module Arachni require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'module/output' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'module/utilities' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'module/key_filler' module Element class Auditable include Arachni::Module::Utilities def self.reset @@audited = end attr_accessor :altered attr_reader :opts # # Holds constant bitfields that describe the preferred formatting # of injection strings. # module Format # # Leaves the injection string as is. # STRAIGHT = 1 << 0 # # Apends the injection string to the default value of the input vector.
# (If no default value exists Arachni will choose one.) # APPEND = 1 << 1 # # Terminates the injection string with a null character. # NULL = 1 << 2 # # Prefix the string with a ';', useful for command injection modules # SEMICOLON = 1 << 3 end def auditor( auditor ) @auditor = auditor end def get_auditor @auditor end # # Delegate output related methods to the auditor # def debug? @auditor.debug? rescue false end def print_error( str = '' ) @auditor.print_error( str ) end def print_status( str = '' ) @auditor.print_status( str ) end def print_debug( str = '' ) @auditor.print_debug( str ) end # # Callback invoked by {Arachni::Element::Auditable#audit} to submit # the object via {Arachni::Module::HTTP}. # # Must be implemented by the extending class. # # @param [String] url # @param [Hash] opts # # @see #submit # def http_request( url, opts ) end # # Submits self using {#http_request}. # # @param [Hash] opts # # @see #http_request # def submit( opts = {} ) opts = Arachni::Module::Auditor::OPTIONS.merge( opts ) opts[:params] = @auditable.dup @opts = opts return http_request( @action, opts ) end # # Audits self # # @param [String] injection_str the string to be injected # @param [Hash] opts options as described in {Arachni::Module::Auditor#OPTIONS} # @param [Block] &block block to be passed the: # * HTTP response # * name of the input vector # * updated opts # The block will be called as soon as the # HTTP response is received. # def audit( injection_str, opts = { }, &block ) # respect user audit options audit_opt = "@audit_#{self.type}s" return if !Arachni::Options.instance.instance_variable_get( audit_opt ) @@audited ||= opts = Arachni::Module::Auditor::OPTIONS.merge( opts ) opts[:element] = self.type opts[:injected_orig] = injection_str # if we don't have any auditable elements just return return if auditable.empty? audit_id = audit_id( injection_str, opts ) return if !opts[:redundant] && audited?( audit_id ) results = [] # iterate through all variation and audit each one injection_sets( injection_str, opts ).each { |elem| opts[:altered] = elem.altered.dup return if skip?( elem ) # inform the user about what we're auditing print_status( get_status_str( opts[:altered] ) ) if !opts[:silent] # submit the element with the injection values req = elem.submit( opts ) return if !req on_complete( req, elem, &block ) req.after_complete { |result| results << result.flatten[1] if result.flatten[1] } } audited( audit_id ) end def skip?( elem ) return @auditor.skip?( elem ) end # # Injectes the injecton_str in self's values according to formatting options # and returns an array of hashes in the form of: # => # # @param [String] injection_str the string to inject # # @return [Array] # def injection_sets( injection_str, opts = { } ) opts = Arachni::Module::Auditor::OPTIONS.merge( opts ) hash = auditable( ).dup var_combo = [] if( !hash || hash.size == 0 ) then return [] end if( self.is_a?( Arachni::Parser::Element::Form ) && !opts[:skip_orig] ) if !audited?( audit_id( Arachni::Parser::Element::Form::FORM_VALUES_ORIGINAL ) ) # this is the original hash, in case the default values # are valid and present us with new attack vectors elem = self.dup elem.altered = Arachni::Parser::Element::Form::FORM_VALUES_ORIGINAL var_combo << elem end if !audited?( audit_id( Arachni::Parser::Element::Form::FORM_VALUES_SAMPLE ) ) duphash = hash.dup elem = self.dup elem.auditable = Arachni::Module::KeyFiller.fill( duphash ) elem.altered = Arachni::Parser::Element::Form::FORM_VALUES_SAMPLE var_combo << elem end end chash = hash.dup hash.keys.each { |k| # don't audit parameter flips next if hash[k] == seed chash = Arachni::Module::KeyFiller.fill( chash ) opts[:format].each { |format| str = format_str( injection_str, chash[k], format ) elem = self.dup elem.altered = k.dup elem.auditable = chash.merge( { k => str } ) var_combo << elem } } if opts[:param_flip] elem = self.dup elem.altered = 'Parameter flip' elem.auditable[injection_str] = seed var_combo << elem end print_debug_injection_set( var_combo, opts ) return var_combo end # impersonate the auditor to the output methods def info @auditor ? : { :name => '' } end # # Returns a status string that explaining what's happening. # # The string contains the name of the input that is being audited # the url and the type of the input (form, link, cookie...) # # @param [String] url the url under audit # @param [Hash] input # @param [Hash] opts # # @return [String] # def get_status_str( altered ) return "Auditing #{self.type} variable '" + altered + "' of " + @action end private # # Registers a block to be executed as soon as the Typhoeus request (reg) # has been completed and a response has been received. # # If no &block has been provided {#get_matches} will be called instead. # # @param [Typhoeus::Request] req # @param [Arachni::Element::Auditable] auditable element # @param [Hash] opts an updated hash of options # @param [Block] &block block to be passed the: # * HTTP response # * name of the input vector # * updated opts # The block will be called as soon as the # HTTP response is received. # def on_complete( req, elem, &block ) elem.opts[:injected] = elem.auditable[elem.altered].to_s elem.opts[:combo] = elem.auditable elem.opts[:action] = elem.action if( !elem.opts[:async] ) if( req && req.response ) req.response, elem.opts, elem ) end return end req.on_complete { |res| # make sure that we have a response before continuing if !res print_error( 'Failed to get responses, backing out... ' ) next else print_status( 'Analyzing response #' + + '...' ) if elem.opts && !elem.opts[:silent] end # call the block, if there's one if block_given? res, elem.opts, elem ) next end next if !res.body # get matches get_matches( res.dup, elem.opts ) } end # # Tries to identify an issue through regexp pattern matching. # # If a issue is found a message will be printed and a hash # will be returned describing the conditions under which # the issue was discovered. # # @param [Typhoeus::Response] # @param [Hash] opts # # @return [Hash] # def get_matches( res, opts ) [opts[:regexp]].flatten.compact.each { |regexp| match_regexp_and_log( regexp, res, opts ) } [opts[:substring]].flatten.compact.each { |substring| match_substring_and_log( substring, res, opts ) } end def match_substring_and_log( substring, res, opts ) verification = false # an annoying encoding exception may be thrown by scan() # the sob started occuring again.... begin if( substring ) ) verification = true end rescue end if res.body.substring?( substring ) opts[:regexp] = opts[:id] = opts[:match] = substring.clone @auditor.log( opts, res ) end end def match_regexp_and_log( regexp, res, opts ) match_data = res.body.scan( regexp )[0] match_data = match_data.to_s verification = false # an annoying encoding exception may be thrown by scan() # the sob started occuring again.... begin if( regexp )[0] ) opts[:verification] = true end rescue end # fairly obscure condition...pardon me... if ( opts[:match] && match_data == opts[:match] ) || ( !opts[:match] && match_data && match_data.size > 0 ) opts[:id] = opts[:match] = opts[:match] ? opts[:match] : match_data opts[:regexp] = regexp @auditor.log( opts, res ) end end # # Returns am audit identifier string to be registered using {#audited}. # # @param [Hash] input # @param [Hash] opts # # @return [String] # def audit_id( injection_str, opts = {} ) vars = auditable.keys.sort.to_s timeout = opts[:timeout] || '' return "#{[:name]}:" + "#{@action}:" + "#{self.type}:" + "#{vars}=#{injection_str.to_s}:timeout=#{timeout}" end # # Checks whether or not an audit has been already performed. # # @param [String] audit_id a string returned by {#audit_id} # def audited?( audit_id ) ret = @@audited.include?( audit_id ) msg = 'Current audit ID: ' if !ret msg = 'Skipping, already audited: ' if ret print_debug( msg + audit_id ) return ret end # # Registers an audit # # @param [String] audit_id a string returned by {#audit_id} # def audited( audit_id ) @@audited << audit_id end # # Prepares an injection string following the specified formating options # as contained in the format bitfield. # # @see Format # @param [String] injection_str # @param [String] default_str default value to be appended by the # injection string if {Format::APPEND} is set in 'format' # @param [Integer] format bitfield describing formating preferencies # # @return [String] # def format_str( injection_str, default_str, format ) semicolon = null = append = '' null = "\0" if ( format & Format::NULL ) != 0 semicolon = ';' if ( format & Format::SEMICOLON ) != 0 append = default_str if ( format & Format::APPEND ) != 0 semicolon = append = null = '' if ( format & Format::STRAIGHT ) != 0 return semicolon + append + injection_str + null end def print_debug_injection_set( var_combo, opts ) return if !debug? print_debug( ) print_debug_trainer( opts ) print_debug_formatting( opts ) print_debug_combos( var_combo ) end def print_debug_formatting( opts ) print_debug( '------------' ) print_debug( 'Injection string format combinations set to:' ) print_debug( '|') msg = [] opts[:format].each { |format| if( format & Format::NULL ) != 0 msg << 'null character termination (Format::NULL)' end if( format & Format::APPEND ) != 0 msg << 'append to default value (Format::APPEND)' end if( format & Format::STRAIGHT ) != 0 msg << 'straight, leave as is (Format::STRAIGHT)' end prep = msg.join( ' and ' ).capitalize + ". [Combo mask: #{format}]" prep.gsub!( 'format::null', "Format::NULL [#{Format::NULL}]" ) prep.gsub!( 'format::append', "Format::APPEND [#{Format::APPEND}]" ) prep.gsub!( 'format::straight', "Format::STRAIGHT [#{Format::STRAIGHT}]" ) print_debug( "|----> " + prep ) msg.clear } end def print_debug_combos( combos ) print_debug( ) print_debug( 'Prepared combinations:' ) print_debug('|' ) combos.each{ |elem| altered = elem.altered combo = elem.auditable print_debug( '|' ) print_debug( "|--> Auditing: " + altered ) print_debug( "|--> Combo: " ) combo.each { |combo| print_debug( "|------> " + combo.to_s ) } } print_debug( ) print_debug( '------------' ) print_debug( ) end def print_debug_trainer( opts ) print_debug( 'Trainer set to: ' + ( opts[:train] ? 'ON' : 'OFF' ) ) end end end end