= ECM Downloads 2 This version supports rails 4.x and twitter bootstrap 3. For legacy support use ecm_downloads = Migrating from 1.x.x to 2.0.0 Add active_admin-awesome_nested_set and active_admin-acts_as_list to your gemfile, if you are using activeadmin: # Gemfile gem 'active_admin-awesome_nested_set' gem 'active_admin-acts_as_list' = Prerequisites if you are using activeadmin as backend, ecm_cms2 comes with admin files to provide a backend. In that case, you'll need active_admin-awesome_nested_set and active_admin-acts_as_list. Add it to your gemfile: # Gemfile gem 'active_admin-awesome_nested_set' gem 'active_admin-acts_as_list' = Installation Add the gem to your bundle: # Gemfile gem 'ecm_downloads2' Install your bundle: > bundle install Generate initializer: > rails generate ecm:downloads:install Add migrations: > rake ecm_downloads_engine:install:migrations Migrate: > rake db:migrate Add the routes: # config/routes.rb Ecm::Downloads::Routing.routes(self) Add the helpers to your application controller: # app/controllers/application_controller.rb class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base helper Ecm::Downloads::DownloadCategoryHelper helper Ecm::Downloads::DownloadHelper ... end == Optional: Generate locale files You may want to copy the locales to your app: > rails generate ecm:downloads:locales = Running specs gem install bundler bundle cd spec/dummy && rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test && cd ../.. guard = License This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.