => ["hello", "", ""] # # Related: String#rpartition, String#split. # def partition: (Regexp | string pattern) -> [String, String, String] # # Prepends each string in `other_strings` to `self` and returns `self`: # # s = 'foo' # s.prepend('bar', 'baz') # => "barbazfoo" # s # => "barbazfoo" # # Related: String#concat. # def prepend: (*string other_strings) -> self # # Replaces the contents of `self` with the contents of `other_string`: # # s = 'foo' # => "foo" # s.replace('bar') # => "bar" # def replace: (string other_string) -> self # # Returns a new string with the characters from `self` in reverse order. # # 'stressed'.reverse # => "desserts" # def reverse: () -> String # # Returns `self` with its characters reversed: # # s = 'stressed' # s.reverse! # => "desserts" # s # => "desserts" # def reverse!: () -> self # # Returns the Integer index of the *last* occurrence of the given `substring`, # or `nil` if none found: # # 'foo'.rindex('f') # => 0 # 'foo'.rindex('o') # => 2 # 'foo'.rindex('oo') # => 1 # 'foo'.rindex('ooo') # => nil # # Returns the Integer index of the *last* match for the given Regexp `regexp`, # or `nil` if none found: # # 'foo'.rindex(/f/) # => 0 # 'foo'.rindex(/o/) # => 2 # 'foo'.rindex(/oo/) # => 1 # 'foo'.rindex(/ooo/) # => nil # # The *last* match means starting at the possible last position, not the last of # longest matches. # # 'foo'.rindex(/o+/) # => 2 # $~ #=> # # # To get the last longest match, needs to combine with negative lookbehind. # # 'foo'.rindex(/(? 1 # $~ #=> # # # Or String#index with negative lookforward. # # 'foo'.index(/o+(?!.*o)/) # => 1 # $~ #=> # # # Integer argument `offset`, if given and non-negative, specifies the maximum # starting position in the # string to _end_ the search: # # 'foo'.rindex('o', 0) # => nil # 'foo'.rindex('o', 1) # => 1 # 'foo'.rindex('o', 2) # => 2 # 'foo'.rindex('o', 3) # => 2 # # If `offset` is a negative Integer, the maximum starting position in the string # to *end* the search is the sum of the string's length and `offset`: # # 'foo'.rindex('o', -1) # => 2 # 'foo'.rindex('o', -2) # => 1 # 'foo'.rindex('o', -3) # => nil # 'foo'.rindex('o', -4) # => nil # # Related: String#index. # def rindex: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> Integer? # # Returns a right-justified copy of `self`. # # If integer argument `size` is greater than the size (in characters) of `self`, # returns a new string of length `size` that is a copy of `self`, right # justified and padded on the left with `pad_string`: # # 'hello'.rjust(10) # => " hello" # 'hello '.rjust(10) # => " hello " # 'hello'.rjust(10, 'ab') # => "ababahello" # 'тест'.rjust(10) # => " тест" # 'こんにちは'.rjust(10) # => " こんにちは" # # If `size` is not greater than the size of `self`, returns a copy of `self`: # # 'hello'.rjust(5, 'ab') # => "hello" # 'hello'.rjust(1, 'ab') # => "hello" # # Related: String#ljust, String#center. # def rjust: (int size, ?string pad_string) -> String # # Returns a 3-element array of substrings of `self`. # # Matches a pattern against `self`, scanning backwards from the end. The pattern # is: # # * `string_or_regexp` itself, if it is a Regexp. # * `Regexp.quote(string_or_regexp)`, if `string_or_regexp` is a string. # # # If the pattern is matched, returns pre-match, last-match, post-match: # # 'hello'.rpartition('l') # => ["hel", "l", "o"] # 'hello'.rpartition('ll') # => ["he", "ll", "o"] # 'hello'.rpartition('h') # => ["", "h", "ello"] # 'hello'.rpartition('o') # => ["hell", "o", ""] # 'hello'.rpartition(/l+/) # => ["hel", "l", "o"] # 'hello'.rpartition('') # => ["hello", "", ""] # 'тест'.rpartition('т') # => ["тес", "т", ""] # 'こんにちは'.rpartition('に') # => ["こん", "に", "ちは"] # # If the pattern is not matched, returns two empty strings and a copy of `self`: # # 'hello'.rpartition('x') # => ["", "", "hello"] # # Related: String#partition, String#split. # def rpartition: (Regexp | string pattern) -> [String, String, String] # # Returns a copy of the receiver with trailing whitespace removed; see # [Whitespace in Strings](rdoc-ref:String@Whitespace+in+Strings): # # whitespace = "\x00\t\n\v\f\r " # s = whitespace + 'abc' + whitespace # s # => "\u0000\t\n\v\f\r abc\u0000\t\n\v\f\r " # s.rstrip # => "\u0000\t\n\v\f\r abc" # # Related: String#lstrip, String#strip. # def rstrip: () -> String # # Like String#rstrip, except that any modifications are made in `self`; returns # `self` if any modification are made, `nil` otherwise. # # Related: String#lstrip!, String#strip!. # def rstrip!: () -> self? # # Matches a pattern against `self`; the pattern is: # # * `string_or_regexp` itself, if it is a Regexp. # * `Regexp.quote(string_or_regexp)`, if `string_or_regexp` is a string. # # # Iterates through `self`, generating a collection of matching results: # # * If the pattern contains no groups, each result is the matched string, # `$&`. # * If the pattern contains groups, each result is an array containing one # entry per group. # # # With no block given, returns an array of the results: # # s = 'cruel world' # s.scan(/\w+/) # => ["cruel", "world"] # s.scan(/.../) # => ["cru", "el ", "wor"] # s.scan(/(...)/) # => [["cru"], ["el "], ["wor"]] # s.scan(/(..)(..)/) # => [["cr", "ue"], ["l ", "wo"]] # # With a block given, calls the block with each result; returns `self`: # # s.scan(/\w+/) {|w| print "<<#{w}>> " } # print "\n" # s.scan(/(.)(.)/) {|x,y| print y, x } # print "\n" # # Output: # # <> <> # rceu lowlr # def scan: (Regexp pattern) -> Array[String | Array[String]] | (Regexp pattern) { (String | Array[String] matches) -> void } -> self | (string pattern) -> Array[String] | (string pattern) { (String match) -> void } -> self # # Returns a copy of `self` with each invalid byte sequence replaced by the given # `replacement_string`. # # With no block given and no argument, replaces each invalid sequence with the # default replacement string (`"�"` for a Unicode encoding, `'?'` otherwise): # # s = "foo\x81\x81bar" # s.scrub # => "foo��bar" # # With no block given and argument `replacement_string` given, replaces each # invalid sequence with that string: # # "foo\x81\x81bar".scrub('xyzzy') # => "fooxyzzyxyzzybar" # # With a block given, replaces each invalid sequence with the value of the # block: # # "foo\x81\x81bar".scrub {|bytes| p bytes; 'XYZZY' } # # => "fooXYZZYXYZZYbar" # # Output: # # "\x81" # "\x81" # def scrub: (?string? replacement) -> String | (?nil) { (String bytes) -> string } -> String # # Like String#scrub, except that any replacements are made in `self`. # def scrub!: (?string? replacement) -> self | (?nil) { (String bytes) -> string } -> self # # Sets the byte at zero-based `index` to `integer`; returns `integer`: # # s = 'abcde' # => "abcde" # s.setbyte(0, 98) # => 98 # s # => "bbcde" # # Related: String#getbyte. # def setbyte: [T < _ToInt] (int index, T byte) -> T # # Returns the count of characters (not bytes) in `self`: # # 'foo'.length # => 3 # 'тест'.length # => 4 # 'こんにちは'.length # => 5 # # Contrast with String#bytesize: # # 'foo'.bytesize # => 3 # 'тест'.bytesize # => 8 # 'こんにちは'.bytesize # => 15 # alias size length # # Returns the substring of `self` specified by the arguments. See examples at # [String Slices](rdoc-ref:String@String+Slices). # alias slice [] # # Removes and returns the substring of `self` specified by the arguments. See # [String Slices](rdoc-ref:String@String+Slices). # # A few examples: # # string = "This is a string" # string.slice!(2) #=> "i" # string.slice!(3..6) #=> " is " # string.slice!(/s.*t/) #=> "sa st" # string.slice!("r") #=> "r" # string #=> "Thing" # def slice!: (int index, ?int length) -> String? | (range[int?] range) -> String? | (String substring) -> String? | (Regexp regexp, ?MatchData::capture backref) -> String? # # Returns an array of substrings of `self` that are the result of splitting # `self` at each occurrence of the given field separator `field_sep`. # # When `field_sep` is `$;`: # # * If `$;` is `nil` (its default value), the split occurs just as if # `field_sep` were given as a space character (see below). # # * If `$;` is a string, the split ocurs just as if `field_sep` were given as # that string (see below). # # # When `field_sep` is `' '` and `limit` is `nil`, the split occurs at each # sequence of whitespace: # # 'abc def ghi'.split(' ') => ["abc", "def", "ghi"] # "abc \n\tdef\t\n ghi".split(' ') # => ["abc", "def", "ghi"] # 'abc def ghi'.split(' ') => ["abc", "def", "ghi"] # ''.split(' ') => [] # # When `field_sep` is a string different from `' '` and `limit` is `nil`, the # split occurs at each occurrence of `field_sep`; trailing empty substrings are # not returned: # # 'abracadabra'.split('ab') => ["", "racad", "ra"] # 'aaabcdaaa'.split('a') => ["", "", "", "bcd"] # ''.split('a') => [] # '3.14159'.split('1') => ["3.", "4", "59"] # '!@#$%^$&*($)_+'.split('$') # => ["!@#", "%^", "&*(", ")_+"] # 'тест'.split('т') => ["", "ес"] # 'こんにちは'.split('に') => ["こん", "ちは"] # # When `field_sep` is a Regexp and `limit` is `nil`, the split occurs at each # occurrence of a match; trailing empty substrings are not returned: # # 'abracadabra'.split(/ab/) # => ["", "racad", "ra"] # 'aaabcdaaa'.split(/a/) => ["", "", "", "bcd"] # 'aaabcdaaa'.split(//) => ["a", "a", "a", "b", "c", "d", "a", "a", "a"] # '1 + 1 == 2'.split(/\W+/) # => ["1", "1", "2"] # # If the Regexp contains groups, their matches are also included in the returned # array: # # '1:2:3'.split(/(:)()()/, 2) # => ["1", ":", "", "", "2:3"] # # As seen above, if `limit` is `nil`, trailing empty substrings are not # returned; the same is true if `limit` is zero: # # 'aaabcdaaa'.split('a') => ["", "", "", "bcd"] # 'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', 0) # => ["", "", "", "bcd"] # # If `limit` is positive integer `n`, no more than `n - 1-` splits occur, so # that at most `n` substrings are returned, and trailing empty substrings are # included: # # 'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', 1) # => ["aaabcdaaa"] # 'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', 2) # => ["", "aabcdaaa"] # 'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', 5) # => ["", "", "", "bcd", "aa"] # 'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', 7) # => ["", "", "", "bcd", "", "", ""] # 'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', 8) # => ["", "", "", "bcd", "", "", ""] # # Note that if `field_sep` is a Regexp containing groups, their matches are in # the returned array, but do not count toward the limit. # # If `limit` is negative, it behaves the same as if `limit` was `nil`, meaning # that there is no limit, and trailing empty substrings are included: # # 'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', -1) # => ["", "", "", "bcd", "", "", ""] # # If a block is given, it is called with each substring: # # 'abc def ghi'.split(' ') {|substring| p substring } # # Output: # # "abc" # "def" # "ghi" # # Related: String#partition, String#rpartition. # def split: (?Regexp | string | nil pattern, ?int limit) -> Array[String] | (?Regexp | string | nil pattern, ?int limit) { (String substring) -> void } -> self # # Returns a copy of `self` with characters specified by `selectors` "squeezed" # (see [Multiple Character # Selectors](rdoc-ref:character_selectors.rdoc@Multiple+Character+Selectors)): # # "Squeezed" means that each multiple-character run of a selected character is # squeezed down to a single character; with no arguments given, squeezes all # characters: # # "yellow moon".squeeze #=> "yelow mon" # " now is the".squeeze(" ") #=> " now is the" # "putters shoot balls".squeeze("m-z") #=> "puters shot balls" # def squeeze: (*selector selectors) -> String # # Like String#squeeze, but modifies `self` in place. Returns `self` if any # changes were made, `nil` otherwise. # def squeeze!: (*selector selectors) -> self? # # Returns whether `self` starts with any of the given `string_or_regexp`. # # Matches patterns against the beginning of `self`. For each given # `string_or_regexp`, the pattern is: # # * `string_or_regexp` itself, if it is a Regexp. # * `Regexp.quote(string_or_regexp)`, if `string_or_regexp` is a string. # # # Returns `true` if any pattern matches the beginning, `false` otherwise: # # 'hello'.start_with?('hell') # => true # 'hello'.start_with?(/H/i) # => true # 'hello'.start_with?('heaven', 'hell') # => true # 'hello'.start_with?('heaven', 'paradise') # => false # 'тест'.start_with?('т') # => true # 'こんにちは'.start_with?('こ') # => true # # Related: String#end_with?. # def start_with?: (*Regexp | string prefixes) -> bool # # Returns a copy of the receiver with leading and trailing whitespace removed; # see [Whitespace in Strings](rdoc-ref:String@Whitespace+in+Strings): # # whitespace = "\x00\t\n\v\f\r " # s = whitespace + 'abc' + whitespace # s # => "\u0000\t\n\v\f\r abc\u0000\t\n\v\f\r " # s.strip # => "abc" # # Related: String#lstrip, String#rstrip. # def strip: () -> String # # Like String#strip, except that any modifications are made in `self`; returns # `self` if any modification are made, `nil` otherwise. # # Related: String#lstrip!, String#strip!. # def strip!: () -> self? # # Returns a copy of `self` with only the first occurrence (not all occurrences) # of the given `pattern` replaced. # # See [Substitution Methods](rdoc-ref:String@Substitution+Methods). # # Related: String#sub!, String#gsub, String#gsub!. # def sub: (Regexp | string pattern, string | hash[String, _ToS] replacement) -> String | (Regexp | string pattern) { (String match) -> _ToS } -> String # # Returns `self` with only the first occurrence (not all occurrences) of the # given `pattern` replaced. # # See [Substitution Methods](rdoc-ref:String@Substitution+Methods). # # Related: String#sub, String#gsub, String#gsub!. # def sub!: (Regexp | string pattern, string | hash[String, _ToS] replacement) -> self? | (Regexp | string pattern) { (String match) -> _ToS } -> self? # # Returns the successor to `self`. The successor is calculated by incrementing # characters. # # The first character to be incremented is the rightmost alphanumeric: or, if no # alphanumerics, the rightmost character: # # 'THX1138'.succ # => "THX1139" # '<>'.succ # => "<>" # '***'.succ # => '**+' # # The successor to a digit is another digit, "carrying" to the next-left # character for a "rollover" from 9 to 0, and prepending another digit if # necessary: # # '00'.succ # => "01" # '09'.succ # => "10" # '99'.succ # => "100" # # The successor to a letter is another letter of the same case, carrying to the # next-left character for a rollover, and prepending another same-case letter if # necessary: # # 'aa'.succ # => "ab" # 'az'.succ # => "ba" # 'zz'.succ # => "aaa" # 'AA'.succ # => "AB" # 'AZ'.succ # => "BA" # 'ZZ'.succ # => "AAA" # # The successor to a non-alphanumeric character is the next character in the # underlying character set's collating sequence, carrying to the next-left # character for a rollover, and prepending another character if necessary: # # s = 0.chr * 3 # s # => "\x00\x00\x00" # s.succ # => "\x00\x00\x01" # s = 255.chr * 3 # s # => "\xFF\xFF\xFF" # s.succ # => "\x01\x00\x00\x00" # # Carrying can occur between and among mixtures of alphanumeric characters: # # s = 'zz99zz99' # s.succ # => "aaa00aa00" # s = '99zz99zz' # s.succ # => "100aa00aa" # # The successor to an empty String is a new empty String: # # ''.succ # => "" # def succ: () -> String # # Equivalent to String#succ, but modifies `self` in place; returns `self`. # def succ!: () -> self # # Returns a basic `n`-bit checksum of the characters in `self`; the checksum is # the sum of the binary value of each byte in `self`, modulo `2**n - 1`: # # 'hello'.sum # => 532 # 'hello'.sum(4) # => 4 # 'hello'.sum(64) # => 532 # 'тест'.sum # => 1405 # 'こんにちは'.sum # => 2582 # # This is not a particularly strong checksum. # def sum: (?int bits) -> Integer # # Returns a string containing the characters in `self`, with cases reversed; # each uppercase character is downcased; each lowercase character is upcased: # # s = 'Hello World!' # => "Hello World!" # s.swapcase # => "hELLO wORLD!" # # The casing may be affected by the given `options`; see [Case # Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc). # # Related: String#swapcase!. # def swapcase: () -> String | (:ascii | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> String | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> String | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> String # # Upcases each lowercase character in `self`; downcases uppercase character; # returns `self` if any changes were made, `nil` otherwise: # # s = 'Hello World!' # => "Hello World!" # s.swapcase! # => "hELLO wORLD!" # s # => "hELLO wORLD!" # ''.swapcase! # => nil # # The casing may be affected by the given `options`; see [Case # Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc). # # Related: String#swapcase. # def swapcase!: () -> self? | (:ascii | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> self? | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> self? | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> self? # # Returns a complex which denotes the string form. The parser ignores leading # whitespaces and trailing garbage. Any digit sequences can be separated by an # underscore. Returns zero for null or garbage string. # # '9'.to_c #=> (9+0i) # '2.5'.to_c #=> (2.5+0i) # '2.5/1'.to_c #=> ((5/2)+0i) # '-3/2'.to_c #=> ((-3/2)+0i) # '-i'.to_c #=> (0-1i) # '45i'.to_c #=> (0+45i) # '3-4i'.to_c #=> (3-4i) # '-4e2-4e-2i'.to_c #=> (-400.0-0.04i) # '-0.0-0.0i'.to_c #=> (-0.0-0.0i) # '1/2+3/4i'.to_c #=> ((1/2)+(3/4)*i) # 'ruby'.to_c #=> (0+0i) # # Polar form: # include Math # "1.0@0".to_c #=> (1+0.0i) # "1.0@#{PI/2}".to_c #=> (0.0+1i) # "1.0@#{PI}".to_c #=> (-1+0.0i) # # See Kernel.Complex. # def to_c: () -> Complex # # Returns the result of interpreting leading characters in `self` as a Float: # # '3.14159'.to_f # => 3.14159 # '1.234e-2'.to_f # => 0.01234 # # Characters past a leading valid number (in the given `base`) are ignored: # # '3.14 (pi to two places)'.to_f # => 3.14 # # Returns zero if there is no leading valid number: # # 'abcdef'.to_f # => 0.0 # def to_f: () -> Float # # Returns the result of interpreting leading characters in `self` as an integer # in the given `base` (which must be in (0, 2..36)): # # '123456'.to_i # => 123456 # '123def'.to_i(16) # => 1195503 # # With `base` zero, string `object` may contain leading characters to specify # the actual base: # # '123def'.to_i(0) # => 123 # '0123def'.to_i(0) # => 83 # '0b123def'.to_i(0) # => 1 # '0o123def'.to_i(0) # => 83 # '0d123def'.to_i(0) # => 123 # '0x123def'.to_i(0) # => 1195503 # # Characters past a leading valid number (in the given `base`) are ignored: # # '12.345'.to_i # => 12 # '12345'.to_i(2) # => 1 # # Returns zero if there is no leading valid number: # # 'abcdef'.to_i # => 0 # '2'.to_i(2) # => 0 # def to_i: (?int radix) -> Integer # # Returns the result of interpreting leading characters in `str` as a rational. # Leading whitespace and extraneous characters past the end of a valid number # are ignored. Digit sequences can be separated by an underscore. If there is # not a valid number at the start of `str`, zero is returned. This method never # raises an exception. # # ' 2 '.to_r #=> (2/1) # '300/2'.to_r #=> (150/1) # '-9.2'.to_r #=> (-46/5) # '-9.2e2'.to_r #=> (-920/1) # '1_234_567'.to_r #=> (1234567/1) # '21 June 09'.to_r #=> (21/1) # '21/06/09'.to_r #=> (7/2) # 'BWV 1079'.to_r #=> (0/1) # # NOTE: "0.3".to_r isn't the same as 0.3.to_r. The former is equivalent to # "3/10".to_r, but the latter isn't so. # # "0.3".to_r == 3/10r #=> true # 0.3.to_r == 3/10r #=> false # # See also Kernel#Rational. # def to_r: () -> Rational # # Returns `self` if `self` is a String, or `self` converted to a String if # `self` is a subclass of String. # def to_s: () -> String # # Returns `self` if `self` is a String, or `self` converted to a String if # `self` is a subclass of String. # alias to_str to_s # # Returns the Symbol corresponding to *str*, creating the symbol if it did not # previously exist. See Symbol#id2name. # # "Koala".intern #=> :Koala # s = 'cat'.to_sym #=> :cat # s == :cat #=> true # s = '@cat'.to_sym #=> :@cat # s == :@cat #=> true # # This can also be used to create symbols that cannot be represented using the # `:xxx` notation. # # 'cat and dog'.to_sym #=> :"cat and dog" # alias to_sym intern # # Returns a copy of `self` with each character specified by string `selector` # translated to the corresponding character in string `replacements`. The # correspondence is *positional*: # # * Each occurrence of the first character specified by `selector` is # translated to the first character in `replacements`. # * Each occurrence of the second character specified by `selector` is # translated to the second character in `replacements`. # * And so on. # # # Example: # # 'hello'.tr('el', 'ip') #=> "hippo" # # If `replacements` is shorter than `selector`, it is implicitly padded with its # own last character: # # 'hello'.tr('aeiou', '-') # => "h-ll-" # 'hello'.tr('aeiou', 'AA-') # => "hAll-" # # Arguments `selector` and `replacements` must be valid character selectors (see # [Character Selectors](rdoc-ref:character_selectors.rdoc)), and may use any of # its valid forms, including negation, ranges, and escaping: # # # Negation. # 'hello'.tr('^aeiou', '-') # => "-e--o" # # Ranges. # 'ibm'.tr('b-z', 'a-z') # => "hal" # # Escapes. # 'hel^lo'.tr('\^aeiou', '-') # => "h-l-l-" # Escaped leading caret. # 'i-b-m'.tr('b\-z', 'a-z') # => "ibabm" # Escaped embedded hyphen. # 'foo\\bar'.tr('ab\\', 'XYZ') # => "fooZYXr" # Escaped backslash. # def tr: (selector source, string relpacement) -> String # # Like String#tr, but modifies `self` in place. Returns `self` if any changes # were made, `nil` otherwise. # def tr!: (selector source, string relpacement) -> self? # # Like String#tr, but also squeezes the modified portions of the translated # string; returns a new string (translated and squeezed). # # 'hello'.tr_s('l', 'r') #=> "hero" # 'hello'.tr_s('el', '-') #=> "h-o" # 'hello'.tr_s('el', 'hx') #=> "hhxo" # # Related: String#squeeze. # def tr_s: (selector source, string replacement) -> String # # Like String#tr_s, but modifies `self` in place. Returns `self` if any changes # were made, `nil` otherwise. # # Related: String#squeeze!. # def tr_s!: (selector source, string replacement) -> self? # # Returns an unescaped version of `self`: # # s_orig = "\f\x00\xff\\\"" # => "\f\u0000\xFF\\\"" # s_dumped = s_orig.dump # => "\"\\f\\x00\\xFF\\\\\\\"\"" # s_undumped = s_dumped.undump # => "\f\u0000\xFF\\\"" # s_undumped == s_orig # => true # # Related: String#dump (inverse of String#undump). # def undump: () -> String # # Returns a copy of `self` with [Unicode # normalization](https://unicode.org/reports/tr15) applied. # # Argument `form` must be one of the following symbols (see [Unicode # normalization forms](https://unicode.org/reports/tr15/#Norm_Forms)): # # * `:nfc`: Canonical decomposition, followed by canonical composition. # * `:nfd`: Canonical decomposition. # * `:nfkc`: Compatibility decomposition, followed by canonical composition. # * `:nfkd`: Compatibility decomposition. # # # The encoding of `self` must be one of: # # * Encoding::UTF_8 # * Encoding::UTF_16BE # * Encoding::UTF_16LE # * Encoding::UTF_32BE # * Encoding::UTF_32LE # * Encoding::GB18030 # * Encoding::UCS_2BE # * Encoding::UCS_4BE # # # Examples: # # "a\u0300".unicode_normalize # => "a" # "\u00E0".unicode_normalize(:nfd) # => "a " # # Related: String#unicode_normalize!, String#unicode_normalized?. # def unicode_normalize: (?:nfc | :nfd | :nfkc | :nfkd form) -> self # # Like String#unicode_normalize, except that the normalization is performed on # `self`. # # Related String#unicode_normalized?. # def unicode_normalize!: (?:nfc | :nfd | :nfkc | :nfkd form) -> self # # Returns `true` if `self` is in the given `form` of Unicode normalization, # `false` otherwise. The `form` must be one of `:nfc`, `:nfd`, `:nfkc`, or # `:nfkd`. # # Examples: # # "a\u0300".unicode_normalized? # => false # "a\u0300".unicode_normalized?(:nfd) # => true # "\u00E0".unicode_normalized? # => true # "\u00E0".unicode_normalized?(:nfd) # => false # # Raises an exception if `self` is not in a Unicode encoding: # # s = "\xE0".force_encoding('ISO-8859-1') # s.unicode_normalized? # Raises Encoding::CompatibilityError. # # Related: String#unicode_normalize, String#unicode_normalize!. # def unicode_normalized?: (?:nfc | :nfd | :nfkc | :nfkd) -> bool # # Extracts data from `self`, forming objects that become the elements of a new # array; returns that array. See [Packed Data](rdoc-ref:packed_data.rdoc). # def unpack: (string template, ?offset: int) -> Array[Integer | Float | String | nil] | (string template, ?offset: int) { (Integer | Float | String | nil value) -> void } -> nil # # Like String#unpack, but unpacks and returns only the first extracted object. # See [Packed Data](rdoc-ref:packed_data.rdoc). # def unpack1: (string template, ?offset: int) -> (Integer | Float | String)? # # Returns a string containing the upcased characters in `self`: # # s = 'Hello World!' # => "Hello World!" # s.upcase # => "HELLO WORLD!" # # The casing may be affected by the given `options`; see [Case # Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc). # # Related: String#upcase!, String#downcase, String#downcase!. # def upcase: () -> String | (:ascii | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> String | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> String | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> String # # Upcases the characters in `self`; returns `self` if any changes were made, # `nil` otherwise: # # s = 'Hello World!' # => "Hello World!" # s.upcase! # => "HELLO WORLD!" # s # => "HELLO WORLD!" # s.upcase! # => nil # # The casing may be affected by the given `options`; see [Case # Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc). # # Related: String#upcase, String#downcase, String#downcase!. # def upcase!: () -> self? | (:ascii | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> self? | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> self? | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> self? # # With a block given, calls the block with each String value returned by # successive calls to String#succ; the first value is `self`, the next is # `self.succ`, and so on; the sequence terminates when value `other_string` is # reached; returns `self`: # # 'a8'.upto('b6') {|s| print s, ' ' } # => "a8" # # Output: # # a8 a9 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 # # If argument `exclusive` is given as a truthy object, the last value is # omitted: # # 'a8'.upto('b6', true) {|s| print s, ' ' } # => "a8" # # Output: # # a8 a9 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 # # If `other_string` would not be reached, does not call the block: # # '25'.upto('5') {|s| fail s } # 'aa'.upto('a') {|s| fail s } # # With no block given, returns a new Enumerator: # # 'a8'.upto('b6') # => # # def upto: (string other_string, ?boolish exclusive) -> Enumerator[String, self] | (string other_string, ?boolish exclusive) { (String s) -> void } -> self # # Returns `true` if `self` is encoded correctly, `false` otherwise: # # "\xc2\xa1".force_encoding("UTF-8").valid_encoding? # => true # "\xc2".force_encoding("UTF-8").valid_encoding? # => false # "\x80".force_encoding("UTF-8").valid_encoding? # => false # def valid_encoding?: () -> bool end %a{steep:deprecated} interface _ArefFromStringToString def []: (String) -> String end %a{steep:deprecated} type String::encode_fallback = Hash[String, String] | Proc | Method | _ArefFromStringToString