#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'matchers/json' require 'puppet/util/instrumentation' require 'puppet/util/instrumentation/listener' describe Puppet::Util::Instrumentation::Listener do Listener = Puppet::Util::Instrumentation::Listener before(:each) do @delegate = stub 'listener', :notify => nil, :name => 'listener' @listener = Listener.new(@delegate) @listener.enabled = true end it "should indirect instrumentation_listener" do Listener.indirection.name.should == :instrumentation_listener end it "should raise an error if delegate doesn't support notify" do lambda { Listener.new(Object.new) }.should raise_error end it "should not be enabled by default" do Listener.new(@delegate).should_not be_enabled end it "should delegate notification" do @delegate.expects(:notify).with(:event, :start, {}) listener = Listener.new(@delegate) listener.notify(:event, :start, {}) end it "should not listen is not enabled" do @listener.enabled = false @listener.should_not be_listen_to(:label) end it "should listen to all label if created without pattern" do @listener.should be_listen_to(:improbable_label) end it "should listen to specific string pattern" do listener = Listener.new(@delegate, "specific") listener.enabled = true listener.should be_listen_to(:specific) end it "should not listen to non-matching string pattern" do listener = Listener.new(@delegate, "specific") listener.enabled = true listener.should_not be_listen_to(:unspecific) end it "should listen to specific regex pattern" do listener = Listener.new(@delegate, /spe.*/) listener.enabled = true listener.should be_listen_to(:specific_pattern) end it "should not listen to non matching regex pattern" do listener = Listener.new(@delegate, /^match.*/) listener.enabled = true listener.should_not be_listen_to(:not_matching) end it "should delegate its name to the underlying listener" do @delegate.expects(:name).returns("myname") @listener.name.should == "myname" end it "should delegate data fetching to the underlying listener" do @delegate.expects(:data).returns(:data) @listener.data.should == {:data => :data } end describe "when serializing to pson" do it "should return a pson object containing pattern, name and status" do @listener.should set_json_attribute('enabled').to(true) @listener.should set_json_attribute('name').to("listener") end end describe "when deserializing from pson" do it "should lookup the archetype listener from the instrumentation layer" do Puppet::Util::Instrumentation.expects(:[]).with("listener").returns(@listener) Puppet::Util::Instrumentation::Listener.from_pson({"name" => "listener"}) end it "should create a new listener shell instance delegating to the archetypal listener" do Puppet::Util::Instrumentation.expects(:[]).with("listener").returns(@listener) @listener.stubs(:listener).returns(@delegate) Puppet::Util::Instrumentation::Listener.expects(:new).with(@delegate, nil, true) Puppet::Util::Instrumentation::Listener.from_pson({"name" => "listener", "enabled" => true}) end end end