# CHANGELOG ### Version 13.0.0.beta4 2018-08-08 [Compare changes](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/compare/v13.0.0.beta3...v13.0.0.beta4) #### Manual Update Steps - Upgraded to Paperclip 6.1 ([#983](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/983)) Set the name of the S3 region you are using in `config/initializers/pageflow.rb`. The complete configuration looks like this: config.paperclip_s3_default_options.merge!( s3_credentials: { bucket: ENV.fetch('S3_BUCKET', 'com-example-pageflow-development'), access_key_id: ENV.fetch('S3_ACCESS_KEY', 'xxx'), secret_access_key: ENV.fetch('S3_SECRET_KEY', 'xxx'), }, s3_host_name: ENV.fetch('S3_HOST_NAME', 's3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com'), s3_region: ENV.fetch('S3_REGION', 'eu-central-1'), # <= new line s3_host_alias: ENV.fetch('S3_HOST_ALIAS', 'com-example-pageflow.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com'), s3_protocol: ENV.fetch('S3_PROTOCOL', 'http') ) - The `:host` interpolation has been renamed to `:pageflow_s3_root`. ([#985](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/985) Pageflow plugins using the interpolation in Paperclip options need to be updated. - The name of the root folder in the S3 bucket needs to be configured explicitly. ([#985](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/985) Add the following code to your Pageflow initializer to keep using host specific root folders in development S3 buckets. config.paperclip_s3_root = if Rails.env.development? require 'socket' Socket.gethostname else 'main' end This used to be the default behavior. #### Rails Engine - Allow using `sassc-rails` ([#982](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/982)) #### Internals - Ensure `lib/pagefow` is eager loaded in production ([#984](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/984), [#987](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/987)) ### Version 13.0.0.beta3 2018-07-31 [Compare changes](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/compare/v13.0.0.beta2...v13.0.0.beta3) #### Breaking Changes - Migrated to `state_machines` gem ([#981](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/981)) Pageflow no longer depends on a fork of the `state_machine` gem. The corresponding `Gemfile` entry has to be removed. ### Version 13.0.0.beta2 2018-07-31 [Compare changes](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/compare/v13.0.0.beta1...v13.0.0.beta2) - Require resque in initializer ([#980](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/980)) - Use `ar_after_transaction` 0.5 ([#979](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/979)) - Fix handling of null object in presence validation ([#978](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/978)) ### Version 13.0.0.beta1 2018-07-30 [Compare changes](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/compare/12-x-stable...v13.0.0.beta1) #### Breaking Changes - All of the migrations of earlier versions have been consolidated into a single migration to speed up setup of new applications. ([#975](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/975)) Make sure to update your application to Pageflow 12.2 before updating to 13.0 to make sure the host application contains all migrations. - Upgraded to Rails 5.2 and Active Admin 1.3 ([#938](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/938)) Follow the Rails upgrade guide and review the Active Admin changelog to update the host application. - Migrated from Resque to Active Job ([#976](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/976)) Pageflow no longer depends on Resque, but can work with different Active Job backends instead. The install generator still sets up Resque as backend. To coninute using Resque in an existing application, you need to add the following dependencies to the host application's `Gemfile`: gem 'resque', '~> 1.25' gem 'resque-scheduler', '~> 2.5' gem 'ar_after_transaction', '~> 0.5.0' gem 'redis', '~> 3.0' gem 'redis-namespace', '~> 1.5' Then set Resque as default queue adapter in `config/application.rb`: config.active_job.queue_adapter = :resque The `resque-logger` and `resque_mailer` gems are no longer used. Their initializers need to be removed from the host application: $ rm config/initializers/resque_logger.rb $ rm config/initializers/resque_mailer.rb The following unused line has been removed from `Pageflow::AbilityMixin`: can(:manage, Resque) if user.admin? If the host application depends on this permission, you need to add it to the `Ability` yourself. - Upgraded to Devise 4.4.0 ([#932](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/932)) Consider re-running the Devise intall generator to update the Devise initializer: $ bin/rails generate devise:install - Devise Async has been removed ([#932](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/932)) We now use Active Job to allow sending Devise mails in background jobs. The Device Async initializer (which was originally created by the `pageflow:install` generator) needs to be removed: $ rm config/initializers/device_async.rb - The deprecated Factory Girl gem has been replaced with its successor Factory Bot. To continue using factories defined by Pageflow, you need to switch as well. ([#943](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/943)) #### Internals - Fix building of nested associations ([#977](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/977)) - Upgrade Rubocop and remove imported Hound config ([#973](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/pull/973)) See [12-x-stable branch](https://github.com/codevise/pageflow/blob/12-x-stable/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.