# frozen_string_literal: true require 'riemann/tools' require 'riemann/tools/version' # Gathers nginx status stub statistics and submits them to Riemann. # See http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpStubStatusModule for configuring Nginx appropriately module Riemann module Tools class NginxStatus include Riemann::Tools require 'net/http' require 'uri' opt :uri, 'Nginx Stub Status URI', default: 'http://localhost:8080/nginx_status' opt :checks, 'Which metrics to report.', type: :strings, default: %w[active accepted handled requests reading writing waiting] opt :active_warning, 'Active connections warning threshold', default: 0 opt :active_critical, 'Active connections critical threshold', default: 0 opt :reading_warning, 'Reading connections warning threshold', default: 0 opt :reading_critical, 'Reading connections critical threshold', default: 0 opt :writing_warning, 'Writing connections warning threshold', default: 0 opt :writing_critical, 'Writing connections critical threshold', default: 0 opt :waiting_warning, 'Waiting connections warning threshold', default: 0 opt :waiting_critical, 'Waiting connections critical threshold', default: 0 opt :user_agent, 'User-Agent header for HTTP requests', short: :none, default: "#{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)}/#{Riemann::Tools::VERSION} (+https://github.com/riemann/riemann-tools)" def initialize @uri = URI.parse(opts[:uri]) # sample response: # # Active connections: 1 # server accepts handled requests # 39 39 39 # Reading: 0 Writing: 1 Waiting: 0 @keys = %w[active accepted handled requests reading writing waiting] @re = /Active connections: (\d+) \n.+\n (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) \nReading: (\d+) Writing: (\d+) Waiting: (\d+)/m end def state(key, value) if opts.key? "#{key}_critical".to_sym critical_threshold = opts["#{key}_critical".to_sym] return 'critical' if critical_threshold.positive? && (value >= critical_threshold) end if opts.key? "#{key}_warning".to_sym warning_threshold = opts["#{key}_warning".to_sym] return 'warning' if warning_threshold.positive? && (value >= warning_threshold) end 'ok' end def tick response = nil begin response = ::Net::HTTP.new(@uri.host, @uri.port).get(@uri, { 'user-agent' => opts[:user_agent] }).body rescue StandardError => e report( service: 'nginx health', state: 'critical', description: "Connection error: #{e.class} - #{e.message}", ) end return if response.nil? report( service: 'nginx health', state: 'ok', description: 'Nginx status connection ok', ) values = @re.match(response).to_a[1, 7].map(&:to_i) @keys.zip(values).each do |key, value| report({ service: "nginx #{key}", metric: value, state: state(key, value), tags: ['nginx'], }) end end end end end