require 'fileutils' When /^I get help for "([^"]*)"$/ do |app_name| @app_name = app_name step %(I run `#{app_name} help`) end Given /^there is no directory named "(.*?)"$/ do |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) end def setup_slideshow_dir(src_dir,dest_dir) FileUtils.rm_rf("tmp/aruba/#{dest_dir}") FileUtils.mkdir_p("tmp/aruba") unless File.exists?("tmp/aruba") FileUtils.cp_r("test/#{src_dir}","tmp/aruba/#{dest_dir}") end Given /^a slideshow in "(.*?)"$/ do |dir| setup_slideshow_dir('slideshow',dir) end Given /^a slideshow in "(.*?)" that uses sass$/ do |dir| setup_slideshow_dir('slideshow-with-sass',dir) end Then /^the file "(.*?)" should contain:$/ do |file, partial_content| check_file_content(file, partial_content, true) end Then /^the directory "(.*?)" should contain all the trickster JavaScript files and support libs$/ do |dir| dir = dir.gsub(/\/js\/?/,'') Dir["js/*.js"].each do |js_file| step %{a file named "#{dir}/#{js_file}" should exist} end Dir["js/lib/*.js"].each do |js_file| step %{a file named "#{dir}/#{js_file}" should exist} end end Then /^the directory "(.*?)" should contain all the trickster CSS files and support stylesheets$/ do |dir| dir = dir.gsub(/\/css\/?/,'') Dir["css/*.css"].each do |css_file| step %{a file named "#{dir}/#{css_file}" should exist} end end Given /^the JS files and CSS files in "(.*?)" are out\-of\-date$/ do |dir| FileUtils.rm("tmp/aruba/#{dir}/js/trickster.js") FileUtils.rm("tmp/aruba/#{dir}/js/sizer.js") FileUtils.rm("tmp/aruba/#{dir}/js/bullets.js") FileUtils.rm("tmp/aruba/#{dir}/css/normalize.css") end Then /^the JS files and CSS files in "(.*?)" should be up\-to\-date$/ do |dir| Dir["js/*.js"].each do |js_file| File.exist?("tmp/aruba/#{dir}/#{js_file}").should == true end Dir["js/lib/*.js"].each do |js_file| File.exist?("tmp/aruba/#{dir}/#{js_file}").should == true end Dir["css/*.css"].each do |css_file| File.exist?("tmp/aruba/#{dir}/#{css_file}").should == true end end Then /^"(.*?)" in "(.*?)" should not have been touched$/ do |file,dir| original ="test/slideshow/#{file}") in_slideshow ="tmp/aruba/#{dir}/#{file}") original.should == in_slideshow end Then /^"(.*?)" in "(.*?)" should be identical to "(.*?)"$/ do |css_file, dir, original_css_file| got ="tmp/aruba/#{dir}/#{css_file}") expect =,'..','..','css','themes',original_css_file)) got.should == expect end