module FacebookAds # Ad ad creative has many ad images and belongs to an ad account. # class AdCreative < Base FIELDS = %w[id name object_story_id object_story_spec object_type thumbnail_url status].freeze CALL_TO_ACTION_TYPES = %w[SHOP_NOW INSTALL_MOBILE_APP USE_MOBILE_APP SIGN_UP DOWNLOAD BUY_NOW NO_BUTTON].freeze class << self def photo(name:, page_id:, instagram_actor_id: nil, message:, link:, app_link: nil, link_title:, image_hash:, call_to_action_type:, link_description: nil) object_story_spec = { 'page_id' => page_id, # 300664329976860 'instagram_actor_id' => instagram_actor_id, # 503391023081924 'link_data' => { 'name' => link_title, 'description' => link_description, 'link' => link, #,, 'message' => message, 'image_hash' => image_hash, 'call_to_action' => { 'type' => call_to_action_type, 'value' => { # 'application' =>, 'link' => link, 'app_link' => app_link } } } } { name: name, object_story_spec: object_story_spec.to_json } end # def carousel(name:, page_id:, instagram_actor_id: nil, link:, app_link: nil, message:, assets:, call_to_action_type:, multi_share_optimized:, multi_share_end_card:) object_story_spec = { 'page_id' => page_id, # 300664329976860 'instagram_actor_id' => instagram_actor_id, # 503391023081924 'link_data' => { 'link' => link, #,, 'message' => message, 'call_to_action' => { 'type' => call_to_action_type, 'value' => { 'link' => link, 'app_link' => app_link } }, 'child_attachments' => assets.collect do |asset| { 'link' => asset[:link] || link, 'image_hash' => asset[:hash], 'name' => asset[:title], # 'description' => asset[:title], 'call_to_action' => { # Redundant? 'type' => call_to_action_type, 'value' => { 'link' => asset[:link] || link, 'app_link' => asset[:app_link] || app_link } } } end, 'multi_share_optimized' => multi_share_optimized, 'multi_share_end_card' => multi_share_end_card } } { name: name, object_story_spec: object_story_spec.to_json } end def product_set(name:, page_id:, link:, message:, headline:, description:, product_set_id:) { name: name, object_story_spec: { page_id: page_id, template_data: { description: description, link: link, message: message, name: headline } }, template_url: link, product_set_id: product_set_id } end def link(name:, title:, body:, object_url:, link_url:, image_hash:) { name: name, title: title, body: body, object_url: object_url, link_url: link_url, image_hash: image_hash } end end end end