# RequireJS for Rails Integrates [RequireJS](http://requirejs.org/) into the Rails 3+ Asset Pipeline. **UPGRADE NOTES:** Users upgrading within the 0.x series should read the Changes section for relevant usage changes. We're pushing hard to 1.0, when the configuration and setup details will be declared stable. Until that time expect some bumps as things bake out. ## Usage 1. Add this to your Rails app's `Gemfile`: ``` gem 'requirejs-rails' ``` 2. Remove all Sprockets directives such as `//= require jquery` from `application.js` and elsewhere. Instead establish JavaScript dependencies using AMD-style `define()` and `require()` calls. 3. Use `requirejs_include_tag` at the top-level of your app's layout(s). Other modules will be pulled in dynamically by `require.js` in development and for production builds optimized by `r.js`. Here's a basic `app/views/layouts/application.html.erb` modified for `requirejs-rails`: ```erb Frobnitz Online <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %> <%= requirejs_include_tag "application" %> <%= csrf_meta_tags %> <%= yield %> ``` 4. Organize your JavaScript or CoffeeScript code into modules using `define()`: ```coffeescript # app/assets/javascripts/views/tweet_view.js.coffee define ['backbone'], (Backbone) -> class TweetView extends Backbone.View # ... ``` 5. Instantiate your app using `require()` from a top-level module such as `application.js`: ```coffeescript # app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee require ['jquery', 'backbone', 'TheApp'], ($, Backbone, TheApp) -> # Start up the app once the DOM is ready $ -> window.App = new TheApp() Backbone.history.start pushState: true window.App.start() ``` 6. When ready, build your assets for production deployment as usual. `requirejs-rails` defaults to a single-file build of `application.js`. Additional modules and r.js layered builds may be specified via `config/requirejs.yml`; see the Configuration section below. ```rake assets:precompile``` ## Configuration ### The Basics Configuration lives in `config/requirejs.yml`. These values are inspected and used by `requirejs-rails` and passed along as configuration for require.js and `r.js`. The default configuration declares `application.js` as the sole top-level module. This can be overridden by creating a `config/requirejs.yml`, such as: ```yaml modules: - name: 'mytoplevel' ``` You may pass in [require.js config options](http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#config) as needed. For example, to add path parameters: ```yaml paths: d3: "d3/d3" "d3.time": "d3/d3.time" ``` ### Layered builds Only modules specified in the configuration will be created as build artifacts by `r.js`. [Layered r.js builds](http://requirejs.org/docs/faq-optimization.html#priority) be configured like so: ```yaml modules: - name: 'appcommon' - name: 'page1' exclude: ['appcommon'] - name: 'page2' exclude: ['appcommon'] priority: ['appcommon'] ``` In this example, only modules `page1` and `page2` are intended for direct loading via `requirejs_include_tag`. The `appcommon` module contains dependencies shared by the per-page modules. As a guideline, each module in the configuration should be referenced by one of: - A `requirejs_include_tag` in a template - Pulled in via a dynamic `require()` call. Modules which are solely referenced by a dynamic `require()` call (i.e. a call not optimized by r.js) **must** be specified in the modules section in order to produce a correct build. - Be a common library module like `appcommon`, listed in the `priority` config option. ### Almond support This gem supports single-file builds with [almond](https://github.com/jrburke/almond). Use the following setting in `application.rb` to enable it: ```ruby config.requirejs.loader = :almond ``` Almond builds have the restriction that there must be exactly one `modules` entry in `requirejs.yml`. Typically the [wrap option](https://github.com/jrburke/r.js/blob/master/build/example.build.js#L275) will be used to create a self-contained build: ```yaml modules: - name: 'main' wrap: true ``` ### Build-time asset filter The `requirejs-rails` build process uses the Asset Pipeline to assemble assets for the `r.js` build. By default, assets ending in `.js`, `.html`, and `.txt` will be made available to the build. If you have other asset suffixes to include, use the `logical_path_patterns` config setting to add them. For example, if your templates all end in `.templ` like so... ```javascript // in app/assets/javascripts/myapp.js define(function (require) { var stuff = require('text!stuff.templ'); // ... }); ``` ... then this config setting will ensure they're picked up in the build: ```ruby # in config/application.rb config.requirejs.logical_path_patterns += [/\.templ$/] ``` ## Advanced features ### Additional data attributes `requirejs_include_tag` accepts an optional block which should return a hash. This hash will be used to populate additional `data-...` attributes like so: ```erb <%= requirejs_include_tag "page1" do |controller| { 'foo' => controller.foo, 'bar' => controller.bar } end %> ``` This will generate a script tag like so: ``` ``` ### External domain (CDN) support There are two ways in which requirejs-rails supports the use of different domains for serving built JavaScript modules, as is the case when using a [CDN](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network). 1. URLs in paths config in `requirejs.yml`: If requirejs-rails encounters an URL as the right-hand side of a paths configuration, it will correctly emit that as `"empty:"` during the build process so that [r.js will do the right thing](http://requirejs.org/docs/optimization.html#empty). Example: ```yaml paths: jquery: "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js" ``` 2. Deploying all requirejs-rails assets to a CDN: In `config/environments/production.rb` (or another environment) set the run_config as follows: ```ruby config.requirejs.run_config['baseUrl'] = 'http://mycdn.example.com/12345abc/assets' ``` The [`asset_sync` gem](https://github.com/rumblelabs/asset_sync) is one tool that can be used to deploy your built assets to a CDN (S3, in this case). ## Troubleshooting ### Avoid `config.assets.precompile` Don't set `config.assets.precompile` to reference any of your AMD module code. Avoid it altogether, except to reference non-AMD code that you're loading via javascript_include_tag, and which is **never** referenced by the AMD codebase. ## Using AMD libraries I currently recommend placing your AMD libraries into `vendor/assets/javascripts`. The needs of a few specific libraries are discussed below. ### jQuery jQuery users must use jQuery 1.7 or later (`jquery-rails >= 1.0.17`) to use it as an [AMD module](https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api/wiki/AMD) with RequireJS. To use jQuery in a module: ```coffeescript # app/assets/javascripts/hello.js define ['jquery'], ($) -> (id) -> $(id).append('
') ``` ### Backbone.js Backbone 0.9.x doesn't support AMD natively. I recommend the [amdjs fork of Backbone](https://github.com/amdjs/backbone/) which adds AMD support and actively tracks mainline. ### Underscore.js Underscore 1.3.x likewise doesn't have AMD support. Again, see the [amdjs fork of Underscore](https://github.com/amdjs/underscore). ## 0.x API Changes Usage changes that may break functionality for those upgrading along the 0.x series are documented here. See [the Changelog](https://github.com/jwhitley/requirejs-rails/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) for the full list of feature additions, bugfixes, etc. ### v0.9.2 - Support for Rails 4. ### v0.9.0 - The upgrade to RequireJS and r.js 2.0 includes changes that will break some apps. ### v0.5.1 - `requirejs_include_tag` now generates a data-main attribute if given an argument, ala: ```erb <%= requirejs_include_tag "application" %> ``` This usage is preferred to using a separate `javascript_include_tag`, which will produce errors from require.js or r.js if the included script uses define anonymously, or not at all. ### v0.5.0 - `application.js` is configured as the default top-level module for r.js builds. - It is no longer necessary or desirable to specify `baseUrl` explicitly in the configuration. - Users should migrate application configuration previously in `application.js` (ala `require.config(...)`) to `config/requirejs.yml` ## TODOs Please check out [our GitHub issues page](https://github.com/jwhitley/requirejs-rails/issues) to see what's upcoming and to file feature requests and bug reports. ---- Copyright 2011-2014 John Whitley. See the file MIT-LICENSE for terms.