# A tool for analysing finances and making budget projections

require 'getoptlong'

module CommandLineFlunky

  STARTUP_MESSAGE = "\n------Treasurer Financial Utility (c) Edmund Highcock------"


-------------Treasurer Financial Utility Manual---------------

  Written by Edmund Highcock (2014)




  treasurer <command> [arguments] [options]


  Generate a financial report from one or more bank accounts, credit cards
  etc by analysing internet banking sheets. Simple local files can be used to
  customise the reports by adding budgets and categories


  treasurer init my_accounts_folder

  treasurer add my_bank_statement.csv

  treasurer report 

  treasurer add_folder folder_of_bank_statements


    ['add_file', 'add', 2,  'Import a new internet banking spreadsheet for the given account.', ['csv spreadsheet filename', 'account name'], []],
    ['add_folder_of_files', 'addf', 1,  'Import all internet banking spreadsheets within the given folder .', ['folder'], []],
    ['init_root_folder', 'init', 1,  'Create a new folder and initialise it for storing treasurer data.', ['folder'], []],
    ['list_last_updated', 'last', 1,  'For each account, prints the date of the latest entry.', ['folder'], []],
    ['create_report', 'report', 0,  'Generate a detailed report (typeset using latex) showing account activity, spending by category, and projections.', [], [:a, :b, :t]],
    ['status', 'st', 0,  'Print the transactions to screen..', [], [:C]],


    ['--after', '-a', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, 'Calculate projections up till given number of days after today'],		
    ['--before', '-b', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, 'Start budget from given number of days before today'],		
    ['--today', '-t', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, "Specify today's date, i.e. change the date on which the report is generated."],		
    ['--coderunner', '-C', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, "Options to pass to CodeRunner, the engine which manages the transaction data."],		
    ['--month', '-m', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, "Overrides -a, -b and -t and produces a report for a given month"],		
    ['--report-currency', '-r', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, "Convert all amounts to the given currency (e.g. GBP) and amalgamate different currency data to form a unified overview."],		
    #['--formats', '-f', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, "A list of formats pertaining to the various input and output files (in the order which they appear), separated by commas. If they are all the same, only one value may be given. If a value is left empty (i.e. there are two commas in a row) then the previous value will be used. Currently supported formats are #{SUPPORTED_FORMATS.inspect}. "],		


    #["--no-short-form", "", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, %[This boolean option has no short form]],

  # specifying flag sets a bool to be true

  CLF_BOOLS = []

  CLF_INVERSE_BOOLS = [] # specifying flag sets a bool to be false

  PROJECT_NAME = 'treasurer'

  def self.method_missing(method, *args)
    # 		p method, args
    Treasurer.send(method, *args)

  #def self.setup(copts)


class Treasurer
  class << self
    # This function gets called before every command
    # and allows arbitrary manipulation of the command
    # options (copts) hash
    def setup(copts)
      # None neededed
      #copts[:b] = copts[:b].to_i if copts[:b]
      #copts[:a] = copts[:a].to_i if copts[:a]
      copts[:t] = Date.parse(copts[:t]) if copts[:t]
    def verbosity
  SCRIPT_FOLDER = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))

$has_put_startup_message_for_code_runner = true
require 'date'
require 'coderunner'
require 'treasurer/commands.rb'
require 'treasurer/report.rb'
require 'treasurer/analysis.rb'
require 'treasurer/accounts.rb'

# This must be at the end of the file
require 'command-line-flunky'