module HAR class Archive include Serializable def self.from_string(str, uri = nil) new JSON.parse(str), uri end def self.from_file(path_or_io) case path_or_io when String from_string, path_or_io when IO from_string, path_or_io.to_s else unless path_or_io.respond_to?(:to_io) raise TypeError, "expected String, IO or #to_io" end from_file path_or_io.to_io end end def self.by_merging(hars) hars = hars.dup result = hars.shift or raise ArgumentError, "no HARs given" result = from_file(result) unless result.kind_of? self hars.each do |har| result.merge! har.kind_of?(self) ? har : from_file(har) end result end # @api private def self.schemas @schemas ||= {} end # @api private def self.add_schema(path) data = JSON.parse( id = data.fetch('id') schemas[id] = data end Dir[File.expand_path("../schemas/*.json", __FILE__)].each do |path| add_schema path end attr_reader :uri def initialize(input, uri = nil) @data = input @uri = uri end def view[self]).show end def pages @pages ||= raw_log.fetch('pages').map { |page| page, entries_for(page['id']) } end def entries @entries ||= { |e| } end def entries_before(time) raise TypeError, "expected Time" unless time.is_a?(Time) do |entry| next(false) unless entry.time entry.started_date_time + entry.time / 1000.0 <= time end end # create a new archive by merging this and another archive def merge(other) assert_archive other data = deep_clone(@data) merge_data data, other.as_json, other.uri data end # destructively merge this with the given archive def merge!(other) assert_archive other clear_caches merge_data @data, other.as_json, other.uri nil end def save_to(path), "w") { |io| io << @data.to_json } end def valid? Jschematic.validate @data, log_type_schema, :debug => true, :context => self.class.schemas.values end def validate! Jschematic.validate! @data, log_type_schema, :debug => true, :context => self.class.schemas.values nil rescue Jschematic::ValidationError => ex msg = ex.message msg = "#{@uri}: #{msg}" if @uri raise ValidationError, msg end private def log_type_schema @schema ||= self.class.schemas.fetch('logType') end def merge_data(left, right, uri) log = left.fetch('log') other_log = right.fetch('log') pages = log.fetch('pages') entries = log.fetch('entries') other_pages = other_log.fetch("pages") other_entries = other_log.fetch("entries") if uri deep_clone(other_pages).each do |page| c = page['comment'] ||= '' c << "(merged from #{File.basename uri})" pages << page end else pages.concat other_pages end entries.concat other_entries end def assert_archive(other) unless other.kind_of?(self.class) raise TypeError, "expected #{self.class}" end end def clear_caches @raw_entries = @entries_map = @pages = @entries = @log = nil end def entries_for(page_id) entries = entries_map[page_id] || [] { |e| } end def raw_entries @raw_entries ||= raw_log.fetch('entries') end def raw_log @raw_log ||= @data.fetch 'log' end def entries_map @entries_map ||= raw_entries.group_by { |e| e['pageref'] } end def deep_clone(obj) Marshal.load Marshal.dump(obj) end end # Archive end # HAR